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today we are playing manise this is a crazy game where we're stranded on this deserted island if only we had some food to eat I'm so hungry hey wait a minute there's a fast food place over there wait what is a fast food restaurant doing on a deserted island well let's go check it out in this video we're going to beat this entire Manny's game we start on an abandoned Island and go into a fast food restaurant we find out dark secrets about the restaurant and even go inside a giant tunnel and face an evil hamburger monster what is that oh no it's a giant hamburger monster oh wow this restaurant looks really nice hey look this must be one of the workers here at the manise restaurant uh hi can we order a burger wait Adam he kind of looks evil huh [Music] what today we are playing this manise game now we don't know anything about this we're going to start a new game we've never played this before let's go okay starting new game overr right yes let's go okay let's continue oh it's like an island it's like a beach are we in an abandoned Island guys we've heard this game is really scary we don't know anything about it but I know there's burgers and fast food so we want to play this game that's all we know what is it oh it's like a boat oh it crashed is that us hey yo that looks like Adam on vacation Adam has a bunch of shirts like that he always wears them on vacation it's awesome oh they're waking up and what are they in a boat yeah yeah they're waking up oh bro this is is lit okay so maybe they got stranded here or something oh like a shipwreck what's that bro yo they that was a life raft guys they they they must have been Shipwrecked somewhere and now they're here on an island and they're all alone uh-oh guys this game's kind of spooky okay guys we're going to play this whole game in the video and show you guys some secret endings it's going to be awesome okay let's go yes guys this game is super popular so make sure to watch to the end apparently the ending is super cool okay man's this game game looks cool let's go guys you think that guy is Manny I don't know I don't think so I I don't think so oh okay okay so we're this is we're in the POV of that person it says objective find something to eat and drink yo this game is cool M so we probably can't drink the sea water right no definitely not oh cardo box was that boxy wa let me open that what's inside yo yo that's us we got a fishing pole oh so we have to eat some fish that makes sense okay I just I just through the line what is this level one hey yo what is this a fishing mini game what is this bro tension level oh no oh okay wait so I got to cast it out and I think I just wait I think I just wait for the tension to go up guys the objective is to get something to eat I'm going to catch one fish and then move on I I don't know what's going on that's a cool outfit though I'm going be honest bro what yeah that fit goes pretty hard I'm hitting space yes a rare silver darling let's go dude hey yo we got a fish let's go okay now I'm going to stop fishing yeah so I got something to eat what about to drink though wait what I got something to eat what do you mean I got I got a fish bro maybe there's some coconuts we could drink okay there's there's nothing on this island guys so I guess you can't eat the fish I think it's just a mini game for no reason wait what is this oh it's a leaf okay okay yo we better make like a tree and leaf okay wait wait this makes no sense it says to eat and drink but there's nothing on the island maybe is there anything in our inner tube maybe I'll go back in the raft raft there's a hole in the bottom it's already full of water so I can't use this anymore uh-oh H maybe we'll have to fix our raft later guys maybe I'll swim out here guys there must be something in one of these trees I believe that there's a coconut somewhere I'm I'm going to look guys cuz a coconut would be food and water if you really think about it bro it has both oh coconut water oh coconut yes I got a coconut let's go nice man we can drink it wait how do I how do I eat the coconut bro okay wait there's no is there an inventory button I don't know bro how do I eat it how do I eat it do I need to get another one I I'll keep looking yeah maybe try grabbing another another one another coconut it will not come off it will not come off the tree okay I can't get that one okay well I have a coconut how do I eat or drink it oh guys look if you do pause it you can see your inventory so I have one coconut and one fish that I caught I'm going to go back to the raft maybe we can find something in here that can help us open the coconut cuz you can't open a coconut with your bare hands oh there's a hole at the bottom oh it is filling up though yeah can I get like the the Rope or something okay you know what I can't do that I'm going to I'm going to see if there's another coconut I can grab guys cuz maybe if I get two coconuts I can break them together against each other that's genius dude that is super smart dude I'm looking there I think there's another coconut right here but I don't know how to grab it maybe I got to climb the tree oh two coconuts nice picked up a coconut I got two coconuts now bro oh awesome I got two coconuts now this one here it says it's stuck it says it will not come off the tree okay it's a tough coconut okay we I'll go back look for more coconuts maybe there's a coconut on every single tree bro how many times have I said coconut bro come on bro we do love coconuts though yeah dude all right I'm going to keep checking the raft see if there's anything here maybe there's like a a axe oh a knife dude oh that's helpful can I pick that up it says dot dot dot what does that mean what is that even that's for later then uh what I got to pick up the Coconuts again bro dude I need that knife would be really helpful I could cut down this coconut nice there we go they will not come off the tree okay so there must be another coconut wa why can't I pick up that knife bro I wonder if there's any Coconuts on the little mini Island yeah I'll go back over to the mini Island and let me check the knife one more time how come I can't pick this up that'd be really helpful pick it up I can't man yeah then we can cut down the tree and make a boat yeah and we could get the Coconuts nothing up here oh there's one more nice I got a coconut oh nice cool okay it said loading hello oh okay so he ate the fish and the coconut oh he's he's living there it's showing that a bunch of days are going past wow so we're staying alive guys we're surviving off fish and coconut milk oh dude that looks kind of peaceful that looks pretty nice I'm not going to lie oh he doesn't look happy bro okay it does kind of look like me oh uh-oh uh-oh tummy ache this looks like a after a big glass of me H uhoh what what's he doing oh what is he doing okay all right he laid down he laid down he laid down Adam lays down that way too guys does the same thing I guess yeah that would hurt your tummy if all you eat is coconuts and fish yeah yeah raw fish don't eat that guys yeah guys unless it's sushi right we love sushi but I don't think this guy has Sushi okay wait what wait he's looking up there's some light wait what what is he seeing what is he seeing Oh it's a fast food restaurant called manise oh you think he's hallucinating you think he has so much Chila and so much coconut that he's hallucinating yeah why would there be a burger stand a fast food stand on an island bro so guys he's probably going insane but we're going to find out or maybe it's real you don't know dude you don't know yo this literally looks like Adam on vacation that's true guys I have a really similar shirt oh who's that okay wait it's a fast food restaurant this is lit okay now we got food okay all right nice we got infinite food nice oh this must be the person that works here oh the double Manny burger oh awesome it's going to be lit dude this guy's so happy look at him nice nice oh what are they say good evening sir and welcome to manise okay their name is Tyler I think what's up what's up man what can I get for you um a double Manny Whopper cheeseburger with some cheese maybe some TK nuggets okay he's just staring Okay Tyler is like what are you doing okay sir you got to order something man what oh he's like he can't believe this is real he's trying to like see if this is real his hand is going through him no he's like making sure they're real he's in disbelief oh I see nice oh oh he's crying cuz he misses his family probably okay why is he crying this is a very interesting game guys sir are you all right sir this is a Wendy's what's wrong what are they doing oh hug yeah yeah yeah yeah cuz he's been alone for so long he just wants a friend nice bro wow sir I don't know what's going on but this is a manise Yep this is a manise bro okay nice he says all right get back nice I'm sorry but there are no phones here okay I can't help you if you don't calm down oh a ball pit oh nice you look like you're starving yep the only way I can really help you is by getting you something to eat nice thank you so what will it be um definitely a double Manny's cheeseburger yeah can we get like one of everything he's thinking this is a really funny game okay what is he going to order no prices that's okay you already paid huh ow with with the hug what does that mean maybe we paid with our life wait why does Tyler look a little bit evil I don't know what will it be okay double Manny Burger combo or Manny nugget combo oh that's tricky I have been saying the double Manny Burger I'm just going to say that dude let's get it let's go one double Manny combo please yes sir is that for here or to go I mean it's got to be for here cuz I'm trapped here okay just kidding that's not funny Tyler it should be a moment sir okay thank you sir coming right up oh this game is really funny I don't I don't really get what's going on but it's pretty funny but I heard it gets really scary wait I hear like footsteps man I hope I look like that one day dude I hear footsteps you already do bro don't worry thanks man here you are one double Manny combo dude I hear footsteps wait really this game is really creepy oh that looks so tasty oh foxy says yummy yummy wait thanks Tyler wa who cooked that bro enjoy your meal sir all right thanks man this is awesome so we made a friend and we got a burger guys nice we're eating the food man that would be kind of sad kind of lonely bro he look he looks kind of sad he look he looks he's looking back what are you looking at oh Tyler vanished hey yo wait where we're going to zoomify that uh-oh Tyler's gone uh-oh so we're now really alone that's kind of sad man this guy's all by himself but at least he got food that's true guys that's true okay is he going to eat it oh he's eating oh looks tasty looks tasty the double Patty with double cheese yeah double cheese with the cheese oh man he's enjoying that burger let's go oh yeah he's enjoying that nice man oh yes sir what is this game I'm just watching a cut scene of a guy eating a burger okay nice it's night time something tells me this is going to get really sus guys something's about to get really creepy I can already tell oh oh it was all a dream bro he woke back up no was it only just a dream oh and look his stomach hurts dude it was just a dream oh I don't think his stomach hurt I guess he was hungry he was so hungry hry guys that he started to hallucinate about food that does make sense dude that's really sad wait what that's sad okay we got to help this guy out we got to escape wait is the Manny still there no way please yeah it was just a dream guys it was like not really real dude that's sad now he's even more sad look at the disappointment on his face man he looks great though yeah I love that shirt it's got the same haircut is at him [Laughter] too wait what where'd he get where'd he get that he got the Manny Shake Wait was Manny's real or fake why is he staring at us like that wait did we just get an ending to the game wait no wait what you think that's Grimace Shake in there guys there are secret endings to this game no Adam They don't serve Grimace Shake anywhere except to me okay signal for help so our goal is to get off this island wait okay there's the cup let me pick up the cup up impossible yeah there's no way that's real single for help probably guys I'm I'm actually using my survival ideas I think the way to signal for help is you make a fire right cuz then the smoke will go up in the sky and then hopefully someone will see it what does that mean I didn't mean to what does that mean I didn't mean to so maybe he popped his own raft oh that would be a bad that's bad okay what's in the box no I don't want to go fishing so there must be a way to make a signal guys maybe if I climb a tree what if you pick up the Palm leaves on the ground good idea yeah yeah yeah yeah those are really good for making fire I bet good idea yep good idea nice I'm going to pick all these up guys and then maybe we can like spell something oh you like I can write the word help yeah help and then if anyone's in an airplane they can see uh the help from the sky okay nice I feel like starting a fire would probably work better but that might be dangerous so spelling help is good too okay it's night time and yep they wrote oh they wrote SOS oh cool yeah SOS guys for those of you guys who don't know stands for send over sauce that's what I I when I'm at a restaurant I say SOS you make SOS out of fries at McDonald's guys on the table oh wait wait so he's back at the manise wait objective order wait there's someone else there now wait so he woke back up he wrote SOS and it's night time he woke back up at the manise order a meal let me in it won't even let me in though oh Tyler's still there who's this nervous man yo what is he doing man hey hello who are you he looks agitated yeah he looks nervous I don't like that yo this is cool this must be the mascot of manise okay let me let me go order a meal what's up Tyler good to see you again we get another burger please okay ah welcome back to Manny sir thank you very much forgive me I don't know why they don't let us sit okay what can I get for you um let me place the order let me try the McNuggets this time you want the combo meal are you ready to order yes sir Justin always gets the combo meal guys y let me look at the menu real quick nice I'm ready whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wait a second what why I'm sorry sir but it appears you haven't paid wait they said I paid last time how do I pay this time what more hugs oh yeah probably don't worry it's not all bad oh it looks like you have enough to make a donation okay oh our name's going to up on the wall many of our fabulous customers have left donations in the past what's more you get to sign this neat little paper and stick it on the wall okay the kids love it okay so would you like to make a donation to Manny's house today yeah sure oh what oh he's angry oh he's like I don't have any money bro I apologize sir was it something I said oh give us the McNuggets give us the McNuggets don't do that guys give us the McNuggets give us the McNuggets right now stop messing with us I wouldn't do that I know you got grimith shake back there no one has to get hurt Would we not want to escalate this to the manager we would not want to escalate this to the manager okay trust me why is the manager scary you see that wall there yeah Employee of the Month yo Tyler's been employeed of the month every month this year let's go good job Tyler 8 months in a row good job buddy I pride myself on my customer service and my ability to deal with customer complaints okay customer satisfaction means a lot to me but unfortunately this is one complaint I can't resolve if you haven't paid you get no food how do I pay those are the rules not just here but everywhere okay oh okay oh what no no no no no no no this is what Adam does to me when he wants to borrow my merch but I never I never never I never back down okay oh he's going to give us the food let me ask you this who was it what is Tyler saying who was what what the raft oh we're having like Memories of Us on the raft that's a that's a POV POV you run into adam. exe at Walmart or Target right there you already paid for a meal what so who was it oh wait who's that was was our friend on the life raft was that like our mom what no way so this guy might have that's why when he saw the knife he said I didn't mean to you think he oofed his own friend dude that is so dark why would he do that there must have been somebody or else you couldn't have afforded it what how did it happen were you hungry huh flashback it's his friend oh no what this is crazy what thirsty oh there's only a little bit of water and he took it oh no desperate people do desperate things bro it's always the same I didn't mean to that's what we said earlier when we saw the blade that that's what he was thinking truth is you did you can't fight human nature we were born to O each other oh no that's not true we're all still animals dude Tyler what are you saying we just wear clothes we wear all of our clothes from lyx let's go mhm and walk on two legs to our lousy jobs dealing with people who want to crucify an underpaid overwork teenager all because they accidentally put pickles on their hamburger bur okay I don't really get what's going on but Tyler is cooking right now bro and when it's all said and done the customer gets the sandwich the kid gets the scars and you want to O me because you can't pay go ahead not my problem I've had worse by better so either hit me or take the pickles off your hamburger and deal with it okay I have no idea what he's saying bro I have no idea all right Tyler all right all right we'll back down uhoh the agitated guy earlier is staring at us well that made a lot of sense about the pickles all right all right all right we we'll cool our Jets okay we'll just chill out excellent choice oh he kind of dabbed right there guys okay little mini little mini dab as I said you do have enough for a donation look at wait we have enough for donation but not enough to buy food what it seems when you o that woman wait so it's confirmed he oofed the woman on the raft you took two lives instead of one that's that's deep that is really deep oh oh oh he puked pickles everywhere what oh dear what is this game dude you have no idea did you which is why management prefers more mature Souls what is he saying worth much more apparently they taste better too what's going on man Tyler looks great are they saying that to pay for the meal you have to O someone is that what Tyler's saying I don't really understand yeah [Music] yeah oh is this person going to O us to pay for a meal that person is going to going to O us to try and pay for a meal ah Mr petrovski right on time you've been waiting for a while now haven't you my apologies however it seems I might have a solution for the both of you whoever oofs gets a meal what what oh no one of you wants to eat oh my goodness one of you got it oh oh wow it's that simple any complaints and you can take it up with management this is um this is crazy now who gets the knife the cast away or the dead beat dad what tell you what let's let fate decide uh oh he spun it spin the blade okay okay oh no oh who's he going to land on who's he going to land on whoever gets the blade is probably going to win oh it's Mr petrovski that's definitely Mr petrovski bro wait is he going to try and O us so I guess at this restaurant what they're saying is if you o someone you get the soul and you can pay with the soul that's why he got one meal cuz this guy the person on the raft that's that's yeah that's why he says he's already paid yeah that's what I think it is I'm not sure oh Mr petrovsky got it uh-oh please no wait what do I do uh no we're no we're friends right bro oh my goodness please don't do this I look like ate him nice Mr mustache man oh no oh his hands moving oh grab it no we can't he's going to grab it don't do it congratulations Mr petrovski what do I do what do I do oh no it's a fight what do I do unlock the Seven Seals of O what how do I do that uh Seven Seals oh oh he oh how do I where's the Seven Seals in there I think we got to go inside yeah without getting loed oh oh my goodness this is sus I'm in I'm in there what is he doing oh he doesn't see us he doesn't see I can Crouch can Justin survive oh no and the do are locked was that one of them oh no oh no can I take take my order please can I get double cheeseburger don't order nuggets while you get NED man I'll hide I'll hide i l him I think he sees you dude why did you try to get a combo meal while you're getting chased I try to hide bro oh man we are oof bro retry yes sir dude okay so I guess you got to sneak around and never get seen by him or if you do you just got to run wait he already sees us it's oh it's over oh he's outside he's outside he's outside okay he doesn't see us yet oh no oh no oh no dude this would be so scary if it was real life dude it feels like real life to me cuz I'm doing it okay he's going in there where do I unlock the Seven Seals bro let's check in the kitchen I feel like they have to hide something back there but he's in the kitchen H can we check in the ball pit okay I'm sneaking maybe I'll go check in the bathroom yeah says do I can't go in here Su oh I can oh what is this oh is that one of the seals probably yeah huh okay I'll hi here the cash register probably has something this is where Adam would hide for sure okay he won't find us in here okay I'm going to sneak out please please don't o us where did he go dude I'm so scared actually oh oh no I can I I can sneak oh cash register he doesn't see us if I crouch nice hold on what okay I'll go to the cash register where else though I think you got to go in order really I think so no there's one right there there's something there where'd he go oh he left bingo bingo Bongo you got it dude is this continue was that one of the seals or no it wasn't um I think there are some pictures you can look at around he he left he left he left he left oh that's a seal nice that's one of the seals okay that's what I'm looking for the seal has been released okay what is this picture bro what is that bro what is that okay I'm not I don't even care I'm out of here where's the next seal we're dipping um I think let me [Music] check you you got it dude oh he left he left he left he left there might be one outside by the drive-thru window thingy yes sir it's what I thought I'm here at the drive-thru hello can I get um Manny fries please oh okay there's nothing here Adam lied to me around the back Adam lied to me is there like a picture on the back Adam lied to me yeah oh you have to read them yeah oh you have to read read the pictures to get the seals nice okay now we got it this is very interesting guys I'm I'm oh there he is don't don't o us again okay where's the next one M you got the one near the cash register um yes you saw me do that there should be one in the fridge in the kitchen okay I'm going he's in the ball pit please please don't turn around please don't turn around please don't turn around oh there's one right there I think I don't think I have to do an order at him I think I just do them whenever okay got it yeah I think it's wherever these pictures are yep yep so you don't have to doing morar I saw one by the ball pit too e what was that Roblox Noob I I got it okay there he is okay I got to get to the ball pit somehow was there was there wait there was one in the bathroom there was it was on the ground though oh just a picture yeah all right we can grab it I'm going please please nice yeah there's a picture right here but how do I click on it I can't okay maybe that one's not real I don't know I feel like it should be hold on there's a picture right there maybe I do have to do an order hold on relax I'm not going to O right now there he is there he is sh I got it release the seal oh there's the seal release it okay is there one in here there should be yeah yep guys we're kind of zooming right now I got it oh there he is there he is where where's the next one dude there's like two more okay um there's like two more you got the one kind of in the eating area on the counter I think so there's like a there's one on the marble counter marble oh over [Music] here I don't know where he is this is scary he's going to see me where where where where where where where uh where atam oh here there yeah where are they I can't I can't I can't I can't I can't click it so you have to go in order oh what oh he might see me can you get the one on the fridge or did you already get that one I already got that are you trolling I'm trying I already got that one where's the next one why can't I look at that oh oh I can't I can't look I'm on the table how do you not see me okay I'm going to go outside I'll look outside okay dude you are you trolling me man I'm trying my best I feel like I've already gotten like five of them where where's the last one is there one by the Coconuts uh try on the back of the Manny sign outside back of the Manny back of this yeah it's a good idea yes sir yes oh my goodness it's someone oing someone else the Seal's been released I feel like there's only like one left dude oh do he see me there's one right here right maybe I can do this one now on the counter please it won't let me okay it will not let me okay where's the last one I feel like that was six at least at least [Music] five guys help us look we're all trying to find it this is so scary I'm kind of scary right now and he's still chasing us Adam we're all counting on you to figure this out there should be something that you can click in the storage room uh in the kitchen like there should be like a little back storage room he's in there right now but I'll go cuz I'm brave okay be careful though in here where uh in that door to the it's not worth it is there something else I can go get in the meantime I'm looking one sec he might leave he might leave I think he left please don't be in here please don't be in here nice oh there is something here what is that what is that you're trolling me dude and then check on the booths like the seating booths dude are you trolling me like this yeah it might be on one of those there there there there there nice nice that that's all of them right yes yes yes run oh what oh oh we stopped him oh we're slapping him oh no oh we dodged we dodged he hit the tree it's stuck oh my goodness ouch this is intense oh the Coconut's going to fall and bonk him oh the one that we couldn't pick earlier Bonk bunk smart bunk oh no wait does this mean we get to eat at manise again cuz we OED him oh no well he's not technically o right I think he might be he's not looking too good I'm sorry I didn't want I didn't want to do this I didn't want to do this he's still [Music] alive this game is okay still alive oh oh no he's OED wow that OED him a coconut coconuts are heavy Adam you don't know oh you're right it's like a bowling ball oh oh is he going to oh oh oh my goodness I did not see that coming okay now he's OED guys that's definitely that now the main character gets to eat at manise you get one combo meal for that oh my goodness he says ouch time to get that combo meal this game is crazy guys be nice to people always be nice nugets be nice to people okay okay we're back give us our combo meal ah Mr petrovski back so soon no not no no no it's us you thought wrong oh uh-oh uh-oh do we o Tyler no you why would we do that to get another Soul no cuz then no one will cook the food a you're right you're right you're trolling Adam I don't know how to make a burger what's up Tyler welcome back to Manny sir didn't expect that did you what can I get you okay oh he's calm again he's looking at the menu always look at the menu double Manny Manny with cheese oh the Manny nugs okay oh lemonade oh yeah aha so that's how it's going to go down huh huh seems you've paid yep sure you can eat all that he asked for the whole menu Justin sometimes does that at Wendy's yeah so oh so you can order whatever you want we didn't know that so he ordered the whole menu that's smart I guess I'll get you your meal what oh nice you ordered a bunch of stuff woo double fries nuggets burger and the shake okay that's a good dinner right there okay okay thanks Tyler oh he's going to eat it right in front of him you're going to you're going to watch us eat eat this Tyler look close this Mak no sense yep yummy fres oh yes yes yes Don't Look Away Tyler this makes no sense are you're next okay okay oh okay nice and he's putting his name on the wall did he you do the Brian was here I think so though our name is Brian I guess so is there anything else I can do for you sir I would tell you to look at our dessert menu but it seems you're fresh out of credit oh we should have ordered that the first time oh oh you sure Tyler I don't think I'm out oh you're just going to O me in the store in front of all these Witnesses what who let's let fate decide that's what what the Tyler said before that's my line see uh-oh spin spin spin oh no what is this oh it landed on us uh-oh well well well Tyler uh-oh give me the dessert ah just my luck guess you're just going to have to uh-huh what work for your meal oh oh oh he threw the the soda at the light he lights out oh no Tyler's smart oh good luck investigate nise that's the puke the pickle puke wait is he going to O us just don't get scared this is pretty scary something I hear something I don't like this I don't like this all right you got it man what I do I'm going in the freezer ah is that the person that was on our raft I think so it's the woman that we might have OED guys oh a lighter oh my goodness and maybe how is she here and maybe that was the that was the guy from earlier oh Mr petrovski oh my goodness this is bad oh no there there's more people never mind it's not oh what is this there is a mysterious hatch here if you enter there's no turning back would you like to open the hatch should we maybe keep exploring then come back m should we just go I think we should probably just go I I want to look around a little bit more let's see if Tyler's out here Tyler Tyler hello don't jump scare me now don't do it I'm going to go outside okay I do think the hatch is the move though I think so too hello welcome to manise may I take your order this is so scary yeah I'm going to go in the hatch I don't think there's anything else to look at Tyler disappeared too yeah May I'll just just real quick in the ball pit nice yeah we love ball pits guys that's where Adam goes okay yeah Tyler's gone he's totally gone yeah I'll play in the ball pit while Justin will play the arcade basketball ew wait the the logo's cursed now it got cursed the logo's cursed we're out of here guys I think Tyler must have gone into the hatch you think we should go down there there's no turning back it said unless he's hiding in here somewhere he might bathroom break he might be hiding somewhere in here let me check everywhere says do not enter oh yeah I'm I'm going to do it I can't go in here go in this bathroom Tyler I know you're here he he is he is in there oh no I thought he was just a toilet not a Tyler oh my goodness all right let's go in the let's go in the hatch let's go here we go guys what's going to be down here wait what oh it's in here no wait where is that where's the hatch wait what oh is it here it's here it's here okay let's go yes I would like to open the hatch Tyler's down there Tyler's down here oh my goodness find Tyler is our objective was that a button that's a light okay guys it's kind of dark we'll brighten it up a little bit uh what is this it's like an underwater cave with a river what is this a generator can't turn that on this is crazy was that a bunch of what gas Tyler Tyler where is he where are you oh what is this oh it's it's some instructions some table 4 2 what does that mean huh what does that mean and you don't have a flashlight right wait I think this is telling us where to get something I think we walk four steps and then we turn left and we walk two steps it has to be that instructions it has to be oh there I'm a genius I'm an actual genius I found it it was in the water yeah you have to literally count the footsteps to do [Music] it that is nuts wow okay where do I put the handle I feel like it's going to be something on the wall guys where does the handle go that's what I'm trying to it should be near that little like um contraption that oh there there there there there there yeah there nice we're opening the gate where are you Tyler okay now we can walk through here guys we're doing all this for a meal what this is not even smart dude well we're going to O if we don't get food another generator what is this what is all this what was that sound we pick up anything here is there a monster in here what is all this would I just jump what I got to blast a monster is there a key that you can pick up where on one of the tables with like a green thing on it this No it should look like a key no I don't see it Adam oh maybe I just keep going this way okay I'm running it's very hard to see guys we'll brighten this up it's very hard to see it's super dark guys oh okay I'm going in the sewers or something we're very deep now in the water I can't really move very fast anymore if something comes up behind me I moved you think Tyler's just swimming in the water it's possible he turned into a crocodile e it's possible we're going I think you're going the right way yeah I must be this is the only way to go guys we got to get to the bottom of this dude what is going on in manise let's hope there's a key in here guys I'm going what was that sound maybe Tyler got stranded on an island like us and then that's how we started to work at Manny we're in like an underground part of the island I'm looking oh okay I thought that was something bad okay oh here's a key nice I got it what's that picked up a rusty key where I have to go back no keep going forward always go forward yeah what was that Tyler Ty know you're there I'm going to follow him oh my goodness what is this come here Tyler we don't even want to O we just want to not get we just want to get out of here bro I just don't want to get trapped where are we man underground Labyrinth I can't even see where I'm going I can't even see where I'm running anymore what just P pitch blackness this I'm just going to keep running oh I can see I can see the the path again nice Tyler I must have entered a new world some creepy sounds are going on Tyler we just want Nuggets that's literally it [Music] man I can't see anything I can't see anything oh there's people here who are you who are you who are you cut scene nice what is this oh they're all employees at Manny's so these are like other tyers I have no idea is this Tyler's manager I would like to speak to the manager our mom always says that the manager get it the manager of manise what is he doing what is he doing what is he doing what is he doing he's W posing he's going to Walmart uh-oh wait we're getting strangled why let go of me just give us nuggets that's it oh is that Tyler wait who's that oh no that's Mr petrovski so they're taking the OED body of Mr petrovski and they're like what going to sacrifice him to something they're going to feed him to the giant monster the Manny monster what the Manny monster the Giant there's Tyler there's Tyler Okay Tyler he's W posing also he must be going to Walmart Target to get lanky box merch all right so they're doing some type of a ritual here they're doing a sacrifice they're taking the soul of Mr petrovski Foxy says I'm getting a little bit nervous this is kind of sus guys oh what is that it's a hand what it's a giant monster what is it a giant hamburger monster that makes sense why they're forcing everyone to O each other though cuz they they have to like ew ew G what is that it's huge it's a giant hamburger monster oh they all worship it that must be the manager that makes sense yeah oh yuck oh what oh my goodness he's going to eat the the the person there on the ground what is this game don't do it uhoh what is he doing Tyler oh wait one of the employees is running forward what are you doing oh oh my goodness I knew it they're swinging him in guys ew wow links okay what is this game dude it started out with some coconuts some fishing and now the giant monster yeah can we just go back to like eating sushi and fishing and stuff we should have just played the fishing mini game what is this bro what is that a hamburger monster oh he picked us up uh-oh that's bad oh he's going to eat us oh my goodness Goodbye cruel world don't take our soul there's Tyler huh was this all a dream he ate us we're being dropped into the mouth dude imagine if if this is all just a dream too oh my goodness like we're going to wake up on the island oh my goodness there's no way wow oh no chop see you oh no wake up yeah maybe this was all a giant hallucination I hope so otherwise we're o I mean I think we are back on the beach please yeah it's bright oh no no we're in like a dream area are we in like heaven wait what is that it's someone walking in the snow what is this oh it's the North [Music] Pole what is this is that us no is it I don't no I don't think so hey we're really cold guys we're probably going to oop soon if we don't get somewhere warm don't be cold build a igloo what is this oh oh it's someone else they see a manise so wait manise maybe appears to people in their brain when they're about to oof that does make sense yeah cuz your brain right before you o it's probably like not working right that's deep huh that's definitely not us someone different and they're going in the manise no don't see it it's a manise so the cycle repeats the Vicious Cycle maybe we work at Manny's now dude that would be so sick that be crazy that'd be a crazy ending don't do it is it Tyler or is it us it looks like us bro hello sir and welcome to manise it looks like us yes sorry about that didn't mean to start with you my name is Brian it's us wow that's deep that is so deep so that's how Tyler and everyone end up at Manny's I'm sorry sir but there are no phones here however I can help you by getting you something to eat wow so if you o someone you go to manise and you end up working at manise so what will it be that is so deep Bro did we just beat the game I think we just did that is a crazy story actually if you o someone you go you see manise and you go there and you end up working there and then you're stuck there forever W let's go calling
Channel: LankyBox
Views: 1,602,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lankybox, lankybox playing manny's, lankybox plays manny's, manny's game, lankybox plays manny's full game, lankybox playing manny's full game play, lankybox manny's full game, lankybox manny's gameplay, manny's full game, manny's gameplay, manny's full game lankybox, manny's fast food game, lankybox manny's fast food game, manny's gameplay lankybox, lankybox beat's manny's, lankybox survives manny's, manny's full gameplay, manny's game play lankybox, manny's lankybox gameplay
Id: uModN3Wf81I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 37sec (2977 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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