CREEPY EX Put CAMERAS Inside My House (Roblox Bloxburg)

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today I was in bloxburg with my boyfriend Dylan and we got into a little argument it wasn't a huge fight but in the middle of it my creepy ex-boyfriend showed up out of nowhere what does he want this time why the heck did my ex-boyfriend show up what the heck does he want this time I'm just going to say what are you doing here guys I thought I got rid of him clearly I was wrong he said I'm just here to stop you two from arguing what Dylan just said what how did you know we were arguing Tristan said said look here buddy you may be her man right now but I always know when Carrie's upset okay that's weird guys uh Tristan is being way more confrontational than usual okay you know what I'm just going to say uh everyone chill okay it wasn't even a big argument I mean it was literally just over what we wanted to eat Dylan said hey you better back up all right now dude Tristan said fine just know I'm always here for anything you need Carrie ew I don't need you okay you can leave now jeez that was weird and I still have no idea how he knew we were arguing Dylan said there's no way he has some six sense for us arguing he had to have just been nearby and overheard us from outside okay I guess that's a good point and it didn't work though we stopped arguing guys today is the worst day ever for some reason Pat decided to poop in the toilet and not outside and clogged the toilet and now it is flooding everywhere and I don't know what to do guys it is Sunday so there is no way for me to get a repair man here I went ahead and called some places but I don't know what I'm going to do every repair man at blocksburg is taking the day off right now P don't walk in it don't walk in it oh wait someone just knocked my door oh my gosh oh my gosh okay guys while I was freaking out like I said I did call some repair man and uh leave voicemails so maybe one heard it and decided to show up what Tristan he said hey Carrie I heard your toilet needs fixing huh what the heck is he doing he said I got it don't worry Tristan you can't just barge into my oh my gosh what how did he even know my toilet was broken guys he just barged into my house holy cow you guys he's in there literally trying to fix my toilet right now what the heck I'm just going to say what's going on guys this is too weird I saw him just a few days ago when Dylan and I were getting Burgers he said like I said the other day Carrie I always know when you're in trouble and I'll always be there for you what the okay guys he is psycho he said and there all fixed guys he actually fixed the toilet though he said see you later Carrie wait huh he's just leaving guys I'm not going to lie I kind of thought he was going to ask me to go on a date with him or something as like payment that's two coincidences in a row where Tristan just magically appeared to like fix a problem I had and uh guys I don't trust this guy one bit so I have a very bad feeling about this is he spying on me or something guys I have been racking my brain all day long trying to figure out how Tristan knows everything that's been going on in my life lately I mean I don't feel like I've been watched or anything oh Pat oh jeez Pat Pat Pat holy cow what's going on is everything okay oh oh okay guys uh Pat is pointing downstairs so I guess I'm going to fall I'm just going to say I'm going I'm going jeez okay guys I already let him out to go potty so he shouldn't have to go back outside what the heck is going on with him what the wait guys he wants me to look out the window that's making me nervous I don't see oh my gosh oh my gosh did y'all just see that did y'all just see that holy cow there is someone outside my house with a camera right now holy cow guys that's it the Shady guy outside my house must be Tristan oh my gosh oh my gosh guys he is spying on me that is how now he knows everything that's happening with me and this is not the first time that he has stalked me oh this is bad this is bad oh my God he got he's got a camera he's got a camera oh guys guys Pat is barking again I'm just going to throw some question marks guys he just handed me a clipboard wait what the heck it says new home security new safety security system store in bloxburg wait what guys oh my gosh that is perfect okay guys if I get Professional Security in installed in my house then I'll be able to know exactly when Tristan is spying on me be able to call the cops and get him arrested before he even has time to run away I'm just going to say thank you so much Pat guys this is it this is going to be the thing that gets rid of Tristan for good okay you guys I am pulling up to the camera security store and uh it actually looks pretty run down I don't know if a place that looks This creepy could actually keep my home safe but I guess I'll see if anyone's working guys it doesn't it kind of looks abandoned I'm not going to lie but the door is open hello I'm just going to throw something in chat and say uh anyone here maybe it's actually supposed to be closed I don't know ah oh my gosh there was someone behind me holy cow uh security installer T just said hello are you interested in home security uh okay guys I must still be a little jumpy from seeing Tristan yesterday I'm just going to say haha hi uh you you scared me LOL um yes I need security he said excellent you've come to the right place let me show you all of our home security packages oh okay okay uh Security package number one uh he said first we have number one it comes with two cameras a home alarm and onsite support okay that's pretty good but I don't know if two cameras is really going to cut it uh he said number two four cameras a home alarm and on site support just like package number one okay same thing it just has four cameras all right number three he said has six cameras a home alarm 24/7 support and police access for your convenience ooh that might be good um oh but there's one more let's see uh Security package number four is someone outside your house do they have cameras well this package is for you this is tailor made to deal with creeps equipment provided did everything and more wait huh guys this is oddly specific to my issue there Tristan was literally outside my house with a camera yesterday uh security installer T just said oh are you interested in the deluxe package I'm just going to say um well it's it's very uh specific but does this happen a lot I mean to have a package that is this specific to like stalkers and creeps like do people actually request this he said oh yes it does you wouldn't believe how many creepy guys there are nowadays oh you have no idea he said we designed this just to get rid of them okay guys in that case I'll take it guys I am not taking any chances anymore so even though this is the most expensive one this is the one I'm going to get he said I can head to your house right now for the install oh great yes guys the sooner the better anything to feel safe in my home again he said I'll go grab my tools and be on my way I'm just going to say great you guys hopefully I can get this installed and then get rid of Tristan for good all right you guys uh the cameraman installer has been in build mode at my house for a little while installing these cameras hopefully he didn't run into any issues uh cuz I've just been hanging out here waiting for him to be done oh oh guys he just got out of build mode he just said all righty all of the cameras are installed let's go check them out okay I'm just going to say awesome oh oh all right all right we're going we're going okay you guys we are going to go up to the laptop that is in my bedroom I'm just going to say I can see them from here right I'm going to go ahead and sit let's see what kind of cameras he put in all right perfect I can see the front door really clearly all right I've got the backyard guys I can almost see everything back here all right more cameras into the upstairs Windows which is perfect back door more of the backyard and the side of my house you guys this is great got every angle from the outside of my house is 100% viewable huh wait what the heck oh oh my gosh that's inside my house my kitchen and my living room wait oh my gosh oh my gosh um why are there cameras in my house guys I knew he was putting cameras on the outside but um why are they inside he said Ah that's added protection of course those will help you in case there's a Breakin he said they'll start recording and be able to catch any criminal oh guys I can literally see the bedroom camera right there I don't know I'm going to say I I don't feel comfortable having cameras record in my house he said ah don't worry you'll always know if they're recording they'll turn red uh okay he said but there's never been an issue with a customer before so I promise it will be fine fine I guess security installer T seems pretty trustworthy so far and it is better to be 100% safe than sorry plus I have no idea when Tristan would ever try to break into my house but it is not um something I would put past him so oh he just said since we're all done here I'll be going now oh okay he said have a nice day okay I was a little weirded out by the interior cameras at first but I guess I do feel like the most safe in my house and I have felt in a long long time so the only thing left to do is just wait until tonight and try to catch Tristan being creepy on the cameras and then get him arrested okay you guys it is night time now and prime time for Tristan to do something creepy so I haven't seen him around my house at all but I'm going to go ahead and hop on the cameras just to be sure okay here we go you guys front door looks fine backyard outside my windows back door everything looks clear side of my house is clear I mean guys I don't see him anywhere so maybe he got the hint to actually stay away huh I guess getting rid of Tristan was just as easy as getting some security cameras installed so now I can finally sleep tonight in peace PL guys um why is there a red light on my security camera in my bedroom oh my gosh okay that means it's recording you guys but the installer said that they weren't supposed to start recording unless I knew about it oh my gosh okay they must be malfunctioning or something and I'm not going to lie it makes me feel super uncomfortable so maybe I'll go sleep on the couch and I am going to go ask him about that first thing tomorrow all right you guys I am back at the security camera store and hopefully I can get these interior cameras checked out and fixed or just completely uninstalled because Tristan's already staying away so I don't even know if the interior cameras are necessary all right you guys oh oh guys there's an employee and it's a different guy from yesterday I'm not sure where security installer T is he just said hello how may I help you I'm just going to say ah hi I am having trouble with my security cameras I got yesterday I think the one in my room malfunctioned all right guys it doesn't really matter if security installer te isn't here if they're all work at the same store they should all be able to fix fix it he just said huh I didn't install anything yesterday uh I'm just going to say uh yeah it was the other employee um installer T he said wait what I'm the owner of this store and I'm the only one that works here wait what what what are what are you talking about I was in here yesterday guys this is weird this is wait a second guys back here this is where all of the packages were listed and all of those are gone now H what happened to the to the deluxe package he said lady what are you talking about wait guys home security Herold has no clue what I am talking about right now and that's making me very concerned okay he said um ma'am I'm still a bit confused but I will say we don't install cameras indoors for safety issues wait what are you sure he said 100% guys I am kind of freaking out guys if the owner of the Home Security store doesn't know who security installer T is then who the heck did I let into my house and does that mean that those cameras weren't malfunctioning and they were actually recording H I'm just going to say I I got to go oh my gosh oh my gosh you guys I have got to get to the bottom of this fast all right you guys I'm back at my house right now and I thought of a few possibilities okay I've dealt with stuff like this before so I either one got scammed out of some weirdo just trying to make some extra money or I let a creep into my house and he put up all these cameras and built somewhere on my plot like a home base where he can access all of those cameras so right now I am searching my entire backyard just to be safe and I have Pat looking with me hopefully it is not the second option but I am double-checking just to be safe okay uh-oh uh-oh Pat's barking oh my gosh oh my gosh okay I'm just going to say uh did you find something go guys oh man oh man this isn't good oh he's pointing Pat where you going holy cow okay guys I started to feel relieved for a second and now all of that relief is completely gone oh no do y'all see that handle right there holy cow holy cow there is a secret latch and a ladder oh my gosh oh my gosh guys I guess my second option was right and security installer T must have been building this and that's why he took so long to install all of the cameras Oh My Gosh okay okay you know what you know what that's okay because I'm putting a stop to this right now before anything bad happens ready Pat Pat just said bark okay I'm going to take that as a ready here we go holy cow you guys there is an entire tunnel under my house okay this is really creepy I don't know where this tunnel is going to lead to it's really foggy and gross down here oh my gosh oh my gosh okay holy cow this tunnel is so long what the heck oh oh I see a room I see a room I see a room oh no guys there is nothing down here but a chair and a computer this is my worst nightmare oh my gosh okay guys I am going to bet a million dollars that yep you can view all these security cameras that's the one in my room oh my gosh oh my gosh my backyard my house all the all the things on the outside my living room my kitchen oh this is not good guys even my stairs and my office oh gosh oh that is so weird I cannot believe he installed all of this right here under my house but you know what guys this is super creepy but at least I found it really early on so now I can catch him guys he is bound to show up and check these cameras eventually and I have a shovel so I'll just jump out beat him up and get him arrested okay guys this oh hold on wait Pat just whispered to me guys I I think he wants me to hide seriously oh okay okay okay okay guys why okay there is like a little crevice back here what is going on why does he want us to hide so bad guys I literally have a shovel oh oh guys there he is there he is oh my gosh there is security installer te holy cow that is why Pat wanted me to hide okay he was coming back he said g this disguise is so sweaty W Tristan oh my gosh oh my gosh guys no way this security installer was Tristan this whole time hold on a second guys I'm going to get a closer look oh my gosh there he is he's on the computer he's on the computer okay that makes a lot more sense why Pat wanted me to hide I couldn't just jump out and hit Tristan with a shovel looks like he's checking the cameras right now he just said hm Carrie's not home yet that sucks guess I'll just see her tomorrow then wait is he going to leave oh my gosh he's leaving he's leaving holy cow holy cow I cannot believe Tristan installed the cameras in my house and I didn't even realize it was him but luckily everything's good all right hid he doesn't know that we know about the cameras so now all I have to do is have someone come uninstall these cameras ASAP and then figure out what to do about Tristan after that
Channel: Cari - Roblox
Views: 147,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, cari hyper, roblox girl, girl roblox, fun, cari roblox, roblox cari, cari plays, roblox bloxburg
Id: m7XsV5Sdp8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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