The LOCKDOWN Of Brookhaven.. (Full Movie)

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oh my gosh guys they're catching up to us come on baby poke no baby poke no baby poke got handcuffed you know what no that's my son right there I go back take me too all right baby poke it's me and you together buddy all right everybody it's me and baby poke going on vacay oh I'm so hyped guys we are going to go visit Brook Haven Isles it is the beautiful islands of Brook Haven and me and baby poke are so hyped let me just talk to him right before I'm just going to say son our first vacay in forever like dude this going to be crazy bro we're going on vacay hurry up Dad buddy wants to get on that flight so badly guys but I don't blame him because the islands of Brook Haven are so fun well we officially are in and it's time to go through security here's the security guard right here we got nothing on us he's actually talking on the walkie right now he just said sir are the Border rumors true well uh that's pretty interesting let me be a little nosy Pokey border issues and no Buddy L just said move along okay yep sorry for asking my bad and as you can see guys we are all good we have made it through security it is time to board the flight B book is so wiped he kid stop moving oh okay son let's go guys oh it's going to be such a banger vacay bro the hotel is so sick there too dude let's just get on the flight oh my gosh baby poke you are absolutely so excited right now bro it's not been on vac in Forever it's okay buddy don't worry all right let's board our seats we got the best seats in the House buddy don't you worry come on up here ah this vac is going to hit bro so hyped son it's going to be a banger time holy crap buddy we are officially here we have landed at the island let's go pal man we have so many cool things we got to do guys we have this dope Hotel we're in we get to go shark watching let's just get out of here all right baby poke we are officially here bro we're going up the elevator to the hotel we're staying at oh I am so excited and Boke just said wo I know going to be the best week ever guys literally one week at the hotel away from the entire city of Brook Haven I am so excited bro I love the islands and there's the hotel manager she said welcome to the hotel welcome to the Brook Haven Island Hotel baby pooke is freaking out he's like a baby poke yeah we know you're baby poke buddy and she said let's head inside and get you checked in ah yes of course baby poke have a good time here run around the lobby like a normal kid does I'll talk to the lady and get us all checked in and now she's making some small talk while she's checking me in she said so did you hear about the Border crazy huh the border wait weird I actually heard that security guy at the airport talking about the border wait no what what what happened I was just on a flight for a few hours you know I'm I'm not too sure I'm not caught up with you know the socials she said oh yeah I think they closed down like the whole North border what oh my gosh well good thing we flew in bro oh my gosh that's crazy driving back would be horrible said it's wild anyway guys I think baby folk is literally swimming over there bro hey wait till we get our trunks on buddy going to ruin your clothes oh wait he's wearing the Poke trunks she said you have our best sweet oh perfect she said let me show you to it all right come on baby poke let's go come on hey no more swimming let's go up to the room we got to check in our stuff sorry about that ma'am oh my gosh let's go buddy I'm going to drink the pool water ew nasty don't ever do that all right guys we've officially made it to the top floor and look at this she's showing us to our room the Royal Room this is the best room in the hotel guys she said right here bab poke just immediately ran in so funny bro said the Royal Room all right let me walk on in and oh my gosh look at baby folks jumping on the bed dude this room is sick man look at this bathroom holy look at this golden white tub made of pure porcelain and she said enjoy your stay and if you need anything just ask of course thank you again all right guys well me and baby poke are going to just put our stuff down we're finally relax a little bit dad why do they make beds bouncy to sleep buddy all right now that I got that out of the way let's just chill guys I put the luggage down let's turn on some good old TV for baby poke I'm let him know I'm going to say hey I'm going to say settle down buddy you're going crazy got to save your energy bro we got to hit the pool later now I'm actually kind of curious you know I want to go turn on the news real quick and see if there's any update on what the crap that lady was talking about oh guys Jay's at the border right now dude that thing is shut down what's up bro Cav my name's Jay Boblo standing behind me we are at the North border which was just shut down due to security reasonings probably nothing so do not be alarmed unless they shut down another then be alarmed but I think we'll be fine Brook a and I hope no one's going to starbooks because like I said they always mess up my order that dang girl okay I don't know why Jay always brings up the starbooks he's got a vendetta against them but weird interesting stuff just some security reasons I guess I don't know he said dad I don't care can we go swimming yes of course let's go swimming buddy come on guys I am just going to grab some of the buffet food over here oh this all looks so good good what do I want I'm on vacay you know I can eat whatever I want all right maybe I'll have a little Burger maybe a slice of pizza okay maybe a hot dog I'll have all three honestly I don't even care bro here I'll bring baby poke some food Buddy's just swimming over here let me ask him right now he's going to say yo how's it going there he is guys baby poke Cannonball woo this is sick dude yeah I swim my shirt I don't care guys look it we have a fellow parent over here with their kid H just a nice vacay life well I won't bother them I'm just going to sit down just kind of relax in here a little bit get a good tan on actually no tan but you know baby poke if you want to go hit the buffet wa baby poke no running at the pool dude you okay jeez wait guys I don't want to be nosy but this girl literally just said oh sweetie I think we need to leave sooner than expected yeah I'm just going to crack a funny joke you talking about the north border isn't that crazy she's probably leaving for some whole other reason bro the border is just a good joke nowadays it's like huh shut down the Border yeah my man just texted me that the next border just got closed wait what so we need to head back home before they all close wa ma'am are are are you serious wait your your your husband works for the Border he just told you that you're telling me two of Brook Haven's entrances will be closing she said sweetie come on let's go and guys it seems like they're actually leaving their vacation my question is are they going to shut down the other two oh man I don't think baby poke even cares oh he said my pizza's soggy ew bro don't be eating that first you drink the pool water and then you're eating pool Pizza G and he just asked me do you think the Border will close dad nah I think it's just a scare bro besides we can fly back we're flying back we have round trip tickets it's not like they're going to shut down the airport bro they're only shutting down the drive-ins it's clearly fine you said okay so you want to bite no I don't ah good morning guys what a beautiful day sleeping in a hotel bed literally is the best bed you can sleep in I don't know why maybe you can agree but now that we're out guys we have a crazy day as you can see baby poke already has his towel and he's got the trunks on because it is time to go shark watching but before we go bab pooke I just want to kind of check up on the news oh my gosh he's been all over that he says no he doesn't want me to check the news cuz he doesn't want to hear any more bad news which I guys Brook Haven looks great okay it's obviously fine I finally gotten a week to not be on social media so it's kind of nice so let's just go and we're going to go shark watching guys all right and we are officially at the boat guy let me just jump on real quick let me say yo my name is poke what's good baby poke get out of that thing bro you cannot be driving that you crazy you said are you ready yes of course all right son sit down we're going to look at some sharks dude it's going to be so fun bro oh my gosh guys as you can see there's a shark right there look bab po there's a shark over there oh my gosh guys that's crazy is this like safe by the way I hope this is safe I hope this boat's good said it's safe don't worry oh my gosh guys that shark is getting really close to the boat wa what do you think son you think that's cool he said I want to jump in and touch it yeah bro no he poke sit down and be careful please this boat is going quick bro just feel the wind woo we're getting so close to the shore this is crazy bro wait a minute and this guy literally just said something what the heck we just pulled up on this military guy and he just said turn back now uh yo bo guy turn back bro bro just go back to the island he said huh why wait why sir what what's going on dude this is weird poor baby poke he's like let's go Dad it's go okay don't worry said you cannot dock here he said go back okay okay uh yeah sure just take us back bro we're going to go back wait he's literally got his gun ready bro go back go go go go go okay we're going back all right bye what the crap just happened there guys what a weird day okay we're going to get back to the hotel room and we're going to check the news and bab just said I want to go home yeah hopefully we can get home buddy all right see you later Bo guy all right guys let's get the TV on right now let's see what the heck is going on hello my name is J Boblo and Brook Haven has just shut down three of its borders there is only one border open remaining the West border if you want to get inside Brook Haven before they possibly shut down the fourth I recommend you start getting home immediately good luck bro Caven they're leaving us in the dark for some reason we don't really know much about this one hey they shut down three of the borders and the only one left is the West border that's that's near here that's the West border right there that's great that's great news we just have to go over there we just have to get out I'm going to get baby poke maybe the airports are good all right baby poke you ready to go man we're going to head to the airport right now we're going to be all good is's airport closed wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what no the airport closed what he said what Dad uh uh don't worry I I I got an idea we're going to get out of here somehow it's the only way we can get off Brook Haven a boat and what's right behind us guys a boat I'm going to talk to this guy and I'm going to see if there is anything we can do to get this boat in the BRS hey boat guy I'll pay you 500 for us to borrow your boat how's that sound you know 500 bucks I'll bring it back I one day I promise he said oh hey make it a th000 and then we have a deal oh my gosh guys all right let me just dig through my luggage here good thing I brought cash okay $11,000 right here said Perfect all right baby poke hop on the boat said it's all yours man that was pretty that was pretty easy all right guys we just got the boat it's time to drive this thing home all right guys and we are officially off right now and as I can see there is a military personnel near the border over there so I'm actually going to loop around and I'm going to go over to where he is not okay I'm going to go all the way over to this side over here all right baby hke on the count of three we're going to make a Run and Jump for it bro I don't want to think that we've parked up all right baby po you ready it's time for us to swim back into Brook Haven oh you're ready let's go oh my gosh okay that wasn't too bad actually we're good guys we are officially back onto Brook Haven the mainland let's sneak through the grass over here and the only way we can get in is through the open border come on baby poke we do not have much time if they shut down that fourth border we're never getting back in again well guys it is official we have just pulled up to the border and there are a lot of cars here bro so this could be really really good or really really bad baby poke we're going to get through this I promise buddy we're going to get back to the house we're going to be able go on our computers again we're back to social media the VAC is over buddy said my feet hurt yeah I know I feel really bad bro you should have grabbed your shoes man all right let's just sneak over here and we're just going to kind of we're just going to just we're just going to get the vibe down okay and guys I can't help but notice but that sign literally says border closed baby poke oh my gosh I think we're too late buddy the board is officially closed on all four sides they're locking this crap down he said why are there so many cars people are trying to get back in they shut it down on all four bro all right babe poke I have an idea but we have to be very careful we're going to go up right now we're just going to kind of sneak behind these lines of cars and hopefully we should be good the Border fence isn't even that big so we should be completely good guys yeah this is the cut off right here all right baby poke just sneak and follow my lead we're just going to go over here just going to go through run run run run run come on run run run baby poke no oh my God no they found us go baby poke go oh my gosh guys the border patrol they're literally on us right now come on son let's go you'll never take us alive oh my gosh guys they're catching up to us come on baby poke no baby poke no baby poke got handcuffed you know what no that's my son right there I go back take me too all right baby poke it's me and you together buddy I guess we're back in Brook Haven but where though guys where the crap are they taking us man we're in some sort of like weird secret laboratory bro okay they want me to go this way okay left or right guys I I don't know okay no okay they want me to go this way all right yep sounds good oh my gosh guys there's cages in here there's L cages in here oh you're kidding me oh my gosh they want us to go in the cage why did I get the small one why are you doing this you're in here for testing no more talking oh my gosh guys I'm literally dropped in here baby poke we're going to get out of this I promise what a vacation ladies and gentlemen it is official I am here with my son baby poke and we are locked in cages my son just said I want to go home I feel so bad for him guys but as you can see we're literally just in these cages and we are not able to get out it is so sad something is going on in Brook Haven it seems that the whole city is now under some sort of lockdown baby pooke just said I just want to go home I want to play video games I know me too buddy but don't worry baby poke we're going to be okay we're going to get out of these cages oh crap guys who the heck is this he's literally getting thrown into a cell right now now guys said I can't see hey take the bag off his head he can't see dude get in oh my gosh no he's got a messy Jersey on he said get in and he said please shut it and buddy just said I didn't even go to the Secret Vent it was my friend Secret Vent he said I don't care just go in oh my God he's getting mad go in the go in the go in bro wait why is he taking the top Buddy's literally taking the top one there's like no room in there oh oh okay buddy sure hey buddy what what what do you mean Secret Vent is is there a way out of this place bro hey yeah I'm talking to you up there poor guy shocked right now he's just sitting in this cell I don't know why he chose the small one but he literally said there is a Secret Vent in here he that's really good to know guys we're all I have a house in Brook Haven I have a life in Brook Haven just need us to get out of here feel terrible for my son oh crap what the heck just happened a scientist just came in right now said who is next oh dear God take me please don't take my son no they said test subject 87 come with me no son you'll be okay buddy I I promise baby poke I promise you'll be okay he said no and he's going against the walls no guys baby poke just just listen you'll be okay no guys no baby poke no son I can talk to this guy though I can ask him what what do they do what do they do what do they mean test subject sir please tell me is my son going to be okay said he's done for bro say goodbye what I got to break out of here right now guys I have to break out of here oh my God guys someone just walked back in here a military Guy where where's my son where is my son please you get out okay they said test subject 86 come with me all right guys it seems that I'm the next test subject up right now and taking a look right now that guy said GG as I walked out great man just great bro we're going to surgical testing where's my son where is baby poke guys please I don't want to ask any questions but I got to figure out if he's okay what is this what are they making me get on right now what is this sit on the table why do I need to go on the table what is this and the guy said do it and he's got a gun right at me so you know what I'm just going to get on the table guys whatever let's get on the table let's just relax we'll be fine what is he grabbing what is that ow hey what are you doing to me bro can you please just stop it and tell me where my son is already why is Brook Haven locking down I have so many questions why did you shut down the borders said response normal doctor please can you just explain what happened I was on vacation when my son baby poked we were so happy at the hotel what the crap was that said H okay seems whatever happened outside Brook Haven is not inside you well thank goodness where's my son though where is my son baby poke did he have to go through that too but the good news is guys is he said I am not infected but that is giving a very interesting what is outside of Brook Haven that is infecting people to not let anybody in so can I go home now I think I'm good to stand up now and yeah it seems like his gun is armed down he's we're all good I did the testing it seems that maybe actually I had to do that like I had to figure out I don't know why that guy said GG or done I don't know what that guy's talking about what he figured out but interesting and the scientist just said yes you can go home but your son what about my son he's what do you mean he's what's going on what happened to my son oh my gosh guys this is a nightmare I knew they would upstairs waiting for you oh you know guys honestly I've just been a little tweaked out by all this stuff recently maybe I've just been kind of overthinking it okay but that one guy in the cages he said we're all done for oh okay okay put it down hey put put it down it's it's okay and the scientist just said you ask way too many questions get out of here okay okay I'm going to go upstairs guys all right I'm heading upstairs right now what the crap did they shoot on to me man what is this technology oh my gosh there's baby poke and he just said dad oh my gosh hey son and the military guy said uh uh uh wait oh my gosh guys I just been suited up I guess I guess we need to have these suits on while we leave he said in here I I don't need a balloon sir seriously I I I don't he said take it okay well the military guide seems that we'll what the patients infected did you guys see that it said patients infected five what the crap did that mean uh he said hey move guys I think we shouldn't have read that I don't think we should have read that is there an infection going around in Brook Haven he said you saw nothing well it seems we are officially out of the laboratory oh my gosh guys we did it me and baby poke are out so I gu let's just go home and I guess just see what happens next all right buddy let's let's walk home uh hello what the crap baby poke where is everybody usually the arcade's popping at this time of day same with the ice cream place same with everywhere hello where is everybody and baby poke just said let's go home please of course buddy we're almost home don't worry all right guys well it seems that me and baby poke have officially made it home I have locked the door and well I just feel so bad for my son guys because we just went from being on a nice vacation where we were literally able to do anything to now no one's in Brook Haven he said what's going to happen dad son nothing is going to happen in 2 weeks this will be all cleared up I promise dude I know 100% it'll be A- okay here let's just put on some TV and see what's on nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing wait only thing on breaking news and then nothing again past that oh my gosh oh okay yeah like I said 2 weeks let's just sit here for 2 weeks we got enough food I think we just went on vacation we don't have enough food good morning Brook Haven I hope everyone's having a great day because to be honest who am I even saying good morning to there's nobody here the whole city is empty and to be completely honest guys I thought it would be okay it's been 2 weeks and nothing has happened even on the news it's been super weird but I'm going to go downstairs and of course check up on my son baby poke because I do feel so bad for him oh it seems like he's playing some Roblox which has been having a lot of issues lately the whole internet the whole world a lot of stuff in Brook Haven has just been acting weird just going to look at him just going to say hey buddy how's uh Roblox going dude how is it I feel so bad guys he hasn't been doing anything recently and he said it's down again I know buddy I know it's down right now it's it's horrible and he just said I haven't talked to my friends in days that's horrible kids need friends man they need to have that play time for real so I just want to go outside here buddy we can go outside for a little bit we just have to stay in the backyard and just not get caught by any military it's it's not that big of a deal right and he said he wants to go to school he doesn't want to wear the suit I know I know let's check the news and see see who's able to go out today okay there's a whole system that we have to work with and let's just see if our today is our lucky lottery day to go get food hello everybody my name is j Boblo welcome back to Brook Haven yep another day another lockdown today's lucky lottery food number is going to be going to the Poke family so poke family please head on down in your hmet suit to the grocery store in the military we'll be giving you a package oh thank goodness baby poke we're going to eat again bro finally it's been weeks of just barely barely scraping you know bro Haven I really want to tell the truth right now so I'm just going to have to go ahead and the truth what does J Boblo mean by the truth you know what guys I actually just realized something I have a friend too that I should call and I should figure out and see if he's doing okay I'm just going to go on my phone and I'm going to dial up my boy Todd let's see how he's handling all this yo Todd what's up bro hey bro so bored I'm so bored bro oh my God this whole lockdown thing is miserable yeah bro I mean dude I haven't really talked to you about it but bro me me and poke we were at the labs for a second bro we might have saw something you know we went on vacation we went to the Brook Haven Isles and we came back and we had to sneak back in cuz they shot down the borders and Todd we got taken to a lab and I think there's some infection going around town or something bro I think that's that's what they're hiding from us you think so bro what are you talking about some sort of infection am I going to die Todd just just just do me a favor stay inside only go out when they call you to get your food dear I hope you dear God I hope you've been okay with that man all I hope the lack of Coca-Cola's been good oh it's okay I got an emergency supply I'm good for like literally almost like 2 years oh then oh great well all right dude well I'm going to go to the grocery store it's me and baby pok's lucky lottery number so we're going to get some food today I'll call you later bro poor baby poke dude I'm sure that guy is stressing over this whole thing yep Buddy's literally standing on my counter just waiting to leave he's hungry man and he wants to see his friends so I I better let you go bro um dude maybe we can hang out soon maybe we can just you know sneak over to one each other's houses ooh that's a good idea bro all right bro uh well enjoy your food yep thanks bro all right peace dude all right bab poke let's get on the hazmats and let's go to the grocery store we got called we can't miss this what did J Boblo mean though by exposing the truth is it what I saw at the lab all right baby poke it seems that we are off in our hazmat suits in our car that also looks like a hazmat suit and let's head over to the grocery store and let's pick up our food man I am starving and it seems that we already have some military over at the grocery store right now so let me actually just kind of back up a little bit let me just kind of park over here and Brooks Diner I really really missed that place open 24/7 huh and I remember when that used to be open 24 seven all right baby poke just follow me let's just go man my gosh military personnel everywhere all right baby poke let's just go to the grocery store let's get our food pull out the balloon of course let them know hello we're the Poke family here to pick up our order hopefully we will be all good here and he just said one second okay yep sounds good all right it's got our bag right there with our name on it perfect awesome thank you so much sir appreciate that you know baby poke honestly do you think this is enough here let me actually ask him hey um you know I I I Got a Boy as well you know I I we got to feed two people you L said leave now sir please I oh my gosh okay all right fine all right bab P let's just get back in the car let's just go dude we got we got our food bro let's get out of here man that was almost Tweaky bro you know guys I kind of want to drive past the lab again I want to take a look cuz I think we need to go back there and figure out what's really going on I don't want to be too suspicious though so we're just going to kind of drive past it and we're not going to be anything crazy all right green light okay perfect wait for the yield okay perfect and let's go and baby hul just said is there Cola all right Todd funny all right guys and I think the lab is right up here and I couldn't help but actually notice immediately seems that there's some interesting construction and there's like a little bit of like a a dirt hill almost looks like it's able to be dug you know guys that could be interesting we could go check that out later possibly and actually wait I couldn't even help but notice we're right next to Todd's crib you know what let's actually just kind of sneak in here park our car in here and let's just go into Todd's house bro obviously Todd's not infected and we're not either maybe we could stay here for a little bit while we're close to the lab get some more Intel come on baby poke let's get out of here Todd we're coming in bro it's me and baby poke hello yo hey yo what the heck are you guys doing here dude what's up bro dude it's just it's just me and baby poke bro don't worry we're not infected obviously God it's so good to see you guys hey baby poke how's it going buddy dude baby poke isn't this awesome bro we're near people again this is the first interaction we've had in Forever he said hey Uncle Tod hey buddy how's it going ah man I I just love us all man I'm so happy we're all together right now hey little goofball a that's just so sweet well listen Todd I did notice something you are next to the lab the lab that me and baby poke were trapped in and if I could go from your roof I could Scout and maybe I can get a little bit of a plan I want to break back in there bro I don't know anything about a lab what the heck one of my neighbors is a laboratory yeah yeah over here bro here come over here you should be able to see it through your window possibly yeah they're like a laborist or like a um it's a lab it's a Brook Haven lab it it's it's it's where they're doing testing but look it's right over there bro you can see it and you can also see some interesting construction which could be the key to me and baby poke getting back in you're saying that's a lab that was like a pizza place well believe me that would be funny bottom line is bro maybe me and baby ho could just stay here for a night you know we do have we do have a little bit of extra food with us too so maybe you can enjoy that oh bro of course that would be sick Bro and yes baby poke you can have a cola oh my gosh of course yeah don't worry Todd I didn't tell him how many years of Supply yet you know what's weird bro J Boblo literally said earlier he was about to say something and then they got him cut off dude I saw the clip of that yeah I know isn't that crazy let's let's see if he's got anything else he's got to say hello everybody my name is j Boblo I don't have much time I just want to let everybody know right now that this lockdown is actually serious there's a deeper meaning people are getting infected with something outside of Brook Haven and they're bringing it inside Brook Haven there's already been 25 confirmed cases that's why they're not letting anybody leave and while that may be very true there is some lie to it and the only way that we're going to know is that if we get in that dang laboratory that they just built coincidence right they built this laboratory and all of the sudden this just happens randomly I don't doubt oh my goodness what the heck is jbo talking about I've never heard him say anything like that before I know he's spewing the whole truth bro you know what Todd honestly this calls for it bro you have to watch baby poke I'm going to break into that laboratory bro I'm going to figure this out for us okay break into that laboratory bro are you insane you're not going to break into any laboratory this place probably crawl with like military members bro you're going to you're going to get killed Todd I have to figure out what's going on in Brook Haven all I ask is for a shovel I think I know my way in bro you're out of your mind I can't let you do this Todd it's either we don't if we find out the truth we can Rebel and maybe the lockdown would end no no I'm drawn the line bro you can't do it all right I guess I won't all right Todd well we better get to bed bro yeah man I am exhausted bro this whole lockdown thing man you want top bunk or bottom I'll take the top bunk why not bro all right fine oh oops and Todd honestly if you want to talk for a second I'm kind of nervous bro no lie dude I okay okay guys well hot obviously just fell asleep really fast so you know what the plant is still on I got to sh and I'm breaking into that dang lab let me go say goodbye to Baby poke just in case anything bad happens goodbye baby poke love you man but I'm going to be okay all right let's get the crap out of here we're going to that lab guys let's do this thing all right guys well we have just pulled up to the dirt right here and I'm going to attempt to dig this this could actually lead me into something good right it's actually really light seems like it was just patched up interesting yep oh my gosh I just opened up a hole here we go I can go in here guys Moment of Truth starts holy crap guys we are officially in some ventilation system we we are officially below the dirt this is crazy okay so I think I have to crawl all the way down over here to break in let me just make sure nothing's behind me no no no no no no are you kidding me baby poke what are you doing here why did you follow me in here bro oh my gosh you're kidding me said hey Dad go back to Uncle Todd's now this is a adult Mission I don't want you to get hurt he said what are you doing here I want to help my gosh well you're already here you know what let's just go all the way to the end and let's break in here and see what's going down holy crap we're in we just broke in guys baby poke oh there he is oh my gosh I'm so mad that you he with me right now all right it seems like we're in some back storage room right now we are totally in the clear why did you come with me baby poke are you kidding me dude all right guys we are going to go sneak around this place I want to go into the specimen storage and I want to talk to this guy who has the messy shirt on all right let me go up there right now you know what guys let me actually unlock this thing for him here come on out buddy it's going to say messy what did you learn we're here to save you and find out the truth he said I've been in here for weeks oh my God it has been weeks jeez he said they know I know he said I know everything like what I know everything like like a virus what's going on what what's going on with the virus wait you said beeping wait what the what the crap just happened oh my God I think that was like a sleeper word something just activated that he cuz he when he said that baby poke we don't have much time let's go over here bro leave the guy out of here let's just go over here and see if there's anything going on no no one's in there guys okay let's go into chemical store and see if anything's going on in here why are they storing chemicals in here guys what's going on all right let's just walk upstairs real quick and let's just see the vibe wait a minute we got two people talking in microbiology right now what are they saying I can't believe the mayor is making us do this manufacturing a fake virus so he can lock everyone down fake virus it's not real the military guy said I know this is insane but nobody can know this is fake and if one human figures out it's fake all of them will figure out it's fake holy crap guys I got to get out of here I got to tell the city of Brookhaven the truth that there is no virus that it's all fake we must get control of Brookhaven holy crap baby poke it's fake bro and they've caught us baby back to the vent back to the vent go go go go go go go go go go get to the vent oh my gosh ah I keep slipping no come on guys no I can't get up no no no no no oh no the military's here hands up baby poke and the scientist just said lock the kid up and you you're coming with us to see the mayor baby poke no no baby poke no no please guys my son's back in those cages and they want me to go see the mayor all right guys well it seems that we've been caught let's let's go see the mayor all right guys as you can see there is a military guard taking me into the town hall and as we're walking in I can't help but notice the border is official shut down it says you will be arrested if you leave and my biggest concern is what the crap is going on outside of there but we just found out from sneaking into the laboratory that this whole virus is fake this whole lockdown and everything is fake and I about to confront mayor Kyle and tell him I know oh there you are mayor Kyle he just said hello I've had you brought here today to talk about your civic duty oh really yeah guys what is Mayor Kyle going to tell me right now that everything's okay I said as a YouTuber you must use your channel to tell people to stay indoors due to this horrible virus that that is leaked into Brook Haven dude no actually I'm about to confront him so hard mayor Kyle I just found out the truth and there is no virus yeah there's no virus at all what makes you think that I'm not going to tell the world he said and no one will ever know we even bought off Jay what did you do Jay Boblo I remember guys he did actually stress on the news about that I hope he's okay man okay whoo whoo there whoo whoa whoa okay guys you know what obviously guys I'm not going to expose anything yet but I am a little concerned about what's going on around me said now you will Broad what we tell you understand uh only if you tell me what is going on outside of the walls because I saw that border being closed and I know that The Border's closed for a deeper reason so mayor Kyle you owe me if I'm going to lie for you you got to tell me this guys like what could be happening outside of the Border he just said I wouldn't worry about that you know what bro I'm going to figure it out anyways so it doesn't even matter but obviously I'm not going to let anybody know I'm not going to blow my cover just yet said now go home and warn the town or else okay you know what guys we're officially able to go home sadly I'm going home without my kid my gosh this guy's literally monitoring me so hard and guys I will be getting baby poke back and then maybe we'll see what's beyond the Border ah home sweet home and to be honest guys it just feels so empty no one's walking around the city of Brook Haven and truth be told I miss my kids so much I miss hanging out with Todd wa what the crap hey waa who the crap are you dude is he installing a oh my gosh he's installing a camera in my room dude in my my living room he just said there like he just finished installing and honestly guys wait hold on let me look around real quick are there more cameras in my house tell me there's camera in my bathroom oh thank God what the crap are you guys doing man why are you doing that bro was literally spying on me said we've installed full cctvs around the house huh I think I know why they're doing that one guys because I know something pretty big okay I'll be honest I do I know the big secret that there's no virus said you won't be doing anything the mayor doesn't want okay sir all right yep the door is this way you know this still my house you know this is Brook Haven you know huh home of the free baby you just said oh I'm I'm staying what what dude you're kidding me oh my gosh I just have this military guy now I really can't leave my house bro I'll stay watch 24/7 oh my gosh guys that's horrifying I just missed my kids so much I have to get back to that lab and I have to save baby poke all right guys well I'm just going to go upstairs real quick and I'm just going to kind of again look around my house and see oh yep there's another camera right there and this guy's literally following me but we should probably test and see if this guy will follow me in the bathrooms cuz you know that's actually messed up bro you're not he's not coming to the bathroom with me bro all right I'm going to let him know actually hey um hey no like no I'm going to go to the bathroom and okay this is a good test yeah he's just waiting for me outside of the bathroom that's absolutely fire all right let's flush my toilet and let's go out of here this guy yep he's literally just waiting for me bro which you know what that's good to know okay the bathroom thing bottom line is guys I need to get some free time because I do have my phone and I want to make a phone call so I have to go to the bathroom again all right actually dude I need to go to the bathroom again but I do have a full basketball court all the way downstairs but he literally just said you just went oh no no I was just uh um cleaning that toilet it it's horrifying you know I don't I don't even know at this point you know lock down I can't be eating the best you know I've just been kind of eating that crap y'all give me anyways okay enough with that I'm going to go into the bathroom and I'm going to FaceTime Todd let's talk to this man and see if he's okay uh hello yo dude how how are you doing bro what what's up man oh man just surviving this lockdown bro like I am so dang bored but I've been hot tubbing a lot and watching a lot of cops oh nice dude no that that's awesome bro yeah dude I'm just in my house bro how's baby poke doing bro I'm sure that guy's losing his mind yeah baby poke is doing great speaking of baby poke bro did you guys ever uh sneak in that lab I never made it to a lab and if I did I would definitely like not be lying about it you know oh okay you didn't make it to the lab yes no no lab dude never right no no lab dude not at all bro sorry to hear you never made it but uh you want to maybe sneak over and hang out oh but dude there's that virus going around you know the whole the news and everything we we got to stay inside bro me and you thought that virus was fake who who whoa who whoa whoa wo wo you said it was fake thought it was a fake virus Todd I got to go bro I got I got to go I got to go oh my God what the crap did Todd just say on the oh no guys oh God oh God okay you know what I'm just going to call it an early night maybe they didn't even hear that phone call maybe we're all good yeah guys we are all in the clear buddy had no idea what I said don't even worry about it you know I'm going to call it a night actually and the guard just said you need to go to bed a third time no I'm actually just going to bed okay I'm actually just going to bed I am just having a really long day I'm tired all right and he's just going to literally watch me right outside my door the entire night this is horrifying you know what good night Brook Haven oh oh gosh guys I just woke up to the military guy he just said wake up your best friend is downstairs wait Todd's here wait no way bro what the crap is going on right now my boy Todd is pulled up to the oh go man please I don't know anything Todd no what happened to you dude the military showed him at my I I was learning the Bongos oh my gosh guys leave him alone why are you even here with him bro guys what's happened to me poke what happened bro Todd I I I don't know bro what what happened and the guard just said you thought you were so sneaky huh wait what what what even happened I I have no idea Todd we didn't even say anything on the phone bro said we tapped your phone last night oh well you guys are just crazy oh that we were just we were joking dude Todd right buddy yeah uh dude I don't even know what the heck we're talking about right now joking about what the the the virus yeah yeah exactly it was just a joke bro we were just making a joke please this is just a big misunderstanding guys I I I promise you that Todd Todd has no idea what's going on like he's just got the Bongos he's trying to learn said well your best friend now knows the truth and now he's heading to the lab de you're not the lab dude lab oh God Todd no are they going to don't experiment Tomy oh my God Todd no please Todd hang in there buddy oh guys I have to think quick my God I just have to think quick guys uh uh sir I'm going pee okay I'm going to go to the bathroom B real quick okay run run quick quick quick oh my gosh guys holy crap I think he thinks I'm in the bathroom okay I'm just going to go sneak around this way around my entire house holy crap go go go go Todd I'm coming what the heck be quiet bro dude the reason I'm coming with bro is one you're my best friend I got to save you but baby poke is at that lab as well he is oh my God bro we got to save baby poke exactly bro and let me tell you there is no virus it's all been fake bro but there's something going on outside of the border and I think we're about to figure out what it is all right Todd I'm going to meet you in there a bit okay uh hey uh don't look at the back all right there's nobody else back there but me bro I promise oh my God Todd you give me no choice but the hurry you ever heard of the Bongos before I'm trying to bring them back oh my gosh guys okay Todd is going in there right now perfect perfect uh where am I going oh my God oh my God poor Todd we don't have much time guys all right I'm going to go in there and I'm going to do what anybody else would do all right everybody it seems that nobody is up in this upper level so we are going to sneak down into the basement and guys just be careful cuz we have a guard right right over there and we have a scientist right there so I already have a little bit of a plan guys sneak just really just go really really slow sorry buddy don't worry guys he's not gone forever and let's take that outfit and perfect guys now let's go over and pretend to be the scientist excuse me sir just going to be going to check in on the specimen storage over here if that's okay just checking in on a few things and he said all right okay yep thank you so much sir appreciate it and oh my goodness guys Todd baby poke it's me wait what the I was sewing my Bongos oh my gosh okay okay just give me a second bro baby poke I'm so happy that you're okay son oh my gosh and Todd I'm just so glad you're okay too bro dude please get me out of here bro of course of course all right baby poke I got you bro don't have a shirt on yeah I got you boys here come on out please I got you thank you son come on let's go wait baby poke just said wait I hear something yeah what the crap wait what is that noise okay yo boys I I have I have my outfit on so you guys just need to stay in here if anything you can run back in the cages if need be but listen I'm going to go check that out real quick just give me one second guys it seems like it's coming over from surgical testing okay let's just go on in here and see what the crap is going on uh guys is that an alien on the table and that scientist he's he's he's doing some experiment he's he's reporting something is that an alien oh my gosh I'm totally blowing my cover right now you who are you uh I'm a I'm a scientist here at the lab obviously I I've been working here for years you are not a high enough level to be in here what the heck the alien just stood oh my God holy crap he just took down that scientist and he's literally holy crap whoa Todd watch out I saw the whole thing oh my God what the crap was that Todd come in here now the scientist we have to help him did you see that oh my God bro I did see that it was crazy oh my gosh dude that was an alien and did it leave did it just leave the scientist just said you idiot uh uh what what he said that alien he had a virus he's gone uh-oh I just said we're doomed Todd oh uh uh this doesn't seem too good bro maybe the reason that the government told people to you know stay inside was because maybe there actually was something going on baby poke he just said Dad what's going on son I think I just leaked a virus uh Todd I think the scientist is sick we should go bro let's get out of here let's go guys go to Todd's house we got to run let's go quick bro quick oh my God oh my God baby poke Todd what the crap did I just do I I I was too nosy I messed up you might have ruined Brook Haven oh son of a inside everyone all right everybody let's just take a breath and relax lock the door what are we going to do next bro buddy I think we need to go to the border and we need to figure out what's really going on outside of it I'm just glad all three of us are together again until next time all right Todd we don't have much time buddy we got to board up this house for baby poke and then me and you need to go to the Border figure out what's going on outside of Brook Haven I'll board up the house you pack us like an emergency to go bag bro of course okay okay of course of course of course uh let me take a look okay what do we got in here we got Cola Pizza Cola pizza oh my God you know what fine let's pack that up okay Pizza why are these windows so big board up the windows bro hurry we got to make sure this place is good for baby poke I'm trying bro okay all right okay grab some waffles while I'm at it okay um all right close this could come in handy as well we'll take that oh bro I got an emergency supply of uh Cola behind the TV oh um oh sure okay fine oh my God you really do actually okay let me just grab a few of these okay dang that was actually that was dope and baby poke just said hey guys baby poke what buddy we're packing right now baby poke we can't talk right now buddy wait a minute we got we got breaking news going what the crap is going on ladies and gentlemen this is Jay Boblo and you know I've been so flippy floppy on what's been going on so let me just tell you all the truth you know there is something going on inside of Brook Haven we do have to be locked down and if you see something that is not human please do not get near them or else anyways thank you Brook Haven and good good night I mean good good day I mean holy crap we really do need to be careful guys that alien that I left out of the lab it's Todd I really messed up on this bro we need to get what are we going to do we're doomed bro that alien you got out of Brook Haven we're dude literally we're all going to die it's okay we just need to figure out what's going on outside the Border maybe we could stop this from the outside May poke we're dead no we're not don't say that he said are we going to be fine Dad yes yes we're going to be more than fine you're going to stay here at Uncle Todd's house it's all boarded up literally perfectly like this is this is crazy actually this is great great job I know I work quick bro yeah but baby PK you're going to be absolutely fine we will be back within the day for sure okay you have plenty of food and there's emergency coca-colas behind the TV there's emergency coca-colas Under the Stairs they're everywhere he said what if we become like those things never dude never we we are not we are going to be a okay okay bro I got the bag okay you got the bag all right let's get the crap out of here baby poke we love you man we'll see you dude we're going to we're going to save Brook Haven unlock the door Todd let's get to the Border all right Todd we're pulling up to the Border bro here let me pull out the bxs real quick all right let's take a look and see what we got Yep this is what I saw earlier border closed you'll be arrested if you leave and there are guards there right now bro it is not looking good Todd dude so what's the plan bro what are we going to do I don't know bro but there's no way that we can make it get past those military guys on foot I got an idea wait a minute there's a truck coming I say what we do is we just jump in the back and it's going to take us across the border have you lost your mind bro no we got this bro we're just going to stay back here just don't get caught don't get caught and then once it passes we just jump in the back bro it's going to be perfect okay you ready let go all right and jump in I'm in oh my God bro we made it uh Todd oh jump out no oh my God oh my God okay that was a close one bro that was horrible here here here jump over here we cannot let them see that just happened here I'll come up here they're still in the truck okay I'm coming I'm coming God I got an idea actually bro that was a that was a good decent plan we had I didn't think they'd be back there but I have an idea bro what if we go over here and we can maybe get on top of the fire station see it from a see from a height you know that's a good idea uh maybe it is a little bit dangerous up here look at Todd you can see them they're down there I think they're probably looking for us as we speak bro we got to be careful dude Todd I'm using the binoculars right now bro what you see this border is hot bro they're everywhere bro but we're so close it hurts oh we need to come up with a new plan bro I'm telling you there's no way we get through over here bro I know that's what I'm saying bro to be honest this jump it's going to hurt our legs bro we can't do this bro yeah what the heck there's no way I'm making that jump it's like 30 ft oh God oh God oh I don't know I don't know what to do man I I don't know what to think Bingo bro I got an idea look it's right ahead of us P your binoculars we can take the drones at the mountain over the Border fly right over they'll never see us coming uh Todd I love the idea just one problem uhh that's outside the Border already ah dang it bro all right well uh plan C a good try yeah no plan C I think we just sit and maybe we dig a tunnel wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what the crap Todd look down in my binoculars I I see an infected I see an infected alien oh my God they're going to the military that thing is so ugly oh my God it's going to get him no they're shooting it down oh my gosh what the heck just happened to that thing holy crap bro this virus is actually spreading crazy right now bro holy crap dude the agency is pulling up right now Todd this is such a big deal the agent gen is here bro oh no yeah this is this is horrible bro well the good news is is the more that this spreads the more people can actually you know hear about this stuff right you heard J Boblo today he he brought up something about this but he was definitely still lying look I have an idea bro while they're being distracted and stuff they brainwashed J Boblo I think they might have too actually dude they're literally making this an entire crime scene bro Todd this whole area is going to be swarming with the agency soon we got to go now oh crap Todd I think we've just been spotted talking about BR we're being looked at right now with binoculars like I'm looking at with binoculars Todd we got to go right now bro let's get out of here go go go this thing is spreading way harder than we thought bro we got to go save baby poke now okay let's go get him and then we can get the heck out of Brook Haven exactly then we get out of the Border once and for all bro did you see that lady she was like purple oh my God I know bro oh my got open your dang garage it's okay okay okay okay baby poke unlock the door baby poke baby poke Buddy Baby poke Buddy Baby poke where are you oh my God he better be be in the room baby poke oh thank goodness dude buddy hey he said Dad uh hey buddy okay let me just tell him right now we didn't we didn't exit yet but we need to all go okay we need to go now here let me pick you up and he just said but wait J Boblo said it was all good J Boblo said it was all good here Todd hold on what are you talking about that's what I'm saying bro there's no way hold on let's let's check this out again as you can see bro Caven we have a very interesting situation going on near the border of Brook aen and wait what the crap is oh I'm being told to cut the foot I'm being told to cut the footage right now for some reason um sorry Brook Haven I I guess I showed something I shouldn't have but everyone please again stay inside just a minor fire I think what the crap they're covering it up as a fire dude what's going on out there I don't know if you saw in there as well but there was a purple military guy I saw it broy it's spreading it's spreading now the virus is spreading oh my God Todd holy crap bro what's that noise going on outside one of the infected is at the door is there another way out of here oh my God it's open too I I I locked it uh is there another way out of here there has to be one more way out of here right there's no way this is a one climb out one of the windows upstairs okay let's do it let's go Todd let's get the crap out of here oh my gosh Todd we're on top we we did it there he is bro we got to go bro we got to go wait I literally see the purple military guy I know bro and he's able to shoot his gun he he still has a mind it's it's almost like a like a parasite bro it's scary there's this truck over there what you say we take that truck and we get the crap out of here bro okay let's do it here you drive I got baby poke Todd you know what you have to do right now let's let's get the heck out of Brook Haven once and for all I didn't know why I was going to have to do this I just smoked that guy holy crap we did it we escaped but the question is what's going on out here Todd dude it looks crazy out here and oh oh no dude I'm driving crazy I'm losing control landed it don't worry bro that was close I really thought we were done there for a sec be careful buddy speed it up a little wo woah woah woah slow down slow down slow down what is what what is that what the what is that Todd is that what I think it is an alien spaceship bro it's a giant egg spaceship and it's purple just like the aliens holy crapy po just said wo is that a giant egg wo wo wao be careful come here no no no baby poke what are you doing wait there's something over there wait that's the alien holy crap that's the original alien from the lab he said good oh my God what the heck does that mean uh hello we come in peace don't get too close guys remember he's sick alen said where is the alien crying Tod is I think it's just a kid bro he looks like a little baby I mean look how small he is small but big at the same time bro literally no exactly who knows how tall they are when they're adults bro no baby poke no no baby poke no oh my God Todd I I think we got to get out of here bro or else we're going to be next bro but we we'll be back right we we need to get to the lab we need to get the lab and let them know we've seen the original alien let's go hurry Todd hurry get in get in get in oh my God baby poke no we're going to come back for you buddy we promise Todd it seems that the aliens are officially in Brook Haven this is what they were hiding what are we going to do no Todd baby poke he's Al bro baby poke is done for oh my God and if I'm looking behind right I'm seeing it Fly Away bro it's like an alien spaceship baby poke has the virus bro what are you going to do I don't know man I want to get him back so badly but I did notice something bro that other alien that was with him that's the alien I scared off at the lab bro I think he has something important to do with this so so you're saying we need to get back to the lab I'm saying we need to get back to the lab but we got an issue we got to get through the Border bro oh my God bro how the heck are we going to get back into Brook Haven we got lucky getting out once well you better buckle your seat belt I got an idea what are you talking about bro okay some just hold it on just just hold just get ready buddy we're going to get back in one way or another we're getting back into Brook Haven oh no oh God oh God oh my neck oh God that was such a bad idea oh God oh my neck hurts so why did we do that but but we did it hurry run run hurry we got to get back in hold on I'm stuck in here smoking hurry we did it Todd we're back in that was insane but we actually did it we're back in Brook Haven holy crap Todd do you see that bro see what wait look up in the sky oh my God the alien ship I think I spot baby poke in there bro oh man you got good vision and Todd I don't know if you see it bro but in the distance I see the lab I see the antennas coming from it dang you got really good Vision but we have an issue bro we have to get through the entire city of Brook Haven and yeah my good vision is really good because guess what else I see bro I see an alien bro if you can see him right near the Brooks Diner there he is bro he's walking behind behind the sign right now uh barely bro I think I need glasses yeah I think you actually might bro but you're stay over here come over here we can't let them see us bro bro what's going on man do you see this I've never seen Brook like this I can't even believe it either the border is officially broken through oh there's a bunch of signs yeah it's all messed up bro bro I don't want to turn purple know and but my son bro my son baby poke he's infected we we were on vacation bro this was supposed to be just a vacation between us we were at the aisles it was oh my gosh man know the Isles of the Blessed they're amazing this time of year I know and it's not it's ruin dude there's another one near the grocery store I'm starting to notice one important detail they all have these weird antennas on themselves bro I wonder if that's what spreads it maybe that's how they communicate or something wao that's a good idea dude okay well let's just keep going bro we're almost there oh my gosh there's another one near the arcade here we just got to get through this bro we're almost the lab the infection really spread all over Brook Haven bro man why did we get baby poke he should have just stayed in your house oh God I regret all of this we're almost there bro we're getting close exactly should we stop at my house for a cola bro no we can't bro we got to get to the lab it's we're going to need it I'll be right back okay you know what all right I'll just wait here then fine guys that Cola could save my whole day for real I got the colas bro I got them don't worry oh dude nice bro okay well we do have an issue bro I have no idea how we're going to get in there bro we look at us man we look like normal people you haven't thought of an idea yet no I haven't thought of anything yet bro I've just been waiting on you to get get back honestly why did you change your face what's what are you thinking I did see that uniforms yeah bro I got these a while back but uh they're perfect they're military quality oo I'm not going to question how uh yeah it's better you don't ask questions but here we got to get these on look at us dude we look good bro I want to wear the glasses they don't even fit you right oh yeah really I bet they won't even fit you that well let me you know what keep them all right Todd we have no time to Banter bro we seriously need to save the day bro let's head over all right let's just go up walk around and and dude confidence is key buddy we smiling our butts off right now bro so let's do this all all got it hello guards oh hello guards here to check up on subject B5 oh God I hope they have that um yeah subject B5 and uh b62 not b62 we we really are looking at B5 only um but yes my name is Agent his name is Agent agents my name is Agent agent sir please it's very serious we've been his brother uh agent uh agent C I don't see anything about a checkup it's under the radar mayor Kyle orders he said they never tell us anything they only tell us stuff cuz we we're the agents he also said I need your uh your firearm yes he did say that oh my gosh yep thank you guys so much me and agent agent and agent agency are going in now uh carry on man carry on oh my God bro I can't believe that work I a gun oh my god dude that could be perfect bro you know I don't want to use that thing because bro to be honest man what if oh God I'm overthinking this let's just get over there and let's figure out what we can do dude better not start overthinking this because I'm I'm following your lead all right we got this buddy let's find the scientist excuse me we are not military you know honesty is the best policy we are not military but we come with a strong Mission we know where the alien oh he just said yes I I know who you are how how do you know who I am you said this is all your fault yeah he got me there mistakes happen you're the one who let the alien get away ooh you kind of did let him get away though I I I know I did okay anyway sir I come with good news I know where that alien is I vividly remember he was on this table I remember exactly what he saw like and then we just saw him again with my son who's now infected oh God the scientist is freaking out he said what yes we know his location and we want to save the day but he said we need that alien back he was our patient zero I'm taking off these dang glasses you're right they don't fit me we've tested all sorts of things on him but this is all we got wo what the mother is that oh to him I'm starting to hear some footsteps upstairs what's going on uh I don't know bro that looks kind of like Mountain Dew kind of said it can only prevent infection for 10 minutes okay well that's not bad Todd 10 minutes we go get the alien we take the Cure beforehand 10 minutes we take him here we save the world easy enough uh uh bro what what what what's going on uh I'd have a look at this if I were you oh is that a military member infected we got to go bro oh my God we got to go here give it now oh my God and he's using his gone hurry T I got the Cure we got to get the crap out of here he's shooting his gun off like crazy bro he does have no idea what to do with it we got to get get the heck out of here hold him off he said to hold him off oh my gosh scientist no hurry let's go let's go hey how'd you how'd you let him in bro are you kidding me you let this guy in oh my gosh the guy just walked right in the door you're discharged all right Todd hurry let's get the crap out of here bro let's take this van okay we got to go bro quick we got to get the crap out of here bro we got the cure all we need to do is find the alien find baby poke oh God I can't drive this thing jeez it's huge what the heck I know I know it's a weird big car bro you're used to driving the little Tesla okay oh my gosh this city is so empty bro there's no one here and wait a minute holy crap I I see the alien I see the egg up in the sky eyes in the back of your head how the heck did you see that I'm looking everywhere Bro Look it there it is Bro Look up dude you see it oh my God I see it now wait we just got a tail it bro I don't know we just have to just kind of wait for it to land somewhere and then we are following this thing bro dude stay hot on its butt bro of course of course we got to keep tracking it we're on it bro okay it's kind of going more to the right and it's actually turning around again hold on steady that was sick uh buddy you're driving crazy but pretty good thank you bro okay wait a minute I'm noticing right now it's kind of hovering over I can't even see it we're going to lose it bro oh my God no we're not okay drive me through the border now wait a minute it's it's Landing up here it's landing at this abandoned plot and dude there's purple smoke coming from it it's all purple this is it bro this is where they're this is where they're chilling you think baby pokes up there he has to be bro that's what he that's when he left with the alien but remember we have the Cure we don't have much time so let's just go in take it and grab them do you see that bro yeah there's an alien yeah there's one right over there okay let's just relax let's just park up real quick here just get out right now all right come over here we're going to take it okay I got this from earlier oh perfect let's not try to use that oh oh if we need to okay I'm going to drink this cure and then you are as well all right Bottoms Up e they actually tastes like Mountain Dew and they really mask it well here you go uh Bottoms Up oh that was disgusting to be honest you have some Cola still to wash it down uh I'm really I only got one bro I'm only saving it for when we need it you know you never even gave me some ear you know it's fine never mind we're here okay let's just forget about it we don't have much time bro but we just need to get in here bro okay there's an alien over there he's chilling on the side maybe we have some sort of door over here that's open let's just kind of let's just kind of do this bro we got this bro okay just follow me just keep looking around there's like a crack somewhere we can like slide in I mean this door is open but I don't want to like just walk into this bro there got to be some crack we can open oh wait right here we could crawl under that yeah you're right let's do it bro nice bro that was actually such a good opening that was perfect literally I can't believe we actually made it through that and dude look at there's all this like purple smoke and holy crap do you think we should be worried about getting sick I'm not worried bro because guess what I see my son baby poke oh my God that is baby poke all right let's just chill we got this bro we we have the Cure and everything but we just need is go sneak up on them and then grab them and I mean bro they do have an alien ship here maybe we maybe we take control of this thing I don't know how to drive an alien ship it's got to be the same as flying a a helicopter simulator right I've done that before uh I don't know all right Todd let's sneak up on him and just see what the crap he's doing wait baby poke you're he's like writing something on a board right now what the crap is he doing who cares let's go get him this could mean something bro what the crap is that say no glyph is he writing alien language what the heck D let's get him and get out of here okay we need to find the other alien first though oh God there's another one right there bro where the crap is the original alien okay I'll talk to Baby poke you look for him okay I I'll look around okay all right oh another alien it's going to go up to baby poke baby poke are you okay oh my God guys my son to think we were just on vacation what the crap are you saying son son hey hey it's okay oh my God he said what the crap is he saying oh my God what the crap wait no son hey hey hey hey hey hey stay away from me stay away guys he's trying to follow me uh Todd how's finding that alien uh I'm looking all over for him bro but um uh I think I found him you found him yeah I found him holy crap guys that other alien's coming right at me oh my gosh wait this Bunker's open Todd are you in here Todd I'm down here r Wait Todd I know he's like look dude watch this watch this wait he's he's not going for you he's just looking at the co watch out for baby poke though no oh what the wait what the they're they're all bowing down to you bro like like you're holding like some ancient artifact maybe the aliens like Cola holy crap Todd we might be on to something bro I mean dude we don't have much time on that cure though bro we're going to breathe this stuff in any second bro we can become infected any minute now dude I saw a cell up there oh my God they're getting closer to me maybe we can trick them into going into the cell no no no maybe we trick him into going into the alien ship I'll drive it but then how the heck you going you're just going to be stuck in space with them bro silly Todd we're taking them back to the lab come on buddies wait wait get Thea we can't bring that guy bro we got to bring only only baby poke in the other alien we won't have room what what about this guy though he's got to stay bro we're he'll be fine don't worry we're going to fix this all okay uh in the ship guys come on okay perfect hopefully hopefully this workso come on come on oh my gosh they're jumping in okay I'm taking off holy crap oh sorry other alien oh the poor guy all right Todd I I I don't know how to fly this thing bro honestly I I I don't understand I hold on wait a minute there's weird button right in front of me I'm just going to click it I don't know how to fly this thing I lied I've never flown anything in my life oh my God bro you're going to kill us W wo wo wo wo wo we're going so high up holy crap I can't breathe oh my gosh it's getting the air my pants Oh God wait I'm hold I'm leveling it out okay there's an autopilot button oh okay Todd we just need to go bring them over to the lab we're going to be fine I do you see the lab anywhere bro uh um uh the lab what's that oh my gosh dude it's the thing where the place we're trying to go wait a minute wait this thing's going down this thing's going down this thing is going down fast we're crashing I don't think I don't know I don't know hold on I'm going to try to stabilize it's not working and wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh wao oh oh my god oh no no no turn your house oh no oh ohe no no sorry about that for those Dames I'll pay for those damages wait in the lab oh oh oh I uh I think I landed it I I did it the ground oh my God we did it we did it oh my God we're on the ground thank goodness oh that was the wor never let you fly an alien spacecraft again to we got to hurry bro we're at the lab there they are let's bring them in get the cola come on we got to just come on in here Cola Cola we got this oh my gosh they took a falling all right we just got to bring them into the to to the the scientist and we're perfect oh dang it the door closed on them come on oh my God baby poke I'm so glad you're here but I hope you're going to be okay don't get too close to them that cure is probably expiring any second now all right bring them in hurry up we got this bro okay buddy once they go in lock the cage of course I'll jump right down said Cola Cola and boom we did it we brought the alien back I can't believe it bro we actually stopped the aliens well we didn't stop them just yet we need to get testing on this patient zero hopefully the scientist can do something about that let's hope he's okay scientist scientist oh my gosh where I think he's gone man no wait he's right there wait holy crap oh he's not looking good bro he said I held him off as long as I could scientist we brought the aliens apparently they love Cola that's like a really big thing to them yeah who would have thought said Cola yep now if you need anything just let us no we're here to help at anything at all but I I do have a little side request my my son baby poke he's an alien now can you promise to save him and bring him back to being a human I don't ask for much scientist but man we have to finish what we started and it was a vacation said I I don't know but I'll try oh he's up holy crap he's not looking good at all man oh no bring in the alien all right Todd let's do this well I guess it's time to watch the news what a long week and as you can see on the screen right there we are sending the remaining aliens who were never human back to space where they belong no they're not getting any Star Bros ladies and gentlemen we have to thank a few people here but let's just thank poke and Todd because they really stepped up in a time of need and broke many lockdown laws so they will be probably actually no they won't be they're Heroes I'm just tweaking J Boblo out welcome back to Brook Haven well guys it has been a crazy crazy week and yeah I'm looking a little sad right now because things haven't gone exactly how I've wanted them to with Brook Haven back to normal there's a lot of things that I am missing like for example baby poke goes to school again hey son he said hey Dad glad you're doing so much better I'm really glad that you're doing good baby poke I mean honestly I have been a little bit down just has been a pretty long week wish we could finish the vacation but you know but son how's life getting back to normal you know going to school again everything you said I actually have something to tell you uh what what what what what what's going what's going on buddy is everything okay is that um I don't know how to say this could you come upstairs with me for a second yeah yeah no buddy of course what's going on say hop in baby pok's room bro there something going on in here and baby hul just said uh it's actually not in my room buddy what is going on you're freaking me out said it's in here son I have no idea what you're talking about uh uh baby poke why is the alien in my bathroom he said sorry Dad I kind of like him now we sent all of the aliens home I know that none of us can get in infected anymore by this guy but that's not good buddy do you don't you have a dad mom like an alien family an alien planet that you're supposed to be on I baby poke this is not going to be good he said he doesn't need much just some Cola baby poke if the agency finds out about this we're done for bro hold on actually I'm getting a call oh it's from Tod yo buddy yo dude what's up trying to hang dude I know the lockd Down's over but um we got a big issue you should come over to my house what the heck are you talking about um let's just say we need a phone home oh heck no well I hope this doesn't turn into something crazy thank you guys so much and if you did enjoy this Cliffhanger don't worry because in about 1 week we will be launching a sequel to this entire Series so leave a like if you're excited for that but please be patient see y'all soon
Channel: Poke - Roblox Movies
Views: 230,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox movie, roblox, movie roblox, brookhaven movie, bloxburg movie
Id: 8ZaQidbQAqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 10sec (3730 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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