Seabed Under-water After Effects Tutorial

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hello and welcome to video DNA where the English is bad and the two-tone are good I'm have to be men today I'm going to show you how to create this cold sea bed effect check this out [Music] well in this cool tutorial I'm going to show you how to use After Effects noise to create this great sunshine and this water castex and this refractions and it's all in 3d space and cold thing about everything this is not the really long layer this is just a procedure or layer and even cooler than that you can finally drown Jamie from a different angle well first of all I'm going to open a new comp I'm going to call it C bit it's going to be five seconds long and I'm going to press okay so first of all I'm going to open a new solid and I'm going to call it fractal and it's going to be two thousand by two thousand pixels and the color doesn't really matter so I'm going to just leave it at black before I continue I want to pre-comp this layer and I'm going to call this fractal texture and I'm going to leave all attributes out so I'm going to press ok enter this gianormous texture and I'm going to put the fractal noise effect so first of all I'm going to go to the dynamic progressive which is going to make it look a little bit like clouds and I want to scale it down maybe 270 now I want to go to the sub setting and I'm going to change the sub Skilling to 70 I think 72 like the other one yeah looks cool enough I'm going to invert it and I have something that looks like underwater calyx which is pretty cool and now gonna create an evolution animation so instead of giving keyframes I'm going to all click and I'm going to write time x 200 so now it's going to animate by itself which is pretty cool and I wanted to move downward so I'm going to go to the transform and instead of giving two keyframes I'm going to give it the first keyframe and after a second I'm going to give the second keyframe and now I have this cool animation but it doesn't last as long so I'm going to all click the offset turbulent and I'm going to right loop out like Schwarzenegger so I can remember where to put the Big O and instead of a regular loop expression which going to make you know a jungle on the last key frames it jumps directly to the first one inside of these brackets I'm going to write with parentheses offset and this will create a relative loop which means that the loop will continue from the last value and this way you can control the animation speed with only those two keyframe which is pretty awesome pretty useful anyway we have the texture so let's go back turn this layer into a 3d layer I'm going to call this floor and I'm going to rotate it on the x-axis I'm going to take it down and I'm going to scale it up maybe two times and a half and I'm going to make it even longer so yeah something like this and I want to create a mask so I'm going to mask it by double clicking the Oval mask and I'm going to press mm I'm going to take the expansion down and feather it perfect and I can see now that it moves accordingly which is pretty cool I'm going to take this layer on the y-axis little bit far away perfect and never going to feather it even more it doesn't have to be precise in these values you can create pretty much anything that looks good and now to get more castex looks I'm going to take the vector blur and I'm going to take the amount up not too much but something in the middle something like this perfect so to create the color I'm going to open a new solid layer it's going to be the comp size and I'm going to take a bluish color I'm going to press ok I'm going to change its blending mode to soft light looks pretty good and now I want to create the sea level layer so I'm going to duplicate the floor I'm going to call it be level I'm going to take it up I'm going to take it above the collar solid which I'm going to name colors solid cool so I'm going to take it even further up and on the y-axis something like this perfect and I'm going to delete the vector blur and I'm going to pre comp this layer and I'm going to call this sea level calm and it's a good name and again this I'm going to move all attributes it's going to be our Mac which we're going to use a few times so first of all I want to bring a sky image and I'm going to scale it up make it turn it into a 3d layer and push it back in the z-axis and scale it up again and this looks pretty good and the sky image is going to be pre comped again and that's a good name and I'm going to move all attributes again so now I can create a camera so I can move around and if I try to move I see everything turned into a 2d layer which is pretty bad but we don't need to turn these layers to 3d because they're going to act all weird going to be really flat so I'm going to turn on the collapse transformation button which will make it its original space of volume or whatever and I'm going to take this layer I'm going to take the Alpha from the layer above and it looks pretty it looks okay so now I want to give this layer the refractive look so I'm going to take the glass effect I'm going to put it on the sky image comp and I'm going to go to the surface I'm going to take the bump map from the sea level comp and now I can see that it actually takes the data from the sea level comp and use it in the sky match and coolest thing about it it reacts with a 3d camera which is pretty cool anyway I'm going to go to the softness I'm going to take it down and I'm going to go to the displacement and take it as much as I can almost a 500 and I have this cool effect which looks pretty good and I can play with the shading and you know all the other stuff but I'm pretty happy with the result so you can change it if we're seeking a different look so now I want to create the light ray so I'm going to duplicate again the sea level comp and I'm going to check it on and now I'm going to take the CC radial blur effect I'm going to place it on this one and this one is going to be called Ray's so I'm going to change the blur type to fading them I'm going to change the amount a little bit and now I'm going to take the center of the effect upwards cool and I'm going to give this an ADD blending mode I'm going to play with the amount once again so it looks okay but it's not there yet and that's because I don't have enough contrast so I'm going to go to the levels effect I'm going to place it above the radial bar and I'm going to take the whites until here and take the blacks to here and I have more contrast which gives us these boosters Ray's and I'm going to take the tint effect and I'm going to change the white to something a little bit more yellowish warm yellow like something like this yeah looks pretty good and now I want to change the overall look and it's beginning to render pretty slow so I can always take the quality of the radial blur 620 in the meantime and then I'm going to take it up bump it up again when I need to to 50 or 40 when it looks pretty good but I'm going to leave it like so now I want to change the overall look so I'm going to open an adjustment there and I'm going to call it CC color correction and I'm going to take the curves effects take it bump it down maybe just create a little S curve for the contrast and now I'm getting all this colors so I'm going to take the tint effect and take it down until I'll have less saturation and actually that's pretty it that's pretty much everything you need to see here I'm maybe I'm going to go and change this curve again maybe instead of cream this curve I can create another adjustment there with another curves effect and here I'm going to take it down again but I'm going to create an oval mask subtractive and feather it so bottom of the frame is going to be pretty dark and maybe above it well don't forget to move your camera around and maybe give it even a wiggle effect so it's going to look more organic that's it I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and if you want to see more you can go to our site and watch our tutorials and maybe check out our cool products that will save you a lot of time when it encounters an error and timers and edit so I'm going to leave and I'm going to be on the next step
Channel: VDODNA
Views: 260,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: after effects, tutorial, underwater, seabed, 3d
Id: pZ6fShUxtoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2017
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