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welcome to the Tony ocean fishing show in a much more correction Oh books I've actually got one with a secret map when I was younger about eight yes I was actually young once I used to fishing local stream there's nothing nothing more than the stream and the area oyster fish this is now totally over growing rushes you couldn't really fish it but I found somewhere a bit further downstream where there's a few tiny holding pools I've got a travel unbelievably light I'm gonna go with a pen rod a backpack I'm just gonna go back to my childhood and see if I can't wink without some of the fish are used to tiny little river probably tiny little fish if anything is to the exploration trip but first I'm gonna get a directions well I've got a bunch of copy because there's no way they're gonna be staying up here well one thing I do like and that's catching really small fish from a small stream but I sort of found where this place is but if I don't have these directions are going to be disappearing off through some field somewhere you might never see me again hopefully I'm going to get out there and a few fish a lot of directions let's get cracking I'm gonna be travelling light cuz I've got some ground to cover are gonna be taking what we I call this an exit let's say in AP set as opposed to the modern term backpack what I'm thinking about it while I'm holding this wasn't a difference between a knapsack and a backpack does anybody know let us know in the comments this is one of the smallest ones on girl I'm gonna take that but I was gonna take one of these belts do you put your tackling I thought I need hardly anything I'm still not sure what I want a salad of cooking me as well but be out all day probably best part of the day I'm gonna hate some ground mate the air with some pellets in it I've got some Magus in the fridge we've got to get out the most important I'm just gonna be using a float because his tiny is juggling fishing in the extreme I've gotta find somewhere to fish first I've got to find the stream and then I've been a hunter Fisher for 50 years and I've got fishing this stretch I'm gonna be using penguins well welcome pegboard actually I've got the second one in case the first one snaps well okay so hooks together floats shot this culture I think that's it I'm not even sure I'd that much when I was a kid but they could be fish in there then nobody is seen even the others haven't found yet yeah that's doubtful [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay walking along following the directions it says here three and a quarter miles three and a quarter miles that's to get in and to get out because I've never fished this stretch of the of the river before having way upstream easier access when I was kid and it was over 50 years and it's not 50 50 years this area I do not really know that well parts of footbridge notice on a large oak tree on your right it's an oak tree forest a large oak tree on your right go over the style we're on the right hand field a field it's an agricultural area across the next style cue to the wire fence and reach a footbridge well let's just see how far we get shall we I've got the gist of it it's walking pass a pond on your right I hate to tell you whoever made this up but it's dried out we're in the autumn at the moment you can see down there I guess is that what they mean by the pond just water it's not anything I'm going to be fishing Oh found the style there's the style idea oh dear no signs of hoof marks around here we're now into open pasture land scrub land where I'm anything can come out of there wildebeest hyenas lions my god I'm looking for the bull they said there's a bull in the field well great just what we need brilliant it's really windy as well guys I can't bring the big camera because it's just too heavy on a journey like this hiking and I've got metal tripod with it as well so that's not happenin it but lovely parcel and it's sort of split between farming and I guess grazing land here but it's a bit muddy up here I hope that's not mr. bull that's residing under Neath it no looking good I believe isn't make pie that's got to be a good sign a dead magpie that's the best type they kill all the other songbirds steal their eggs squawk take all the food off my bird feeder now he's annoying over there I see no sign of the river I recognize nothing of the hillsides up there well I would normally be that's 50 years ago there's probably housing estate there now don't laugh I heard there was one trying to be about 800 houses yeah the old politicians are planners love it they don't care they don't lived it today no do I look like a house with the moat and a machine gun post that do me ah not good news here guys there is the spoor ie the footprints fresh is it squashed in there I'm an extremely knowledge there's another one streams in our creature I'm wandering and this is where Mark I guess where he walks up and down for trollee ready to jump out on people that's different that's a dog that's a big dog or maybe a timber wolf don't make me laugh your Brown grouse is already there we go guys something different cloven hoof that's a deer that's a deer that's follow this track but look at the deer which is maybe three feet tall compared with mr. Paul who's probably 40 feet tall I used to be good at athlete athletics at school not quite sure I could run it at the age of 66 quite fast with a bull up my tailpipe I can assure you here is a super super but English oak tree look at the size and the width of that hang on I'm gonna check around if at all huh as a solid that will be a drainage ditch from the fields around here for agriculture and will go into a stream or river sorry I am closed and here my goodness me look at the size of that you think this isn't big look okay I've been to the Canadian Rockies have been out on the west coast of Vancouver Island I know what big trees look like that is a gargantuan oak tree guys just look if you can the size of it the base has to be close to six feet across here more than that probably seven my goodness me that's a piece of history there how many hundreds and hundreds of years has that one been growing Oh that's where the ball comes to drink but one good pointer is clear I feel sure if you've been snorting and gobbling all that water up it would be stirred up so I might get lucky and he's moved right down the other end is is hiding waiting to pounce on me Oh God another point of that I'm getting near the RIP versus getting squishy oh nice love it oh here we go this looks like stream country this looks like stream country see the line and freeze there delineators a bridge this obviously tells me there's a stream oh well well well here we go got a little tinge of coloring and I look there's a drainage field coming down there the ditches going in here so I was right looking for the drainage a lot of weed yeah I had to cut it or what I don't know I've never gonna find the area Oh big-time big-time wet spore also not a good sign scanning scanning scanning most of this looks virtually I'm Fisher was looking for pools tiny pools a little bit of flow there is something about fishermen the bridges in there there's not many fishermen they can't go over bridge and stop and look down in there doesn't say no fishing off the bridge who knows rickety old bridge now assume this is for farmworkers to cross over to get to work in the fields of men and I that wins how we bring the other Mike you guys shield it a bit there you can see tiny little stream this will be obeyed River it wouldn't be chalk stream so it comes up and down pretty quickly and then it's going to color pretty quickly that's the downside of it but I mean years ago from there over to there would have been the river with this now if I turn this around there's the edge of the bank you can see there's no problem but look how it's gradually encroached the silt what happens is the silk settles the weed grows they're called more silk to settle the weed grows the more water we take out of here as an example for abstraction or whatever we're so many people on the planet that's obviously going to slow the flow down that makes the silt sink to the bottom that gives routing properties to these guys and then what happens is it floods even more will you get a proper flood it can't run through it backs up and goes over the fields does anybody learn no it's generally only the fisherman they could see it happening a bit concerned about the old muumuu because this one is the one that you don't get any milk out off you know there's no cheese or butter coming off of this one there's just pain Oh a nice little hole here hole here they'll be fishing there not much flow that one looks a little better in there I can't actually see any flow that don't like these sea lilies on the inside that's generally generally a sign that there's not much I mean I think I'm gonna probably probably try this on the other side I'll just have a walk down and look first plenty of lilies hair going to the war in this absolutely howling that's a spot for gudgeon hold at the back there big fallen tree up here that could hold something wet look at that that tree has fallen absolutely right across the whole river and obviously nobody's brother to come and move it so you can see down there backing up again and other flood potential guys look we're on the other side of this one incidentally if you do want to pick like blackberries in the autumn this has been an ideal place to pick them do not pick them on roadways because any covered in pollution you want someone like this that's sweet this Bushnell mm-hmm I'm done no sign the movement I cannot get past this black blue yourself so sweet and we're too far away from any road course to get to a pollution they also say don't pick that breeze less than three feet off the ground because the dogs have urinated up it makes us all salty blackberry taste ah there's a little spot worth fishing I think I'll get set up with the pen rods for a few makers here I'm gonna throw in gasps a minnow should be in here that might be the first catch I don't know if anything I told it who knows in it I've got my float sure I'm guessing that set the hook and I'm gonna use that suppose anybody's fished you at all looking at it it's nowhere mouse I'm just going to go with a single mega I throw now maybe I put double make on because if I see Vee bites from the minnows I'll always drop down to now it's bringing back some memories just fishing like this tiny streams where it used to be a perch or dice or something something small my problem is going to be these plain roads are so short a little bit of flow there will be nice the kitchen a gudgeon or a locust or something unusual that we used to catch his kids all the time I mean a 1/2 pound perch Mori good that was the ultimate goal I don't think but listen it was Fred Taylor how Fred Taylor said you go to these sort of places never go back to you or places or venues of childhood dreams you'll be invariably be disappointed holy cow I'm not disappointed what second task second thought Jesus oh no acorrea that means I've got to get hold of the sting in Ethel oh sweet and the fish came off that was a fish guys honestly that was a fish that was I believe I don't sting in Ephesus there's the saying grasp the nettle well I am a little squashed in me I'm gonna I'm gonna try that again it came off but to me that was a roach I actually thought it's Greg in the bottom I gotta be honest no don't say it's gonna be the only fish it's definitely definitely a small roach I feel yeah that problem is I can't mend the line here with this wind I've gotta be careful I don't whine there I'm gonna give him a few more magnets see what I mean guys let's see what I mean you're fishing somewhere it's never been flipped before a few fabulous fishing men are necessarily not necessarily because they won't know being wild fish what anglers hook bait is through the edge of those rushes there would be where I want to try and get a bite are big fish going baby what the hell is it oh my god this ain't right what the hell is this oh it's a huge job it's a huge gamble got no net look at the size of this job oh my god that's gonna break Oh No oh well listen you could tell you what goes up that's four pound trap I'm never gonna get it look at the size of this job oh my god that's all these dough oh well I'll caught the fish anyway guys look at that oh my god he's a big big job oh I feel a swim coming here people now there's a branch there might be able to lean over grasp the nettle Graham I can't tell you guys this is a superb job there easy mean God the trees giving way come on come on just one fish let me get one thing oh it's a powerful parent job I'm absolutely gobsmacked when I was a kid there was never a fish like that look the hooks it would have fallen out there was never a fish you know oh and here you were gonna wriggle I'll give him some tonic immobility that's all I say three and a half three and a half to four pounds we're gonna hold him over there because I yes really look at that fish boys fantastic let's get him back wow that was worth to walk alone that is it if I don't catch another fish I cannot believe that I'm absolutely in shock totally in shock I may be back I may be back to this fishery now I give miss me a kid scream holy cow whoo another 51 Dantean sorry guys I can get it out for you Oh heavy on this one I could have to bring in it next Oh beautiful that what is the let's get him up okay so drop him what is a beautiful fish like that doing it in a stream like this my goodness me while fishing at its best lovely look at the fins on it absolutely hold still or get you back in a second look at the colors on those fins that is a nice little run meat fish will make it small maggots the Omegas next time I don't want to overfeed it a number of swims here are limited I'm guessing it's all mute never been in before me life wow that one car square oh god I love these necklace this is a time of year when they can really sting when they got these pollen e bits on them I'm gonna throw it down here just by this rafter a weed that's a sort of classic 50 hole it's well you need a long war to get round the outside now I can't get the flow can't tease the float around the outside of the wee bit knowing the limits of the pinball obviously no need to overcast that then pull it back there might do is extra float there you see it's all places like a fish down there but I'm fearless it's just really snakes for a pin rot there's not much there's hardly any float here guys it's hardly any flow so on figuring that much right there figuring in here roach possibly rad or perch very good over the back look at it and is just no flow it worth coming back in the winter when it's all die back so this is why you come out of these little wild places where nobody else really comes to cook these beautiful flowers I've noticed the whole summer these have been really really well I've been all over the place of your honesty funds and they're at the end of the cycle now that's still nice to see beautiful colors like that used to touch these and I think they exploded there you go one of those you you knock probably another couple of weeks as you squeeze them they just pop oh yeah they're not quite oh you can see it explode just roll it out bang that's weird I remember playing with these as a kid bang that's bizarre what could be all guys a good one let's try this one was just barely touch it oh and there's a seed for next year there's amazing and that one that's big one it's a double one here let's do a double don't you'll see this but I could do it slow motion I'm barely touching them [Music] you can see then they drying out when they really really dry explode so I've now gonna follow the direction for more styles more fences more oak tree on the left turn right and see if I can pick up this this tiny stream again hopefully I will we've got quite a good system at 4-foot parts here in the UK doing many footpaths that the farmers have to keep hoping by law and that's good styles and yellow footpath someone is telling you which way to go so you can follow the directions and it's idiot-proof I'll just take you over there the beautiful countryside here's is ploughed up for the winter footpath signs there now this is all been cropped one assumes barley corn and now they plowed it all up ready for planting for the next year not bad country living really the only problem we've got is there's too many people I'm posing somewhat people I found the ultimate sign here it is yes what I didn't want to see and over there he's looking straight at me I think they say when the board has some cows is okay it's quite plastic if he's a pulling a field in his home he could be extremely pissed I've got a bit of a benefit though called did it sign this Paul's only got one eye so if I keep on the other side I should be okay that's a big bull figure he's 50 yards away I've got to get up here pick up the gate to get out 200 and something yards looking at me maybe doesn't like YouTube or something okay we're getting at the point of no return just home looking back yeah I might make that I'm about midway does anybody can everybody Google up for me how fast a ball come around in Hampshire and then Google out how fast Penn an old man at 66 run and he's just looking about that I hope he's not too spooked by the camera on the head and affairs Ament apparently talking to himself it takes slightly lengthening strides pretending that I'm actually not having a brown trousers a moment I just keep taking enormous strides like this gosh I'm bigger than powerful can't I take long strides what do I have to do I think I'm okay I could probably sprint to make that no wait ow next up let me see you be McDonald's yeah another style yeah another bullying the same food with one re okay let's just take a another check here turn left over that without a bayonet through the trees cross a sleeper bridge bear right ah sleeping which must mean that's water let's keep walking what one there is interesting makes me makes me feel as though on back in Cape Cod yes that type of architecture wooden buildings beautiful blue sky fishing for blue fish and smallmouth bass and the lakes blue fish in the sea I had some good times in Cape Cod tell me what a name was but I had some good times and caught some fish as well that that's pretty stunning for an old English year cottage was a church I guess I don't know well here something like a fold I'm not sure I'm gonna take advantage you just damp down some groundbait if I stop get into the second part of the river I might not be able to get down and reach the area first get some water and who knows I don't even know what gonna be looking at when I get there but I want to be prepared just dump that down pretty cool over there to be honest cattle drink I've made this to wet that Smith's fall again keeps interrupting me all the time that boy over there you know very shower there so for your farm trackers on that comes through here make that a little bit wet if I get it from the bottom first by the time I get we're going hopefully it's soaked up a bit more actually walked about one and a half miles now so I've come back into the river looking pretty pretty shallow down here sometimes these small fish moving but I don't see any fish moving there at all silk we do it well yeah maybe all that I'll have one calf to the bunch of my goose if I can get it up there it's a little bit of a slack down this side worth a try there's one thing about telescopic it's certainly easy just to take out your knapsack and rig up could have done with Wellington's to get out there but we're trying I'm not gonna get far enough to be honest I need to get right up there oh no oh my god guys first cast where is it look at that that's that ground mate that's a spanking day and he must be feeding look at that Daisy's absolutely muddled it and away he goes then it'll push out gone well for a few more magnets out there don't you just a just a pinch of groundbait again who knows a little bit better but I think it might channel we're falling down Gregg in the bottom I think just shallows up that way there so the float will start to go under the official with their official go pick them up a small trouble with it that's a small chance for pin rod it's a perch that's three species for this one spot not does that not tell you something about this little stream is absolutely in good condition all those fish all right finish that place I'm moving on down the stream already small ditches come off the hillside so get a little bit bigger a little bit pasty this is good right point for bear left through the trees cross a sleeper bridge that's back there bear right to a defined path continue on a bull walk oh I think I'm on the right direction I'm following the curve of the river but I'm bit concerned I've got away with it with the bull I don't know about the Oriental or Asian gentleman living in this field not dangerous he come out his his way through a broken window got a watch out for him as you can see hardly anybody comes down here this really is a voyage of discovery I'm actually going to be going up onto some Heath band according to the directions I've been given I'm going to stop for some food in a minute and so I can't stop playing with these exploding things there's a good one Oh I feel coming to the river game certainly some black clouds out here guys no no River I feel there should be an Old River bit there look at that guys the ditch drainage ditch absolutely bone-dry they're coming out into the open a bit following across to another sleeper bridge now this could be a place you see deer let's just check this out hmm I think the rivers over here very very weird very weird is very very small pockets there no even sure they're worth fishing but you never know though I had that beach up tell me is the good bits of the difficult bits to get to that's a likely-looking hole if I say so myself there collapse Bank it's very good up there but it's a jungle it's impossible it is in the sticks in the ears there's a shine I drop off there going it's not going to feed any food could go down there just tumble down if I was a a chub I'll be just laying off the back of that gravel bar I'm trotting down around this tree clear round down there Oh fish on fish on fish on what we got what have we got our guards and brilliant boys there we go the ultimate school boys fish there he is a miniature barber right creature that many of us cool back in the fifties and sixties good point baby but I don't like using this point buy anymore it is a gudgeon and I've had many an enjoyable hour as a schoolboy catching these little chappies nice to see him it's past those tree roots a really good chubby looking swim I've just shallowed up at at so the folk float will go through a bit faster there's a foodie area over the back there but I just can't get to him don't have the length of a lot to do it with a pen write something on guys something about something on wait it's another clutching be big gudgeon this one there's a big old codger right down the bottom of this wimp he's certainly enjoyed those two maggots probably never even been caught before it's another species to the pan rod it's the old foot one there we go a minute big fat minnow noise makes me wonder if there's some big fat perch in here eating these chaps there he goes guys they're more bites after that's Gajan I've got outside so we've had nothing to eat at all it's got totally engrossed in this so I think this is good a campus anywhere totally in Khost nothing to sit on unfortunately and I think I'm gonna have a cup of tea make Basecamp a yeah just maybe I was scout up this it was anywhere different doubtful I have myself a bacon sandwich [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there is no sweeter sound than that of Vikon to be encouraged and originally sweetest mouth like a nose properly this one for is it's going to be the George Tiller whole bacon sandwiches yes indeed that smells very very nice indeed three o'clock in the afternoon and I'm just having my lunch tucked in here in the middle of the forest the middle of the jungle not a soul in sight Delos somebody really shouting boy you go cookie you don't fish here and bacon sandwiches are banned I'm sure whatever one of those one day coming along man but here at the moment peace tranquility fish a Penrod roasted bacon fry that feel bill the time I finish with is definitely roasted tell these I want a fish as well first I want to be led Ewing down there with a piece of cheese I did warn you didn't I did warn you this is going to be the Godzilla of all bacon sandwiches and a few stinging nettles and wood lice around it oh my word let's do this more often note yourself always take ketchup this by the way is pretty much more limit laughing it bushcrafting make us bacon sandwiches cooked on a proper cooker it's almost worth giving that 15 for almost the backpacks on I'm gonna now try and find my way out but not before I got a phone that I've got to pick up the actual foot par forget me get me out and get me up on the rock there I call the heat land look at this I mean anybody remember the film the day of the Triffids no cuz it's gonna be seven or eight feet tall oh dude we've got a pen right I can't get out otherwise try see if is well I know holes three is there another spot through here I can at least have one drop oh so nice to feel that Sun on your face in the shade that's nice and cool here we go guys one pen right one jumbo-sized gudgeon and i hopefully you can see him home manga seems to be a really popular species years ago when we were kids fishing it here man and life I think my mom and dad had to come and take me home with a torch or stay out fishing and fishing fishing young people did that years ago then I said do it now it looks like a little miniature Bible great little scrappers put it back its hopefully there's gonna be a few more coming in the future for the next generation to catch because I'm actually underneath this bridge here is it's raining I have gotten better with me I'm not stupid stupid I bought and I'm very with me just toughen it I know I am but it just looks a little bit too good here to walk past especially with those bubbles go all the way down a nice even pace I feel there could be somewhere along there there's some dates or something like that listen I'm in the dry I'm right at the end of world want to do fish before I go up over the heath land to work stay on that big walk back home I figure gotta be worth a few casts well guys nothing down by the footbridge I'm just gonna work away for the big walk back to the Heath Heath glam walk that's quite a nice walk one more pull here - sorry there might be one up there but it's getting dust now pretty quite low low light levels I figured there might just be some that laying around there you see this this tree here groaning the water falling over then growing gradually it's going to get scoured out will fall down with the winter floods we'll go around the back there and then cut it all through and obviously wash it out wash all the roots have the roots actually hanging out the water there but they could be a fish just on the inside I figure it could be worth that proverbial last cast well the hunch was right guys and looks a good swim and there is to finish and close out a good days so there you guys a little bit different hope you enjoyed that one thanks watching to tell you some fishing show we see you next next time and don't forget to watch my outdoor one this is very outdoorsy this one actually better cooking outdoors as well pop him back and I'm gonna start that trek back in a minute notice I said in a minute big person it was one of those last cars last cars but it is a nice big perch I thought that actually snagged the pot oh my god no its perch nice perch on the Penrod come on there he is he's down there oh my maggots I just had to have that last that last cast there is I can hardly lift him on the road let's get the camera down this is the ultimate Creek fishing session look at this one crackerjack perch there double maggots I mean I say say it in there as they say in America it don't get no beer in there Wow beauty that's a nice perch I say again thanks for watching the totally awesome fishing show don't forget to watch Mike's going mad one totally awesome outdoors STI outdoors doing nuts on outdoor stuff let's give this guy back water session eventually I'll start the big trick across her heat [Music]
Channel: TA Fishing
Views: 254,579
Rating: 4.8913755 out of 5
Keywords: creek fishing, creek, tiny, micro, micro fishing, pen rod, pen fishing rod, pen rod challenge, challenge, fishing tips, how to catch fish, epic fishing, fishing for beginners, micro lures, micro lure fishing, micro rod, mini rod, mini species, mini beasts, tafishing, totally awesoem fishing, graeme pullen, river, brook, stream, mountain stream, river fishing, jigging, spinning, bait fishing
Id: deYUhzvrBac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 58sec (2578 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2017
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