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[Music] our boys were out five this morning offer of roadster well a nice sleep part between the only one of about 500 votes and ago is living with it of the stands it's understand I sure think it's been worked on 420 years I think I just use little stories here initially we started not bad so I'm running out the harbor not great fall faster they go ahead just see what's out here by zooming look at that sunrise coming up over the hillside there it's going to be a bit rough lovely bit rough it's working out there for you today go we're going to look for a syrup I want to see it cut to the right and I want to see it cut to the left I just love the smell across opps stained ones in the morning who knows won't fill that flow don't be flat songs anyway well I've run out a good bit several miles 8 miles 10 miles yeah 8 miles I guess I don't know I've run over band of Rex I was tempted to stop inside now the wind is northeasterly it's off the land shouldn't be monumental seats but I've come like you know anything over 5 miles I'm sure you're gonna get the wind and it's windy ok I mean 35 fathoms of water just everything down here in the West company's mission even fathom so I do anyway part of it I don't know 70 meters 60 meters something like that I just take a punt as they say on a try and see if I can I'll catch you guys a blue shark but I've been running with the sea with the waves it's always deceiving because when you do stop you go oh actually those waves are bigger than I thought and the waves are bigger than I thought a lot of Whitecaps here so it's a laneway over in the distance there beyond there's America holy chaos over there is a yellow bolt coming hopefully not but that's where I'll drift to if I have any problems so I am getting into a drifting offshore situation I'm gonna give it a while here is where I am on the chart drifting here I started I believe up there so I am flying so what happens is the wind gets under this canopy and it's like a sailing boat so I've altered the the stern Ian okay so that it I'm trying to go in so I don't go miles out do you don't want to get miles out the further out that I go the rougher it will get and the longer I have to use fuel coming home got two tanks go Pablo hopefully and I'm just gonna give it maybe I know I'm flying because I can see the outside visit mark there we're gonna give him maybe an hour but there you can see I've got a sharp line just in the water here there's my slick I'm hoping you can see the slick from all the particles down there well coming out got a bag of stuff I managed to scrape together and back there I've got a slit going but the wind is a worse late you've probably I can't do it this way and you hear the wind is whistling so I'll give it an hour I had to tow it off this morning sometimes he comes up to me it does come up anyway I'm gonna put a couple of rods out and there's a cry shield this mic as best I can from the wind here the sharp vision is it was very much a waiting game and the sharks out here blue shark is predominant of your species you're going to be catching that's what I thought it's really catch you one of those but man alive it's pitching around and I'm flying I'll just check the GPS I'm going out towards New York of one and a half knots at the moment that's how that's the sort of downside of overloading give you had a big heavy wood boat it would drift a lot slower wouldn't be much fun to launch would it I've got a row of birds back there you won't you won't see him with this camera but it's a rubber back there and they're right in the slick so what they're looking at I don't know whether I've pulled up a shoal of bait I don't know I've got a Mac we're going down to got two short lines out and this one here I've changed a switch I made a shark line there Mac hold on just swinging and he rocks up and down with the rock of the boat so just a lazy man's way of fishing and then back up here over the top of the little flying bridge thing there I've got my other shark line which is the farthest one back debts I don't know just go boy spans because it spans a fathom already six and ten ten being the distant one six being the closer one but of course it means nothing without a weight on it because it's going to swing up as I'm dragging it along so I'm probably fishing very near the service which I don't have a problem with because the Blues are fairly shallow swimming sharks hopefully we get this sound okay only thing bothers me is that cloud over there sometimes you get an increase in wind with a cloud and I'm right on the sword comfortable limit at the moment and obviously safety being at sea on my own like this so I'm not about to pass out let me I will go in short I have to but what I don't want to do any small boaters with tooth Eagle holes let's go way down wind and have to punch straight into it because those tunnels pound and you have to come back on the throttle they're great fishing platforms as you can see you know if you're a V how lovely pitch and rolling everywhere so good fishing platforms but not so good running in a head seat so I'm gonna get level with a headland over here I think that's cover a Quay and then I'm not sure I don't know after about an hour which is why figure you should get a shot if you're gonna get one it already takes an hour for that Chum to work then I can start running across the wave troughs and going towards the reef and we still be choppy in there but at least I'll hopefully won't get that pounding but no fingers cause guys we get a shark come on give us a break somebody else here as well early in the morning there always is a c63 dal I need to hear this hope she comes on there my guess on the forecast northeasterly three to four gusting five which is what they had yesterday it died down a touch in the night not much room I figure it's a set at the high that's are like a blocking high and there's a front coming down and the front should have moved away this could be the tail end of it but I can't listen for that just in case there's bad weather coming in that I don't know about this shouldn't be is a massive high that sometimes have been called with northerlies before on a high as the highest moving away that's a relief they were DCC vivacious plans and including honestly strong with voice 24 hour forecast is also faithful four five increasing six at time becoming variable or three increasing fall at time mainly moderate is our way otherwise we'll go slide okay Seanie moderate fast good let's say work slam everyone that was Christ what a hunk always hang on thing all that just I was doing the weather there we're gonna hate camera I just heard that nine go it might have had the bait off I couldn't be mad cool just got them a shot hang on a minute hang on a minute slots summit this I got lost me float I've lost the float and allies bust what the hell was that just starts doing the listening to the weather I heard the lion go be careful Eagle got definitely got I think a puss t-shirt line and a set of mackerel feathers that's bizarre people I've had I had it I definitely had a shot why does those do just literally closing down for doing that I've lost the shot lost have really shot for over four years it's on the disobey I still got one out but I think the mackerel line came up a fish flashed on the macro on the hook he's taking the mackerel and it's gone through the shark line at the same time he's bitten me clean off definitely hundred-percent I got there as a shot oh he is he's out there look at the shark just on the surface here he comes here he comes oh Jesus he's coming right at the boat head came he came he came on you a shark look at him which is hell of a lot get your son already come on you idiot you stupid cow not gonna watch this bad guys here check the bag hang on hang on he's right on the surface son of a gun blue shark nice big blue shark shake the bag I'm going to get myself organized I am all over the place holy schmoly I knew that was a sharp Pole I knew it was I've got here quickly this is left over I'm just gonna slop this in as a little teaser falling let's see if I can keep it that's a good size sharp boys where the hell is my bait - he's here oh do you know what I could probably catch him he's potty funny got by the shark place of mine okay little bit organized not a lot but I just want to get one shot for you people that's taking half an hour I'm gonna get this other line now I cannot believe it look at that well bad luck it just swam through that bloody line now the other thing what is this I'm being greedy trying to kick fresh mackerel as well what a son of a gun put these bloody macro feathers away accident wait now people have never had this happen in my life ever I've got I try to warn the other flow in to check on it and I've got the shot on a line here how could me that it's ridiculous you tangled in the other line this is really stupidly dangerous now I've got this bloody hook in this freaking I'll give me a bright what is it okay okay now what's happened here six seven sunny bazaars happened here this is not big fish it would have snapped the line I've got in my hand I definitely a small shark I think we're gonna have to hand line it's extremely extremely dangerous I don't know it's not a small shark I can feel it now so I got the line tied to the boat people I've never had this in 50 years fishing ok the Sharks here oh man he's thrashing around one if I could tie it to another line yes use your brain go oh oh he's gone he broke off yeah he broke off guys the shark was here thrashing around is a good food shark I tied it off on here the broken line came in there's the chafe bit look just chafed and curled on the end there you can see the chase so that shot was there all the time holy cow I've never had that in my life I was handling him just a split second away from getting lucky there we were but that's the way it is I should have clicked it straight on that Rob well you're not to know are you there could be another one out there who knows boys are just feeding this line back and I just had a bump I absolutely had a bump on this line absolutely I haven't even set the float and I know there's a shark coming talk to vote with my line I just know it where is he he's here he's here what's it float what a floater he goes there he goes this is a 50-pound blank shark on boys want to get one come on babe alone in a boat oh not too alone I felt him take that as soon as I dropped it back what's feeding it back through the water and I shook the bag up here it's always important keep this bag shaking Wow I've got a shark to show you let's hope it all goes according to plan because this fish is coming up far too easily far too easy there's the trace us why don't you just be on that was just feeding it out with my hand the hook could pull anything it happened in the next half hour yeah woken up yet there he goes [Music] candle shark channel shark 7 channel 6 7 general show out 7 not gonna say I'm not nervous guys I'm not gonna say I'm not nervous boat I got 10 miles out on your own in a rough sea as a mako sea man that looks like a Mako see this is a blue this is the blue but my goodness me now I've got to get hold of gloves nobody could lose this easily easy you come and help Smith get that hat on and come and help us okay I just want to get it up so you can see what a sharp looks like they're beautiful in the water but I've got to get hold of that steel trace he's been very cooperative at the moment I'm sure that won't happen they might stay in that position I wouldn't surprise me he says knocking the drag off if this shark has got my other traits in this now if it if it hasn't then there's definitely more than one shot okay I can't even see it they said oh yeah okay some people like the clickers some people like their clickers some don't I've only put it on you on there to let you know the lines going I told you to open up guys I told you haven't woken up I'll take that clicking off now for the people to hate clickers you just have look at the line going out now what a good job I didn't grab that tray straightaway I do not need to get yanked over decide as a nun Schwimmer eight miles out to sea we just want to get one just get lucky no batteries on the camera failing please I wonder should I click that camera off that's how I get in closer now I'm good look if I get him acne thrashes around and he comes off whatever you've seen it we've we've proved our point we've got up at 5 a.m. in the morning to get out to get the boat launch before the rubber dinghy people come down it doesn't love playing this but I can assure you it is okay this is a dodgy bit this is the dodgy bit Oh water sharp wart oh she's going again he's not ready at all tell you what I'll do switch camera off we're gonna move this down the back here guys that will strike double strike oh man every coaches the second fish guys oh right deep now it's like second life pits Hey he's on right I just hate Oh God this is mad okay he's gonna have taking potluck in there no choice he's smoking out let's put this up here you're alive but do not want to lose that junk trail okay guys I'm gonna try and go for this one which is a closing one first okay it's not to get him up shown to you this is this is not small shot I do not need his lines crossing why on a rough day boy my okay smooth ground don't do raps fix your circle II bring it out for people to see oh man a knife that's 100 120 pound shot that's way bigger than I thought look at the size of that one guys I'm hoping you're getting is a pretty covered in don't grab okay I've got the microphone hang on guys came out for he's ripped the microphone off I think it's nearly tea bubble well there's a shark guys there's the shark look at the size of that it's just some mark on the back of in there big old shark I'm just gonna snip that hook because on my own that's gonna be dangerous trying to get it out okay here we go I can nearly get it out No here we go he's gone out there what a crackerjack fish and now I got to start all over again let's just hope you're getting something I just so hope you're not gonna check the camera okay second ones way back I think he's still on I figured still on I just couldn't shake this bread so mr. Park was coming out now you people might think it's strange I'm actually still shaking that chum bag on that black cloud oh don't look at that too much they know winds going to go east I am flying I just like to get this one in his well-being mr. greedy I said I only wanted to catch you one lying lying game all fishermen want to catch 100 put the camera down I think the camera might be safer here guys I think the just balance the camera back there I'm covered in water than that shark at least I think the camera is actually safer back there come on workout workout workout short junuh pumps if that wing goes to east I'm caning it I'm done it's northeast but with that cloud it might sir it might be backing around it looks like he's already trying to go around that way New York New York it's singing my song I got me a big shot hooked up it won't take me long to go down Brooklyn it'd probably be guys in about three weeks I shouldn't joke standing on a pier somewhere in Staten Island going GAD damn what's that yellow thing floating there there's eat a banana yeah I should put this butt pad on but just I've got time that was a big shot as 110 ish 128 how did he carry we got some footage hope we got some footage I'm gonna shorten this up for a second guys and wins definitely gone easterly I got the trace up I see the shark we're going to take a grab at it guys I said I tell you what I do we're going to put this put this head come on and then you might get something I need that second glove really got it small with it well that battery died just at that moment I had the chakra so at the second sharp I had to get the shot unhooked and away I didn't have time to go all rummaging through my camera back for another battery so three hooks one nearly cool hand lining with my own trace natty what's weird now those two sharks have my trace in it so there's a third shot that was out there I'll just have a quick drop for Mac got it snail 10 past 8:00 so I've been going I don't know an hour so really really annoying because this is a good drift I've got plenty of Chum there's plenty of birds back there in the slake the wind is like maytee said it's backed up to easterly on right right just over the limit and I shouldn't be I should be going in but I'm hanging in there I've got you're at the inside I got another old boat there got a huge convoy boat they are not going to go much farther because when the tide turns comes the other way wind against tide is not what we want so annoying why can't the wind just go away just go and go to another country where they like yachts and windsurfing I don't want it shark for him my job motive his flat calm this is one last throw of the dice I've got half a pouting on that rod and a main key metal on that rod that's been in and out the freezer so many times he needs a passport that way it might be quite a few people there's a troll up here he's under Miley hopefully he's just pulled his nets gonna move but I'm giving it to about a 15 and I think I'm gonna have to pull the pin and going guys I'll buy five somewhere up the river because easily down here it's just open open to everything and the nasty short see if there's Eastley I can run along anyway down to the five minute warning hopefully you got some footage here my eyes are everywhere the moment watch an ad cloud the wind boats drift the speed so fingers crossed we got you something something come right up there just tick then not a macron in sight been a tough year for mackerel been a very tough year for mackerel we've had this massive high pressure for ages and you get wind with it I've had it on the North Coast porbeagle fishing it's so annoying really annoying now if you're off the East Coast on Devon ourselves the North Devon coast with an easterly ground below Butte then it's opposite be flat calm you'll be dipping your chocolate digestives into a cup of tea in a deck chair while your shark fishing now here in the world Atlanta open ocean not quite the same I feel there's another shot I don't want to put another chum bag over that be a waste of five minutes if you put your rod down guys take the Greg make sure it's light like that just in case um it grabs it sharks have been known to grab mac whirter on the line I'm gonna have another shake and you're smelling the water for sure that's 2025 knots as 2220 steady now that's more than enough of me come on one more yes one more guys guys have you seen another shark swimming in the water yes seen another shark he's coming up down there I'll go to watch he doesn't attack the bag okay there is definitely hundred of seen look like about it look like about a 40 pound blue he's probably going to circle the boat come back into the Chum sleek so I need to shake up a second hang on man alive look it look at the state on getting a fishing loan it's just living a nightmare you know you're left to lift live with the wind I saw the fish come up here cutting through the waves like a sailfish every time I've had these birds around come they're here serious they're circling the boat we circling the boat circling the boat he's right here I'm gonna bring this one in really close in eyes that witness now this is the last chance saloon guys this is the last chance alone he said bunch in the line like an amateur ha he's circling the boats what he said he do keep that smell he's after eating something after eating something I don't expect you guys to see him there he is him he comes again he's over there dark shape moving up into swimming fast he wants to kill something right on the surface right on the surface I think he's seen my face I'm gonna pull the bait is that blueness swimming fast for a blue he's coming he's coming from a bait right going the bait just down there he is I pulled the float right in I've got to keep this Chum go no Chum no shot he has got to eat something boys he has got to eat something guys sharks back back again I just put ok it's back again I don't want to say a word until I put another bag out a fresh stuff is pulled him back in again he will not take a bite for some reason I'm just searching around and around to show him to you he doesn't want to come really really close to the boat but he's certainly there and I'll shallowed that right hand rod up this one I've showered them right out but look at the smoke going in the water with all that blood and juice and everything in there surely that float of bait is right in line with that the birds are back the birds are back in town there's a troller behind me hope you've got a drift into him I think I'm safe on the drift I'm tough and it as long as I can I just want to care that one okay we're in the boat it's the other one was known TV it's two beers he's coming in hope you see him I'm gonna hold the temperate ed still not big shark he's owning right in here he's sounding right in straight to the back see the black shape under the water oh my god he's coming up to the bag look hopefully you can see it I could see him through my glasses he's curving away off the stern there he's drifting back look a blue about 40 pounds he's turned again he loves that fresh oil I wouldn't surprise me there's more than one down he's swimming pretty fast it's an agitated guys if I put bait in his face he might take it every cam so if you got to see that color in the water through the wave it might be able to see in through the way I've got a second camera I don't know whether to put it in an underwater casing for you I've only got my arm to put the camera I forgot the pole the shark is back there in that smooth slick area if he comes again I'm gonna hold it as high as I can the camera highs I can accomplish this one under the water that's a nice shark he's coming right up to the bag he just doesn't pass the sixty pound of baby Wow save battery clam I got a boat shall I write up on the length of the trace down there you can see the floats actually hanging out the water you came right up to it and turned away I don't know why he's a really really spooky shark I've got to do almost the unthinkable I'm gonna put this camera into the underwater safe housing we always leave up and next time he comes closer to the boat I take a gamble and put my hand right in the Chum slick see if we can get you a few seconds of footage so you know there was a shark there just in case you guys didn't see it up on the surface it trust me is there well guys that shark won't take he just keeps coming up coming up coming up all the time and he doesn't seem to come close enough for me to get a really good picture for you but I've going well sort of West and I don't want to punch as I said with this Cathedral whole into the ways I'd like to leave in the next five minutes and I'll go in shore somewhere enough to have to take shelter if I get it okay I will be putting some rods down but it won't be for shark so he's still there right round the float but tell me you're going to see him under the water there he's going around the back of the boat it's a biggest fish actually here he comes around the stern this is about the closest he's come he's going past you know he's going to lose the smell there and he'll turn around to go back the other way for the smell he's just out under the surface air but he does not want to eat at all so much for the stories of man-eating sharks he's circling the boat I'm still good him over there we've might be at a seeing better looking down light like that don't know I'm following all the time hopefully with the camera holding as high as a deer I don't know overbalance came very fast for blue I have to say see him circling and you're going to come back in the chump right he's the five-minute woman that lasted somewhere over somewhere over half an hour but it really it really is getting as a boat anchored here just didn't there see that great big great big that he's anchored there it's giving me an idea of where I'm how fast on drifting it's now it's wind against tide now it's really really good shark conditions really good win against tidies flight my best in my sharp books I think I say that but it's just getting back in there's no good if I get have a nightmare and one risk of not being back anyway five minutes I'm starting the engine are going to run in come on boys come on come on come on come on I brought the other plate in I'm running the risk of losing him at the moment you screen the load alone I've gotta get all this cable out of the way I don't if you're gonna get any of this whatsoever okay I've got to get this other line out the way that was a half of pouting I just weren't it really close into the Chum slick and he just came up and just nailed it I'll put him in the holder at the moment that's not a small shot it's not a small Shawn they're plenty of Bend where is it nothing else really really don't calling it a day if I get near this guy clicker coming off - we don't upset the clicky clicky haters no don't mind if it does get it drying after a while yeah do you know I understand his 40 pounds no it's no way this feels 40 pounds for for sure it's like a 60 70 man he smoked it off I'm gonna switch off a second ah taking the heat came off yeah this feels like a really maybe it might not be the same fish it might not be the same fish but you know what it was I started the engine just to go warm up and sometimes that sends down an electrical impulse I wonder if that's what happens because I have had them before biting the propeller it's something electrical in the base of the engine that they like electrical signals that could have just been the switch it made him attack take my time the birds are circling man water shame I told you boys wind against tide switch off again he's coming in tail wrap boys so he's going to take off big time when you get him unwrapped you might even unwrap yourself in a minute he's unwrapped here we go Shh bye-bye mr. lion whoo how can I bring these chum bags you know I don't want to splash a camera it's lost another load of line yeah alone in a boat of my age right hate cam in a second I'm gonna chance in here real risk number of fish off lost trying to get you guys action is unbelievable unbelievable over the years everything for giant trout bobble pike sharks you name it that's the way it is still got the best fishing show in the world it's real okay glove gram bill I looking for the landing net glove is yeah one glove shark way to glove shark I feel a two glove shot I feel if he comes off at the boat I'm not bothered because I've got to do that run off to get to a decent run back here we go here we go just want to show him to you oh there we go boys I'll tell you what shall we risk it yeah we risk it don't do it grab yeah yeah yeah be naughty to it be really not you do it wow it's gonna make some mess think this is about the size I think this could be the kitty don't do it don't do it yeah go and do it sharp vision of me go together like pork and beans you've seen the tank stick before I think this is tagging material the one and only taking shot of this trip now I don't want to have any accidents we've got to turn him over we turn yourself over normally if you will turn yourself over we'll get the tag in come on buddy there's a tag in those attacks got data in there whoo-hoo let's get him back boys let's get him back we're gonna take this mic off because it's fairly good chance the whole shebang is going over the side number one stun would not be impressed we I will try and get your picture holding it don't need to get join ah deal about what 60 plus 70 huh let's get it back oh great oh great yes hey my five minute lasted 45 minutes that lasted the sharp other way is fine absolutely no problem your see that in one second but I get him in the water her in the water you should be able to see our breath should be able to see the nictitating membrane just there watches I see it close that's what they do and they attack from good it's one in the water lifting this amount and they're incredibly strong twisted lovely covers of a meter I kind of get in the car way for you point the other way watch that people now we're going to get somewhere safe now boys think think think engage what's left of the brain you've proved you can catch that ain't a problem this proof we can get home right north north I'm ready back in but I'm definitely having some of that if it hadn't been for the fact that that Coast Guard came in with that strong wind warning I probably would have still been out there chance tomorrow but what a session I've had man I left there six in the morning so brekkie now you can see corn flakes of salts raisins cinnamon swells I mean I'm here no this is my office now for the rest of the day I could do nothing with this wind the ladies talking don't interrupt us myths listen to this lady see what she has to say it's not Mabel either I'm going to check this guy's and I'll get back to you well coming back I've got absolutely better with waves coming over all spray coming over the top of the boat boats look like a bombs hitting stuff everywhere then I'm back here how can I have that breakfast just managed to get that weather forecast six it's a six it's a four six no wonder that's the most this boats been out in I've ever been caught out in but listen I've got those shots that's brilliant you can have some brekkie now and thank goodness I bought the cooler with me wow it was something homely about having my breakfast at quarter past 10:00 my days finish put some bait out don't you worry let's get this cool stuff out problems look at the boat swinging on the anchor and no good of a nightmare fishing if it always do when I've been down here but it's the way it is but I've gotta save enough enough milk for a brood listen if I take the mic off you might be any of the wind coming around this corner and this is sheltered listen this is sheltered right inside the main estuary I can't believe I was fishing out in there I really can't very good the boat's swinging all over the place haven't even put bait down yet they've got a yacht sailing school that's coming out here this is slightly unnerving I'm not sure they even know what they're doing so doesn't and they were seem to be pointing at me why is that even the cruise boats I think I'm after re-anchor because they don't think the same as only do somehow that I'm anchored in one position on fishing I'm either a target or to them a problem of some description they have the whole ocean no they want this piece of space that's just under my 17th already got 17 feet by 6 feet it's not a lot to ask is it really slightly unnerving but all is well the kettle is brewing or boil in soon to be brewing with the tea placements low bomb so it looks like somebody's lives in there and of course I've got up here the old cinnamon swirl you can't beat a cinnamon swirl for keeping a yachtsman away they don't like it up him I can throw it like a discus I suppose good night I spoke to Mike and he had the same thing last night his Timbers oh he's a man whistling down here hang on a second his tent was absolutely whistling with the wind and it was the same he said it changed in 15 minutes and I think that's the start of he's up in Dorset so he's got a film for his ta outdoors I turn it to Rincon there they seem to aim from that place to that place around the corner but they go in a straight line cuz they put in the GPS he says go straight there they don't think of what could be in the middle today there could be something in the between like me or another boat forecast is a long long day today howling I want to say that is windy down here this fishfinder e one down and two so imagine you're dropping your fishing rods at the bottom there's your live wait there's one hook below the whip live wait and this two above it so it's known as one down and two up so this one will bump along the seabed I have there a small bowl I see you see like a bullet there it's on a sliding boom where these little sleep click-click booms you can you can use my car so as well this is just 20 pound trays compared with which is about sauna stem freshwater Godber leftover chum bag however the size the sea goes you like the smell of that you know then above off the seabed there's the way off the seabed you've got about our size for couple of size four books there I'm gonna bake these with squid they sort of stand off you can see there you might be able to see that I don't know they sort stand away so I got three small hoots a fish finder because you know you wanna catch anything at the breaker monkey squid and then well the worst conditions ever swing in here okay save small boom bigger lid that's about four ounces ain't just a straight single hook here not want to go through my leg about three four feet or their sixty pound one oh there's my hook I think it's a six hold the bars a bit fierce oddly there's no reason why you can't just pinch that bar down it's easier for fish as well but the risk of losing the babies up with squid I probably probably location nothing but I've got the entire day and evening to kill here are anchor where a wife is all for call it storm force wind to anyway it was apparently six four six sharks or no shells let's break it up a couple other sharp noise up use those same reeks with one one hook on it and just sit back and chill see what we can get now this folks is a giant cuttlefish nobody could see that they're lovely patterns across the back there's his eye he's been frozen for about well every year I think won't give me this one look at the length of these catching tentacles just like the big squid and these are got suckers on the end of them just so you know what you know they still actually suck yeah they suck a bit that's been dead frozen over a year I think these are the tentacles they shoot out grab their prey and then draw it back inside here to their beak same thing for a big body like that normally that's been that's been cut there to get the ink out and you can see this with a very very good break that chunk there's gotta be a really good play I may use it for Congress I'm going to use a small strip baits take those tentacles off right wallah my god has sharp knife Graham wonders never cease a couple of small very small baits here just for tipping and then these edges along here very very tough then they call them the thrill and I'll take those off just like this and make a couple of baits that will mate I don't even put three baits down don't know how long we're gonna be operating here in fairness and break these up and get them down and get this guy always keep them cool getting back in the cooler you likes to chill out 0:01 ground that's the baby messy because you can see the inks coming out of it this boat takes a battery well I'll be getting bites try to hit my other rod here now I've got that bag over the side the wind is it Wesley and I've had fights on this one and that one so I feel maybe a dog fish is on the way and that's not tugging look about it hasn't been there ten minutes yeah fish on fish on fish on oh it worked my money's on Rizzo he's come off let's drop it straight back down I don't bite on that one as well this one I feel could have been a dogfish but listen this deep water in this s3 bit there could be literally anything swimming around in here there's gonna check this one it's not a small hook scars fat Unitas you see something different and the fact that I've got to spend the entire 12 or 15 hours a anchored in here just you know ice to think I could get your fish I don't know what this is I've got a feeling it must be a dogfish I've got that chum bag down and she must be flooding the toy because I see the particles going back that way the snakes in the gate camera boat carried by the wind but the particles below what is this that's a bit of sport on this night Raj come on bets place ladies and gentlemen boys on the dock fish and it is indeed nothing that's a small ball house Oh God yeah that's too big for a dogfish oh my god oh he came off face where you get for not netting fish that was a small bull house and I've got a net here he just pinged off the hook and it's probably probably what was on this one well that'd be nice and some bull huh surround just a next step up from a dogfish now just as a point of interest you people may have noticed when I get this sorted out where he's thrashed around - up no bites one down this one on the bottom bull Hoss hooks gone snap the hook off there so nothing up in the water but along the bottom those bullets are there they although I'm completely being stuck in the s3 like this confined to barracks as it were it's not bad old viewers if people really lot of people like to be out here confined to barracks oh by the way it's Michael fellows here I just baited the last two hooks with squid and drop those just barely about the bottom in case as a metal bait Mack gotta bail because I'm desperate for bait I've got that cuttlefish on I've got to hang on to that and I've got a bit of other rubbish other than that I really don't have enough to go too far I think the wind and tide are together at a moment it seems to have stopped that swinging business I'm tempted to run a float back there and suspend a piece of long squid there just in case there's a different species like a Pollock or someone like that swimming around oh here we go got a Tucker this time people just in one small bullets at the moment this guy's tugging away I think I'm gonna give him both barrels let's drop it it just down here on that couple of issues or no he's in the bank yes the pen rods making it make it a showy it's official on guys it's official it's official come on boy let's see what you are I'd feed us another one of those small bull HUS you might have to drop this pen right down and see can the pin rod handle a bull us don't even get me on the soda the pin rod from blue chars Oh baby feathers beta feathers no less here we go I'll hold up the excess of boba Highness and they just came straight out screamed up next to be an anchor that moment and yellow boat knows what he's doing and he doesn't but I've got myself a bull house pass what up a tree second one first one just pinged off at the bow would you believe it I put ball house baits down and then this guy okay man who'd for you this guy just takes a set of baited feathers I mean they shouldn't be doing it Frank when it comes feathers and I'm down in Falmouth as well so W go peeps not a pit bull us course we've all caught before us but it's a bull HUS second one after those sharks its tip of shark species to account this is a shark not really let's get it back I'm only in it to try to keep out the wind things custom or it goes down I've got to get through all this today and all the tonight in this boat it is don't forget a whole series man I've loan on a boat Mabel they want to talk to you later love get yourself dressed it's not pretty sorry well I was just trying to make up it's more more spare shark races and one of the real start banging away so there's still life there not a lot going on been a few hours now called it a 2:00 in the afternoon I've got a long afternoon Oh Congo your small conga well well well there you go a small Congre wonderfully big ones down there that was on a piece of mackerel anyway a couple of bullets and a Conger not bad after those sharks really is it listen it's not the same as a show I know but I've got no choice it's just got sitting here to the wing goes down let's give this guy back another species I think there's a little something nibbling on this one oh yes fish on guys got that camera balance don't you see up there on the top I never felt bad fish any shame I can't have any metal those feathers have been down on the box have invited this what is it Oh Oh it's got to be another house on the small hooks number times I've called regional places leaving these small baits in the water very tiny little bites of size of your thumbnail is that dogfish I thought it was a baby 6 kill he looked a bit strange here we go yeah this one's a dogfish he doesn't have the a lot lot lighter he sees a lot lighter the bull has has those darker markings but still nice fish IGS nicked on that small hook I've got to get him back quickly because there's a boat coming if they see me out looking the fish they probably gonna stop yeah I'm not saying the fish is exciting but this is what it's come to draw your own conclusions but I'll feel that awful wind is starting to go down I can't go out tonight I'm gonna stay in somewhere and find a sanctuary didn't you know ankle up tonight I've just that bite on this rod and that's what woke me up well I was only dozing it is now called the 5 o 12 hours of seen what fun another twelve or twenty to go I've been a couple of big boats drifted around out they were what we call party boats haven't seen any mat cool kind of sparkling over the side but really basically I went for tomorrow no ice to finish off with an array they're gonna find some nice cozy little corner I can anchor out and basically have the radio on probably and bit of a cook up I hopefully get a few hours sleep that wing goes down boy I'm out tomorrow there's life there there's life they're kicking off just a major version a miniature version there guys is something much larger I'd like to catch on another day when I get a chance to do tomorrow I don't know now if you did want to cast out with a a big bite and love it out you're going to have to lay the line when you retrieve what they call touch and turns so parallel turns I'll show you what I mean if you don't there will be Criss crossed and it will generally snarl up there's a water ski boat coming have your letting go pass and I'll show you what I mean so when you retrieve you don't want to be doing this so it Criss crosses like this you don't want to be doing that because when you cast and the spool revolves quickly it's gonna 6/8 too quickly and when it's under maximum spinning power I'm gonna call it level it off it's gonna probably backlash so the best way to do it it's like this hopefully you're seeing this just nice and level look nice smooth what they call touching turns you're laying it in touching turns also try not to bunch in the middle because it's going to touch on the part and then that will stop you casting as well so if you you know do those touching turns when you get it up there it is since the mat go ahead the winds got me right round the other way now and then I'm in free spool of my trick with these when we used to go Marley fishing with these rods and reels throwing heavy live baits if you cast hard to get the momentum of this big spool going but you brake hard if that makes sense just like this boom now overruns so parallel turns when you're casting cast hard but some hard as well just like this the conga doesn't take that macrolide I'll be very surprised well I'm there in my Anchorage I've tried to find space on the pontoon is just rammed here it's unbelievable I did watch a very elegant sailing big like what these things these ones big yachts like 3040 footers and they were crisscross in how they didn't crash I didn't know is some sort of start and I appeared to be the starting line but listen got his own favorite it's a mine but I take my half to them they did not have one crash not one clunk they went within feet of each other very very slowly don't get me wrong very slowly so obviously some of the down here can sail it's the individual ones and they pointer a boat and think that's a target x marks the spot so I was thinking purse with it's quite elegant watch nationally and a beautiful English summer sunshine I can't find anywhere I'm not going to somebody else's mooring because they're coming in and shoot me or something you know so I've come that you can see outside of the moor in area are not anchored I just anchored well figure it's gonna be safe everybody's disappearing off to their different restaurant you what if they don't say restaurant why is it west have to same restaurant no tea well if they if it's rest wrong way why did God make restaurant spelt with a tea I don't know beautiful setting I'm tucked in here I'm hoping being here I'm wedding in in the bay that I won't ever awful slapping at night which I've had before it keeps you awake hopefully I won't get run down by people coming back to the yachts after they've had a few Hardee's Reds and I'm going to be having not a Hardee's red which I'll put some cans it'd be a waterfall what a full couple of cans have been nice to celebrate those sharks but no I've got vegetable soup don't know office no they're funny first it was soon wafers Cornish pasty but Tesco supermarket ah it's not even a regular Cornish Pasties it's called a Cornish pasty ok eat something I cannot to get through tonight to get to the morning to get out there I'm hoping I can get out in the winds down anyway let's fire up the old aluminium saucepan I'm actually gonna say people that it is absolutely superb here one evening I think the wind I think is a little gap in the wind between the two I want to get through to wifey on the phone well this bag ball as well mmm quite fancy the soup I must admit I ate soup try that they'd shoot with crumbs on wife he says it's gonna be even hotter it's not hot down here obviously with his sea breeze this is right butch Guelph camping this is me camping in a boat I'm camping in a boat it's so busy I can't even get on to the pontoon to go and get extra fuel it's madness if you park anywhere here is money that's a way it isn't this life those four collide it there we go he all looks good to me oh yeah how that white boat came up to me yesterday packing up just now and they have small I think I think he said it was a small spotted rambling sure he had a Rea a couple of pull us know I think it was a stocky or something like that coming the doggies so not great I had another you saw so a couple of baby congas bootlaces that size called so disappointing which I thought it was will be in here didn't get ready not bothered tomorrow I'm going out if I can in the same day I am NOT coming back in the bay this is no mackerel in there and there's no small fish so here is my rest of all my wrestler are with the bubbling soup sticking to the pan see to me I'm the worst one for like Nouveau cuisine because I still value the the one pound coin was one pound note when it was my when I was a child I'm value money and to pay a lot of money for tiny little squishy thing with a little paintbrush decoration oh it just means madness and food is wasted on me in a way food is energy which keeps me going to go shark fishing tomorrow that's what it is this is soo this is no different to having a suit with somewhat fancy on in the restaurant its I will be wasted on me honestly the most fantastic expensive ribeye steak or whatever cooked beautifully fine let's just eat it let's get going us start give me the keys to the boat we we're off very nice but I do don't mind if a glass of wine that would have been oyster night or a beer I'm not a complete tank head but be nice to have a beer tonight it's a nice setting just have a beer wow that is bubbling white that's gonna be hot enough take my mustache off but I'm enjoying it like that's the main thing I'm enjoying it yes it's a man alone very much alone on the boat I me today did go to drag a bit did drag that's done already these cookers are brilliant they did drag a bit have to say and he's weird since put the radio on no problems but I suppose it's because I just want to get fishing that's what it is I feel a bit lost just sitting on the boat this well eight feet by six feet old slimy deck space but mmm eat your heart out you were wrong I'd like no I need you in the knife and fork and pretend I'm in a restaurant there we go look at that setting multi-million pound yachts anywhere everywhere people with speedboats burning money fast that they can fill it up and there's an old-age pensioner in a boat who's just had sharks that they will probably never even see hmm take what depends that hungry you are that past he's not half like bad especially we do dis with it it'll get me through the no it cost me hmm that's Nouveau cuisine those vegetable soup in a pasty two-day-old pasty a stream I feel so much more refined you tape with a knife and fork I don't think the local restaurant walls restaurants will be serving it anything it's right out of the pan would they but I'm a survivalist I'm afraid ya know still alive just this is the equivalent of Heisey drifters wonderful night with that awful slapping noise in the hull second time doing it it's not good in a Wilson flyer any wind coming under that tiny little ripples slapping clapping ticking all the time I tried sleeping out there near sea luxury bedroom suite of the totally awesome fishing show that's my view that's my bed whew bed view bed bed view man I'm gonna be doing too many of these chips I'm okay so that's why get going it's just gone cooler past 5:00 in the morning who's coming with you cleaning my feet anyway I see if we can get back out there and then get that you know Charlie to water right onwards and upwards near the pigeons cooing away on the land I mean I don't say that I came in a long way last night up I got seaweed and what TSP I've had two luxury bed with the ensuite floating ensuite gone usual floating ensuite and I've got the full English breakfast in this case with French connotations the second even more stale I saw I saw while they rest of all grass - what a good job I go saying neither listen is an idyllic setting is it not and that the building up there who those who knows what pad that is somebody built it with an awful lot of money years ago Elizabethan or something like that then these Victorian a Victorian we hotel there it's a very everything it's brought up by corporations and turn into money-making machines and buy me out I wouldn't change it would change you make life interesting there's a yeah there's a fog bank over there I know the winds gonna come up fog bank up that way Suns gonna hopefully burn it off I've got looking at the compass sets on zero absolutely - you know the wind is coming from the north let's hope it's not bad as it was just it was a shock I might just squeeze two hours in family often how to get through this Brussels making myself so slow I'll make it myself actually because I know you can make mistakes I've made a cut the mistakes last night was climbing around in the pitch dark trying to put more fenders down those tunnels to stop that slapping it's a shock on this boat for sleeping on but so anybody with a boat just tap you've got to slow down if I made two mistakes yesterday boy I've got a point you to make a lot more tired - asleep about five hours sleep in the last 48 when you're out at sea you're in a boat afloat these are wrong very fast so take your time okay what it is I I've come out here fishing this hole here and I'm gonna be headed this way there's a hole there know what up there which where as shark and yesterday on this same line I noticed the trawlers work up and down here she's running up and down all the time I think that's a troll or not might be so there's something on the bottom there there's a interest but I truly was pulling his neck there full of fish one hopes less there a fish might be fallen troller so that's like one big giant from Chum trail behind him very deep down on one of the Sharks follow that I'm pretty sure he's doing in tropical waters so I started right behind that troller and I'm putting the bags over so what am i doing you're asking ourselves well I got mashed fish and everything here I'm gonna be using I've got a fresh one over there already which has got the oil in it particles going away totally different ideas your hope it stays like this I watched you as I turned the bag this is an onion sack I turn it inside out and then put all the rubbish it was in there fin a previous day back in there and for you guys are seeing this and hopefully you guys are smelling it it bothers me not one jobs we've done it for years my cool I think my first shark is in 1971 was I did not eat 70 something or other and then I get a rope just half hitches on running double bags now sometimes I double bag and I put two bags in one because I don't want this going quickly this will burn out quickly not this particular woman the fresh one I got down there will burn out quickly the particles the brown will go for it quickly but I envisage only putting in maybe a 3-hour drift today fingers crossed rinse that out do not waste any smell whatsoever now we're going to do with this look I'm gonna put it in that bucket well I got the fresh stuff from put a little bit of water in there and then just swirl that around because I keep this and then if I see a shark come around that won't take my fire this in being about one year old in the freezer it's it's fairly well fermented just like that I can give them one big wash of smell that might just turn their heads onto my bait well Riggs I did it back on me won't say the doc the SIMEX back there so the wind will mark the area the slicks going underneath the waters of direction I'm actually traveling so I'm sort of going back that way fingers crossed we get to show you guys a shot it is an idyllic morn it is I started called a seven five to seven not even five to seven man and I barely any sleep get out here at dawn but you don't know what is out here down this west country you do got no idea what comes through these waters and this is one of the bays they definitely do come through right now chitchat lines out 600 pound wire a big hook then I go through this yesterday and we're doing the same thing of them too much do you much stayin awake at night listening that slapping holes driven me to insanity because our favor in there anyway why are you strimmer line I've got my adjustable float I'm going to shut them set them fairly shallow because I'm not drifting so fast today Pollock did no stir yesterday when I had a bunch of girls come they were all in one area at the Sharks were behind them they were behind them they must be able to see the Sharks unsharp eight over that's how you go all this route was not to be needs to be nice and straight make sure they're not maybe too far they're not hitting the float now send you your father's Bateman your Jesus sake that goes back so far this distance I just have to pick up my what I call my inside rod all I just want to get right in the water 18:53 is just not good enough what a sunrise a shark is sunrise I'm gonna call that boy incredibly banking right I got send this hour on out you guys are getting this this is when it's spooky when you got something like that Sun in your eyes it's like a Spitfire pilot looking for a Messerschmitt me-109 and he spots it and he attacks out of the Sun onto the me-109 and you could see why can't you because if a plane was flying towards me up there I'd be squinting and I couldn't see anything at all the next thing I'd see I'll be eaten 303 bullets the same of the Sharks they're attacking me out of the Sun anybody yeah anybody remember how many I'll counted then Smith Smith Emily rule accounting 2 & 2 is 4 4 4 his eye what's going out whatever it was make sure go pause my other one Chris taking me yep inch or nothin on doing the 1 and a half knots or two yesterday I've got like in two hours of Abe and then it should be wind against higher to get hopefully not about three maybe four hours two times an hour later what I said a couple of shots I'll be happy one would be good too would be more than good I feel the breeze just starting to pick up but you know what but it's gone east again surely not surely it's not gonna upset the applecart again that go gonna cost you guys might see it don't pick the throat I tell you what to do if you have a balloon if people do still use by those four words deburr called the foreman incredibly stupid things are flying to the line and go around passing balloons and floats and things makes you wonder do they have a nick the line okay now there you maybe see that guy he's tall and he's head in he said himself that one so my drift was gonna cross just putting his draw more theories and that looks like the the Japanese Sun you know the Rays coming out the Japanese Sun we're just amazing all right about two hours sleep and last got no ceremony guys I heard it blow up there carried on the wind sound count carries across water really well then the second time I looked out I saw this big big long sickle go through it's not shark I don't think there's a dolphin I got feeling it's that big tall one I think it might be a killer whale and he's right heading across my Chum slick that is spooky okay something else you do to pass the time away and even catch some food fish your bait fish setup feathers set up from regular metal feathers forgive me big weights I'm in 35 feathers of water as you put a strip bite on each one this case is cutting fish is tough drop it down to the bottom nobody doing this once or twice it wants a bit of bait for the inside if I do get charged this afternoon and if there's a shark around he'll take a whiting the species I'm after is white eagle so I'm going to do this once because every time you put it on the bottom you gotta take ages cranking up about 40 fathoms pull it out I've got a spare rod which is what we call a pitch bait it's got a sharp trace on it no float that way if there is a shark coming around the boat and he's bypass the float so you will not leave the bag alone I can quickly hook a bait on I just paid you back at him so let's call hitch bait and clean that as a spare weird funny sore whether any weather show you guys or whitey drop this down now to fast drift it's so deep you won't you won't be out a whole bottom and you don't want to be bouncing is all the way back into your sharp line okay ginger if it's a two or more of you on the boat I'll use one on the whiting quad so you get a short one somebody else had at least wind out the way for you and there we go boys that's what you call a hammering pie I don't think that baits been down there a minute it's fish on a sub description okay goes away these fools they say by your weather 9 of on his prey so he's very good for my sensitivity the other thing I noticed those trotters went past there's a trait of birds I took at least a mile just scattered along where he sir than lying that he's trolling so there must be rubbish cover off those brawlers discards and stuff like that you know Fisher goes through the mesh gannets regular hearing goals they were following that last by the window huge amount verdict if he just the other side of me they look like the on tuna I don't see any bus what's the second lot I've seen like that going mad I mean there's blood that birds are swarming that it's not true love this cars there isn't a trawler in sight the seller that's got baitfish on the surface and chasing them there hopefully you can see this big shoal and then moving right no I've got bonito around the boat I've been spinning up here almost Burt double wine is where you need two people oh yeah just to buy the boy finish there's a nice white team to do just help me easy sky up body whites a wire trace around his body and then he touches the main line he'll go through it no tourists rapping try and keep your back straight don't get rode over like this push your back walk out talking big fish you're not talking these this size fish big sharks performers they pin you over double you're gonna have trouble nearly always wear you out before you wear them out we're gonna finish off for second people male fish sometimes a male fish will fight really hard just angle this an times yourself to not go for the hey cap yo entangle yourself I think here we go here we go here we go so you know those just want to see it we just want to show it to you directly oh no it's big blue boys I'm gonna forget the head came for you nice big blue we get the bonito just busted I crazy up there it's a beauty he's gonna go waking I fear he's going through you can see those teeth and two sharp lines of stage still trace and picked up a little Mac hotel about that thing that I head over with a single small lie bait hook a tuna hook short shank and it's going to be a blue if it's a quick one even ripped off I'm amazed he hasn't bitten off yet I'm sure he will [Music] trés turn of a shark crazy fishing tuner yo straight 50 pound mono normally they won't they steal traces vice versa for sharks still Tracy's not mono there's another shark I'm gonna give it 45 minutes to ten o'clock and I think I proved the point yes one man alone on his boat can catch sharks be done before I've got another thing out there as well the tuna think of gold waiting down there nibbling as well as always what they call sorrow and if you put a tiny tiny piece of bait out of whitey if you put a tiny piece of bait here for another species the wrong species comes along catch ya that's why those Cougars are here now my goodness why can't I catch these off the beach nice big Boise but I think in the acetone these are watching brought up just confound the shot a little while and then they move away and I think if I don't get one we do it was something I just saw him come up you set the whole program and you know spit it out the lines brewing that's funny the one I lost earlier I'm just hoping it away Lucien from the lies just eating the float son see he didn't touch that bait at all didn't touch you at all but I've got to scrape off find the weak spot on the line cut it off put it okay oh I think I'm gonna bring you some money clothes I don't think I fought him enough to spook him now so charge you might fight thank you again [Music] you [Music]
Channel: TA Fishing
Views: 646,272
Rating: 4.890635 out of 5
Keywords: man, fishing, alone, boat, shark, shark infested waters, shark fishing, documentary, solo, solo fishing, wilderness, solo fishing trip, survival, survival catch and cook, rigs, tackle, beginners, alone in a boat, totally awesome fishing, tafishing, man fishing alone, deep sea fishing, shark attack, jaws, how to fish, how to catch a fish, boat fishing tips, uk fishing, fishing uk
Id: SJ696WWCQfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 19sec (6079 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 20 2018
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