Float Fishing a TINY LAKE

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right folks I just finished my work my job load and as usual it's a totally awesome o clock being c5 to - I'm up at Finch farm I've come up and just only a thrown out basically just having a throw out see if there's an outside chance of picking up one catfish of any size I just fancied a better catfish and things were catfishing you've really got a fancy doing them you know and up here they've got some decent fish in here but there's also a chance or smaller ones as well so we've got a mishmash of baits I've got bluey half section of bluey I'm on the flight path from Heathrow guys it's going to be noisy they're coming well pretty well I have to go that that when they go over there that low so will be noisy I'm not using a big camera that's where I got the small camera because this mic seems to cut out a lot of that noise up there I've got a big giant Cuban lunch of meat out by the island and I've got on the right hand side a piece of I can't tell you how many times I've even it's a main key piece of mackerel and I've cut the back head off it it's almost verging on the rotten is put in and out my freezer so many times it doesn't bear thinking about I'm locked and loaded decent cart was one of the rods actually bought from Mick here it is because he's out second Hank you as well a thunderous 12 foot medium range carp two and a quarter pound test curve that's that one this is some thing called a hyper loop which is okay it's like a licorice stick that's a good fishin right that was a sort of lucky want that one now all I've had I've been here ten minutes for I'll get sorted I've definitely definitely on this one on the edge of those Lily so just step two paces away from the rods over there there's some lilies I'm just on the corner of the lilies I've chucked some formal pellets out with all the water that I diluted from thawing out the fish and there's tiny little dimple showing on there I think I think makes actually reduce that reed bed which is handy because I have called carp have gone through here and out the other side and down the lake there's some decent fish in here I suppose they start small one will be seven pounds I guess five to seven pounds probably a small one lunch of meat I've had like one tug on this are free line in the chunk of my carcass is heavy enough just to rest on the bottom the luncheon meats got eyelet revelation shot on it and the half section of bluey been quite light and narrowing body weight has just one shot on it it looks currently like a bomb site so I'm gonna tidy up here I think I've got to put my chair facing this way so I get some sunburn as well no puzzle on the left-hand rod there Mike's buzzers and they need new batteries so I'm using mine that's visual so I'll be sitting right next to the rod that is the Blooey I'm using I'll just snip the tail off so you can see I've used about that size there bluey and they're very very oily those they are good I like I'm sea fishing as well something bait I should use more often I'm gonna be head inside the tree what would I have the usual cheese and pickle sandwiches now I think I'll try something a bit different I just bought Alaska waters it's the weather stewed had changed tomorrow I'm squeezing rushing this for our session and whatever I can get in here just on the off-chance how you catch something hey ho you got to be in it to win it I'm actually wafer that's gonna have a cook up bacon these or what at least try to in this wind the back rest you'll notice won't go in here I haven't got one of those luxury pods or whatever they call them your stand your gear on it's not just using that and there is the 6:45 2g boy gonna be annoys you want people I hope it's gonna be noisy with me whipping and hollering with the fish on the end this little burner that my Scott is very good you're a couple and I still both of them this one's good cuz he keeps it quite low down which is handy for being out the wind and stuff like that if I could never work out and put it together no I do and the mate not selling them it's good I sort of spring-loaded does that work lake system that's it that's it that's it you know the spring loaded lake system there that seems right get it in say that's it yes I this one look it lays down flat it's not up high so that's quite handy and then you're screwing this kid sir this one is nearly empty that's a bit slow there guys there's a bit slow I've got a bit of cooking oil for the virgin olive oil I could have put it better that groundbait though I threw out good boy that would have got them going little bit on the surface or use that shot fishing so it's not a problem i real mishmash going in here boys I suppose I could have cut those out couldn't I do they flow Wow hang on a minute will fish take mushrooms oh geez don't you see that point that was a whack of a bite there could have been a liner that's on the Blooey I'm putting the mushrooms on first people I feel mushrooms you're gonna take it look longer to cook get the cart out there every calorie culturally curls he's already downtown and picked up I think a bathroom that was floated and he cowers he wants to come down I'm not gonna move water or not have the big camera there you go okay I'll cool was that people how cool was that about 4 5 foot wingspan Britain's biggest bird or I think it's England's biggest bird I think Scotland has a golden eagle these boys are working along nicely Elmo doesn't need annoying just in a single beat on the chunk of rotten metal you know I think a retro beta mercaptoethanol take that well these other person or deactivated a little naughty it's gotta be done twice it's got to be done you got to be done no bites for the moment please no bites I'll take it but I'll have to have a a cold lunch a lot of bubbling going on with those eggs here and I'll tell you what out there there's some bubbling clothes in here though I did was rinse Maya rinse my bucket out here all the juice and then I just threw this spray the juice out there like you throw a bucket of water where I sprayed it across the surface I'm hoping that might sink down get any catfish nose his twitching well there we go boys lunches sir ouch turn it off first Clement leaves them here on my hands let's scoop all of it on their bacon eggs mushrooms and I've recently turned into a two egg man which I never thought I was I'll flip the eggs I like my eggs over easy and the final addition is yes who goes fishing with ketchup totally awesome dude that's who think I've tried that as a bait additive but it might worth a go enjoy but stuff people all good stuff well while I was having that cook up I got my ribs on bait runner just in case for me personally no ideal for catfishing all right they're bobbing to go up and they want to made them straight on the reels drag full drag and that's what I've gone back to now so I've moved my chair in between my rods and if they do go up then I can as soon as I just pick the rod up hopefully we'll load up into a fish I don't know that's how I'm normally with fish here it's fished quite a bit a lot of catfish get caught they get finicky they're not as stupid as you think now and they're very touchy to excess weight that's what they what they say I had a big bang real jerking sort of bang on the lefthand on the blurry and when I wanted to check it out it had actually gone so I was fishing with a bare hook which is never good as it so my eardrums a battling my way through the aircraft flight path and I've got my bobbins over there I've recall us of all check the baits recants them all and hopefully I'd get a bit of action it takes just one fish to turn it all around when you're catfishing got a fish on voice I've no idea is any toys to it or what it is I don't think it's a big one been ages getting out the rushes can you see that down there I got it down as a small fish what the hell is that oh my god it's a big eel oh look at this eel holy cow let's get this one him I wonder why he caught me snagged up so fast a big big one okay you didn't get in that's one of the biggest I think I got him think of him ha ha Rizzo Hey a nice big eel there is a result look at that kitty look at that kitty oh my girl a freshwater eel did you guys see that that's a big big eel he's got to be three feet long that is one slimy great big joy it looks like a conger eel and there's two cup there he thinks it's a fish as well you definitely toasted that bluey down his throat check this fish out I don't know how I'm gonna get this one to get a decent picture for you let's get this weed of here what's a big eel it is a big eel look at the size I hope it'll keep him calm did you see this one guys look at the size of this one that is over 3 feet long getting an absolute cracker giant giant eel the referee self around me in the middle of tentacles he looks like something out of Captain Jack Sparrow I actually thought to be honest it was a catfish look at the length of it I actually thought he was a catfish snagged me in the rushes and I thought let's see I've got no chance oh dear who's gonna explain this net to Mike well all quiet on the western front as the saying goes I've had a problem with one of Mike's bite indicators buzzers battery's dead on it so all I've done is rigged up my own one here it consists of a lunch a meeting some stones that and the real on back wine so when that goes up there's got to wait on it so there's no problem with it it's got a pull up he's on a on a wait this bail arm will revolve around here and that will knock this on the floor and should I nod off or be not looking then at least I've got a bite alarm there although it does seem a bit basic I can assure you it works we used to put an old penny or a coin on the lip here open the Bale on put the penny on the line pinching it put a tin tray on the bottom down there and as the car took line it would flip the coils would flip off not the coin and we'd see that in the dark because we had I don't think torches were invented when I was starting so it definitely that was a way to go forward and I can assure you that will work I've also used coca-cola cans and beer cans on the end appears tied around for shark fishing at night and I had fish to about a hundred and twenty pounds which is quite interesting when people walked out of here in the dark over the Florida Keys and they suddenly see this this can of drink disappearing along going into the water don't let you go to the water it falls off it goes clunk clunk like that then you know you've got a run so soldiering on here's you do and just sitting and chilling it's going from really lovely sunshine to clouds so it's gonna change the weather's on the change I can't feel it might be the high pressure that's shutting the fish down two or three other guys just came around and see how I was fishing and they're not doing too much either few carp little ones on the top a goldfish one was catching goldfish Roach just small bits and pieces but they're not going nuts there are going nuts and I think it's a weather with the pressure I think it's the high pressure oh there's a so trouble had changed between baits casting with different swims and nothing really stands out yet I'll get it sort of twitches on pretty much everything lunch at me and bluey being the top ones for twitchy bites well I suppose to kiss that biggie I can assure you I've missed two catfish takes I think they can't fish I can't think what else would put a blurry 1/2 section of bluey but they must be very small catfish so one I've barely tightened to it and there's one take you there now this one just they just tug at it is most peculiar just a slight tug just on here just tighten up a bit there they are most peculiar takes today and I had one there's a real poor ground that the tip was actually pulling on a toy and up to it didn't feel a thing fat loss the bait hook pulled out the bait so it doesn't look good on the catfish front bond world please of that eel and well I just got a tough out and give it another 45 minutes and then I think I will call it quits is you never know here Finch you never know what's going to come you know you know they're in there that's for sure but because catfish are so pqd for feeding you just got to sit it out and tough it out well after the big you warhead I thought going to come and give it another go but it's gonna do a bit of sea fishing but it's just been so windy been ridiculous so that's not the boat fishing on the head so I'll come back icon on the other side guys fish and whales Fisher before you can see over here not many anglers I have a really really busy yesterday but it's all it's all looking good I've seen D can't small carp moving on the top but anyhow I've got my two cat rods out I'm going to move a third rod just so people know you can use our different tickets and buy different licenses in the UK when I some places I think is Canada they only have for one month I think it's a one rod rule in Canada continent when I was there they've got so many fish you don't need warm one orders for sure pretty sure it was but check all regions everywhere and I take great relish in having my three rod license now and I'll get a discount for an old-age pensioner 68 does it go down 170 that'd be brilliant well that money's got into fishing be nice to get some back wouldn't that so anyhow what I'm gonna be doing is I'm gonna be facing up just down over their plate is really basic really basic it's just a trial to see if there's any small fish here just last time I see bubbling groundbait mix bran and babies horse feed the usual mix of within their four mill pellets called feed pellets and some tired looking weekend warriors these have been around for well red and white Magus I'm not going to see what see if I can get a bite I hate shorting floats absolutely hate shot and floats have a nightmare shocking my floats out I'm trying to fish with a really delicate one please that's my fish over there notices a lot of bubbles coming up here just single was I wanted to wear that to be honest whether they were catfish but they tell me some bream in here so I'm gonna give it a go see what's in here there's obviously plenty of fish in here because the catfish wouldn't be surviving otherwise so who knows everyone gonna get lucky with a catfish great if I do if not I'm gonna be chucking somebody out see if I catch anything at all hopefully I don't get a strangling great Elan my match rod cuz that definitely will be a one-way ticket well it's gonna be a bait him no attempt this down literally a few hours for left I'm gonna make up some little pellets like this if you call them pellets match one probably think they're hand grenades so pellets a ground bite a more even attract the catfish I'm very tempted but I baited this have got it going to put my catfish would just on the right-hand corner there or one of the baits you know Jason these small fish activity I'd ago I did throw up your loose feed over there a little bit farther but the problem is I can't I can't sink line I can't cast over there a single Ollie don't think I needed catapult yes he vitold out there we're not worried it goes in a wide area at the moment cuz what likes to do is start in a wide area some magnets go you started in a wide area so in a wide area and then you gradually narrow it down a little bit whatever you start really narrow it might take a while for the fish to find it that's my theory anyway if they're all over the place in my nibble from the outside is not working their way and then you can concentrate it a bit more if I could only get this shot float shot it would be a happy bunny well got my first fish on boys and it is indeed a skimmer now that look now that is catfish sized you can see why they do well in here the cats gone you and you got a fish like this give us that's what I would call a one bite wonder especially piers silver as well it's not good that's not a good kind of their being here is it astray because I've never done anything but cat fishing here I've never even thought I think I didn't ever go carving around the margins once all the time I've never done anything put a float out here and seeing what there is else about so a be quite are there's a whitelighter pub was over there my goodness me that can't bear it's got to be a cop or something might be a catfish I can't get to grips was shot in this float let me show it to you it seemed to be a nightmare either all the way and off there would be a nice delicate one cuz I'm relatively close I've got it locked up and bottom he says earlier for an aim over because I don't get any free ones an antenna to be be so I figure I could get it down to maybe there but it just seems to hold there I'm gonna you know just an official net can't grumble but I've got to be buoy and it says it takes to be B and yeah I got another smaller shot there and I've got admit I hate a shot in floats the worse want to hate it this winds a nightmare because the floats so light I could have cast up into the wind a little bit then try and tweak it back without getting out of position see it sticking up like this much I don't need that much more always a pair but then all that bad however those are delicate floats and they're all non doing I've got I've got the lightweight elastic thin elastic thousand Megan's pinging out all over the place where I can't cast because this wind is just sort of rocketing around all over the place here I'm trying to bite it slightly left over there they'll need to put my bait I've got to replumb this I'm not happy with this float at all see what it is is it's just too light in the body quite a following wind I'd be okay which if will not cast into the wind at all think I might actually be better holding this though it doesn't look as though there's any wind drift going across here if I can't sink the line it pushes a belly into the line between the rod top of the float and that will gradually drag the flow along our position there's a fish that's not a skimmer I don't think is this is indeed a skimmer skimmer to be like a small breather you see that very slow drops on it here he goes Gouri that one and of course listen all this splashing around like this it's got to attract the catfish in there got to attract him there were still kids get you a little plastic this culture is so easy to get hooks out it's not that they're swallowing it it's just that it's a very very small hook for me to be able to get out just a bite on this one guys on the catfish just had a little tug up definitely definitely definitely had a pull up on this one and that's a half a bluey section a small mini bluey cast over there not very big piece because I don't want a big catfish what I do don't we all language weren't a big one but it just goes round the island you lose them it's pointless you need to catch them in this big area here sort of local it was a definite tank I'd like to get about that much float tip sherry this is just too far but of course being as it's not on wide diameter as an antenna thin one it will slide down it will register the bite very well and the fish won't feel the resistance and the float that said ideally using it but it's not good for casting into any air flow which is coming this way or from up here is loads of rain clouds around here it's just not in the right spot well I'll check the Ray that was a bit more like it my boys I'm getting fish off to vitiate now I will get an official Chuck absolutely a fishy throw my boys are getting fish off to vitiate now a little getting official Chuck absolutely a fishy throat self-organized with this setup in a minute no bigger bream but nevertheless it is entertaining fishing I'm even gonna try and catch one on the same chewed maggot she just about getting there getting the Fiedler's float now boy over there you won't see the float there and why's she put another camera up and a consumer there's a float as if there's a point going to the left there you go there's probably a rattle something took it on the way down he came off so the wind isn't really a bother for the catfish I don't think unless there's a pressure change any air pressure change but it is for dragging the float our position is really quite frustrating and annoying but I am getting fish fish after fish after fish my goodness me no wonder there is such a good strong head of catfish in me that is just bite-sized nothing nice to get a bigger bream planes jokes we got it all going on there barking well I did get caught in a bit of rain and that made me bait up place I mean just literally and I'm a rod top here okay I'm still getting the skimmers I'm I said 15 or 20 other thing so they're all over here no catfish as yet a bunch of maggots I don't change to a loaded wagon float which is much easy forecast I got it that's it yeah gotta tune it down a bit and I'm getting some of the float bumps on the side boys which tell me this probably Rudd or rope chair they're hitting the mega on the way down they just need to shut that float down a little bit more so this one's wider not an antenna floats and weightless it's fatter if you like it takes a bit more resistance to pull it right under a bluefish we'll take it under but the smaller more delicate feeds like Roch perhaps Rudd you might have trouble with it well I'm crowing a fish both out they're not feeding inside line here and I'm starting to a very very slightly bigger fish on the inside liners it's always just about a swing of that one there he comes so really making no difference for the feed out they were all closed in obviously you can see that one nice skipper behaving yourself not slapping me in the face most about 50-60 fish now he's on fifty-three maggots hooked by the head the head is a thin end that way I'll show you one seconds get three three white seems to be doing the damage it's the left hand and eyes out of battery this is thumbs for gone that's been smashed with a hammer cut out the top there anyway watered down it's got three maggots hooked by the thin end if I did it by the fat in which I normally do to be honest it is stronger it tends to mask it can all twist and gob up around that bin so I've been doing it that way and it seems to be doing the business they're not gonna throw at fish the inside line here literally just under the rod top don't even think they're gonna need to feed much with you I might even get the other camera I'll put an extra shot on there very small shot just kind of take it down B I think there's random Roach hitting all the way down stopping that flows properly a lot of time on it slightly over death it will go off to one side or the other and that's always so many the bite as well doesn't necessarily have to sort of flash way under the chap over this got about one two three four five rods out between two of them and his son don't think they were a fish yet I've seen a fish in the last what is it nearly three hours diving that's gone down there so there'd be some fun on a hook heaven leather he's staying on there for a huge time and he's doing it all unfortunately I mean maybe I could have me really is down this he's been eat my catfish oh yes really annoying diving down messing my swimmer boys are just missed a catfish on this one struck must be coming towards me felt nothing maybe swirl P boil but got a decent fish on now you know I just pulled my flowing here just let it sit there for a second so I think I'm gonna buy up clothes in it is in fact a better bream this time this requires something called the bream net he recounts if he doesn't fall off that was on rip Magnus and I wasn't getting any takes on red banks to start with easy there we go everything comes to he who waits and I've waited after say that's a proper bream yeah pleased with that guy back he can go well done Graham now I'm really really covered in it will you guys know what it's like yes lovely stuff that and your smile I think I've got the t-shirt for both look at it now all we need is noise catfish about six or eight pounds and then to finish it off with that would be nice we're gonna put some more right down there this maybe it would be a lot easier for me for she close in here I have to say get it really really close it and then I should be pretty accurate truth is I can't remember what hook that blame I just wounding down there somewhere anyway doesn't really matter there he goes her lips came back then Graham we're getting later in the after so over witted the Graham bite here because I'm now going to be gonna be missing Vice cut laughs oh yeah put it back in position yeah how about this I think I'm trying to think outside the box the bulk of these fish they'll catch it about from there to here so I'm gonna alter the size of my plate here it's a very small segment of bluey just a small segment take it off use a nice big half segment there right these are salmon hooks here Barbara salmon hooks are drip blood all over the trousers and then here's this theory pack a bear groundbait around it and in it the small fish will come around that nibble in the ground bite and that will help in theory bring catfish around as well for that activity so there look at that boys have you ever seen that before they did by covered in groundbait think outside the box I'm gonna go a little bit farther out there see that line this Bobby goes on follow you guys down yes got attention there and do the same on the other one I feel put the other half of that segment on there yeah I'm using just a real small pieces they're very small pieces don't exactly fancy a whole wonder you know that's not far for some ways of the scheme of free diving catches just a few grains just a theory you never know I'm pretty right on that corner hopefully and that sync on another three boys on another brain and I've just had a racing screaming take on that they came to nothing on the catfish world that's on that groundbait covered bluey it's close in now so I just concentrate on that for the last couple hours and just fish closing it so at least I can I can do it accurately there we go so decent fish now not the skipper's decent brief that's good a couple warm would be nice as well to finish the day well catfish would be as well they kept it will be nice it's not be let's not be too excited now I've got really the antenna float that's out there I've got this one this one this is called a loaded peacock straight just a straight stem tiny little shot either side just to bring it down I want it down to about there and then I'm happy fishing for maggots but the last couple of fish I bounced off were better and it seems like two whites did the damage two to three not before now you guys can see that ring in there so put one up the shank of the hook now at least one covering up and two wriggling as I say just got to keep adapting changing changing it's what all fish is about obviously when it's good it's good catch on pretty much you can catch on pretty much anything but it does pie he did some bubbles coming up down there really closely and boys these are my pellets just trying easy with throw me my hand because I just kind of feeling that too decent always breathing I've caught on the clothes in here and about fifty skinless out the back there so I'm just gonna concentrate really really under my rod top here well I've had about another car cost any 20 skimmers so I feel it's time to I selling through eating there if I've got enough gas left in it I'll go spank ball in there let spaghetti bolognaise well most of it seems to have splashed out but hopefully is enough gaseous and nearly empty bottle I got spare anyway and by having this on I might even get a catfish take clouds of gold beautiful evening cool and they did say it's going to get cold I've got my float just literally down there and what I don't get it live actually nothing has happened a couple of good talks on this one one good tug on that one very quiet I haven't seen one catfish caught but I've had a good day what they often him oh no got upper hooks toys are about 12 12 bothers he bouncing between white maggots and a bunches and bunches I'm trying to get a slightly bigger brain but it doesn't seem to be working the plaster that's hanging there's from when I thought I'd taken the top of my finger getting it trapped between a wrecking bar and a piece of wood which was nice Pleasant I nearly blacked out said the tops off my finger a bit better still hopefully it doesn't drop into the spec ball my goodness has heated up and ready turn that down a bit look at this plates notes we'll put the plates over the maker's you can't beat you could put bacteria that can come off off eating it I don't want to blow it out he's not gonna blow come fairy coil in Sinai I'm really coming I can't fathom out why I've replumb the debt so I'm absolutely what they call almost dead depth so the braid is just touching the lake bed one catfish about come on come on - camera monitor camera watch this it's gonna go that's this flicking straight in this bag Bowl spike ball and skimmer bream you can't beat it how funny would that be if it dropped in that pot down there fish and spank bowl watch that doesn't boil too much yes yeah that's a good fun with this plate of fish in them you know amusing yourself you always just have a catfish rolled out or can't brought out and then just mess around in the margins with a float cord and very often you will get caught in the margins bonus fishing different way different take techniques that's me but it's just when again I just saw the line the line tweak up here where it join us in water it just goes in there you gotta see see that pool before the me floats away come back here there's a good fish down there he's still there I could see that line still tweaking right boys then we're done with this big bowl you can't be a good cook ups out on the open and there we go food fit for a king well getting at the end of the day boys planes are coming over one off the other and another natural green there it's all think it's time to call it quits and go home so decent-sized Bream can't gobble no catfish gives me a chance to have an excuse to come back again [Music]
Channel: TA Fishing
Views: 124,281
Rating: 4.8096371 out of 5
Keywords: fishing, catfish, fishing for catfish, how to catch catfish, how to fish, fish, survival, bushcraft, bream, float fishing, deadbait, catfish on deadbaits, ta fishing, carp fishing, carp, boilies, pop ups, lake, lake fishing, beach fishing, sea fishing, pike fishing, shore fishing, surf fishing, fish locker, totally awesome fishing, giant catfish, monster catfish, lures, lure fishing, ta outdoors, float fishing a tiny lake, floatfishing, how to fish with a float
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 5sec (2525 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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