Credit Repair Tips | How To Remove Evictions | LifeWithMC

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did we just hit 2k subscribers yep did we just become best friends yup y'all i am so excited like goal achieved anyways i just wanted to take time to thank everyone who has subscribed to my channel it is greatly appreciated but yeah about these evictions all right so i got my notes ready y'all know how that goes all right so evictions typically stay on your credit for seven years and they typically appear on your credit one to two months after you've been evicted but it is what it is you have an eviction on your credit report you want to know how to get it off so um i personally had an eviction and what i did to get mine removed was um i sent a debt validation letter to the collection agency that bought my um debt or whatever and they did not have the original contract with my signature or any verifying documents that would solidify the reason that i had to pay them in the first place so they can provide any documentation that proves that the debt was mine that proved that they were able to collect on the debt so what they had to do was then cease collection on the account close the account and request to the bureaus to have that account removed so that's what happened for me okay so the first thing that i know and highly recommend is that you freeze lexus nexus and you freeze corelogic i will put the links to both of those websites in the description box so you can just go in my description box and click and then go straight to their websites to initiate a freeze so do that first once that's done i want you to wait until it's in place and you can call back at a later date maybe one to two weeks later and just to make sure that the account or the consumer file is frozen with them before you go on to dispute the eviction with the credit bureaus so once you've done that contact the credit bureaus so if it's reported on all three bureaus contact all three bureaus separately by contacting them i mean start a dispute you know basically trying to see how they verify the eviction what documents do you have that verifies that this eviction is mine i need to see what you have because you have this on my credit report the thing is now that your core logic is frozen now that lexus nexus is frozen those are the companies that typically report your evictions in the first place so um the credit bureaus won't be able to get through if or verify your eviction if the accounts are frozen so that's why i say make sure that they're frozen first when they cannot furnish them what cannot be validated or verified cannot stay on your credit report so you know what has to come off that eviction so the next thing you could do is you could go directly to the collection agency what you would do is send them a debt validation letter in certain cases the new owners of the account will cave after you send a debt validation letter because a lot of times they can't provide you with the documents needed to even keep reporting this account on your credit report so they're just kind of hoping that what you'll do when you get the collection is pay them or contact them over the phone so that you will pay if they fail to respond to your debt validation letter and you can send in another letter to them demanding the removal of the account for a failure to respond if you join my facebook group i have a failure to respond letter in the file section that you can use if this has happened to you last thing you could do is settle the account in exchange for a deletion just send them a pay to delete letter assuming that you've sent them a debt validation letter and they provided the original documents or maybe a document from the original owner or the apartment complex basically saying that the debt was sold to this collection agency you do have to um you know communicate with them now they're the new owners of the account we don't want to make any arrangements with you things like that or if you've received a court order document then it's best that you go ahead and negotiate a settlement get that eviction removed but do not send them any payment until you get something in writing that says that after payment that they will delete the eviction from your credit report other than that they're not getting nothing and that my friends is how you get evictions removed um if you guys are interested in starting your own credit repair business please sound off in the comments below and i will gladly upload a video um of the steps that i took to start my business um but if you have questions definitely leave a comment below uh subscribe to my channel if you haven't already go join the facebook group again everything will always be in the description box um yeah guys y'all have a great weekend peace
Channel: LifeWithMC
Views: 12,630
Rating: 4.969399 out of 5
Id: RuLzBzt3GYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 54sec (294 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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