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so if you're watching this video it's because you have medical collections on your credit report whether you were notified or not notified you looked at your credit report or you opened your mailbox into your surprise there was a collection on your credit report or a collection letter in your meta your medicine box in your mailbox so now you're looking for ways to get rid of that so let's get started now um if i do happen to look down just because i'm looking at my handy-dandy notebook all right so the credit bureaus are supposed to wait 180 days after being notified by a collection agency um of a debt before they place it on your credit report this is kind of the grace period time that they give us consumers um time to work out a payment plan with the collector or the hospital or the doctor's office or whatever you know in order to pay this debt off before it's placed on your credit report so during the six months this is the opportunity for you to take care or make payment arrangements for this debt now let's say the six months has passed the collection is on your credit report you know you're here now the debt is here you want to know what you can do so the first thing you are going to do is send a debt validation letter to the collection agency now why you're going to do that is because the fdcpa gives you the right to ask a creditor to validate a debt even if you know that hey i did go to abc hospital you have the right to ask the creditor or collection agency to validate this debt a collection agency has placed a medical debt on your credit report the first thing you do is send them a debt validation letter okay in the debt validation letter it's going to ask them to validate the debt it's going to ask them to provide documents bearing your signature to validate this debt it's going to say provide dates of service it's going to say you know um tell me tell me how do you know that this debt is mine how did you verify that this debt with my what information do you have that just makes you feel like this debt is mine give it to me i want all of it you know this is what this letter is saying to them the collection agency is going to respond in one or two ways because the tricky part with the medical collection why is so tricky opposed to any other collection you know with the medical collection it's harder for collection agencies to validate your debt without violating your privacy laws so um that's the reason why it is so important to send a debt validation letter because you're asking them to provide documents that they cannot furnish without violating hipaa in some sort of way because if they're going to provide documents that validate your medical debt at some point it's going to have more than just dates of services and the doctor you saw it's going to show procedures it's going to show operations that you have it's going to show medical uh medications you took or medications you were prescribed you know and this is a big violation of hipaa so this is why it is so important to send a debt validation letter to the collection agency off top do not throw that collection letter away do not be afraid to respond to the collection letter send them a debt validation letter so when they respond to your debt validation letter they're going to respond in a couple of ways the first way is by not responding and if they do not respond this is where you go and you file a cfpb complaint against the collection agency for not being able to validate a debt you sent them a letter and you better send it certified so you know when they receive it they have 30 days from the date they received your letter not the date you sent it the date they received your letter to investigate and provide all the information that you asked if they failed to validate a debt that is reporting on your credit report you know what has to happen that debt has to come off because according to the fcra you are not allowed to report a debt that has not been validated okay all debts have to be validated as well as being properly reported and all this type of stuff but right now we're talking about them failing to validate your debt so you're going to file a cfpb complaint against the company for failing to validate your debt you're also going to send the failures and validate letter that you can find in my group files on my credit reporting credit reporting in my credit group all right so now let's say that they validate the debt by sending you you know a bill okay that's not what i asked for i didn't ask you to send me a bill i told you to send me a contract marry my signature i told you to send this this is this this is what i want this is the information that i want you didn't do it send them the failure to validate letter and what this letter does is basically say you know look i'm going to give you another chance to validate this debt send in the debt validation letter again and letting them know like this is the last this is the last chance that you're giving them to validate this debt before you move on to filing a cfpb complaint against the company for not being able to validate the debt or you could just file the cfpb complaint off time now let's say they validate the debt by sending you your medical records they send you something that has procedures they send you something that just shows them everything that you had done information that you probably haven't even seen now this is where it's exciting because when they do this fallacy of cfpb complaint immediately for violating hipaa you did not authorize them you did not sign a hipaa form authorizing this collection agency to access your medical records you didn't do it they're violating hipaa so that information has to come off immediately they have to cease collection immediately they cannot report this debt they cannot collect on the debt they cannot pass go they can't do any of these things but what they can do is remove the debt now what they better be lucky you don't do is sue them now you have the option to do that as well for violating your rights um and accessing this information so file your cfpb complaint for them violating hipaa not for them just failing to validate but make sure you specify violating hipaa in your um complaint okay and if you want to take it to step four you can also file a hipaa um let me make sure i'm saying this right you yeah you can also file a hipaa complaint the links to the cfpb and hipaa will be in my description box below you can file a hipaa complaint if you feel like your rights have been and your privacy has been violated um finally a hipaa complaint immediately you know and once you get this information in um you're gonna get some some information back for your records you can forward this information to the credit bureaus the collection agency with nine times out of ten fold when they hear the words hipaa violation because they're not expecting you to know that so a lot of times it doesn't even have to go as far as you um filing a cfpb complaint or even filing a hipaa complaint because a lot of these companies don't want a lawsuit so when they see that you know something they see they're like dang this person isn't an idiot like they know they're going to remove the debt immediately because they don't want to go through a lawsuit no company wants that so if all you're asking is for me to stop trying to collect on this day and to remove it from your credit report you know what they're gonna do they're gonna do that now let's wrap this video up in conclusion step one what are we gonna do send a debt validation letter we are going to send them a debt validation letter immediately in hopes that they respond by sending our medical records back or some statement showing any type of procedure that we had done the dates that happened the cost all of that we want all of that information that's why we're sending them the debt validation letter okay if they send you a bill if they send a statement if they send something that doesn't really show your medical records but it doesn't validate the debt send the failures to validate letter or just basically say to them hey you didn't validate this debt this is not what i asked for and send them the uh debt validation letter again for the second time if they fail to validate after sending them a second time go ahead and file a cfpb complaint go ahead and file a cfpb complaint against the company for failure to validate let me get some more okay so if i don't already i will have like over here on the screen or maybe on this side since there's more space i'll have something that you can include in your complaint so just take a screenshot of that so i hope this video helped um and i hope it just made it help y'all realize like how simple it is to um do these things like just being real guys like it's super duper it's super duper simple like to dispute things like on your credit report like it's not hard at all i think what people tend to make it complicated is when it comes to the wording like a letters like people feel like they have to know all these laws and the words that you use like you need to just sound like a freaking like you're you need to talk like yourself basically you know you don't have to switch up your lingo um just to form your dispute letter you don't have to be all extra professional with your letter and you know you could just basically say that look this information is reported inaccurately or hey you didn't validate this debt remove it or hey my name is misspelled this is not how you spell my name or this is an inaccurate name remove the following names you know or the following inquiries i did not authorize remove this like it's super duper simple um so don't ever overthink it um and yeah just don't don't overthink it and don't let it stress you out like i cannot say that enough i get a lot of emails a lot of questions i see a lot of comments in the um comment section of a lot of my videos and people are just really freaking out about like what to say on their dispute letter and i'm just thinking like bro it's not that deep like i know a lot of us don't know how simple it is but it's really not complex at all the things that make it complex is the fact that there's so much there's not enough information out there about credit repair and um the things that are out there a lot of it i don't know i'm gonna say it's wrong but a lot of it just looks so freaking confusing you know and so that's why i even wanted to just start making videos about this you know it's because like bro credit repair is really not that complex at all when you really start looking at it um i just have to put stuff in my my language and and put my flavor to it so i can understand it because if i got on here talking as boring like as boring as the things that i read sound like this would be so oh i'm spitting this would be so boring you know what i mean like credit repair is boring like reading about it and just trying to get the laws and all that type of stuff like i can't imagine getting on here reading the acts to y'all as as they are and not putting my own twist to it so and i couldn't imagine writing a dispute letter that didn't have my own flavor to it you know what i mean so don't think too hard on it just start that's all i can say just start okay and um i'll make another video probably right after this one because it's so quiet like my kids are my baby asleep my son is playing the game so i'm about to take advantage of this so i'm going to go ahead and make another video kind of just um for those of you who just need a little bit more tips as far as like writing a letter and for those of you who are actually looking to start a business i got some things that i want to tell you all about so tune in to these next videos um yeah so i'm probably going to try to cram a lot of footage in for the rest of november because i have been slacking for the past couple of weeks it's been so many birthdays my baby turned to my husband just had his 30th birthday and so it's just been a lot happening these last couple of weeks that i've just been focused on other things so i'm back i'm better than ever before we almost at 10k subscribers oh yeah so and that's another thing like look when we hit 10k subscribers i got like i'm gonna do something for y'all like for a couple of y'all you know it's like gonna be so hard to just pick one person to do something for but i got something special up my sleeve you know or up my sleeves for y'all um yeah y'all support me i appreciate the nice comments um you know i appreciate the support i really do it means a lot for somebody like me um yeah so anyways i'm gonna stop cause y'all know i like rambling but um yeah i'll see y'all in my next video and um thank you all so much for subscribing thank you so much for tuning in all the time and um yeah guys y'all have a great day peace out
Channel: LifeWithMC
Views: 28,484
Rating: 4.9891682 out of 5
Id: 3xVGZ4QOCmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2020
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