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[Music] I wouldn't be real if I didn't let you guys know that it is easy to repair your own credit there is no need to go out and hire a credit repair company so first things first in order to even began the dispute process you need to know what's on credit repair you need to know what's on your credit report I don't know why I always say you need to notice on your credit repair I guess it's just work and it's just I repair I want to come out anyways you need to know what's on your credit report so you know there are sites like Credit Karma creative destiny smart credit identity IQ privacy guard yeah it is a lot of sites where you can access your credit report you can even just say or go to Google type in how do I access my credit report but annual credit and it is allowing us to be able to access our credit reports for free every week unseal April of next year so go get them so that's first thing get your credit report annual credit and get all three of your credit reports and print some things out or download them to your computer if you can sit at your computer for a long period of time I think it's easier to print if you don't have a try merge credit reporting site online or you can do that you know experience and smart credit I really love their format I love smart credit because everything is on one screen and you can see all the accounts side by side so that's just a suggestion okay so BAM you got your credit reports now next thing is you need to know what's on them so our credit reports are broken down into sections you got your personal information you got your accounts that are positive if you have your derogatory accounts you have collections you have increase you have public record and you'll also see like your self promotional inquiry is not a type stuff but the thing is with those only you can see your self increase so don't worry about that so even if you see fifteen thousand nobody sees them but you so that doesn't matter start with one section at a time start with your personal information being that that is the easiest because you know your name you know your address you know your date of birth and so on highlight anything that you see in that personal information section that does not belong to you if you do not live at an address that is listed on your personal information section highlight it because to come off if you see numbers on there that you no longer use that are no longer yours highlight them because they need to come off if you see dataverse Social Security numbers misspelled names even if it's I'm violator highlight it because it needs to come off also employers if you no longer work there it's good to have at least one employer listed on your credit report your current employer or your most recent so now that you have an idea of what looking for our specific errors look like in the personal information section being it that's the easiest do that on the next credit bureau so then you'll move on to like your derogatory accounts okay so with the derogatory accounts you want to look for charge-offs you want to look for closed accounts with the negative payment history just because an account is closed does not mean you have to dispute it as long as that payment history is not negative if you have horrible payment history on this close account it needs to go find something wrong with it the date of the last payment right is the open closed date right first date of delinquency right does it match is the address that you know listed on there does that match all the paperwork that comes to you what about the creditor is your name listed on there correctly like look for inconsistencies and disputes make them prove that the debt is your sin debt validation letters to the credit bureau of send a verification letter to the credit bureaus and debt validation letters to their creditors or collection agencies it's the big ass difference sorry for cursing okay so now that y'all kind of get the gist of it the main thing here is you want to highlight things that you see that are wrong you know you want to look for inconsistencies even if it is you're dead you're not supposed to call the credit bureaus and be like look this is my debt but I want it off I wanted that sound like so no you're gonna say to them even though you know this is your day how you know it's mine that's basically what you're saying you know improve these prove that you you you took the proper procedures by law to verify that this was my day before you place it on my credit report that's the entire reason for sending a get verification letter to them you want to make them work who cares if you know that it's yours once it's off its off okay so it can't kind of get a little difficult when you're you know starting the process of trying to repair your credit you don't know what exactly to say but that's when having bond dispute letters come into play you don't have to spend thousands of dollars on templates you need to find templates that work for you or create them yourself just by looking up the laws specific to whatever it is that you're trying to dispute on your account be it your personal information section or derogatory account that's just not right count that you don't know the laws are there for you you just need to know them and right now like I said before in other videos now is the perfect time to take advantage of fixing your credit you got all the time in the world right now that I mean some of us aren't have gone back to work but some of us are at the house and with bad credit and you could be fixing your credit you know but you watch my videos but I'm helping nothing you'll get a pass all right so anyways oh you need a few letters I mean that's the main thing is knowing what to say so you get Google certain letters you know myself I offer dispute letters I'm selling them now I have two separate packages that you can look into they're in the description below I'll list the steps for each letter like I'll say okay and this for collections you need to send a debt validation letter to them first now if they prove that the debt is yours you need to stand up a to delete letter you know if they fail to show proof then that's grounds for deletion you know like I don't have a dispute letter that you could use to get it removed that's it I mean that's really it when it comes to credit repair is knowing what's on your credit report first of all and then having letters or knowing what to say and who to say it to to get a dispute II do not dispute online don't risk the possibility of them not wanting to investigate a dispute if you try to dispute it here you'll never be able to dispute online again you know um don't do it it's not worse even though it's quick it's not worth giving up right you know like when you just see it online it's automatically going to go through each officer you dispute online it's just looking for codes if you say this is not my account it's going to generate something back to you if it if the account that you're disputing and you say the reason for your dispute is because the account is not yours and an address and your person here from a information section matches or is connected to a debt it's going to say that it is yours and then you're not going to be able to dispute that account again you're gonna have to come in in a different way to get it removed now give them saying so don't dispute online and with increase don't dispute enquiries that are tied to an open account so now I'm gonna just tell you like the things you don't do so now you know what to do you know to access your credit reports first you know to highlight all the area the area of areas the errors I'm leaving all my mistakes in here because you know you highlight all the errors and then number three you create disputes or you purchase dispute templates to make it easier on yourself because it's a easy process it really is now in the dispute process okay keep them letters short and sweet all right you do not need to stand a dispute letter with 12 pages don't send letters that are too long just get to the point say what it is you're trying to say what's wrong with the account and it then just be done the things that you need to mail certified would be your letters to your collection agencies and anything pertaining to public records that way they know you serious you're keeping track you know when they got the letter you know for a fact when the 30 days is up you know for a fact if you send a method of verification within 15 days is up you know for a fact that they got your letter when they got it so you can start the counting down process okay so those are the only things that I would recommend in a certified for those of you who don't want to spend unnecessary money on postage you know trying to send a certified just so you can know when they receive that you don't have to the credit bureaus have 30 to 45 days three I say 45 because I made a mistake I disputed in account I didn't I saw something else I was running with after my creditor for head updated so I disputed it again which added more time so be patient they have 30 to 45 days to investigate your account and as soon as you get your dispute letter as soon as you get a response back from the credit bureaus and the collection agency or the court or whoever it is that you're talking to the dates in an amount of time depends on what the letter it is but for just your generic your basic dispute letters they have 30 days so once you get your results back you want to send up a follow-up letter or you want to send a method of verification if they say that the debt was verified it's in the method method of verification letter if you get deleted results from one credit bureau and not the other you want to send a letter and proof of the deletion so let's say because I have to give examples if that's just me let's say you had a payday loan in collections and you just feuded it with Equifax TransUnion and Experian but everything is deleted it TransUnion and Experian was like nope this verified what you would do is make a copy make two copies of the deleted results showing that ever fax was able to delete and they wasn't able to prove it what are you showing that proves you know that this is my bag and if you cannot show me you must follow suit and delete just like everything see that's it always follow up I want to instill this in you jessica's you don't get the results you want the first time because a lot of times you won't don't don't give up and don't not follow up double negatives that's how serious I am you always have to follow up with the credit bureaus otherwise it's just gonna sit there and then you're just gonna be like this doesn't work and this day I'm just have to wait - 17 years until they fall off no that's not true not all the time you don't have to wait that long all the time you just have to know what to say back to them always include a copy of your Social Security card copy of your driver's license and if your address is different like your current address is not the one that's listed driver's license send a copy of a utility bill a lot of people do not like to give out this information but if you do not give the credit bureaus proof of identity you're gonna get a star letter they're not just gonna remove something because some mysterious letters came in the mail and asked them to they need to know is you sending it so you have to do not sign any of the letters with your signature always type or print your name if your handwriting your dispute letters I would recommend when you're typing in a few letters to type in different colors use different languages so I can kind of mess up the Oscar and make a human look at your letter and so you can get better results instead of Yasir just spitting out some company made generic response back to you based off some key words if they that it discovered in your letter handwriting is not bad after letter it's 15 pages long don't you ham right there but if it's just one page to three paragraphs write it legibly okay I don't like rambling so I'm not gonna ramble alright let's wrap it up okay so that is the end of the video again I want to thank you everyone who has subscribed to my channel it is greatly appreciated I want to say this credit repair videos are now going to be on Thursdays maybe a Tuesday Thursday thing I'm not really sure yet Tuesday or Thursday or maybe Tuesday and Thursday just depending on the feedback I get and whatever type of videos y'all want to see y'all can follow me at MC Z or Instagram if you have any questions drop them down below if you are interested in dispute letters the description the steps to get to dispute letters are in my description box y'all have a great day on you
Channel: LifeWithMC
Views: 85,449
Rating: 4.9565215 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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