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[Music] [Music] for the July blowout the biggest firework display ever come to the Big Apple and celebrate with the world [Music] don't worry darling nothing's gonna happen [Music] [Music] big puncher just tell him we're sorry she want us to go down right you know I wouldn't let you run an assignment if I didn't think I was gonna bow down boy we've done this right yeah we usually it's your Assam hot seat I'm one kind of staying for that George hey Nick there's the best thing about being on a scuba team you're pissing your pants on oh well no so if we feel something warm swim by that's you right Troy sunglasses no you'll see something I got something yeah that's them okay guys follow my lead and keep it clean forget the drugs make a collar I might have you home by midnight sound good good Jeff next time throw in let's kick some ass [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] NYPD don't move freeze excuse me but what the hell's going on here you're under arrest suspicion of international narcotics trafficking now put your hands on your head both of you you're making a big mistake young man do what that fighter tells you thought you had a hunch it's gotta be here somewhere what's in here you really have no idea who I am do you yeah you're a royal pain in the ass you're a stupid cop is about to get in a lot of trouble what's that Walter that's a diving beacon there's somebody down there Tony Peyton Reed these two their rights [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Walter Nick into my office yes sir yes sir yes hi chief Christ Nick the guy was a New York City judge I realized that now sir and you first lien assignment no less sir if I may I've been following that boat for three months it's registered to a twice convicted drug dealer every other Wednesday it goes out and by Friday downtown is flooded which rocks a I visit my mother on Staten Island twice a month does that make me a suspect - no sir sir it's really my fault damn right it is Walter I know you have one foot out the door here but I don't expect you to just take a nap until then no sir I'm absolutely not good no I've already extended an apology to the judge hopefully by the end of the day some other guy in some other department will screw up and we can laugh at that guy for a while in the meantime I have a call from Pier 42 they have some electrical problems probably somebody tampered with their submerged cables I want you to to dive down and check on it come on I want you to check on it and I want you to stay out of trouble for one day do I make myself clear yes sir yes sir what do you mean by that I was waiting for the right moment to tell everybody but I put in for a transfer hey Moses what are you talking no I'm trading in my flippers for a nice cozy little office something out it's right next to the mayor's office yeah you know I finally figured out the East River it's gonna keep on flowing with me long without me and it's time for some new blood around here so I've recommended you to replace me as unit leave Walter I'm flattered I don't think a Capitals gonna go for Senor Senor me is a very highly overrated asset you got something better than that Nick right here every day no matter what you show up you're ready to put your shoulder to the mountain-moving another rich you know the rest of these guys I don't know I think half and we're in the unit because they think they look cool in a wet suit that's it I swear to die but Nick you're the only one day in day out that I can count on to do the right thing even after last night forget about last night all right that kind of [ __ ] happens as part of the job you're gonna get other opportunities and I'm willing to stake my pinch and that you're gonna do the right thing Thanks but in the meantime partner you me lead i some underwater cable pantyhose to round up so let's get to it [Music] [Music] so Watson we think I think the killer had a boat tied up to that pole you guys scared to fall freely quick and through with him how it ended up with pure 42 with the victim still attached now with the victim still attached is anybody's guess you know this is some of the stuff that I am NOT gonna be missing well you say Albert say red shoe size seven large heel you know I'm jealous Walter here are you gonna be leaving us not too soon though I still got this mess to clean up well whatever happened sure wasn't pretty I've never seen a dog torn up like this before note to self please call Walter when he's uptown and ask for a transfer let's see what I can do excuse me ma'am this is a crime scene oh sorry right there you go Rachel starboard mayor's office mayor's oh I'm sorry ma'am but this area still off-limits look the mayor sent me all the way down here himself maybe you could just answer a couple questions do you have any new leads on the murder suspect well at this point there is no murder suspect just two missing people okay well is it true that the victims were tourists from Russia excuse me but why is the mayor so interested in this particular homicide well in case you missed it we're about to welcome 6 million visitors to the biggest Independence Day celebration of the millennium so understandably he's a little concerned that we're now too short understandable miss my partner spends a lot of time underwater maybe I can help you out look you tell the mayor that we got things well in hand down here you shouldn't worry about his great big party there's an official report live in the 1st again okay and your name is Archie officer Nick Hartfield that sounds familiar do what I've heard of you before no ma'am I don't think something no I do you think so um this morning something about a city judge or yeah well actually actually there's something that we got to take a look at good luck ma'am my sister the Petersons let me see that yep you know what that is well today that's garbage throw it away no Walter that's a hunch I thought we touched that word away from you this morning serious Walter you know where that came from Nick [Music] I know how those people party now it wasn't as a preacher from the world y'all I hate going down here like take a couple of breaths why is that Walter you never know what's gonna be down here but I can guarantee you ain't gonna smell too good it smell worse than you we round this corner and there's this rat their two biggest [ __ ] feet though it rears up on its back legs and things growling I swear the cut he takes a pop at it so watch out I think the bullets still sitting around in here so Walter you tell me that story every time we go down time the rats get bigger last time they were the size of dogs all right McNary Hartfield okay don't get all twitchy I get this is some of the kind of stuff I will not be missing all team and I are back after 20 years in the blood blood start to smell like the East River [Music] [Music] what [Music] welcoming committee you just remember my name is Francis Albert Sinatra tutorial and I wish to be addressed as such okay blue eyes here's the deal a couple of tourists were knocked off last night I don't appear and you came down here to put your finger on me now mad dog we know you're not capable of killing brain cells oh yeah I haven't been up top today you know you might not have heard that dog but I'm not gonna be around here very much longer I'm not gonna be able to keep coming down here and checking up on you which might cause you a little worried because you got a lot of nice things down here and if I'm not on your site who knows what gonna happen yeah you're calling the shots mad dog go on tell us what you seen wrong keep on hitting home runs this is my home you can't do that pretty good shot oh yeah okay okay I'll tell you what you wanna know but you're not gonna believe me it's it's too complicated give us a try what wasn't wasn't a man that kills two people it it was a seaman okay Walter matter up hey I'm telling you grab the both of those people you don't know it's like there's like a big big thing with with long arms and like whipped around like what Matt oh yeah yeah like a like an octopus yeah like Mike Maginot suppose that's what it was an octopus I know what I saw and I know a drunk when I see one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're treated to an early 4th of July fireworks how the damn thing went supernova right in the middle of the East River suit up hold on ik I sent Tony an x-ray out there with the team they should be able to handle it you two go home and get some sleep okay suppose I should take that as a vote of confidence - yeah it's Rachel Rachel I'm sorry Oh in so many people don't here today I have that app paperwork for the International Children's coalition what sir we've got 12 kids flying in from around the world for a fourth of July peace ceremony you're supposed to meet them at Coney Island oh yeah kids we look great you'll appreciate all your hard work on this is not going to unnoticed believe me but for the moment I need you to drop everything and take care of something else for me but sir Rachel this is important I need to know that I can count on you in a pinch okay yes sir all right the first thing tomorrow morning I want you to go back down to lower Manhattan hop in precinct I don't know they seem to be having a lot of trouble down there yes sir [Music] let us see yeah just write down a few Isis I love a fire out there tonight huh my guess if you weren't so busy the captain who sent you out there right yeah and I still AM tell you mind no No [Music] frankly I don't know what to make of this Nick I did some quick research sir and it's not as crazy as it seems that storm we had in June brought a lot of water south from up near Nova Scotia and it's possible that this creature was swept down with it it's trapped or nesting out in the Hudson let me get this straight you're telling me an octopus came up from the Hudson River snatched a couple of tourists from a moonlit walk and then came back the next night deep-sixed a four-time tugboat yes certain I think so I'm I'm blown away when was the last time you had a physical Nick excuse me sir a physical you know we take your pulse check your heartbeat I'm not sure satellite because I'm wondering when your brains fellow and how you've been functioning without them all this time a botched drug case I can take but this sir I think Nick was just trying to make sure that we had all the bases covered yeah well I guess this covers it I'm gonna forget we had this conversation I'm just gonna figure you're a little disoriented because your partner is about to take off on you so let's try again let's go home back to our job quietly guys visitor Rachele starboard we met yesterday from the mayor's office that's nothing thanks Rachel starboard from the mayor's office yeah Independence Day so Rachel what brings you to our humble precinct well the mayor has asked me to come down here and make sure you boys got everything under control wasn't that thoughtful of him specifically regarding this tugboat incident now I know I don't have to remind you that we're about to have 20,000 boats in the harbor this week and so clearly water safety would be a big issue for the mayor clearly so any new information yeah well actually detective Hartfield has a theory that you might find interesting please ignore him we believe that the accident was the result of a defective boiler yeah it's unfortunate but it was an old boat and sometimes these things happen there's nothing to worry about the harbour will be completely safe for the celebration great I will let the mayor know that I didn't get your name last time oh it's making there that's MC big in a IR you probably haven't heard of me I'm not quite as popular uptown as my my partner not yet anyway don't want you to finalize that one what are you doing your bus is leaving in like ten minutes what the children's coalition that a man wants you to take them on the run to today Danny Tony I know we went through this the burn through is actually tomorrow there's a full report on his desk what can I say that's what he thought well you know what I think I think people see exactly what they want to see what what is that supposed to nothing fortunately he's the mayor okay fine just tell him I'll take care of it five foot ten wearing a blue but it's sweatshirt is report to the air 64 suspect is impossible [Music] [Music] [Music] miss Rachel you're welcome miss Emily best day of my life is Rachel how about that one that's impressive I think it's just stiff Don I need a comfort yeah I get a hand here I haven't had a desk job before this is kind of important you know what's the first impression you walk in its the desk in the chair that find the man I just can't let this go I know I'm on to something ain't talking about that octopus thing I don't care what the captain thinks you being ambitious Nick it's an important part of this job I support you 100% in there plus I'm Way behind you on anything that gets the Kevin's blood flow so you think I'm right well you know buckle up oh please just one more week Lord that's all I ask just one more week of peace [Music] my friend got drunk all right we'll take care of it I want you to clear off the dock nobody else is falling in tonight right all righty come on Charlie yeah now you sting just gonna take a quick look around [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you want [Music] [Music] see [Music] [Music] [Music] can you tell me what you see here that's an inkblot but beyond that does it evoke any sort of image for you what do you mean like a butterfly or something if that's what you see yes yes you're an octopus how's that what you mean that's the image you're looking for a big black octopus with eight crazy arms flying around maybe my partner tucked up inside there all right easy oh come on let's just come out and say it I'll bring in some hired gun to make it all seem official excuse me could you leave us alone for a minute look we have a very very sensitive situation here I have another civilian dead along with one of this departments was decorated man and I thought you telling me the Creature from the Black Lagoon did it no captain an octopus just an octopus right an octopus from New York Harbor killing cops and tourists and dock workers can you see my problem I've seen it and you've seen the condition that dock was and you think I'm making this up I think you've been through a traumatic experience we need to look through this thing a whole lot further sir captain I saw it with my own eyes it's out there and if you take any action I got a nauseating feeling that says we're gonna hear from this thing again which is why I've got the whole department on yes and I expect some answers as soon as humanly possible now I think you need some rest no captain that one there's an investigation to run sorry you're in no shape right now Tony's gonna run point on this sir I just that's final and for the time being he's gonna take Walters spot as division leader I hope you understand [Music] can you be any slower yes sorry to bother you but said I could find you here don't tell me mayor heard about my partner's untimely demise and he was deeply concerned seeing as it felt so close to the big party he's been planning no it's not like that yeah well tell your boss the next time a Harbor Patrol is thinking about dyin and make sure to contact his office first make sure it fits in with his busy schedule look I just came down here to say I'm sorry everyone's pretty shaken up Todd listen I know you and detective McNair were close okay you're obviously not interested in my condolences so oh no wait I I'm sorry she said it's not having kind of a rough day seems like he was quite a guy best listen to me for partner was to make it easier well sorry if it seems like I've been keeping tabs on you it's just you know my boss has overworked and we got this big event coming up no I just did your job that's what City Hall does I'm lucky if the married remembers my name God take anything I have to say seriously how can you do right you know just a few detective Park feels her partner was killed by the east for the killer when are we gonna get some an Easterner for the one who brutally murdered those two tourists down by the sea far [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey Nick wasn't sure you're gonna make it in today we want them came to bury the hatchet please the last thing I want from you is your sympathy okay but you want my sympathy a little lead on that tourist case look it's no joke Nick I was flagging the grid and just about 20 minutes ago somebody had lunch on the dead chicks credit card so you say come along with me away yeah I'm the manager they bet those daily credit cover since we talked about yeah I made a move on our oh yeah yeah idiot thank you yeah where's for money where's your rest of it [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] please here's the key to 102 please don't shoot anybody here the walls are very thin very hard to catch right well ladies [Applause] hi Nick who's your no guy put your hand on top of your head mad dog you notice clam yeah the right means silent that's rhymes he knows it it's not you mad dog yeah I'm telling you captain this is a mistake he didn't do it and I'm telling you relax Nick you did good can't you let it rest at that we've got the wrong guy Helena the wrong species let me rephrase myself let it rest Nick that's an order pardon me Kevin but it's the wrong detectives heart filled in Molinari gained access to the suspects hotel room well we found what we now know to be the victims stolen purse suspect fled the scene but was later apprehended by the officers captain is this the East River Killer that's your little nickname not ours yes we are looking into a possible link to this case how about the upcoming fourth of July celebration is the waterfront safe the waterfront is absolutely safe house take this divisions reputation on it thank you ladies and gentlemen that's all [Applause] hey congratulations thanks Alvin hey they keep the banquet awaits guys you should have this Walt deserves X not some later loss the cat down the sewer and captain wants him to check it out yeah he gets all the good assignments I'm telling you guys this isn't right it's a problem think it's paid for not the food the case look man dog didn't do he didn't kill those tourists he certainly didn't kill Walter or for God it was the killer octopus right [Music] Jesus snake finally go and do something get yourself out of the doghouse I wanna go screw that up because it's not the truth I know the man we arrested today he's not a killer it wasn't until now come on the guy's certifiably office Rocky's been sniffing subway for the past ten years you don't know what he's capable of no I don't but I do know what I saw and we're not out of the doghouse yet not by a long shot this guy's unbelievable [Music] why exactly as a community occupier strictly territorial creatures I think this was taking a liking to the area and decided to call it home now it's just clearing out anything in its way Nick I don't want to come off this room because I know that you've been through a lot it's just you sound like someone who's not too much time in the bottom of the East Room believe could've thought had crossed my mind hungry I'm gonna take a range trust me that's not talking city okay all right so let's just say I give you the benefit of the doubt yeah she's really a frightening thought the idea of me walking into the mayor's office and just springing this on him is it's like suicidal we can get a big event coming up in that Harbor right don't you think if there's even the slightest chance that something's out that you can't just let this go that's coming from a guy who busted a judge for drug trafficking look I told you I heard your name before so was the mayor's this how you want me to bring it up to them again no great talk I don't know where else to turn well what about the guy in jail the one that you arrested you will believe what they want to believe it's not always the truth maduk had nothing to do with mother's death okay alright I'll see what I can do really thank you oh and one other things the judge or no judge I still say that guy was up to something yeah I bet you [Music] [Music] sir sir if I could just have a minute no later wait I'm sorry sir but this is very important I don't think it can wait okay what you're gonna want to hear this in private well know that it's gonna have to wait you close the door on the way up please well clearly I am not the person to go to when you got to get something to the mayor at least you try to appreciate that choice want to be a politician no hardly eight months ago it was a starving artist living in Soho my dad you know I do like eating or the painting so it's the aircraft Canella cat you tasted some crazy Harbor cop around town you really think it's out there I told you always seems to come out at night all three incidents happen in this general area and this general time look right there you see that I don't right in the middle of the river maybe I'm not sure what I'm looking for was a shame in the water I don't know out there towards the industrial it's moving toward shore come on it's a treatment plan give me a hand what was that be careful I'm a professional so is he [Music] go eat [Music] no helping convert some more believers miss starboard and detective Hartfield were attacked this evening in a drainage processing station near the harbour this is gonna be good now tell them who attacked you it was an octopus sir excuse me an octopus okay who put you up to this on the police budget this year oh wait a minute no it's my wife right now I forgot another anniversary no sir it's not a joke and I wanted to tell you about it today no the other attacks all the other attack oh well that makes all sense now detective Hartfield has a theory that the East River Killer isn't this guy we have in custody it's this creature the reason I called you is because this concerns the big 4th of July event tomorrow night I'm lost yeah you mean you actually believe those do not wholeheartedly but I've got two men dead and I've seen enough damage to convince me that something's going on something we need to address okay you don't need a man you need Jack Cousteau the Coast Guard's got a cutter we could bring in sir if we could find this thing's lair we could either capture it or kill it we just need your go-ahead tomorrow's Times killer act if the stops fourth of July mass seek psychiatric help I'm glad you can see the humor in this mr. mayor another shift starting tomorrow morning in the meanwhile I'll free up detective Hart field to pursue this independently if there's something to worry about this should cover it well okay but quietly I understand no Coast Guard no other departments no media I'm all for safety but I'm not for mass public hysteria and you come up and you let me know sir I'd like to extend our services in health detective Hartfield in this investigation yes goodnight look about tonight I don't know what to say try to drag into this mess at least you were able to drag me out of it you know if I hadn't seen it myself if I wouldn't believe me either Wow this stuff is amazing thank you you know I think I'm overstating the obvious here but you might want to rethink that career change another starving artist it's kind of pathetic don't you yeah well you're not the one running around Manhattan chasing after judges and killer octopi no as my old partner used to say that there was a fine line between being really stupid and really brave the most important thing was commitment just take action no matter what side of the fence you fall on yeah never have any regrets it's gonna be a big day tomorrow so you should probably get some rest I think that in a strange way I'm kind of looking forward to it [Music] and welcome to July 4th on Liberty Island by tonight this will be ground zero for the biggest party in the city now this is where things are really going to rock and roll I'm standing at the fireworks staging area right here on the Riddhi Island folks will be lined up for miles on both sides of the river to take part in the extravaganza but I'll let you in on a little secret the best seat in the house is right out there this is Cathy Johnson Liberty Island Nick OH later Tony later guess that'll work you know work Manhattan forensics for 16 years guys can you leave us a moment please thank you I've seen rats the size of dogs I've even seen an alligator or two but this one Nick this one yeah I know Albert we've heard it all before note to self this is one of the strangest things I've ever seen here's the water breakdown from the shipyard where Walter was killed and here's the stuff you pulled from the Canadian oceanographic institute now we're looking for similarities chemical and biological reasons why the creatures stays in this area and then seeks out the spots where our incidents have occurred outside of the ordinary elements I'd say these ten would be the strongest links between the two habitats now we can narrow that down to one or two and then just cross-reference that with the geological map of Manhattan I'd say you find the most likely place where this creature is gonna be hanging out at which gives us four hours before the celebration kicks off note to self no Twilight crews tonight [Music] I can't believe we're coming back here yeah well I told you stupidity and bravery to find [Music] see what we got here cesium selenium and magnesium you guys enough I don't know we're gonna give this to my primary environmental office we'll have him run it against some local geological charts and we'll see how that narrows it down yeah we got two hours of daylight I got 12 kids I gotta get to Brooklyn and Abbas is fortunately kind of busy here Tony what's up yeah I'll be right there I'll meet you the priest thing you know I'll try to make it go away [Music] [Music] bilge pumps run to know the reason this thing's still floating [Music] judge what the judge still down there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so start with the good stuff and I was right about everything they weren't too conclusive okay check these coordinates on the geomap seventy four point eight five degrees longitude yeah that's one of the hot spots there's anything down bingo there are trace elements of selenium now there's only one other spot here that matches the criteria should give us the octopus's where it's right in the middle of the harbor [Music] captain we haven't got to clear the water Oh what can I do my hands at five captain that's bull and you know it I have everybody present what's the status you know damn well what the status is mayor it's out there we've got proof now and you're not even gonna warn people Nick you got twenty thousand boats in a three square mile vicinity you have an obligation to one litter can have multi pen over one another to get this your I don't think so that's 20,000 mattress waiting to happen well then at least alert the Coast Guard and bring in a cutter Oh for Christ's sake we're talking about an octopus here not the Russian Navy now color know what the captain tells me you've got five of the best divers in the city you got a sink a school what else you ought to be able to put one octopus out of his misery meantime I got a speech to make and Rachel's got an hour to meet me down there with a busload of kids so let's go I'll take care of it be careful let's go [Music] which is straight into a series of low-lying caverns which should put us right up to the big guys moving yep Phil after I'm done with this [ __ ] is gonna be calamari time alibi is good baby I'm chilly now whatever just make sure you boys have some cocktail sauce ready [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] okay guys we move as a team so does anyone spots that he just starts shooting everyone else follow what up until it's Fishman right to run any problems everyone just stand back and let Peyton nukid this is to have central air conditioning of whatever its exhaust station for the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel to the other side remember guys cities countless we kick some ass [Music] [Music] and I'll see you got a flesh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] what I I promise we'll be there soon [Music] are you doing what you out of the water now I want you out of the water take this by the way before the July [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] vaporized [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wait a minute Tony I hear something things sky-high people call for backup [Music] [Music] [Music] it is but I got into the tunnel before my men could kill it right get him out of there we're working on it sir I've got all units responding but frankly it's a mess down there detective Hartfield is that a tunnel exhaust station he's attempting to enter from there Martin you mean octopus boy [Music] rachel is anybody hurt [Music] everyone back in the bus go everybody does it back of the bus good Rachel [Music] registries Rachel [Music] as fast as you can [Music] [Music] come on [Music] [Music] [Music] hi decision here we go [Music] [Music] he's gonna take you got it [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody okay [Music] [Music] you got it down right Nick [Music] so [Music] all right this is some point of July Nick yeah land of the free under the sea monster dead sea monster right absolutely how you doing [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you you
Channel: FilmRise Movies
Views: 525,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FilmRise, Movies, Action, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Monsters, Creatures, B-Movie, Campy, Supernatural, Giant octopus, Fourth of July, New York, Horror, Free Movies, Full Movies
Id: WycfXXLwrfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 38sec (5678 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2019
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