Monster Wolf | Full Monster Horror | Horror Central

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[Music] [Music] this turned out to be a late night and i'm not getting it like that i called him you got to talk all right let's shoot for it stuart one two three man i was this close to getting laid so whatever you got going on around here better be good survey didn't say anything about a rock bed well there's that and there's this come with me you're not going to believe this [Music] well there it is whoa yeah tell me about it how's the flame just floating in the air like that anybody else know about this just you [Music] [Music] oh flow through it sir you have enough blast uh yes sir but we we're not even supposed to be out here you take this the city council and they will choke us to death on red tape and that is not a metaphor i understand but what if it's important i don't think the world is going to miss a couple of pieces of poorly made pottery my kid brings home better stuff from her art class she's nine years old this is gonna take a lot of demo and i don't think we're cleared for this kind of a blast in my experience mr simmons once the oil begins to flow we are clear to do whatever the hell we want yes sir don't ever call me this late again are you sure you got enough to clear this thing out this much c4 it'll be like it never existed no way somebody don't hear that blast though locals are gonna throw a bit yeah well the locals ain't paying you triple time to get this rig pumping fair enough charge is laid fuse is right five seconds to blast fire in the hole that's impossible do you know how much c4 i used jasper i have no idea but i i would not breathe everybody come here come on it's coming back [Music] [Music] no more you know you do this job long enough you start to figure you've seen it all right anything on that relic oh branson thinks it might be native american that's probably pretty obvious what are we looking at a lot of pieces out there that just don't fit together it's a damn mess how many did six eight ten i don't know you don't know like i said it's a damn mess much afternoon and that's that's too big to be a dog or coyote you think a coyote can do that no coyotes in louisiana i don't know maybe you pack of them with left and they should have gone right ended up down here pissed off freaked out i don't know maybe then it wouldn't take much to send him into a frenzy yeah maybe or could have been a bear stark he should be down there get a 20 on him i'll take care of stark it's not good faith just because you use the words good faith stonewalling is stonewall a person only stonewalls in a negotiation we're not negotiating we're refusing you can't just refuse it's unamerican you realize you just said that to me without a hint of irony i'm backing up the money truck i am bending over backwards what is there to complain about well for starters your methods are an environmental hazard oh give me a break we're drilling for oil that's like complaining that harpoons are anti-whale my attorney arrived mr stark i'm sorry i'm late bad weather coming out of laguardia they didn't tell me about this sir it's a wild card could go either way the guy on the other side wants to screw you maybe he compromises to get in your good graces on the other hand maybe he holds the line to show you what a man he is i don't think the way i look should affect my job performance okay look ms bennett maria bennett i'm gonna give you that one for free but if you say something that's stupid again i'll make sure you're chasing ambulances for the rest of your life the biggest client your firm has is a chain of grocery stores you don't think it's strange monsanto eamons and breed winkin blinkin and nod suddenly turned up on my radar i did until i read your case file so you understand why i requested a junior associate as point on the biggest case your firm is ever likely to see you're hoping that because i grew up in this town i can exert influence on your behalf our behalf ms bennett can you yes and will you knowing you may have to screw over people that you call your friends if keeping friends were my highest priority i wouldn't have left this town three years ago mariah i just don't understand why you didn't call it was all last minute dad i was swamped he says i'm only here for a couple days to work for that guy that guy is a huge opportunity this is how careers are made what well that just doesn't sound like the daughter that i raised i'm a lawyer dad not a social worker you taught me to be professional you taught me that success comes from focus dedication and hard work i'd say i'm exactly the daughter you raised three times in the past hour can this day get worse they say the sale doesn't go through until they get the louisiana contracts how's that going almost there they're gonna want their advance money back if the sale falls through of course audrey i take calculated risks i don't go on suicide missions i'm sorry it's just these guys are kind of scary relax audrey i have everything under control [Music] [Music] um push that perimeter back too you know what we'll check go ahead and just check this whole area here there might be some claw marks or maybe there might be tracking maria bennett well well well how you doing do yale know you're here no hey what do you got tv just broke the news we got about 10 minutes before the lucky lose get here all right let's get this perimeter pushed back all right already on it hey what have you been doing out here surveying in the middle of the night with the drill yes i can't help you unless you tell me the truth just get the chief to sign the deal that's all i need you for these men were very foolish these men were unlucky what did this coyote or bear is our current theory it's a catina whale what's he talking about a native legend i really don't know much about it patina way is an animal spirit that defends our people in times of need it's a boogeyman that parents use to scare their children into not littering you know put around the trash or a fish in a while will come and get you it's like that uh commercial with the crying indian no not not really are you suggesting that a ghost did this not a ghost mr stark a spirit so [Music] [Music] so uh [Music] so [Applause] aren't you supposed to be retired bennett whoa new york city sure knocked the cajun right out of you huh uh you're just not used to seeing me in makeup myself i ain't used to seeing you with shoes on once you get back here just now i'm here for a couple days only y'all know you're here not unless you're psychic no oh you hear about the oil man huh that's right yeah you here to help tell them they want it here no matter how much green they got no can drill here look you want some of this uh extra gator meat no charge for you maybe tomorrow it's nice talking to you miss f uh maria you be careful okay gators ain't bad enough now we got bears i'll be careful and stay out the woods hey so did you come back to mary yale or something no i did not come back to mary do i even know you know [Music] these people wonder hey guys gals welcome back to live at five this is crowley talk we're talking about oil drilling this afternoon and when i was to weigh in on the subject hear me on this our town needs that deal and i say it's time for the tribe all due respect to step aside and let this deal go through i'm no animal expert but i would say drill it for all it's going to keep those cops [Music] let me guess chase told you i was in town chase mrs spontano mom bird traitor uh he just wants to see you happy you look good choice clothing's a little interesting but other than that you're pretty okay pretty okay wow were you always this charming when we're dating probably not you ain't gonna invite me in what's the point i'm only here for three days a lot can happen in three days a lot is not gonna happen in three days besides my dad's coming over for dinner tonight sheriff's coming by yeah [Music] your dad and i are on a little bit of a low right now hello um warrant for my arrest low what it's pretty stupid actually it's a difference of opinions as relating to jury duty he thinks it's a civic responsibility and you think i think making somebody be in a courtroom for eight hours a day is cruel and unusual i'm gonna be at the water hole later everybody is everybody meeting you and chase won't you join me for a drink maybe do me a favor don't tell your dad where i'm gonna be later [Music] hey did i just see yale lewis driving away that boy needs to learn the meaning of civic duty how you doing today good i brought a bottle of wine for us tonight all right i need a hand with that looks heavy do you really think a bear could have done this come on honey no shock talk all right we got a team of cops out there working the scene but right now it's a time off so let me just enjoy making dinner for my little girl huh someday when you have your own kids you'll understand what this feels like well it sure smells good i'm glad you said that i've been making some improvements to maria chao i think you're gonna be impressed all right here we go [Music] it's a polite way of saying i need you in my office in 20 minutes fascinating i'm busy myself seeing 20. get us some drinks prepare to have your mind blown i'm sorry i'll call you later um [Music] hey [Music] that's your problem man seems to me that maybe pretty much it always means no yeah you're probably right always right and if you like it you should have put a ring on it is that are you quoting songs hell yeah bro there's wisdom and pop song well then hit me baby one more mommy's in there like you rap dude let it be i can love you all night long you can't walk stop i wanna touch all your naughty places it gets me hot yes this guy gets it man thank you why am i friends with you from their [ __ ] oh were definitely not bringing sexy back no sir what do you got for me well you're not gonna get anywhere returner until you build some momentum go on why don't you buy some individual lots land the tribe doesn't own just drill there here's the thing it doesn't matter if you find oil pay them as if you did when the people see their neighbor getting rich the entire town's going to back you and they tried cakes once we have a deal with the tribe the town gets whatever we give him and it won't be much exactly audrey you can go home now if you need me to stay i'm happy too it's fine i assume you have a list of candidates oh yes i do i see you put your ex-boyfriend on the list i know every kiss you've ever had from first to last [Music] all right [Music] [Music] right now [Music] that man waste no time good morning just for just for real maria they're going to pay me all this money for poking holes in my yard for real they tell me i can go anywhere i want to on vacation they're going to pay for it i've always wanted to go to new orleans uh new orleans is three hours away bird oh i know i know i hear you but when you get to be old as me sometimes you gotta throw course into the wind i'll do it i'll do it i'll do it i'm going to stop good packing that's how i made the cut huh i'm sorry phone's been ringing off the hook all morning saying you people are buying up lots that's right well you could put me down as a no but you haven't even heard our offer yet yeah we'll see i tend to take biggie's view all finances what's that mo money more problems see i don't really care about you people drilling for oil but the one thing that i do care about is you're doing it in my backyard if you would just have a look so i guess i don't really need to tell you where to shove that thing do i listen just take a look at the offer you'll change your mind we got to get going just well that's a big problem hmm come on [Music] you heard we got the lab results back on that tooth wolf turner could be right and this could be some sort of spirit this one is same as the others you sure i'm positive more and more i'm thinking this is the work of a single animal well how could one wolf take out nine men in 24 hours judging from these molds this ain't no ordinary wolf this thing weighs 200 pounds easy what the hell sheriff when did you decide to stop policing this town i don't like you tell me yeah you and my ex-wife do you realize how much money i've lost in the last two days this is a major problem for me well don't you think it might be more of a problem for him you need to handle this sheriff i'm law enforcement i'm not animal control oh come on what kind of wolf does this you better start asking yourself why turner wants us to think it's a wolf you know something i'm gonna do you a big favor right now and just pretend that i didn't hear an accusation in there all right you tell chief turner that when you hit somebody you better be ready for them to hit back now what are you gonna do taking care of this my way there is no your way stark it's me you know the guy we used on that africa thing i need him so it's true you are sleeping with the enemy you came all the way down here just tell me that oh actually i drove all the way down here to give you a meatball sub windows who else don't understand everything's open in new york all the time i mean there's two 24-hour museums oh the perfect thing for those 4 am picasso cravings you're just making fun of me a little bit i'm just glad you found someplace that makes you happy what's that supposed to mean i sometimes wonder if you left town because of that thing i did what things ask you to marry me oh nothing yeah he didn't have to move halfway across the country he could have just said no i didn't leave because i was running away from you i left to move closer to my career yeah so it's kind of funny how those two things really don't seem all that different to me could have followed what they missed out on backyard wrestling wednesday nights get real could your neck be any redder yeah well you know what they say about us rednecks no what do they say i don't really know i was hoping you had an answer still quite the funny guy huh that's right i'm glad you're back even if it is for a minute uh you want to talk about it what the accident it's what you're thinking about isn't it what's there to say still don't remember anything nothing i remember it was my 16th birthday i remember breakfast i remember driving to new orleans with my mom and then it's just blank three days later i wake up in the hospital i never ask to see your body and sometimes i feel like i'm on the verge of remembering everything then it's just all gone it's like a sick game inside my head you'll remember when you're supposed to yeah good to see you again mr cop it's just coughlin man okay i hope i didn't pull you away from anything important are you kidding i'll live for the stuff what's the sit rep i need you to kill a wolf for me is that a code name or something what who's the wolf no i need you to kill an actual wolf an animal it's terrorizing the town it's killed nine people you sure it's a wolf honestly i don't know whatever it is i need it dead so you call me as i recall turning live things into dead ones is sort of your specialty yeah that on my primavera source seriously no not seriously honestly i think i prefer being the only hard ass in my life hey cher i got pictures of that accident ah what about that any survivors here no survivors yeah bobby go make me a photocopy of that paw print there would you what's cause of the accident here i don't know it looks like they uh swerved to avoid hitting something in the road well that's interesting sheriff that's 12 people missing are dead all halter ex-employees what kind of wolf profiles its victims look i hate to say this but i think stark might be right about turner are people really saying that i'm sleeping with the enemy oh well a few people are saying it okay most people aren't saying it god i wish i could lie to you do you think colter x is the enemy if you say they're okay i say they're okay hey oh no you don't what i know that hey it's the i'm about to make a move hey would that be so awful good night yo good night let me go catch that train so so [Music] chief well remind me to fire my security guards the menu called in their hunters i don't know what men you're talking about i saw the helicopter if you send them into the woods they will die i seriously doubt that you invoked the kachina waya when you broke our agreement you and your people must now pay the debt what agreement that you would not drill during negotiations i told you that was a surveying team the more people you bring the more that will die [Music] those men are not hunters they're killers and they are very good at what they do and they'll still die and so will everybody else in your tribe what tribe what do you call this halter x that's ridiculous remind me what does a c stand for in ceo when there is no one else left then it will come after you you heard all that he's never gonna sell everyone has a prize everyone except lunatics [Music] yes i need you to take somebody out for me yeah i don't have a problem with that how do you want it up close and personal or handle god style and of god is always best consider it done [Music] [Music] hello gail yes i think somebody's trying to get into a house call your dad yes i'm not sure what it is uh [Music] [Music] so okay go [Music] all right i want to lock down on that perimeter you understand me thanks so much for stark's theory that turner is the killer but still nobody you ain't gonna find one think about it that thing was literally just hit by a mack truck nothing walks away from that this thing did look i know you're shaking up about this whole thing but uh most important things like i said eight feet at least hey honey how's that arm doing oh it's okay look maria that thing's out in a ditch somewhere dead or dying i'd guarantee it look if everything's already i'm just gonna go on back to the station and book that driver all right book him yeah turns out he's driving drunk wow yale sir do me a favor and take care of you you know it was and uh don't think i'm forgetting about that jury duty either to be continued all right so um are these my clothes oh yeah good thing i kept them huh yeah maria hey ms f i heard about what happened i wanted to help just uh didn't know how got gator oh thank you jambalaya thank you very much this is nothing baby look crowley takes care of its own you need anything anything at all you just holler okay thank you that was very nice of them what's wrong i just realized that if i was in new york i can't think of a single person that would come and take care of me yeah for taking a drive yeah let's go no miss myrtle i don't think the wolf is your ex-husband no listen i have to go okay i've been on the phone with you now for 30 minutes i've got to go honey okay take care hey come on officer one drink one hey dropped your flashlight you know actually i'm uh i'm a hero you ought to be pinning the metal on me i killed that wolf why don't you just sit down and shut up all right oh yeah sir looks like it's gonna be one of those nights it already is are you good here oh yeah yeah i'll see you in the morning down what do you need bennett did you hear what happened if you're here to ask for some time off forget it it's not gonna happen if you're shook up or something i don't know just get over it no i am not here to ask for some time off when i left this town three years ago i swore i would never come back why are you telling me this i don't know if i've changed or this town has but instead of hating me back i'm wondering why i ever left am i supposed to reply here or can you just go back to work i am not gonna help you tear this town apart what are you telling me bennett oh here's a short version i quit i will see to it you will not get a job making coffee you hear me i'm feeling much better what now well someone needs to defend this town against stark to make sure everybody gets a fair deal you crowley takes care of its own right damn straight hey hey [Music] [Music] yeah i guess there's more than one wolf in these woods huh yeah yeah cheers will you shut up you stay right in there partner you're safe that's the best place for you oh go home speech so oh uh hello so all right gentlemen listen up you work in teams all right you use good hunting sense no accidents now you're looking for a wolf i understand that means no deer no rabbit i hear of anybody taking a shot at anything without fangs is going to be hell to pay am i clear all right good happy hunting looks like we're not the only ones in the job freaking amateurs god bless oh hey what are you doing guard dude what are you guarding didn't you hear the wolf came back last night killed the driver it was a revenge killing animals don't seek revenge chase no not the way i heard it we've gotten to the jail cell tore them apart all the cops could do was watch well if he's in the cellar why didn't they catch him and look dude i don't know do i look like a physicist or something to you all i know is what i heard that's what i heard are you high yeah so what stay right there wiley hold it down good boy yeah you got any pizza or popcorn or anything man i'm suddenly stuck all right thank you he's right he's right the driver was killed just because i'm high don't mean a lie is my dad okay he's fine he was there he's okay are you guys back on again they said that the wolf is only interested in the driver nobody else you know when you say it like that it almost sounds like a revenge killing chase we're obviously not dealing with a normal animal my people believe in spirits that can transform into animals new yorkers native americans jackass oh those people you can't be serious how else do you explain what's going on well i'm sorry can i just aren't you mexican no what are we supposed to do with that i mean even if it's true and i'm not saying that it is but even if it's true what are we supposed to do with it i don't know but i do know someone who might are you sure you're not mexican hey to catch you day is wolf although if you happen to tap one of those rednecks while you're at it you won't hear me complain reports are this thing is huge 200 pounds more beard than wolf is out of this element most likely is angry scared and confused not unlike this schmuck in the philippines how was i supposed to know she was a man the guy that tags this thing first gets into 50k the guy that tags his second gets the set of steak knives and if any of you manage not to put a single round in this thing then you get sent to the philippines let's do this la costa made a rock so this guy is like your chief or something i don't know the tribe's chief yeah but he lives in a regular house you're expecting a teepee or something yeah right hello welcome hi you knew we were coming i did did you see it in the dream i saw you through the window come on i remember the first time i met you it was the day you moved to crowley you were six um seven you remember that day um i i remember a ceremony an initiation ceremony the day you moved to crowley was the day you joined choctaw nation you hear about the wolf how'd you know that i did see in a dream what what are you doing i'm telling you just thoughts this thing is a meeting called [Music] let it get a few kills first that'll slow it down this by the way and cover me come on foreign uh [Music] many years ago there was a tribe that lived in this area a tribe of mighty warriors the attack apart all tribes that stood before them fell all but one the white man was too many too strong and without mercy the greatest warrior a brave named skunamoke could not bear to live in defeat for many nights he called upon the ancient powers with ancient and terrible magic skin skunimoke sacrificed his flesh to the animal inside there's kachinoya skunomoke brought vengeance to his enemies they tried in vain to hunt him but kacina waya does not read the air or drink from the streams how do you stop the rain how do you kill the wind after he took his revenge did he become a man again no one a change is done it cannot be undone turner just filed an injunction based on the attacks no i just came from the courthouse it's the real deal if he pushes this thing through we're done i'll handle it it's me you know the other thing we talked about that timeline just moved up change your plans what about the wolf he gets to live for one more glorious day let's go so this wolf is our wolf and you saw its eyes they were definitely not those of an animal so this is gonna moral that's gonna milk man skin you've just been running around the woods for 300 years kachina was a killing spirit didn't advertise for blood that knows no limit as time passed the need for vengeance wayne and it soon became clear that the creature must be stopped but how only another attack of all warrior can kill the beast to kill a wolf requires magic as strong and as dark as that which created it an arrowhead from a bone of an enemy an exchange of a life for a life the warrior died to stop the wolf magic is powerful rarely comes without great cost as gunamok sacrificed himself for the good of his tribe and for this lawyer it was no different [Music] they carry the wolf to his afterlife and an eternal flame burns in the memory of his spirit legend says that if our tribe should ever need his power again the flame will extinguish as the warning that the cachino way out returns what enemies there are more trouble wars well directs this is a war against hall directs i mean think about it that's why all the victims work for stark that's why the wolf spared you yell well half the state works for halter x what about burn he sold his land the morning that he died i watched him sign the contract when did you scope this place last yo 25 meters two clicks to the left gotcha well we're gonna have to find one of these attack button have them kill it for us the tribe of the attacker is extinct they are none left that's not entirely true there is one the last of the attacks chief take him out all right look i want leads people anything and everything where's my list of times working on it all right look the clock is running here all right clock is running quick we're running out of time this was not an animal attack all right somebody did this i want to know who and i want to know why higgins what happened to those hunters and please don't give me any bad news i got nothing no one called it in chair all right somebody give me one of those hundreds i want a status update look we're in you're gonna have to stay here for the night you three all right until we figure out just what the hell is going on can we help i'll let you know all right look get me a grid map of katie of paris not that no no go get the red one the red one sheriff what the hell is your problem no problem is done yes i know it's done you want to know how i know it's done because you made such a mess it's on the damn news you never said make it pretty using hand of god style since when does god use grenades hey what's up suit up we're going hunting you got to be kidding me i'm feeling lucky well i was feeling lucky maybe we should just get the hell out of this town tonight let's go let's just go to new york what are you talking about i sold my house to stark this morning that's where i was when you woke up i'm not gonna lose you again you're one of them now yeah well i wish i would have known that before this morning we just need to find the last attack about yeah how we're going to do that computers we have access to all sort of information here birth certificates dmv files census data yeah well when we find the guy how we're gonna explain to him that he has to die in order to kill the wolf just tell him that it's better to burn out and fade away yeah that's what i'll do chase we're leaving him here ah still feeling lucky just keep an eye on the perimeter [Music] i don't know i don't know i lost him it was three o'clock bravo alpha you have incoming i repeat you have incoming alpha bravo say again [Music] is there a way to make the search cover a wider area i got a body light it up roger ah sheriff i think i got something some kind of webcam says it's for bird watching doesn't matter he notices today you can run this plate come on [Applause] pretty puppy you are ah got a gps lock it's on the move headed west on highway 3 towards halter x airport all right you heard of that's it i want everyone in on this let's go where the hell are we going there the helipad the refinery ah it's coffee let's start that thing whatever it is because it ain't no wolf it's not gonna die i got transport prepping at the field you want to live be there pick up intent audrey we're leaving when there's a chopper 10 minutes i don't understand just grab everything you could carry oh let's go i gotta wait on start you're gonna get started i gotta hear it from him he's the boss actually this this eagle is the boss and it says we go you got it boss [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh wow what i remember i'm adopted yale what are you talking about that's what my mom told me on my 60th birthday my real mother died in childbirth and my father remarried my real mother's native american she's not chopped off i'm the last attacker [Music] i'm stuck i'm super stuck man i'm super stuck come on come on you know how i feel about you yale don't you forget it mariah [Music] [Music] come on [Music] what are you waiting for you idiot [Music] get back here that's it i quit [Music] did you kill turner you don't understand if i didn't close that deal they would have killed me it was life or death did you kill him please tune in kill it and i'll give you whatever you want oh i'll make sure you're made partner i'll even fund your own firm all correct will be your exclusive client please students so [Music] [Applause] [Music] nope [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] grandma told you not to drink like that you know better your hair's starting to look really good man we've been growing it out for a while hello boys hey hey higgins all right yeah yeah listen i don't know how to say this you should just say it you're under arrest what stay right there that's tight we're too much longer okay okay yeah go ahead and put them in a squad car sorry about this yale turns out jury duty is a civic responsibility no i told you this is cruel and unusual dad what are you doing we are getting married tomorrow well that's why i have to do this today i can't arrest my own son-in-law now can i this is not funny you know how much this means honey relax relax he's not going to jail he's going to his bachelor party hey if he resists you put a taser on it okay but no strippers oh come on it's not a bachelor party without a lap dance okay no stickers you're the boss i've been holding on to this for way too long it's not mine your uh real mom won't keep him out too long i love you dad do [Music] you
Channel: Horror Central
Views: 358,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, B Movie, B-grade, Classic, Download, Free, Full, Horror, Movie, Movies, New horror movies, Old, Online, Retro, Scary, TCM, The Horror Channel, Watch free horror movies on youtube, cult horror, scary movies, slasher movies
Id: vZvDJQs0xdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 2sec (5222 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 04 2022
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