Creative Update FINALLY Brings Bot Spawners, Water Tiles, and More! - Scrap Mechanic Gameplay

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welcome ladies and gentlemen back to scrap mechanic and big news today the creative mode update is now live on the test branch and we're going to be diving into all the new things including bot spawners and new terrain or a new creative world terrain we're gonna be starting off though with the main menu screen we now have this little icon down here so if i click on this we get a new loading screen uh obviously this is brand new look at the guy in the on the right side with the bomb that's hilarious wait a minute these are the old character models why do they update a new loading screen with old character models these faces i don't think exist anymore oh boy here we go this is it this is where the camera is look at that oh wait i can't i can't move past that point all right uh how far can we travel in here i want to find oh okay here's the edge here there's not a whole lot of room apparently yeah this is the corner on this side too so it's pretty much just around here so my question is can i use my lift i can what about my inventory i heard they said that you can't use bearings as you can see in our parts usually bearings will be right at the top if i type in the word bearing we have no bearings and their reasoning behind this is they don't want you to build something using too many bearings to the point where you actually end up building a game breaking laggy creation and then you have a laggy menu screen and you could possibly break your game at the menu screen if uh if you do something wrong but it's weird that they still let you use the lift so like i could just spot out failed to build shape oh no okay well no that's not bad that's not terrible uh it looks like anything that has bearings you will not be able to build but what about things that don't have bearings if i spawn this in okay so you can spawn in things that don't have bearings that's good all right i'm really happy that we can spawn in things on the lift if they don't have bearing because one of the things that i want to do is make this into part of a community involvement where every month or every like so often i will actually change the i should probably make that centered i have a nice set i just realized there is literally a bearing as a symbol in the one spot you cannot use bearings but anyway as i was saying i want to be able to involve the you guys in this so every month or so i'll use a creation as my home screen built by a member of the scrap man community this was taken from one of the intro pieces by the way in in my intro videos all right so now uh do i just click exit save before exiting yes there we go now i should have put it more on the front to be honest but now we got my logo there or not my logo but the the gear shape that is associated with my logo you know what i mean all right so let's get into creative mode we're gonna be creating a brand new creative world because apparently there's now water tiles in creative mode all right here we are i just this is exactly where i spawned i spawned on a branch you can already tell that there's new trees these trees did not exist in creative previously so we now have minable trees in creative mode this might be one i can actually knock down with my hammer man this is some steep terrain the terrain now is like uh survival mode it's very steep yes this is already so fun we have trees that we can knock down in creative mode all right here we go oh i actually i'm whoa oh yeah there's the water or there's some water over at the edge of the map i forgot that the whole map is now going to be surrounded with water so we got that it looks like uh in front of the half pipe there's just a designated lake or pond i'm wondering what we're gonna have for other water tiles i saw uh some farm crop some crops too like a crop tile that actually had crops on it because some of the creative mode crops they just didn't have any crops so i want to go back there and look at that too but for the most part it doesn't look like i got too much for water tiles all right so look at this there's a whole farmland here this one feels new what is it going to look like though what do we have here what we have a bunch of eggplant all right this is weird yeah okay these are these are like the old crops oh wait no these look like oh hold on oh look at that this is new it doesn't actually drop corn but you can uh you can hit it just like in survival what about these then nope these are still just unrelated to survival completely and we also got looks like cucumber all right that's really weird that there's a specific tile that has the survival corn and then completely unrelated eggplant and cucumber i don't understand it all right but it looks like all of the old tiles have been updated with new trees so like even this mountain here has a bunch of new trees on it that are harvestable oh you know what's funny i think me and khan and i i think it was a multiplayer monday a long time ago where we did it was before survival mode and we did a tree harvesting challenge and i think we used this tile here and we put trees on these sections and now there's actual harvestable trees on these sections so that's kind of funny oh that's new as well look at that all right so now the whole world's been updated but wait wait a minute wait a minute are there not rocks i've just noticed that i haven't seen any minable stone nodes all right yeah so i flew across the rest of the island it looks like this is the only other spot with water that i can see so i'm gonna park over here just so that we can have some access to water we're gonna have access to water on all sides oh this is interesting we got like a little peninsula like a place where i would build a base okay so i know what we're all waiting for we want to see the bot spawners i do too so presumably somewhere in here there's gonna be new parts like bot spawners and stuff um also ammo containers water containers and water guns are now a thing and apparently they've updated the logic gate menu oh here they are here they are the boss spawners there's also beacon that you can use in creative mode which can be kind of cool all right so obviously i'm just going to have a whole section just for all these bots there we go oh we have red tape bots too i actually didn't think about the red tape bots alright so there's all the bots spawning uh wait what does the description say shoot oh they misspelled shoot shot or a hit capsule to release a very angry bot paint bots in different colors so they turn on each other instead of coming after you so i'm wondering if that means that they won't come after you if they're painted any other color other than default okay we're gonna get to the bot spawners but first i want to see this new logic menu oh interesting look at this i like this i like this this uh system that they have here i really liked that in the previous versions of the game and i'm glad that they brought it back it kind of just really gives you a quick visual reference for how each gate works all right it is time for some bot spawners here we go finally look at this oh boy that's a big boy that's a big one all right so apparently all you gotta do is shoot it or hit it so let's see oh whoa that was a little much a little bit of lag on the hit there i don't know if that's that was normal or just because it was the first time i did it did these do damage hmm there's no health that's interesting [Music] all right we'll experiment with their impact on creations though in a bit i'm actually going to use this guy because he'll be most likely to damage stuff probably or maybe these guys they have explosives all right let's do this one next oh man it is laggy when it hits i'll try shooting one next time all right so these these guys they're just gonna be annoying they're not gonna actually kill you or anything i wonder how that would we've been working creative like getting killed where would you respond i'm curious if they're going to uh bring health options into creative mode all right let's try the boss haha hi you can't kill me now tape bots you're no longer a threat to me oh i'm so happy what about this guy oh that one didn't lag all right now we can finally get a clue oh that's actually is that just explosive that is explosive tape why is the tape explosive i thought maybe they just shot explosives but if you look closely it's a roll of tape it's just a red roll of tape all right let's go ahead and shoot them oh if i miss them i'm gonna hit the big guy all right and whoa all right and then now we got the big guy oh that one was laggy too okay uh you know what i think i need uh you know i'm gonna spawn something in a spawn like spawn in this thing this must have been from like a multiplayer video or something oh yeah they definitely destroy creations so yeah you may not have health as a player but your creations definitely do have health and he's having not a great time what you know what maybe wait what no i am confused why isn't he damaging that it's just wood is it because it was built with a different maybe the wood material is different here let's try building a wood wall can you get through this oh yeah yeah you can get through that all right what about a concrete wall there must be a difference between old creations that were built before survival and new creations the material must have gotten updated with a new material then all right come after me can you get through the concrete are they just weak against concrete what's the durability on concrete oh oh oh no okay they did damage he did damage to it all right concrete's just actually kind of durable let me get some explosives out so i can actually take care of this guy sooner than later all right there you go here hit this all right so now that i've spawned them all in for the first time and they were super laggy let's see if i do it again there we go yeah so the initial the initial hit of the cage will be laggy but as you can see it's no longer laggy after you've done that initial swing all right and they're all dead now all right so now let's try with uh some paint we'll put all these back down and then of course we're gonna do some of them versus each other just to see what happens all right so presumably if i paint them like this they won't attack me okay well that was a lie all right so now if i oh i probably can't paint them after they're wait oh can i here let's use a different color ah all right paint them okay that's interesting isn't it i'm gonna paint this guy orange and oh he just let him out for me okay they do attack me still but is there a way i'm wondering if there's a way for me to get them to not be interested in a player at all excuse you all right so apparently we can type in some commands that affect the bot so we can do no aggro aggro or aggro all so if i do no aggro aggro is now off so let's see what happens all right so now they just sit there what he fell over who are you shooting why are you guys shooting what's happening what what were they shooting okay let me spawn these guys back in what these guys seem to be like oh you okay he's shooting blocks look at him shoot the blocks you're supposed to be no aggro what is wrong with these guys they really don't like blocks wait wait let me try no aggro please all right i think that's probably just a mistake on the developers part because now if i spawn in a creation they're totally gonna aggro me aren't they look at that look at that what is this no aggro listen to your commander oh no all right i'm just gonna leave that there and they're going to keep trying to explode it but now what happens if i paint you oh okay okay whoa i'm going to paint him now watch this now they all attack him and he attacks them all right that's how it works that is how it works so no aggro is applying to the player and the player only it seems like but they still will aggro other things so now i wonder with this guy if i get into a creation then are you gonna aggro me in a seat no okay that's good he's watching me what oh boy i just killed him all right that's a thing i don't know why i'm spawning in this creation by the way i don't even remember what this is i guess we did a caster wheel race at some point okay so now the question becomes what happens when these guys are set to aggro all all right aggro all hostiles receive scrap man's position what what oh hold on hold on what does just aggro mean aggro on all right hold on let me go let's go in increments here aggro off okay so now they just shouldn't ah ah i said i grow up i said aggro up why doesn't anything listen egg grow off i go off uh oh what i grow oh it's not doing aggro wait is it aggro oh it's no aggro that's why no aggro okay okay we all friends now are we all friends all right i think we're all friends okay so now here's the thing this is interesting i think now if i go far enough away out of their detection range and i turn aggro on i think they won't come after me now i do aggro so aggro is now on so check it out if i do this he will come after me but the other ones won't because this is just like the natural aggro state but now if i do aggro all i think they'll know where i am no matter where i am on the map there it is yes okay this is good i like these options these give you definitely some different options for how the game is going to work the only thing right now is that we don't actually have any consequence of the player himself when it comes to these bots you have to be in a creation for them to pose any threat which still leaves a lot of room for like a lot of potential for challenges and stuff just not quite as much as i was hoping for all right so now i have no aggro back on and i'm gonna be curious how many greenies does it take to kill a hay bot you know what let's actually let's keep them relatively similar to their color i'm gonna paint you orange i'm gonna paint them green all right so they should all be on the same team and they should be completely unhostile to each other and then we get this guy in can three greenies feed a hay bot oh boy i honestly thought the hay ball was gonna lose they have a faster rate of attack than him and uh there was more of them but he was close to death you know i want to try that again is that going to be a consistent result [Music] dang this guy is powerful all right four has to be the the amount that he can't handle then right there we go they need to lower that sound that sound is way too loud all right what's gonna happen here nope yeah so one hey bot can handle three greenies but one haybot cannot handle four greenies all right what about a hay bot versus a tape bot the tape bots are so weak they need the distance that's the that's the problem there you go there you go oh i forgot how much damage they do they do a massive amount of damage but if they get hit like once i'm pretty sure they're dead look at the tape bots i'm referring to wow okay so a table i could take out two of these guys what about three no yeah it's it's all about distance all right now we're trying it at a bit more of a distance so he's gonna have an advantage okay he doesn't have an advantage when he's falling over right at the start [Music] yeah he can only take two hits from these guys so they really just gotta take him out at range all right but i know we all have the question how many hay bots to take out one of these guys i'm just gonna spawn in five hey bots and see what happens all right good luck oh this is great oh man that was that was kind of crazy to watch the noises were insane he did not sustain that much damage all right so i think we need at least twice as much that all right so the cool thing about the painting is i don't have to paint any of those guys for this to work i just got to paint this guy only and just because he's not an original color anybody else who has a different color than that including no color at all like these guys they will automatically be against each other just like that so that's 12 now versus one why you wha okay whoa they're not gonna do it wow what the he just got flung through the air they did it i actually didn't think they would after seeing the first round of oh now they're all gone that's funny that's funny they had their victory and then it was all for nothing because everyone died anyway i have to see what happens with this have fun guys enjoy whoa i think they're gonna kill each other at the same time many hits is it gonna take there we go and yet they did kill each other at the same time so who would have thought that uh one bot versus the same bot would have been perfectly evenly matched that was a totally unexpected result all right so obviously these bot spawners it is just going to be a world of possibilities that i definitely want to hear from you guys in the comments but we're not done looking at this update yet what are you shooting what are you shooting why you shoot what are you why are you shooting each other you're not supposed to be shooting each other it was like a classic mexican standoff there kind of everyone's just aiming at each other but why were you shooting each other you're all the same color i didn't change your colors what happened all right let's try this again i wanted oh that's what why are you doing that he's on your side he's on your side what are you doing you guys are broken see the problem is uh they want to attack objects they're they're programmed to attack just any built object like if i put this wall down see so they also see the bot capsules as built objects even if they don't see the bot itself as an enemy this is kind of cool though that's actually kind of fun these guys are going to add some interesting elements to different scenarios that you can create and challenge mode is going to have a whole new element to it as well what do i see ow i'm sorry all i wanted to do was surround myself with these guys and then have them all shooting at me at the same time but it's kind of hard when they keep blowing themselves up they're just all blowing themselves up look there's there's three left after that what happens if i'm on top of this when i hit it okay all right so i'm just reviewing the patch notes again just to make sure i don't miss anything for this video and it claims that there will be stones in the new creative world that can be drilled but i haven't seen any yet so i'm gonna do a drive around and see if i can actually find any of these stones for drilling because there's trees just everywhere like there's there's harvestable trees just overwhelming every single tile but i haven't seen any harvestable stones yet so no those are not the harvestable kind of stone here we go i found one on this entire map one stone node to harvest wow if they're that oh no here's another one over here okay that's gonna be difficult so you're gonna have to probably choose your maps wisely or create your own maps with stones speaking of which let's hop over into the world builder and let's take a look at the actual new tiles and especially what we have for water because i only have one water tile here so far there's another stone node okay so yeah i was just wrong about there not being any stone nodes this area seems to be the area for it all right but yeah let's see uh oh here we this is a new this is a completely new thing right here oh look at that oh what does the underwater actually look like okay cool i wonder if there's still caves underwater probably not all right well let's actually hop over the world builder and we're gonna see what they actually have for new tiles i'm especially interested in seeing what tiles have water all right here we go so we're in the tile builder uh do we have water in the small tiles nope no i don't see anything new for small tiles all right so here we go so so far the first time i've seen water is in these tiles right here we have one large two large tiles for water oh that's interesting oh that is really interesting do you know what this water tile is this is um where is it that's this tile but it just has water in it now they actually filled in the basin with water but we also have this other water tile now let's go to extra-large all right doesn't look like we have water and extra large so these two tiles and the water doesn't even show up in the actual tile builder but these two tiles are the only water-based tiles and that's i actually want to i want to look at this one i think this is the one that we had in that world wasn't it but before we go back into the world uh i want to go into the tile or the the yeah the tile builder and see if we have any water assets to use all right here we go we got our extra large tile now let's see category do we have water as a category it does not look like we have water as a category oh harvestables oh okay okay here we go water on off water on where is water though oh you know what ground terrain heights if i go down i forget how i haven't used the tile builder in so long there it is oh this is good guys this is good this is really good that means the whole world now has a water level and we can build a tile that uses the water levels which means we can make our own race courses yes check that out yeah you can just go ahead and make a race course in the river this is exactly what i was hoping for so now you can make river races you can even make your own tiles with harvestable rock nodes you put down corn you put down bee hives clams you can put clams under water and everything that's actually pretty cool you can put oil under water too flowers hey like look at all this stuff oh look we still have the old character model for this but it's official you can uh create your own world with harvestable stuff because that way we can build harvest like uh mining challenges harvest challenges things like that where things are actually put in designated places that can be equal for like different amounts of players and stuff like that so i'm really happy with this i'm happy with this update they obviously just need to make some tweaks and fixes to how the bots work especially the tape bots i think no aggro should mean that they don't attack anything including creations because right now the tape bots and they just seem to be automatically aggroing creations even with no aggro enabled okay let's get back into that creative world and i want to check out underwater in that tile to see if we can recognize it from that uh other tile the basin tile oh yeah check it out this is it this is the same tile but now it just has water look at that these used to be jumps wait a minute i think i just realized an issue kind of uh hold on oh no never mind okay i i was wrong i was thinking that if the creative world now has a base water level that the cannon would then be going underwater but then i realized that you can turn water on and off in the tile builder itself and that pertains to the tile itself not the whole world so that means that you can have tiles that go underground and you can have tiles that have water that also go underground but then it becomes underwater well now i have a favorite to ask from you guys in the comments down below now that you've seen i think i've covered pretty well everything that's uh notable in the new updates and now that you've seen it what excites you the most for future videos what do you want to see in the future when it comes to using these new tools and bots at our disposal now we have water we have the bot spawners so i'll be looking through the comments and taking note of some good ideas and uh we'll definitely be seeing some of that on the channel in the future already i know there's just going to be all out bot wars with just hordes of bots versus hordes of bots trying to figure out what is the best bot for what situation and how many bots can beat how many other types of bots and stuff like that so for those what do you want to see well i hope you guys enjoyed this video be sure to check out some more content on the channel right here on the end screen and if you want to help support the channel check out the merch store as well hope this video has earned your subscription anyway this has been scrap man and i'll see you next time bye
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 315,022
Rating: 4.9533324 out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, scrap mechanic gameplay, scrap mechanic funny, scrap mechanic creations, scrap mechanic best builds, scrap mechanic, engineering, scrap mechanic lets play, scrap mechanic game, best scrap mechanic creations, mechanic simulator, scrap mechanic update, scrap mechanic creative update, scrap mechanic bot spawner, bot spawner, scrap mechanic water, scrap mechanic water in creative mode, scrap mechanic bot battles
Id: DIeLu2dHs0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 3sec (1623 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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