NEW UPDATE Brings Crafting to Creative Mode, and Powerful New Commands! - Scrap Mechanic Gameplay

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welcome ladies and gentlemen back to scrap mechanic and today i'm going to be going through an update to the updates that has come to creative mode surprisingly there's actually a lot to this update even though it's just like a small update added to an already existing update it's not an update in and of itself how many times am i gonna say update in this video well i'll update you on that later maybe so as you can see everything that you see right here is uh something that we couldn't spawn in creative mode until this update to the update these were exclusively survival parts but now you can have pretty much everything almost everything you can do in survival i think you can now test out in creative without the uh the craft bot and the resource collector and the refine bot and the all this on the large chests and stuff we were previously unable to actually test out resource harvesting machines in addition to this there's also a whole new uh batch of commands that we can use regarding the bots and their capsules and regarding other things as well so this we're going to be looking at all of it in this episode so obviously i think this stuff kind of speaks for itself just by being here um i just loaded a whole bunch of stuff into here just so that i could have this going during the intro i'm just having a craft wood and it's putting it out into this box right here um but what's cool is you can actually if i want to say put scrap metal in here if i just drag this over i can put a any number in that i want if i want to put 15 in then there you go 15. but if i want to fill up the whole thing just put some ridiculous number it doesn't really matter how big it is and it'll just spill it up to whatever it can hold the only thing about these is that you cannot delete them off your world like a normal object so once you place this stuff down uh it it's gonna be there uh so you gotta be careful when you pick it up when you press the delete button it actually puts it on your shoulder as you can see but they've added a new command that solves this problem however it comes with its own risks which is why they make this command very very inconvenient to kind of access so if you type slash help down in the chat then it'll give you all the commands so now clear is the command that i'm talking about if i want to clear everything that's on the map that is a creation here let me actually spawn one in as well i got a toast launcher here i'm actually i don't even i don't know how this thing even actually works let me go ahead and try it out i suppose i press the button and the toast launches all right there you go it's a toast launcher everything you could want out of a toast launcher toast is a lot heavier now since i built this because they changed the values of concrete concrete used to be medium weight now it's heavy weight but anyway so i got all these things that i can't delete and i have this toaster which i could delete on the lift actually i'm curious uh oh never mind i found out how you can delete this stuff i didn't realize you could put these thing on these things on a lift like that so in order to delete this stuff you actually have to put these down with right click rather than left click because if you left left-click you put it on the ground and you can't put on a lift but if you right-click you drop it on the ground then you can put it on a lift but there's a faster way to deal with this and that is by typing slash clear however you will see a notification happen saying clear is disabled it must first be enabled with slash allow clear and now clear is enabled so now i type slash clear and then it asks me if i want to if i'm sure that i want to do this and then i say yes i'm sure and now everything that i've spawned in is now gone but here's the interesting thing now let's say i put some more stuff in and now i type slash clear again it automatically gets disabled after you clear so it's you can't just type slash clear really quickly you always have to do slash allow clear and then slash clear because as soon as you type slash clear allow clear gets turned off for so not for some reason i think it's just to be safe because if you just keep typing slash clear without thinking about it you might forget that you've built some other stuff other than the thing you intend to clear and they just i guess they just want you to be really absolutely sure that you want to clear the world so i think that's pretty cool and i'm also happy that i realized that uh you can clear craft bots and things like that i was a little bit concerned there for a minute but yeah just use your lips you can delete it i'm actually just realizing for the first time ever you could actually save stuff with craft bots and things on them so if you want to build a resource harvesting vehicle that has a craft bot on it then uh and save it on your lift then you can do that okay so maybe asking yourself since i pointed out in a previous version of this update that when it comes to trees and stones they didn't appear to drop the actual resource rods that were used to collect resources from those materials but now you can and i'm a little bit too lazy to walk around to these trees to get them so i'm just gonna do uh place tree and there we go now we got a tree and it's actually a random tree if i do place tree again uh well of course i say it's a well yeah there's still a different tree but it's the same type of tree so i'll do it again there oh now we got a big tree and then now we got like a medium sized tree all right so you can see we got these trees i'm just gonna set up some explosives and take the fast way uh let's see how this goes all right there we go we got some oh the explo i don't know that explosives worked on those trees all right and as you can see look at this look at this we got a resource rod right here oh you know what else we can do you can do play stone there we go and i'm also just gonna blow some of that up as well all right and as you can see yeah we got some stone here too actually that's that's a metal this is actually there we go we got some it's just like survival it's a random assortment of metal and stone so yeah then we can put these in resource collectors is it's basically you know how survival works that's that's just how this is gonna work too hey can i delete can i save this with the stone in there okay i'm just gonna do quick save and build oh no way and actually even though it's not in the uh even though it's not in the thumbnail here it actually spawns in with the resources saved in it i did not expect that all right so i can delete that and you know what let's just go ahead and do allow clear and now we can clear all right so now all that stuff is gone now what you can also do is you can spawn in specific types of trees too let me see we got to do place so you got to know the names of the trees you can place birch so that's always going to be a birch tree every single time there you go probably a different is it the same type of birch tree every single time no no they're different ones yeah that one was different yep it just places a random birch type tree and then apparently you can do play spruce which is that type of tree are there different types of spruce trees yep there are different types of spruce trees i guess spruce trees are the pointy ones all right and then you can do place leafy and leafy or the they're the leafy ones surprise surprise there and if you want the big next tear-up ones then you do place pine and then you get the thick boys and then when it comes to stone i think it's just stone there's no different types of stone it's probably just going to give you a random formation of stone i don't know if it's ever going to give you those huge formations but i think they're all relatively like around the same size it's just a matter of in survival world like it's a matter of how many are bunched up on top of each other all right what if i do it in the same spot all right i've just placed it like five times but i think it doesn't spawn it in the same spot no it looks like it needs a new area all right that's interesting so now if i clear since these things are actually attached to the ground i'm i'm assuming it'll still clear them clear yes oh whoops these are not considered creations i think i actually have to destroy uh detach them from the ground and it has to be a loose part at least when it comes to these in order to be considered a creation all right i think i've run a line of bombs to every single object that i spawned in so i'm just gonna do this and we should see it like just knock over literally ever oh it's getting so laggy right now okay i'm gonna get the allow clear ready clear is enabled is everything falling down i think everything's falling down and clear oh yeah i gotta press this two clear ah there we go and it worked i think that actually got everything that was kind of fun okay but there is more to explore with this update so you may notice when it comes to the resource rods like from the stone and from the wood there's another type of resource rod which is scrap metal which comes from these guys and when you kill these guys in creative mode they don't drop anything other than their head and their fork and then that stuff disappears after a certain amount of time but if you type in drop uh scrap you say it says scrap loot is on so now when you destroy these guys you can say they actually drop their resource so that way that way you can also you know experiment with collecting resources from the hay bots too when it comes to raids and things like that i don't know if that applies actually to the tote bot heads i'm assuming not since you can't actually collect the top heads um as like a resource rod in a resource collector but i'm just gonna destroy all these guys and we're gonna see here here we go enjoy this enjoy your explosions any any heads nope yeah so i don't think the heads count to scrap loot all right so now we have another thing i'm gonna place a tree right here so when you knock down trees i don't this isn't really that particularly useful one but i'm just covering it since it's in the update but uh you may notice that like your tree gets kind of it gets kind of put into these parts right can i put these on a lift no see you can't put this on a lift and you can't delete it either if you right click on it you cannot delete this part you can break it down into its little uh rod materials and then this thing you can take and i think you could put these on a lift too if you drop it down oh you can't put this on a lift that's interesting but i could put it in a resource collector and then place that on a lift and then i could delete it uh but or what i could do with this is i could just say slash restrictions and now restrictions are off and there you go now i can delete these even that yeah and that and that so that's just what the restrictions are it allows you to delete i'm assuming it applies to stone 2. oh that is not how you spell stone place stone all right i'll just blow this up and now i should be able to delete these yep so you can't usually delete these but with restrictions off you can delete them and then if i turn restrictions back on yeah now i can't delete these all right so another thing they've done is they've updated the visuals on the tape bot and not only that but now look he's not attacking the other capsules you can finally spawn in a bunch of explosive tape bots like i wanted to do all right so this is what i want in the first update video this is what i wanted to do i wanted to surround myself with these guys oh that's the wrong guy here let's just uh do a little bit of that all right so i wanted to surround myself with these oh wow they are very mobile i wanted to surround myself with these guys and then i wanted them all to shoot me at the same time oh so let's actually i don't want these ones that are on the outskirts anymore i just want these ones that are in here so i have there's a new command and i'm really looking forward to trying this new command i just want to see what it does but the command is called and if you type in slash kill all then this happens okay that wasn't that was a little bit anticlima i thought it was actually going gonna kill them like they got killed it just clears them it should just be clear bots it shouldn't be kill all the command name really hypes it up and it just does not deliver but uh if i want all these guys to shoot at me at the same time i'll turn aggro uh or i'll turn aggro back on by saying no aggro now if i was to if i was to open them all one by one by the time i got to the end uh they would start wondering if aggro was off and they would already start shooting me if aggro was on or what if i want them all to shoot me at the same time well i can actually open up all the capsules simultaneously by saying uh pop capsules here we go pop castles in three two one go and there we have it they're also destroying each other because they're just missing and hitting each other all right that was great uh they did a really bad job at destroying the enemy and not themselves in fact they did exactly the opposite of that yeah so that's really fun so now if you put a whole bunch of bots down and you want you know you want them all to just start from their starting positions uh without having to build some weird contraption like you know we had to do in the first one here let me uh spawn that in remember this remember this from a few episodes ago in order to spawn all 20 of these guys then i had to press the button and then do that and oh i forgot the thing was on ah kill all oh no i spelt the wrong kill a kick oh there we go all right so now we can do uh where's pop capsules there we go pop capsules oh i forgot i had the explosive guys okay and they're just self-destructing each other the explosive guys are a liability they really are such a liability they've done almost all of the work for me like look at this this is all that's left now all i gotta do is go near this guy now he's dead go near this guy now he's dead come on shoot at me there you go and then uh one more time there you go they have no self-preservation those guys the red tape bots are such a liability here let's uh no aggro please yeah so they give i thought i said no aggro oh i think they're trying to shoot at maybe like some blocks or so like i put this down are you going to shoot at this yeah see look they want to shoot at those things but look at this there is now no aggro creations and that means as you can see they're not gonna aggro creations yeah so that's really nice because now you don't have to worry about these guys shooting things that you don't want them to shoot when you're trying to just you know test some stuff out you can have them aggro you only so so much more freedom and controllability over the bots and how they work apparently they've also optimized the bot's uh ai pathfinding so i don't know if that means there's gonna be less laggy but i do remember that uh we could do about 40 of these guys before so let's see let's do more than 40 this time you know i'm just going to spawn in just how we did it and now instead of trying to shoot both of these at separate times i can just do pop capsules it's still kind of laggy but it definitely didn't feel as bad as it did last time i think it's definitely better there was just a little bit of lag at first all right not bad not bad at all looks like the white team is just obliterating oh nope never mind they're not obliterating they're just winning clear yes okay oh i forgot i also have to kill all and now kill all there we go well ladies and gentlemen i think that pretty much covers uh everything that was in this update i'm just gonna do a big finale right here and pop all these capsules and see what happens here we go so yeah i think that pretty much sums up everything that's available in this new update a lot of really fun commands that are going to be really really great for challenges especially multiplayer stuff being able to just you don't even have to build a custom world anymore you can just place a tree and exactly where you want it to be for whatever challenge you want to be you want to place one there you want to place my hair i mean you should probably you know choose specifically what tree you want to make it fair but you get the point but anyway if this sparks any new ideas that you like to see in future videos definitely leave those down in the comments below if you want to see some more awesome content on the channel check out this on the end screen right here check out the merch link too if you want to help support the channel hope this video has earned your subscription anyway this has been scrap man and i'll see you next time bye [Music] you
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 135,701
Rating: 4.9697528 out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, scrap mechanic gameplay, scrap mechanic funny, scrap mechanic creations, scrap mechanic best builds, scrap mechanic, engineering, scrap mechanic lets play, scrap mechanic game, best scrap mechanic creations, mechanic simulator, scrap mechanic update, scrap mechanic creative update, scrap mechanic bot spawner, bot spawner, scrap mechanic water in creative mode, scrap mechanic console commands, scrap mechanic commands, scrap mechanic craftbot
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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