Creating Viral Videos With AI

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so I'm sure you've seen all of these memes going around where people recreate famous movies in sort of like a Balenciaga theme like this Harry Potter themed Balenciaga commercial a Mars Batman themed Balenciaga commercial and more recently this Matrix commercial directed by Wes Anderson has actually been going kind of viral the other day I actually asked the question on Twitter what's something cool that you've seen someone do with AI that you wish you knew how to do and people were saying they wanted to see how to do this kind of video here's another one of Star Wars in the style of Wes Anderson Primo data here said Balenciaga and a handful of other people on this thread made the same comment that they wanted to know how these types of videos were done so I thought I'd make a super quick tutorial on it I'm not going to go quite as in depth as some of these other videos because these ones made a whole bunch of images but the process is pretty much the same for the whole video you would just spend a lot more time on it than what I'm going to show you in this video now to start the images that they're using in those videos were all created using mid-journey mid-journey is an AI art platform where you can type anything you can imagine and it will generate that art for you they used to have a free plan they claim that eventually they're going to have a free plan or a free trial again soon but as of right now mid-journey is pay to play there's lowest plan is 10 bucks a month where you can generate about 200 images a month personally I'm on the 30 a month plan which actually gets me unlimited generations to use mid Journey you're going to have to have a Discord account I've talked about how to set up mid-journey in previous videos so I'm not going to dive too deep into it in this video but essentially you're going to go to the mid Journey Discord bot you can create your images directly inside of the Newbie rooms here or you can do what I did and invite the mid Journey bot to your own server if you want to create your own Discord server simply come over to the left sidebar click on the plus to add a server create my own create for me and my friends and then name your server once you've named your server it will show up in your sidebar here's my AI art tests you can come over to the mid journey by here click on it click add to server and then add it to the server that you just created and then you'll have your own server where you can kind of keep all of your image Generations organized for this example I wanted to do Batman in this style of a Wes Anderson film not the most creative idea in the world because obviously I just saw a Batman in the style of Balenciaga and I just saw the Matrix and Star Wars in the style of Wes Anderson but I figured for this demonstration I would just mash the two of those together and do Batman in the style of Wes Anderson so I started with the prompt Willem Dafoe dressed up as the Joker in a film directed by Wes Anderson aspect ratio 16 9 style raw I'd prefer to use the style raw with version 5.1 because I feel like I get closer to the image that I envisioned in my head versus if you don't put style raw mid-journey gets a little bit more creative with the imagery and these are the four images that it generated of Willem Dafoe as the Joker this top left one here just screams Wes Anderson to me that one looks the closest to what I would imagine West Sanderson would dress up the joker-like so I'm gonna go ahead and upscale number one and that is going to be our image of the Joker then I did Gwyneth Paltrow dressed up as Catwoman in a film directed by Wes Anderson the only reason I selected Gwyneth Paltrow is because she was in the Royal Tenon bombs and so I was just trying to think of people that Wes Anderson has cast in the past these images are pretty good I'd say this top right one is probably the closest to what I would imagine from Wes Anderson but I'm gonna go ahead and generate some more so I'll just click this refresh button here and submit this to create more images of this one now one thing most people don't tell you when they're doing these mid Journey tutorials is oftentimes you're going to regenerate these images over and over and over again until you finally come up with one that you like so far in this example that I'm showing you I've gotten kind of Lucky and a lot of the images worked great the first time but I do kind of want to find a better one of Gwyneth Paltrow as Catwoman because this image to me doesn't really even look like Gwyneth Paltrow and then I went and generated Jace Schwartzman dressed up as superhero Robin in a film directed by Wes Anderson I wanted to put superhero Robin in there just to give it that extra context that I didn't want him dressed up as like the bird robin and I thought that this top left one absolutely nailed it this looks like an image from a Wes Anderson screenshot right here so I'm gonna go ahead and upscale this one of Jason Schwartzman as Robin and then I did Gene Hackman as Alfred the butler in a film directed by Wes Anderson same criteria aspect ratio 16 9 style raw all of these look pretty decent but I'd say this top left one or maybe this top right one actually I'm gonna go with this top right one this one to me looks the most like a Wes Anderson scene so I'm gonna go ahead and upscale number two here which is this one then I thought it'd be funny to see Bill Murray as the Riddler because Bill Murray's in a lot of Wes Anderson films and just the idea of Bill Murray being the Riddler seems funny to me so I did Bill Murray dressed up as the Riddler in a film directed by Wes Anderson and this is what it came up with I really like this top right one because I really like the yellow glasses that it put on him this looks like Wes Anderson's take on the Riddler to me I mean maybe there'd be some question marks on this suit but that's kind of a tough ask for AI if you really want to get question marks all over the suit you're probably going to need to pull it into like Photoshop or something like that and maybe add them yourself so I'm going to go ahead and upscale number two on that one and then I thought it'd be funny to put Owen Wilson dressed up as Batman so I did Owen Wilson dressed up as Batman in a film directed by Wes Anderson and it made all of them yellow for some reason which might be a take that Wes Anderson would do but I mean I can't really imagine Batman wearing yellow so I wanted to try again so this time I did Owen Wilson dressed up as Batman wearing a black Batman outfit in a film directed by Wes Anderson and now we've got more of that Batman black outfit look I think this bottom left one is probably the closest to what I would imagine Wes Anderson would do I love that he has the long hair and is still coming out the back of the Mask I think that's kind of hilarious so I would upscale number three here and then I wanted to do Owen Wilson dressed as Bruce Wayne so I did Owen Wilson in a black suit as Bruce Wayne in a film directed by Wes Anderson and here's what it came up with I'd say this bottom left one here is the most Wes Anderson e to me so I'm going to go ahead and upscale number three here and then here is my redo of Gwyneth Paltrow as Catwoman and I think this top right one is just perfect so I'm gonna go ahead and use that one and now we've got our images we've got Willem Dafoe as the Joker I like that it's just sort of subtle face paint I feel like if Wes Anderson was doing this he would probably go real subtle on that we've got Jason Schwartzman as Robin Jean Hackman as Alfred the butler Bill Murray as the Riddler Owen Wilson is Batman Owen Wilson as Bruce Wayne and Gwyneth Paltrow as Catwoman so I'm gonna go ahead and download all of these images and save them to a folder on my desktop here now I want to give a couple of them a voice I don't wanna I'm not gonna go through voicing all of them but I think it would be funny to get Owen Wilson's voice in there and maybe Willem dafoe's voice saying why so serious or something like that the way I would get their voices into this is I'd use a tool like 11 Labs where I can clone a voice so in order to do that I need to find an audio clip of each of those voices so let's see if I can find a couple minute clip of Willem Dafoe speaking I actually found some audiobook samples where Willem Dafoe narrated the audiobook so I can use that as my audio clip to start here there's been an accident and then I found Owen Wilson on a podcast so I'm gonna go ahead and use those to train the two voices inside of voice Labs so if I come over to 11 Labs here I can click add voice instant voice cloning and let's go Willem Dafoe and then I'll drag my audio sample over that I grabbed and let's click add voice and then it's going to try to train on that voice now it already says clone so let's see how this sounds hello my name is Willem Dafoe and I am the Joker so I just want like a short show short audio clip of him saying why so serious why so serious I'm gonna change the voice settings here I'm going to bring the stability down a little bit see if I can get a different Cadence to the voice why so serious why so serious why so serious it's a little bit better so then what I'm gonna do is I'm going to come up to my history and I'm gonna grab this last one that I did because that was the best sounding one why so serious so I'll go ahead and download selected and now I've got Willem Dafoe saying why so serious I'm going to go ahead and do the same thing with Owen Wilson and let's go ahead and use this voice here and see how this one sounds my name is Owen Wilson and I'm so excited to be playing the role of Batman wild man it's so crazy every time I hear this and if I generate it again it'll actually sound a little bit different my name is Owen Wilson and I'm so excited to be playing the role of Batman so I just need him to say I am the Batman I am the Batman so now the next thing we want to do is we want to animate each of those images if you remember a lot of the images have like a slight head nod or if they do say anything you can see their lips move and to do that we're going to use this tool called Dash ID so we'll start by creating a video we're going to add a presenter for each character so I'll click add I've got my Batman folder with each of the images so let's go ahead and start with Willem Dafoe as the Joker I'll open that up we've got this image here now if I come over to upload voice audio I can upload this audio that I created earlier with 11 Labs so I'll just click upload your own voice grab the one I made of Willem Dafoe here open this up I'm going to give it a title here I'm going to do Willem Dafoe as the Joker and then let's go ahead and click generate video it's only going to take one credit here and I will click generate and now we've got our little one second video here so let's take a peek why so serious so now you got the animation of him saying that so I'll go ahead and download this video clip I'm going to do the same thing with my Owen Wilson Batman so let's go ahead and click add a presenter grab him as the Batman here let's give it the title Owen Wilson as Batman upload a voice audio grab our little audio clip here generate video click generate again now we've got this little one second clip I am the Batman so we can go ahead and download this now we want every other image that we created to be animated but we don't want them to actually speak we want to just kind of nod their head or look around a little bit and the way you're going to do that is you're going to upload a silent audio clip so a simple way to create an audio clip that's silent you could use a tool like audacity which is a free audio editor and just mute your mic and record you know seven seconds of silence all right so I went and recorded a seven second clip of Silence so let's just go ahead and Export our project as an MP3 and I'm just going to save it as silence all right I'm gonna go ahead and close out of audacity now I don't need it anymore I'm going to create a new video I'm going to add a new character this time I'm going to add my Bill Murray character I'm going to click on upload voice audio and then I'm going to grab my silence audio here and open that gonna name it Bill Murray and then we'll just go ahead and click generate the video and now we have a seven second video clip but if we watch it there's no audio but watch you see Bill Murray link you see them kind of look around a little bit and we have an animation of him just kind of looking around and moving and so we can use that however we want pick a little one to two second clip for when we pull it all together and use that clip of him moving around so I'm going to go ahead and repeat that process for every other image that we've got create a video add a character pull in Gene Hackman here title it Gene Hackman upload voice audio grab our silence clip here generate video now we've got Gene Hackman looking at the camera and blinking and moving his head around a little bit and now I have all the rest of my Clips I went ahead and did the rest here I've got Gwyneth palter here moving her head around she actually Winks which I think is actually kind of cool I wasn't anticipating the wink but that's how it did it we have Jason Schwartzman here kind of looking around with his funny glasses and we have Owen Wilson as Bruce Wayne sort of looking around and blinking and being Owen Wilson so now that we have all of these clips we want some music to go behind it that has a sort of Wes Anderson feel to it so there's two ways to do that you can try to generate something over on you know which is royalty-free AI generated music as long as you give attribution you can use this music in your videos here so I can actually enter a prompt and type something like Wes Anderson trailer music [Music] all right that sounds nothing like what a Wes Anderson trailer would sound like we can choose genres and moods and activities I feel like Wes Anderson would probably use something a little bit folky so let's go ahead and do folk and see what it generates for us [Music] wasn't really a feeling that one let's go ahead and generate another folk song [Music] so I tried a whole bunch here with mubert I couldn't get anything that sounded like what I was looking for I do have a subscription to this site called motion array which does have royalty-free music so I'm going to listen to a few songs on here and see if I can find something that sounds a little bit more like a Wes Anderson backing song okay so on motion array I found this song foreign and that to me sounds like Wes Anderson so I'm going to go ahead and download that song and we're going to use that one and now it's time to just pull them all together so the way I would do that is personally I would come into DaVinci Resolve it's a free video editing tool I would pull all the media that I just created into it here I've got my Batman folder so I'm just going to pull it all in go ahead and let it change the frame rate and then I'm just going to start dragging and dropping all of the video clips in so I'll start with Gwyneth Paltrow here bringing Jason Schwartzman Willem Dafoe then I need to shorten each of these clips because they're all a little too long here I kind of like the wink that she gives and then her head gets a little funky with the ears so I want to get rid of that so I'll just kind of leave this initial Wink in here I'll make each little clip like only like one second long let me find the best scene from Jason Schwartzman so I've pulled all the Clips in and then I'm going to add my music to the background alright so I've added the background music but I want to make sure it sort of ducks down a little bit when they speak so I'm gonna go ahead and do that real quick that's just a matter of breaking up the audio clips here and then clicking on this little button right here in the bottom corner and then I can sort of bring the volume smoothly in and smoothly out here pull the volume down in the middle here to about negative let's go negative 6.9 there and now it should duck nicely why so serious all right so the only other thing to do would be to add some text over the top so inside of DaVinci I'm going to use this text plus here and I'm just going to put it over the top go to my settings here go ahead and position this a little bit lower so it goes across the bottom here let's pick a font that looks good I'm going to use this Acme Gothic compressed here stretch this all the way to the end let's see if we can add a decent drop shadow to it I'm going to go ahead and do that leave it subtle and I'm going to break it up at each one of these scenes so that it changes the word each time so I'm just making a little cut at each scene and then I'm just going to add my text in here when if ultro has Catwoman Jason Schwartzman as Robin and then one little touch that we can add if we want is we can do a little subtle zoom on each character so the way I would do that in DaVinci is I would jump to the start of this Frame here I would come up to the top right click on this button to add a keyframe come to the end of the frame here and then set my zoom to like a 1.1 and let's see what that looks like and you can see it does kind of a subtle zoom in I might even want to make it even more subtle let's go 1.05 and then I can go through and do that for each of our other scenes here instead of keyframe go to the last frame here set another keyframe make our Zoom 1.05 and now we get this kind of look wise and now if we watch the whole thing back this is what we get why so serious I am the Batman now this whole thing is only 10 seconds long a lot of the memes that are going around on Twitter are quite a bit longer they're 30 seconds to a minute long but if I was to do that this video would be a heck of a lot longer so I wanted to show you a real basic stripped down version of how it was done they would just do a lot more images on mid-journey probably train a handful more voices into 11 Labs do a lot more animations and did and then bring it all together so I wanted to show you the super simplified version of how all of those other videos you've seen are accomplishing these memes so now you know how to do it too and if you love all of this nerdy AI stuff and learning how to make cool stuff like this and learning about all the latest tools and Tech to do really fun stuff make sure you check out this is the website where I curate all of the coolest AI tools that I come across I'm adding new tools every single day I keep the AI news site up to date every single day and if it's all too overwhelming and you just want a tldr of what's going on for the week in AI join the free newsletter and every Friday I'll say send you just the five coolest tools that I came across a handful of the most important news articles for the 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Channel: Matt Wolfe
Views: 164,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI, Artificial Intelligence, FutureTools, Futurism, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Future Tools, Matt Wolfe, ai meme, ai memes, midjourney, elevenlabs, d-id, midjourney ai, midjourney ai tutorial, midjourney tutorial, midjourney v5, midjourney prompts, ai, midjourney tips, memes, meme, funny, trending, how to use midjourney, ai art, funny memes, ai voice generator, eleven labs, ai voice, ai art generator, midjourney prompt tips, midjourney version 5, ai tools, ai images
Id: pgdmhwtsntk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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