Creating the ultimate Peanut Butter sandwich.

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oh my gosh hi i'm josh i'm ollie and today we're going to be asking the question can you improve on a pb j sandwich the ultimate iconic duo of the food world yeah is undeniably the pb and jam sandwich peanut butter and jelly that's the call of america whatever the average u.s citizen will consume over 3 000 pb and jam sandwiches in the course of their lifetime uh it's it's jelly sometimes when something's that dominant you never stop to ask yourself can it be improved like the wheel so today we're gonna be competing to see who can find the best upgrade to the pb and jam sandwich it's jelly i've come up with what i consider the three best adaptations okay i think mine will be better okay let's test it out pb j wall commence round one it's you josh doesn't know this but i adhered very strictly to a rhyming pattern for this episode basically the only criteria i used for choosing my ingredients were that they rhymed with jam which apparently is not even what americans call previous languages all right this is a legendary sandwich called fool's gold okay which involves an entire loaf of bread an entire jar of jam and an entire jar of peanut butter i need you to fry up some streaky bacon for me and then while you're doing that i am gonna hollow out this loaf of bread so this is a famous sandwich from colorado okay specifically one restaurant apparently elvis presley found this sandwich that is not an accolade that you want and he liked it so much that he would fly to colorado just to get one of these sandwiches from this restaurant oh don't mind me while i just take this entire jar oh my god if this episode ends with me dying on a toilet i am going to be so livid i mean i'll be dead but i'll be livid in the afterlife look at the amount of calories in this sandwich that's why it's fool's gold it tastes like gold but you're a fool if you eat it every pound of bacon an entire jar of peanut butter valentine's day nice little crunchy squidge this is like literally my dreams average i can tell oh my gosh oh yes that is exactly what i wanted it to look like that interestingly enough is exactly what elvis's insides look like okay okay you ready to taste fool's gold i am i'm more than ready okay that's good a few things to note josh obviously the bacon works the crispiness don't you think that's good crispiness really works yeah but you know what i would say is the hidden weapon what's that the ratio of peanut butter and jam in the sandwich is drastically higher this is like it's 60 percent filling because we hollowed out the wrong exactly holy moly does that taste good mad respect that i would say you've definitely improved on the pb and jam sandwich waiting i think that's actually better than i was expecting it to be and i had high hopes this is why you need to revisit these things mm-hmm maybe we should return to the weekend just to be like can it be improved upon okay now it's time for my round we've all heard of the peanut butter and jam sandwich but have you heard of the peanut butter and spam sandwich what the heck is that it's fat let's give it a go there you go i mean i haven't taste tested this no great i've got no idea whether it's gonna work i just went from a peanut butter and jam and crispy bacon masterpiece and now you're giving me an entire can of spam ready ready peanut butter and spam you know what i am actually curious what this is going to taste like very nice i like how you're going for the diagonal cross cut sandwiches they taste better look at that all right should we do this yeah let's do it [Music] hmm [Music] that's one of the weirdest tastes i've ever has ever put in my it's unique some really well respected art it's not enjoyable but it's unique and nothing else like it's one of a kind i think i would put this sandwich in that category this is not well respected anywhere in the world i mean it depends it could summon respect as in if you don't do this difficult task i will make you eat a peanut mushrooms man sandwich is that what respect is what's interesting about that is peanut butter is such a strong flavor that you can't really taste the spam yeah it comes out when you least expect it and it's like spam in your mouth yeah hmm i'd say you win this round okay we just tried one of elves's favorite sandwiches uh fool's gold this sandwich is actually called the elvis once you have layered some nice bread with a good amount of crunchy peanut butter and then a layer of banana slices can i hear some rustling out in the corridor you can after adding bacon to this lovely peanut butter and banana elvis sandwich the final form of the elvis is then deep fried in the bacon fat of course it is in its entirety yes it is pop it in pop it in let's give it a fry okay we're taking it up a notch i think i've made a huge mistake going head-to-head with you honestly preparing for this episode i felt like this is what i was born you were coming home i can retire now wow what do you think i mean it looks unbelievable oh baby if a local cafe around us sold this i feel like i would go for this quite regularly yeah you would the banana actually looks like it's kind of been softened caramelized exactly by the cooking process with the bacon as well and the peanut butter let's do it oh my oh my it is just very slightly better than peanut butter and spout it's better than the fool's gold and the full score was amazing the banana creates a weird fruity layer so i think my divine opinion a bit like a hawaiian pizza mmm interesting but i'm all for it because it replaces the sweetness of the jam in the sandwich right here oh glorious oh thank you elvis you are the king has to be said he's the king i'm speechless well very impressive again josh thank you very much i feel like i really come into my own with this episode yeah i i would agree it feels like i've gone into a wrestling match with hulk hogan with no preparation and i'm just being thrown around like a ragdoll all right no it's lovely my round put a lot of effort into this okay okay a huge amount of effort okay [Music] we've all heard of a peanut butter and jam sandwich but have you heard of a peanut butter yam clam and parmesan sandwich wow these smell kind of off oh my god they're supposed to smell like that [Music] oh really don't smell they don't smell right i think we should try them anyway okay all right what's the worst that can happen oh my gosh oh okay uh hang on hang on i feel like this is not thought through what do you mean what do you mean yeah okay not look really thought through um no i i will happily have a bit more but you just went in i'm really glad you tried it before i have to what do you think last time you said the peanut butter tastes strong enough to cover off the spam i thought it would taste different from what it smells like did it smell like the cheese oh don't open your mouth oh what do you think that go there [Music] [Applause] it smells oh dear lord this is horrible what were you thinking literally tasted like i'd had a spoonful of poop never have off clams you should not try that i'm not gonna i can tell you right now that does not improve on a pb and j sandwich round three i'm actually coming to look forward to your rounds and really not look forward to my rounds now the thing here is ollie i feel like i've peaked oh that last peanut butter oh sorry i thought you meant just in life in january that last peanut butter sandwich was good so since i've done the best savory sandwich already i thought why don't we turn to a sweet option i like where this is going well there's a famous peanut butter sandwich called the fluffanata where you combine marshmallow fluff with peanut butter but i thought why don't we try it with real marshmallow oh and if we're gonna go for dessert peanut butter sandwich what is a tried and tested pairing to peanut butter peanut butter and chocolate the most famous of which is of course rhesus we've hit the mother lode can i throw in my tappants please and i suggest one improvement on this okay what i've been waiting for this moment for a long time okay can i please use gabby's cooking blow torch when you say improvement i think you mean already part of the plan we are perfectly already prepared okay already prepared oh this is a big mac okay i have imagined myself doing this many many times i thought you know i've never had a sandwich with reese's peanut butter cups in it okay so what if we put a layer of mashed up peanut butter cups into the sandwich nice can i melt it just a slight melting oh my gosh yeah okay very good okay okay that's good that's good don't over melt it don't over melt it and then we're gonna squish one big one right at the top with some little ones around the edges all right hit it yeah yes oh this is working better than i'd hoped oh this is like a small peanut butter sandwich give it a nice squish oh now ollie i know what you're thinking this looks like the perfect sandwich already it's not done yet because what would make this sandwich even better fried bacon in a bit of butter butter [Music] oh my gosh i mean even elvis would have been like it's a bit too unhealthy that's a bit much guys all right oh baby you ready [Music] look at that wowzers [Music] the marshmallow i'm doing it going for it wow that's sweet wow that's sweet i mean it's astonishingly good [Music] well that's my homemade interpretation of a and nutter holy murray what do you think of us at some point you just have to sit back and acknowledge your opponent's talent in a way i'm just happy to be here you know it's not over yet it's true you've still got your final round okay do we want your final round my final round i'm worried yeah is pure art it's gonna be like peanut butter and bran flakes that was considered peanut butter and flan also considered i also considered peanut butter and diazepam but that is a prescription drug this is none of those okay you've got a peanut butter and jam sandwich but have you heard of a peanut butter and lamb sandwich what is that lamb that's i mean doesn't look white in little sad lump in the middle of my ceremony it's a very good description of what that is it smells amazing yeah it smells good i don't know this is an unusual cut flap you probably will never have had this oh no please tell me my brain did not just go in anyways if you really love lamb no you will love this no you did not just put a flipping lamb testicle on a piece of bread and serve it to me this is peanut butter that is lamb nut in butter oh why are can i say without prompting got your nose right up in there and you said these nuts smell incredible it smells good i don't know what herb is that on the top i think that's just that at this point the peanut butter feels entirely gratuitous peanut butter and lamb testicles you're an idiot i'm going to cut open you're going cross-section oh yeah i just want to know you want to see the texture look at that that is a meaty ball okay let's do it [Music] you didn't even try it with peanut butter that's a lot [Music] can i just stay the entire theory behind your offerings today yeah is flawed it's peanut butter and jelly you should have found these around with jelly i'm not gonna lie when we were talking about this episode and you corrected me and said it's peanut butter i was like well that has been can you improve on a peanut butter and jam sandwich i would say josh can ollie can't that's what we learned in this episode no thank you for that ollie that was i i am glad to be able to say i've eaten that and will never ever have to again that's friendship man i just gave you a lamb's testicle you ate it and you said thank you that's how that's how low we've sunk all right i'll see you jolly soon see you later [Music] hi i'm jenny and my reason to be jolly today is my tomatoes are growing and they are gonna be so delicious
Channel: JOLLY
Views: 1,813,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jolly, Kpop, JOLLY, jolly, 졸리, 조쉬, 조시, 올리, josh, ollie, British, Priest, korean, englishman, 외국인, 영국남자, 새로운, 채널, second, 사생활, new, channel, 한국말, UK, 영국, 런던, Korean, language, lesson, learn, food, mukbang, 먹방, culture, react
Id: nUJeCHk-R4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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