Creating textures with AI is easy in Blender!

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hi you probably already heard about the AI revolution in art maybe you fear that it will take artists jobs or maybe you want to jump on the AI bandwagon early let me show you in this video how useful AI tools can be for a 3D artist having really good seamless textures can take your renders to next level the textures you see now were generated with the help of AI using the dream textures blender addon but to make them look they're good one additional step is needed to convert them into PBR material I will show you how you can achieve similar results with simple step-by-step guidelines in just a couple of minutes and later in the video I will show you more examples with props to achieve them so be sure to watch till the end let's go the first step is to download the dream textures add-in it's an open source project hosted on GitHub the link is in the description scroll down the page till you see latest version click on that depending on the time you are watching this you might see a newer version we are interested in the add-in not the source files so let's download that it's quite a big repository so it may take a while now we need to enable the add-on to make things less confusing I'm starting with a fresh install of blender 3.3 go to edit menu preferences and add-ons now simply click on install and navigate to where you downloaded dream textures select it now we need to enable it if you encounter any issues during installation be sure to check the troubleshooting section here The Next Step will install dream textures dependencies we need to run blender in administrator mode for that to run blender in admin mode simply navigate to the installation directory right click on the executable and select run as administrator let's go back to add-ons to find dream textures you can simply start typing in the search box now select your configuration and click install dream textures has been tested with Cuda and apple silicon gpus so far the installation step will take a while so let me cut that part after installing the dependencies I recommend restarting blender and running it as a normal user let's go back to add-ons as there are two more steps we need to do first we need to download the stable diffusion model when you press here you will be taken to the download page please read the model license to access the repository you need to register it's quick and easy after you register select the model and download it while it's downloading you can check the stable diffusion source code or read the research paper after the download finishes copy the model to the clipboard with Ctrl c as we will need it back in blender click on open Target directory paste the model file with Ctrl V we have to rename to file to model.c kptpt we can now validate our installation of dream textures blender might be unresponsive for a couple of seconds while doing that and now we are ready to have some fun there are many ways to use dream textures what I prefer to do first is to use image editor as you can see we have a new button for the dream textures let's start with old worn bricks click on seamless for generating seamless textures under Advanced configuration there are additional options all of them have helpful tool tips default configuration usually works very well so let's generate our first texture after clicking OK the magic happens using the same prompt I generated couple more textures let's see how it looks on our default cube in the sheeting tab first let's enable node Wrangler add-on we can add image texture node by pressing shift plus a here we can select one of our AI generated textures let's plug color to base color after clicking on the image texture node press control plus T to get these two nodes we can use a mapping node to change tilling of our texture and rotate it looking good so far but we can do better let's generate something more interesting like medieval castle damaged stone wall with moss dream textures added the image texture node for us let's plug it in that looks nice as I'm satisfied with the result we can generate a higher resolution texture we can also increase step count for slightly better results the maximum texture size is limited by GPU memory on 3090 I was able to generate 2K textures there are ways to upscale them but that's beyond the scope of this video let me know in the comments if you want a tutorial showing how to do that at 1K resolution and 50 steps the generation process will take more time after it's done we can see how it looks on the cube it's not bad but it's flat and the light doesn't behave very well to improve that we need to jump to materialize but first let's save our texture you can do this by clicking in this menu and selecting save as materialize is an open source application that can generate necessary data from our images to make it into the material the link is in the description go to downloads and get the app after it's on your PC simply extract the archive no additional installation is necessary let's start it the UI of materialize might be confusing at first but let me walk you through the necessary steps first click on the o button in the diffuse map area this will let us load our AI generated wall texture using the right Mouse button you can rotate to preview first we need to generate a height map we can do that by pressing create button the new panel shows additional parameters and the preview area shows in real time the generated height map the light of the color the higher a given area is defaults work usually will we can set it as a height map next we will create a normal map in a similar way we will not use a metallic map in blender but it is helpful in generating a smoothness map creating a smoothness map is similar the lighter color represents how smooth or shiny the material is let's adjust it a bit for a good preview in materialize let's generate an ambient occlusion map we can see how the material looks by pressing the show Full material button looking good so far the only problem I have is that it's too shiny so let's adjust our smoothness map now that's better the last step is to export our Maps first let's change the output format to PNG now we need to go through each of the maps and save them using the small S button and that's it now let's hook it up in blender I restarted blender so we are starting fresh let's go directly to the shading tab we need to bring our Textures in there are many ways to do that the simplest is to Simply drag them into the Shader editor area we will need diffuse normal height and smoothness maps let me maximize the Shader editor by pressing Ctrl space as we did previously we need to bring texture coordinates and mapping nodes by pressing Ctrl t let's set our scaling and hook up the color to the base color now we can minimize this node next let's change the smoothness color space to linear as blender expects roughness values we need to subtract one from smoothness using the math node we need to also connect our mapping node I think the effect is too subtle so let's adjust that with node Wrangler enabled by left-clicking and pressing Ctrl and shift we can preview each node why color for roughness means that it's very rough and black that it's smooth and reflective let's adjust that Control Plus shift plus left Mouse on the Shader node will return the viewport to material preview yes that is looking good next is the normal map we need to change the color space to non-color and we need to connect it to the Shader using the normal map node strength controls the strength of the normal mapping effect we need to also connect the mapping node that is beginning to look really good the only problem is that at some angles we can clearly see that it's still a flat surface that's the limitation of a normal mapping technique let's improve it by using our height map let's minimize those nodes to make some space start by connecting the mapping node to our height image texture we need to change the color space to linear and connect it to the displacement node via the height input we now can connect it to the material output node nothing happens yet as we need to do an additional setup first we will be using Cycles so instead of setting up lighting let's quickly use hdri texture from now let's switch our rendering engine to Cycles we will use GPU for rendering and we need to enable experimental features I'll use fewer samples for the viewport next scroll down in the material properties Tab while the cube is selected in the settings we need to enable displacement let's switch to Cycles now the cube doesn't have enough geometry for displacement in the modifier stack we can add a subdivision surface let's set it to simple so it doesn't deform our Cube and let's check adaptive subdivisions what a miss we need to lower the displacement scale now it's looking really good before I show you a couple of other cool textures I generated using this approach let me quickly summarize the process one experiment with the prompt use lower resolution here and 25 steps at Max two when you are satisfied increase the resolution and Export the image to materialize three generate additional maps and materialize four bring the textures back to blender don't forget about enabling displacement the sphere texture here was generated using medieval castle damaged stone wall with moss the ground used Forest ground with twigs and Dead Leaves cylinder texture prompt Sandstone cliff for ground I used ground path in the forest Pebbles here sphere texture was generated using lava yes sometimes it's that simple I hooked up diffuse to a mission as well the ground used Seashore wet sand golden small Pebbles and seashells for the cylinder I used simply colorful cables the cracked ice was hard to get right finally I was satisfied with the prompt smooth Frozen Blue Lake surface with fractured ice cracks here I got an interesting result on the sphere with medieval Mosaic glass cathedral window colorful for ground I used stack of golden coins the cylinder here uses red dragon scales and the ground brown bear fur how do you feel about using AI Tools in your workflow let me know in the comments below I hope you found the information in this video useful if you like to watch more content related to 3D game development or AI consider subscribing see you soon
Channel: Vertex Rage
Views: 21,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aiart, blender, blender3d, dreamtextures, ai, stablediffusion, materialize, tutorial
Id: yqQvMnJFtfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 22 2022
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