Creating Shapes in After Effects Ep14/48 [Adobe After Effects for Beginners]

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Hello and welcome to the fourteenth video in this beginner's guide to Adobe After Effects. In this tutorial we will be looking at the types of shapes you can use in After Effects and how to create them. In a previous episode we looked at how to bring media elements into our After Effects documents to start building compositions. Next it's time to start to look at how we can create inside After Effects. In this video we are going to begin by looking at how we can create shapes in After Effects. Now there are lots of reasons why you would want to build shapes in After Effects, shapes can be used to add visual elements to your composition, they can give us a basis to build our artwork and they can be used to create masks which we'll be learning about later in the course. So in this video we are going to be covering the following topics: Types of shapes that can be created in After Effects, Creating shapes from the shape builder tool, Editing simple shapes from the shape builder tool, Creating shapes from type and creating shapes from vectors. So let's get into it! So as a beginner it will help you to understand the types of shapes that can be created in After Effects. As you start to develop your own video sequences you will find that you will use shapes for a number of creative tasks, often your video sequences can all start from a simple shape. So here are some shape examples you can create in After Effects. Now if we look down in the timeline panel we can see that each shape exists on its own layer and we know their shapes because they have the star icon next to their names. In After Effects a shape layer is identified by the star icon. Now the four easiest types of shapes you can create in After Effects are simple shapes using the shape builder tool, editable shapes, shapes from type and shapes from vectors. So let's take a quick look at these. Now if you have downloaded the project folder you can open up the documents I have here, with the project folder open click into the S2 essential practice folder, into folder 14 creating shapes and open the shapes After Effects file and you will have the same document I have open here, this is a document I have prepared for you to quickly experiment with shapes. Now if you don't have the project folder and you want to follow along with this tutorial using this documents I have prepared especially for you, you can download the project folder for a small fee, the download link with instructions is in the description. The download folder comes with lots of exercise documents we will be using on this course that have been carefully developed to aid your learning experience, the folder also comes with document resources such as videos, graphics and images you can use to build your first video presentation from scratch later on in this course. To get the full learning experience I recommend you get the project folder, the download link with instructions is in the description. So with the project folder open clicking into the S2 essential practice folder, into folder 14 Creating shapes and open the shapes After Effects file and you will have the same document I have opened here. So I want to draw your attention over to the project panel, here you can see I have a folder called shapes preview and one called shapes practise. For now I need you to pay attention to the shapes preview folder, in this folder we can see we have four compositions. Now each of these is going to preview one of the ways we can create shapes, So let's start with the first comp, simple shapes. So double click on this first comp and it will appear in the composition panel. So here are some simple shapes that can be created with a click of a button using the shape builder tool. So back in the project panel, next double-click on the editable shapes comp. In After Effects you can edit simple shapes like the ones we just observed to create more complex shapes like this. These are shapes that have also been created using the shape builder tool however, these were created by editing some of the settings applied to the basic shapes and here we can see we can get some very dynamic and interesting shapes. So next back in the project panel double click on 3 - shapes from type. Now in After Effects you can also create shapes from type. It's easy to convert type into shapes which can prove very handy. Back in the project panel last double-click on shapes from vectors. Now in After Effects you can go a step further, it is also possible to import shapes created in Adobe Illustrator, so if you wanted to create a really complex shape or a piece of artwork in After Effects you could compose it in Illustrator first and open in After Effects, this is an amazing feature in After Effects and allows you to get really creative with the elements you could use in your project. So those are the four easiest shapes you can create in After Effects. Let's now take a look at how we can create shapes like the examples we have just seen. So now I want to draw our attention back to the project panel and this time into the folder below called shapes practise. These are some worksheets I have put together to help you. So let's begin by double-clicking on the first comp simple shapes worksheet. So here we are going to start by creating some shapes using the shape builder tool, now before I begin I think it's important to mention that the shape builder tool works very much like the shape builder tool in Photoshop and illustrator. So if you're familiar with how the shape builder tool works in Photoshop and illustrator this will help you here. So let's start by drawing a circle, so if we come up to our tools menu at the top we can see the shape tools about seven icons across I'll click and hold on this and we can see an array of shapes on offer. So to begin I'll click the ellipse tool, upon activating the ellipse tool the mouse cursor will change to a crosshair, So before we start to draw our shapes first come up to the top of our interface where we can see fill and Stroke, first we'll click into the fill color Square and select a black color then make sure the stroke is set to zero and I can do this by clicking and dragging down to zero like so. So with the fill color set to black and the strokes at the zero we can now click and drag on the composition panel to create a circle, now as I drag we can choose how the ellipse is going to be placed, however if we want a perfect circle, as we drag we should hold down shift on the keyboard, this will ensure we draw a perfect circle like so, upon release we will create the shape and we will now see a new shape layer appear in the timeline panel below. OK, something important to mention, at this point if we click on our new shape, we will notice this little crosshair in the center of this composition. Now this is called the Anchor Point and this is really important, when we start to do things with shapes later such as animating and changing position and scale this anchor point is the bearing that everything is set to or from, if the anchor point is not set in the center of the shape it's going to cause some problems, ideally we need this anchor point to be bang in the center of the shape, but right now it's nowhere near the shape. By default the anchor point is not set in the center of your shape, you will need to do this manually. To do this is easy, simply come up to After Effects on Mac or edit on PC and come to Preferences and click on general. Upon click a series of options will appear, what we need is to make sure that center anchor points in new shape layer is checked. So I'll click this to make sure it's checked and click OK. So what I'll do now is select my circle shape and press backspace on the keyboard to delete it. Next I'll come back to my shape tool click and hold and again select the ellipse and click and drag on my composition while holding shift to get a perfect circle. Upon release we will have a new circle shape and notice this time the anchor point is now set bang in the center of the shape, perfect! So that's how to create a circle shape using the shape builder tool. So let's have a go at another one, this time let's create a square, now it's really important to mention at this point that before we begin to draw any new shape we first need to make sure we have the previous shape de selected in the timeline panel. If we don't deselect the layer first when we draw a shape it will add it to the same shape layer we just created. Now in some instances you may want to do this but for now we want to create individual layers. So I'll click off my circle shape layer in a timeline panel to make sure it's deselected, I'll come back up to the tools menu click on the shape builder tool, select the square shape and click and drag on my composition while holding shift to draw a perfect square like so. Upon release I have created the shape, so next I'll create a rounded rectangle shape, so I'll click off my square layer in the layers panel to make sure it's deselected, I'll come back up to the tools menu click on the shape builder tool, select the rounded rectangle shape and click and drag on my composition. Now as I drag out my rounded rectangle I can press up or down on the keyboard, by doing this we'll adjust the roundness of the corners. So I'll press up or down to match the round corners of the worksheet and release. Upon release I have created the new shape. So next I'll create a hexagon shape, so I'll click off my rounded rectangle shape layer in the timeline panel to make sure it's de selected and I'll come back up to the tools menu click on the shape builder tool, select the polygon shape and click and drag on my composition while holding shift to draw a perfect hexagon like so. Upon release I have created the shape. So next I'll create a star shape. So I'll click off my hexagon shape layer in a timeline panel to make sure it's deselected, I'll come back up to the Tools menu click on the shape builder tool select the star shape and click and drag on my composition by holding shift to draw a perfect sta. Upon release I have created the shape. so just like that we have created five basic shapes in After Effects, with the anchor point set in the middle. So back in the project panel next double-click on the next comp, editable shapes worksheet. so this time we are going to create more complex shapes, to create these we are going to use the shape builder tool again but this time we need to modify some of the settings. So let's start by drawing this triangle shape. So I'll come back up to the tools menu click on the shape of the tool and select the polygon shape. Now as I click and drag in the composition we will see I am creating a hexagon shape, now with the polygon shape active if I press up or down on the keyboard I can toggle the amount of points the hexagon has. I can press up to increase and press down to decrease the amount, so on this occasion I'm going to press down on the keyboard until I see a triangle. Now if I press and hold shift this will straighten up my triangle like so. Upon release, I have created the triangle shape and I'll press V to activate the selection tool and click and drag the triangle into place. So the next thing I want to do is add the round corners, well to do this we need to come down and open the shape layer properties, so I'll toggle down the little triangle next to the layer name and drop down the contents option. Now when you reveal the contents you should see a little Add button to the right of this, so what we can do is click this button and we will have a list of options to choose from. From this list I'm going to choose round corners, upon click you will see a new round corners option up here in the contents of the shape. Next we can toggle this down and tweak the radius of the round corners, on this occasion I'll push this up to 40 and there we have a triangle shape with rounded corners. So next I want to create this badge shape. So first I'll click on the triangle toggle to close the settings on the layer and I'll click off the layer in my timeline panel to deselect it, then I'll come back up to the Tools menu click on the shape builder tool and this time select the star shape. Now as I click and drag in the composition we will see the star shape. Now just like on the polygon tool if I press up or down on the keyboard I can toggle the amount of points the star has. I can press up to increase or press down to decrease the amount. Now also with the star tool if I press and hold command on Mac or ctrl on PC on the keyboard and drag in and out we can toggle the lengths of the points. So on this occasion I'm going to press a few times and just release like so. Upon release I have a new shape but this is not the shape I want, so next I'm going to come down and open the shape layer properties, so I'll toggle down the little triangle next to the layer name to drop down the contents options ,I'll click the little triangle next to the contents to drop this down then I'll see a poly star one option. So I'll toggle this down and we will see more options, next I'll toggle down poly star one path and here we will be able to see lots of options to customize. So on this occasion I'm going to click on points and type in 20, for the inner radius, I'm going to type in 1, 4, 5 and for the outer radius I will type 1, 7, 0 and now we have the same shape as on the worksheet. So I'll click the shape and drag it into place, easy! So next I want to create this ninja star shape, so I'll first click on the triangle toggle to close the settings on the layer and I'll click off the layer in my timeline panel to deselect it, then I'll come back up to the Tools menu, click on the shape of the tool and again select the star shape. Now as I click and drag in the composition we will see I have the same shape I made previously, in After Effects when you create a shape it remembers the previous shape you created so when you create a new shape it keeps the previous settings. Now this is not a problem here all I'm going to do is press down on the keyboard a few times until I get a star with 4 points and I may have to press and hold command for Mac or Ctrl on PC on the keyboard and drag in or out just to extend the length of the points like so. I'll press and hold shift so it straightens up the star and release. Upon release I have a new shape. So next I'm going to come down and open the shape layer properties and reveal the content settings like so. This time I'm going to click on the Add button and select twist, upon click we will see a new twist setting available in the content settings. So I'll toggle this down and set the twist angle to 60 and that will match the worksheet example, so I'll press V to activate the selection tool and click the shape and drag it into place like so, easy! So next I want to create this rounded hexagon shape, so I'll first click on the triangle toggle to close the settings on the layer and now click off the layer in my timeline panel to deselect it, then I'll come back up to the tools menu, click on the shape builder tool and select the polygon shape. So I'll drag out to create a hexagon shape and I'll press up to add more corners until there is 7 and I'll press and hold shift so it straightens up the shape and release. Upon release I have a new shape. So next I'm going to come down and open the shape layer properties and reveal the content settings, I'll toggle down until I can see the full settings for the path in this instance and we'll push the outer roundness out to 60% and that will add roundness to my shape. So I'll press V to activate the selection tool click the shape and drag it into place. Next I want to create this starfish looking shape, so I'll click on the triangle toggle to close the settings of the layer and I'll click off the layer in my timeline panel to deselect it, then I'll come up to the Tools menu click on the shape builder tool and select the star shape. So I'll drag out to create a star shape and I'll press up to add or down to remove points, so in this instance, I want to create a star shape with six points, upon release I have a new shape. So next I'm going to come down and open the shape layer properties and reveal the content settings I'll toggle down until I can see the full settings for the poly star path, in this instance I will push the inner radius to 90, the outer radius out to 2 4 0, the inner roundness to 1 2 0 and the outer roundness to 1 4 0 and that will create an interesting roundness to my shape. So I'll press V to activate the selection tool and click the shape and drag it into place, though I may have to scale it up or down a little to match the worksheet. So lastly I want to create this flower looking shape. So I'll click on the triangle toggle to close the settings of my layer and I'll click off the layer in my timeline panel to deselect it, then I'll come back up to the tools menu, click on the shape buider tool and again select the star shape. So I'll drag out to create a star shape, now as I click and drag in the composition, we will see I have the same shape I just made, remember, in After Effects when you create a shape it remembers the previous shape, so when you create a new shape it keeps the previous setting. So I'll press and hold shift to straighten up the shape and release, next I'm going to come down and open the shape layer properties and reveal the contents, I'll toggle down until I can see the full settings for the poly star path in this instance I will set the points to 27, I will set the inner radius to 1 2 0, the outer radius out to 1 7 0, the inner roundness to 255 and the outer roundness to 3 3 0 and that will create the interesting roundness to my shape. So I'll click the shape and drag it into place and just like that we have created six shapes with very specific qualities. So back in the project panel next double click on shapes from type. So here I have a type layer which you could easily create, for the purpose of this exercise I have put this in here for you. So if we look down in the timeline panel we can see that we have just one type layer and we know this is a type layer because it has a T icon next to the layer, in After Effects a type layer is represented with a T icon. Now if we double click on this type layer we can edit it no problem, now in After Effects we can make shapes from type layers and this can be done quite simply. So when you have a type layer in place simply right-click on the type layer, scroll down to create and select create shapes from text, upon click you will see a new shape layer appear in the timeline panel, you will also notice the original type layer still exists but the visibility will be set off. Now if we come into the timeline panel and toggle it down the new shape layer contents we will now see we have the individual letters as shapes. So we may have one shape layer but contained in this one shape layer is now six individual shapes and we can toggle the visibility or expand them down further to apply individual effects. So that's how easy it is to create shapes from type in After Effects. So the last example I want to show you is how to create a shape from an illustrator document. So back in the project panel next double click on shapes from vectors. So here are two shapes, on the Left we have a really complicated shape and on the right and more simple shape, now these were not created in After Effects. It would be quite tricky to create something like this in After Effects so something like this would have been created in Illustrator first. So here I am, now in Adobe Illustrator and here I have an illustration of the London Eye I prepared earlier using the powerful drawing tools in Illustrator and this exists here as a vector image. Now we learnt in the previous episode how to import media into After Effects, so here we are going to use the same procedure to create this as a shape in After Effects. So back in After Effects I'm going to come into the project panel and double click in the gray empty space below the folders, upon click a window will appear asking me what I want to import into After Effects, so here I'm going to navigate to the project folder and come into the project assets folder, then into the images folder, then into the AI folder, then into the buildings folder and I'll click on the London Eye and click open, upon click we will now see our illustrator asset in the project panel. So now I can click on the illustrator document and drag it into the composition like so and release. Upon release we will now see it in the comp along with a new layer in the timeline panel below. So I'll press S to activate scale and push the scale up to match the worksheet and I'll press V to activate the selection tool and click and drag it into place. So right now this exists as an illustrator doc and there's not a lot we can do with this, however what I can do is convert this into a shape, so I can change the color and add other effects. To create a shape from a vector layer is easy, simply come down to the layer and right click, scroll to create and then click create shapes from vector upon click you will see a new shape layer appear in the timeline panel you will also notice the original illustrator layer still exists but the visibility will be set off. Now if we come into the timeline panel and toggle down the new shape layer contents, we will now see we have the individual parts of the shape. Like with the type shape layer we may have one shape layer but contained in this one shape layer is now two individual shapes and we can toggle the visibility or expand them down further to apply individual effects. So that's how easy it is to create shapes from an illustrator vector in After Effects. So let's try it once more. So I'll come over to the project panel and click in the gray empty space under the folders, I'll navigate to the project folder, go into the project assets folder, then into the images folder, then into the AI folder, then into the objects folder and I'll click on pin and click open. Upon click we will now see the illustrator asset in the project panel. So now I can click on the illustrator document and drag it into the composition like so and release. Upon release we will now see it in the comp along with a new layer in the timeline panel. So I'll press S to activate scale and push up the scale to match the worksheet, I'll press V to activate the selection tool, click and drag into place, next, I'll come down to the layer and right click, scroll to create and then click create shapes from vector layer. Upon click you will see a new shape layer appear in the timeline panel. You will also notice the original illustrator layer still exists but the visibility will be set off and if we come and expand the contents of the new shape layer down we can see the two parts that make up the shape, easy! So that is how you can create and edit shapes easily in After Effects, now in After Effects there is more we can do with shapes to edit them further and even go as far as to draw our own shapes. In After Effects we can use the pen tool to create our own unique shapes and enhance shapes made using the shape builder tool. In the next video I'll be showing you how you can use the pen tool to create custom paths, create shapes and edit shapes in After Effects. So see you in the next video!
Channel: Gareth David Studio
Views: 46,260
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Keywords: Creating Shapes in After Effects, Adobe After Effect, Beginners Guide to After Effect, adobe After Effects for beginners, graphic design, After Effects, After Effects tutorials, After Effects tutorial, After Effects tutorials for beginners, After Effects basics, adobe After Effects tutorials for beginners, After Effects for beginners, After Effects tutorial for beginners, adobe After Effects tutorials, adobe After Effects tutorial, adobe After Effects basics
Id: goWLbyNWPdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 18sec (1458 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 02 2019
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