Creating Registration Forms with Automatic Registration Confirmations With Microsoft

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[Music] [Applause] all right so let's look at how we are going to be creating a registration form and then setting up a power automate so that when somebody completes the registration form they get an automatic email confirming their registration but also attaching in that email attaching to that email uh calendar invite so this is multiple steps so we're going to take this in segments now update eventually hopefully in the next few months but i don't know when this is going to happen eventually when you're in microsoft in your calendar your outlook calendar or your team's integrated outlook calendar when you create a meeting you'll be able to set registrations up from right within the meeting setup which will negate the need to do everything that we're going to walk through today but until that happens i'm going to take you through the steps for how to create this integration so again it does take a few steps so we're going to take this nice and slow and we're going to start first i'm going to start with the registration form itself and so what you need to do is go to and click on microsoft forms and here i am on my my forms page you can see i have quite a few here in this case i'm going to show you two things that you can do the first is to create your first registration form and then duplicate it so for example as you can see on the screen i have a number of registration forms it's for the exact same topic it's just the same topic offered on different days and so i instead of creating six or seven independent forms i'm going to create the form once or actually already have i'm going to create the form once and duplicate it and just change the content the details of each form so let's start with a new form so my landing looks a little different in my case it says plus new quiz but there's this carrot next to it so if i click on the carrot it offers me the option to do a new form so what i'm going to do is basically just add the information so in my title i will have a kind of a description team's basics for students i'll put the date just so that i can see it more easily um let's say march 25th 2021 actually let's change that so it's i don't get confused because this isn't an actual one um let's do january 1st 2021 um 7 a.m to 8 a.m and i will put the time zone just for clarity i'll give a description of exactly what it is here uh for the sake of this i'm not going to and then i'm just going to click add new now it's really cool with microsoft forms because i used the word registration in my title it's automatically pulling some types of information i might want to collect so all i have to do is click the ones that i want so in this case i don't want to collect a lot of information because i'm doing this for a specific organization but you might want to collect the name of the company or organization you might want to collect a job title or give them the opportunity to ask any questions in advance that's entirely up to you so this is going to be a text question it didn't do it let's try that again let me delete and start over i got ahead of myself we're going to do first last an email address all i need to do is click add selected and lo and behold there they are now i want to make sure that these fields are full filled in they are required so thank you i'm just going to click on to each question and note that they are required answers so that my registrants aren't able to leave without completing the form all right and that's basically the the information that i'm going to need and of course if i needed more i can click add new my suggestions still stand here or i could do multiple choice a rating a date etc i can also choose my theme i'll do that one and then the next thing i want to do is click on my settings so i'm going to click on the ellipses in the upper right corner i'm going to choose settings first and my first question is who can fill out this form now if this was going to be for available for anybody on the planet to attend i of course would check anyone can respond but in this case i want to have it limited to only people who are in this pers this organization for whom i'm doing the training because i've asked for the first and last name i'm not going to ask that it record the name automatically i'm not it doesn't need to i can limit this to one response for per person so if i notice um i might set this up without the check mark box but for when i'm going through the registrations be prior to the actual training if i notice that there's a lot of people who are um who are signing up multiple times i can always come back in and check this so that they're only able to log in one time and complete this form so if that's a problem you can turn this on and off i could also choose that only specific people in this organization can respond so if i wanted to limit this for example to people in a specific department then i can choose which people are available right now i'm going to leave it set to accept responses that's the default so that means that people can fill out this form if it's unchecked no one can fill out the form so i'm just going to leave that i can also select a start date for when people could start filling out the form and an end date and in fact i'm going to choose an end date and time because once the training is over they don't need to be registering for the event anymore so i can set my date and time i generally set it for the same date but 15 minutes prior to start that way any last minute people can join in up to 15 minutes prior to launch i'm in this case i'm not shuffling questions this isn't a quiz and i do want to customize my thank you message so i would say something like thanks for registering you will receive an email confirmation with a calendar invite of course i would want to spell correctly um and then i would also provide my contact info please email me at blah blah if you have any questions and that's just to make it easier i want to set this particular form up 100 the way i want it that way i can just duplicate it and change my information for each registration just makes it a lot easier in the long run um you can also allow your participants the people who commit submit the form that they can download a copy of what they submitted for this i'm saying it's probably not necessarily but it's available to you and i do want to get an email when each when somebody responds that way i know that i'm getting some hits here the last thing i want to do is i'm going to click back onto my ellipses it saves automatically so i don't have to worry about that i also have the option to choose multiple languages so in this case i know the people that i'm working with the area that i'm working with they don't all speak english so i know that there are additional language that are languages that are prevalent in this company in this organization so i'm going to choose the languages so that people in this organization if they don't speak english or speak speak it well read it well they can fill this out in their own native language and so that just helps with universal access and equity ensuring that everybody who is here or potentially could reply and respond is able to access so you can choose as many additional languages as you want based on the needs of the people filling out your form and again this really depends on you and what your needs are alright so i'm going to say that everything is set up and now i need to create an additional copier 2 or 10 of this particular form so i'm going to click here on the share button and again it's important that i have everything set up the way i want it including my settings including that custom message including that multilingual aspect because it's going to copy all of that into the new form so it makes this very quick and efficient so right now again i i'm going to check which of these responses is appropriate again if this was open to anybody on the planet then anyone can respond this would be the link that i would share so that my part my my people can register or can complete this form i want to keep it as only people in this organization again i will be copying this this is the form this is what the participants will click on to complete the form but here's what i want to do i want to get a link to duplicate i'm not ready to share these out yet i'll come back into each form later so anyone with this link can duplicate this not erase it and change it but create their own copy of it so i've clicked on share as template i clicked the plus sign it automatically highlighted i'm going to click copy i'm just going to come back here to forms i don't have to do this but i just want to be sure that that form is here in fact and it should be at the very first one there it is and now i'm going to come back up into my url my address bar and i'm going to paste that duplicating link and hit enter and now here's a copy of the form that everyone will see notice here they can choose a language based on that multilingual choice that i made but it says duplicate this form and start to use it as your own i'm going to click duplicate it and here we are so now here's where i can go and make changes so i can change my date i can change my time erase the word copy i can choose a different theme so it stands out and stands apart if i click on my ellipses i'm going to go back and check my settings again all of the settings from pre from the previous version are kept the only thing that changed was that end date was dropped so because i have a new date and a new time i will want to change my end date and time here that same custom thank you message still exists if i click multilingual there they are they all exist and now i'm finished and i can just continue i don't have to copy the new one i can just copy the same paste that same link back in here and just continue this as often as i need until i have the number of forms to match the number of sessions that i'm doing all right so that's the first step the next thing that we're going to need to do is create the calendar invites in outlook so that we can get ready for the automation part all right so the next step is to create the actual calendar events the t the online teams meetings that you will be using as the platform to host these sessions for which your people are registering so here i am you have to be in the desktop outlook app in order to make this work so just be aware of that so i'm here in outlook and for me my toolbar is on the left hand side yours might be along the bottom but you're gonna look for that outlet that outlook calendar icon and click on that icon so once you do your calendar will open now i have two calendars here for two different organizations with whom i work so normally i view them together but in this case i'm using i'm separating my calendars out because i want to make sure that i'm creating the events in the proper organization and it's going to be in my green organization here so what i want to do next is come to the date of the first training that i'm going to do and it's on the 8th and it's at 2 p.m central time so now here's something else to keep in mind i'm in a different time zone than my organization so when i'm scheduling i'm very aware that i want to make sure everything is in their time zone not mine outlook will filter that out and it allows me to choose so that way everybody in the organization knows the appropriate time that it's the central time zone all right so i've gone again i've just gone to the the week wherein this uh registration form is attached it's going to be attached and this starts at 2 p.m so i'm just going to click and actually i'm just going to double click really quickly and it's going to open up a new window and this is where i'm going to put in that information so this is teams basics for students with i'm going to put my title in there okay so i put in the title i put in the date and the time and i've actually asked it by clicking on time zones i've i always double check i click on time zones here just to make sure because right now it's scheduling it in the pacific time zone and again the people that are registering are in the central time zone so i'm going to click and change pacific to central time u.s canada it will automatically do that for both make sure that this is a one hour long session then i'm also going to click teams meeting this is a teams meeting now i do not need to add anybody in here but i tend to just to make sure everything's correct i want to also make sure that it hits my calendar properly i have a number of different calendars for scheduling and i want to make sure that it gets on a calendar so i always put one of my personal or um an email of mine just to be sure that a it creates an actual meeting and b it hits my calendar appropriately so here i have the information complete what i'm going to do here um if i choose settings i can come in from here and set my meeting options for this event that way it's all set in advance and i don't have to worry so who can bypass the lobby probably just me i don't need to announce i know it's very small on your screen who's the presenter i am i do want my attendees to be able to come off mute if they have questions i do want chat and i do want reactions i click save so i can always change this later but it's just best practice for me to get it done here okay so the next thing i need to do is i need to export this as an ics as an icalendar attachment so i'm going to click the file and i'm going to click save as so now it's asking me it's going to save as type i calendar format now i wanna since i have the same session that i'm doing multiple times i want to make sure that i put a date on this because i'm gonna need these files to attach in power automate and we're going to do that in the next segment but i want to make sure i know which one is which so i'm getting the correct information to the correct form everything needs to be connected correctly so i'm using my dates now i'm choosing that i'm going to save this on the desktop and i created a folder here which i specifically titled teams basics for students registrations again keeping organized keeping everything together so i'm going to double click that you can see i have already created a previous one i do not need to change my i calendar it's going to stay as an i calendar that's dot ics that means that anybody on any device will be able to add this to their calendar i'm going to save the appointment not the whole calendar and then i'm going to click save and that's it now i'm finished with that and all i need to do is repeat this process until i have a calendar event created for each one of these events that i'm doing so the next piece is going to be sending all of this automatically an email with all of the information the confirmation the uh the calendar invite to each registrant when they click submit so that's next all right before we can do anything with automating this whole process we need to bring those calendar invites up into teams into the cloud into a place where we can access them with power automate used to be called flow so what i've done in my support team in the organization is i've created a private channel just for me and i've called it event registrations this way i can keep everything housed and none of the other members of the team have to be a part of this they don't have to see any of it and get confused with any of it so it's not i don't want to cause problems for other people who aren't involved in this side of the planning so in my team i'm going to create a new folder because this one is for student teams basics registrations and i put the date of the year on it at least that way i keep it separate i'm creating the folder i'm going to go into the folder and now i'm going to start uploading those ics files so those were in the desktop in teams basics for students i'm just going to put the two in that are ready so i put a check mark next to each and choose open and it's going to upload those two items here so i know right where they are and again i've made sure that i've put the correct date that way when the next piece comes which is setting up power automate i'll know which form goes with which calendar invite so next we're going to dig into power automate used to be called flow so before i can actually create the power automate what i need to do is create a list so that all of the registration info from each of these forms is collected into one location which will then be connected through the power automate so to do that i'm back in the team and i've gone i'm still in that channel that i created for this purpose again nobody else can see it so it what i do here is only visible to the owners of the team so that prevents any confusion as to what is going on in here and it allows me to to work through issues before it's made public to the rest of the team so here earlier again we had uploaded those calendar invites and so what i want to do is create sharepoint lists that will allow me to take those registration information data points and collect them in one area the easiest way to do that is to come into the files tab of that channel and click open in sharepoint and then i'm going to click on the left to go to the home page of that sharepoint because remember teams is built on sharepoint and onedrive is also a part of that so all of these things are interconnected so next once i'm at the home of the sharepoint site i'm going to click new and i'm going to choose a list and it's just going to ask me what i want to do and i'm going to create a blank list first and i'm going to give it the name so teams basics for students registrations and i cannot say enough about putting if you've got dates use them especially if you're for in this case i'm doing i think seven of the same session on different dates so i want to make sure that i'm noting which list then and which form these are connected with i do not need to show it in site navigation no one needs to ever see this and i'm going to click create and now i'm in my list so what i want to do is add the same columns that are in the form so i'm going to click add column single line of text and i'm going to call the first one first name and i'm going to click save i'm going to add a second column another single line of text last name and i'm going to click save and i'm going to add my final column again single line of text this is email address so those were the columns that are on the form i'm going to take this title and i'm just going to drop it out of the way and so that's it that's all i need now what i want to do i'm going to create another one but i don't have to type the same thing over and over i'm going to come back to home i'm going to click new and list again and this time i'm going to create from existing list and i'm going to choose the march 5th one that i just created again it's date and time stamped so i can use that i click next and i'm just going to change the date to the one of the other registrations again i don't need site navigation i click create and now we should be ready to go over and do our flow and build our flow all right so here we are i'm in power automate and i just get there through and i search my apps for power automate and i'm going to be creating what used to be called a flow i'm going to be creating an automation so that when participants complete the registration form two things are going to happen one the person who responds the respondent is going to receive an email confirming that the registration has been submitted they are successfully registered and two attach that calendar invite so that the person is able to add it to the calendar to their own personal calendar all right so i'm going to start in in my power automate i'm going to click on create and i only have to create it once because i can duplicate it and then just change the details so this is going to be an automated cloud flow so it means that is when something happens there's a trigger and the trigger is going to be the person presses submit on a form so i'm just going to click automated cloud flow and then i need to give it a name so again this is where those dates are going to be very helpful so march 5 2021 student teams basics and this is just for me it's not going to be seen by anybody so it doesn't have to have too much info but that date is just going to help me keep things clear so the next thing that i need to do is find a trigger and a trigger is the the what happened so how is this flow this process going to start and it's going to start when a new response is submitted to the form so i'm going to go ahead now and click create and now we're just going to start building the form so the first thing i have to do is pick which form i'm going to use and this one again i remember i said using dates is helpful here's my march 5th form okay so now i need a new step what do i do with it so my new step is an action and i want to get the information so if i just write forms here it will give me all the things that i can do what happens when the new response is submitted and i want it to get those details i want to send a power automate into the form to get the information out of the form the person's first name last name and email so that's going to be my action now i need to locate again the form i'm going to click on the carrot and again having dates is helpful i'm going to choose the form that i'm referencing and now it says unique identifier of the response notice when i click it i get an automated box here so microsoft flow here is telling me what it needs it's helping me figure this out so when the new response is submitted it needs that response information okay so next we need to tell it all right now you've got this information what do we do so let's look at the next steps we're going to need to add a new step all right so what i want to do here in our search term is i'm going to search for a sharepoint action and the reason we're going into sharepoint is remember that i have saved my forms and those calendar invites all of those are part are have been placed into my team which is built on sharepoint so from here on for the next two steps it's all going to be related to sharepoint so we're telling the flow we're telling power automate where to go to get the information so we're going to be creating an item here so i typed in sharepoint in the search tool and create item is usually near the bottom so you can also type in just create item just make sure that if you're doing it this way that you're using the sharepoint create item so i'm going to click create item and here again this is where i'm going to locate where my list is remember we created those lists in sharepoint so now i am putting together i'm connecting the sharepoint list to the form that i created so i need to find the list name which is here i'm still on march 5th i'm going to click show advanced options and now i just need to link up the the form to the list so which item goes matches with which now i don't have one called title um in my form but it's there in the list um there's nothing i can do about that so what i'm going to do is put submission time i'm going to click into first name and first name in the sharepoint list goes to first name in the form i'm going to click on last name so last name in the list connect to last name in the form and email address in the list goes to email address from the form okay now i'm going to add a new step we're almost done trust me after you've done this a few times it will be fairly simple the next thing i need to do is tell power automate to get that calendar invite file from the team from the sharepoint team site so i'm going to type in i'm going to type in get file content and again we're still using sharepoint so i have to make sure because notice there's a get file content from onedrive but i didn't save my calendar invites there i could have but i put them in the team instead to keep everything together in one location so i want to use my sharepoint get file content and now i'm going to tell which team i got this from where's my team channel it's again event registrations and now i need to find the file itself so i'm going to click on the file folder and i need to drill down until i find it so i'm going to scroll until i come to shared documents and i'm going to click the arrow to show those contents this is under event registrations and it's under my student team's basics again helpful to know where everything is and again i've got it date organized so i'm going to click the appropriate date now what i want to do is i'm going to highlight the title here the name of the file and i'm just going to copy that because i'm going to need it later i'm going to click new step and the final thing we need to do is create the email so i'm just going to click mail and i want to send an email notification in the to box i need to find email address and then i'm going to give it a subject that is appropriate so i'm going to call this registration confirmation teams basics for students in the body i'm going to say thank you i'm going to also use some personalization i can add dynamic content so i'm going to add the person's first name it'll automatically pull that data from the form and add that in here so thank you first name for registering for our session on march 5th 2021 at 10 am central standard time i always put the date and time again that way they're seeing that date and time multiple times and helping themselves to remember below is the link to join so i also post the link from my team's meeting that way they can choose one or more ways to keep this information handy they of course will get the file attachment which is the calendar invite but then they can also keep this email and join from the email as well as a calendar invite so you can add the session to your personal calendar okay so from here i would um maybe type the words join here if i highlight them i can click on link and i can post the link from the team's meeting here i'm not going to do that at this time um so i will say thank you um and my caught my name and my email address just in case they need to get a hold of me now i can highlight all of this and i can choose a font and i can make it bigger which i tend to do i double check that i have my spelling done before i go on before i fix this i'll show you how to add that link in a second but i'm going to click show advanced options and scroll down because i also need to make sure i add that attachment so i'm going to click attachment click into the box and then i need to put that file content here and remember i copied the name of the file i'm going to paste that right here so when we get the email it will have an attachment and that title will be there so the people know that it's a calendar invite all right i want to add a link target that's going to open in a new window so what i want to do here i'm going to come back to i know this is the wrong one select actually let's do this i'm going to come back into my calendar and i'm going to go to march 5th and i want to find that i'm just going to open it back up real quick because here's the join link so i'm going to highlight or hover over where it says click here to join the meeting notice when i hover i get that gigantic long url i'm going to right mouse click and i'm going to copy that hyperlink i'm going to come back here and i'm going to paste that as my link target and click add so now this will open in a new window when the email comes if the respondent if the person clicks on it it will take the person to the meeting okay so that should be it i'm going to click save all right it is saved and now we're going to test it now i have already run a test on this so i don't have to keep going back and refilling out the form each time i'm going to use a recently used trigger remember the trigger is somebody completes the form so i went ahead and completed the form already and so now i can can use that same trigger over and over again so i'm not getting you know 10 registrations that are invalid because they're just me testing things out so i'm going to click recently use trigger i'm going to choose one of the two and i'm going to click test and we're going to watch this and hope with our fingers crossed that it goes through successfully and it did so now i'm going to come back over i'm going to go back to my email here's the registration thank you i registered under the name test so that would be my name for registering there's the info ah interesting the link didn't follow so this is why we do the test but my calendar invite is here so now i will go back in and i'll probably just need to i need to come back to edit i'm going to click on the email invitation see it actually did erase the link and that happens periodically i still have it copied i'm going to re-add it and save and if it doesn't work then one of the things that i can do is instead of putting join here i can actually just post the entire link i prefer not to or i can omit it completely and you know it's probably not really necessary that i put it there so i could event i could decide just to leave it out we're going to test it one more time um if it does not uh if the link does not stay active in the email i'm going to delete that old one so we should have a new one coming in any second now we hope there it is and now the link works okay so now it would be ready to send but notice when it did that that it did change my formatting that it dropped it down in size and so those are just minor things that um you can decide if that's important enough to go back and recheck and change so next the last thing that i would do because i'm going to be creating multiple ones of these i don't want to have to keep doing all of this every step over and over so what i can do is save as i'm going to change this to the next date an erase copy of and i'm going to click save okay i'm going to come back to my flows because now i have my flow here i do want to make sure i turn it on make sure you turn on your flow or it won't actually do anything and now i'm going to click edit and i'm going to go in and now i'm just going to change now it's the march 8 info so i'm just going to go through each of my steps to make sure that i have the march 8th information so response id i'm just double checking everything i'm going to create the item again but now it's the list name is not march 5. it's march 8. everything else will stay the same because it's the same list that we created my file content i need to come back in i choose shared documents again i'm just going and making the changes i'm going to copy that i'm going to come to my email and i'm going to change my date and time and in this case it starts at 2 pm central and my join here i will change because it's a different link and i'm going to change the name of my file here etc and that's all i have to do i repeat that for as many registrations as i have and those are ready to be those links to the forms are ready to be sent out and all of this automated i don't have to do anything else thank you so much for joining me today i hope you found the video helpful if you do find yourself in need of support please don't hesitate to reach out you can reach out to me through my website or send me an email at and of course if you like the video please head over to my youtube channel to like and subscribe thanks again have a great day and cheers you
Channel: Wenzler Education Consulting
Views: 1,520
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 4fm3-q5QnXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 54sec (2454 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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