Creating Realistic Displaced Water in C4D

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hi guys my name is Kyle from c4 Depot and today I'm going to show you how to make a displaced body of water using a plane and a displace modifier first thing we're going to need to do is come up here and drop us in a plane which will be our body of water next thing we'll do is go to our modifiers and add a displacer I like to group the two together you can also make the displacer a child of the plane and it will it will also work but I'm going to group them together by pressing selecting them both and pressing Alt alt and G okay next thing we're going to do is go to our displacer under shading we're going to go to shader and add layer add a layer and we're going to be displacing this with some procedural noises that are animated so we'll go into our layer and we'll go ahead and and go to shader here noise and you can see the displacement was applied to the plane which is a little bit blocky so let's go ahead and go back to our plane and add in a little more detail I'm going to go in make it a hundred instead of one hundred by a hundred instead of twenty by twenty back to our displace our back into layer and let's adjust this noise to be bigger more swell like and you can see the nice smooth noise here as the size increased movement has three parameters which represent x y&z movement speed is a percentage of the specified value of movement so I'm going to go ahead and put in a specified value a percentage one percent speed and movement will be 0.2 X and point to Y I'll hit play and we could see now we have some nice smooth waves moving along there so I want to kind of layer some noises so we're going to go back 1 and this is our layer manager let's go ahead and add another noise we'll bring this down to say I don't know 20 will be using a smaller noise this time well again we'll put it at a 1% speed and movement of let's just say 0.1 this time and 0.2 again and maybe 150 scale and then we'll back up so here's our second noise that's our first noise and here they are starting to merge together see we kind of have like a more random effect here looking more like water so for the for the smaller know um waves water movement I'm going to recommend doing it on the shader level so I am going to create a material down here and what I mean by a shader level is adding a noise to the bump map so this will be done checking on your bump add a noise in there and we'll go ahead and apply it to our object here and here's without the displacer you can see here it is plane and with a bump so um with the bump and now with the displacement so now we have three types of different noises going on so let's go ahead and animate this noise as well on our level we'll make it one speed point negative point one and two and I'm going to make this a little bit smaller 75 percent on the shader and I'm going to use displaced turbulence instead of regular noise maybe bring that back up to a hundred so now when I hit play you are going to see all these elements working together to create some water that is moving and let's just go ahead and finish off this material we'll go ahead and create a darker color for the water and we'll go ahead and add a fernell reflection and adjust it to be more water like we'll go ahead and narrow the specular hoping to catch some Sun glimmer I'd make that a little bit taller and give it a little render see we have look at that it's gorgeous displaced animated water now this object right here actually isn't very big if you wanted to make say a bigger seascape you would have to go in here and create a much larger plane and since it's larger now you need to increase the subdivisions and this the bigger this is the slower more taxing it is on your machine and it's never really infinite so you're going to have to play some tricks too maybe for example staying lower and you can see how slow my machine is now that I've added all those subdivisions staying lower to the ground to the water I mean to keep you from seeing the edge so I mean there are some limitations to this um you can use this but I've made a tool to kind of circumvent all the problems that come with working with water called infinite ocean it's on my site see for I'll show you a quick demo infinite ocean is a tool you just drop it in your content browser activate the ocean camera and no matter which direction I look no matter how far I move there's always water it's animated it's customizable here you can change all the swells the speed the seed of the noise is used the subdivision is changeable here and the reason I'm able to do this is because it's calculating water only where the camera is looking and nowhere else there's more detail upfront and less detail far away and this is always moving with the camera so that you're never ever ever going to run out of water here's the infinite ocean in action and I hope this video has helped you guys out a lot you guys have an awesome day bye you
Channel: C4Depot
Views: 477,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cinema 4D, C4Depot, James Steidl, Kyle Gruba, 3D animation, 3D modeling, Cinema 4D downloads, infinite ocean, ocean, water, realistic, infinite, c4depot, displaced, cinema 4d, c4d, tool, plugin, tutorial, boat, float, sea, body of water, maxon, c4d3dmodels, realistic water, realistic ocean, realistic ocean in c4d
Id: ozWJiA9C4r8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 26sec (446 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2013
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