Creating Lookup Columns in SharePoint | Everyday Office 033

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my name is Neil mouth from that training and now that I'm back from paternity let's start back up this everyday office thing Nate everyday office video is about using Lucas columns in Microsoft here so imagine a scenario that you're in the training department and on the training department decide to create a new calendar to track the courses of the training department is going to put on so I might go to the gear top right hand corner go down to add an app then I'll write down here choose calendar and I'll go ahead and call this one course calendar and hit create okay so I'll be creating a new course calendar and of course I can go to this calendar and start adding new elements to it so I could go to the 15th for example hover on top of the 15th and use the Add button to put a new calendar item let's say this was something like a PowerPoint training in conference room a and the training was going from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. now let's say that for our training we regularly bring in outside contractors well those people might not be in our system for contact information and things like that and so I could put in here we hired Neal Malick and his phone number is 8 1 8 Yatta but you start realizing ok well it's every time I schedule meal to come out for PowerPoint training I have to reinsert his details so that the people who are coming to the training can call him or can email him and that's sort of a it's a shortcoming of your overall system here but you could easily take Neal's information and the rest of your contractors and put them into a contact list so let's try that out I'm going to go ahead and close this down and hit the gear top right hand corner to add a nap and I'll make a new contact list so I'll make this let's call this contract instructors okay and I'll click create and now I have a contract instructors list right there great and I can start to add people to it so I'll go to edit this list now how is it that I'm going to connect together this contract instructors list with my course calendar that's over here how am I going to take that information and dump it into new courses that I schedule on the course calendar the answer as I've discussed is the lookup column and the idea behind the lookup columnist that I'd have a drop-down menu of the possible entries from the list contract instructors when I go into my course calendar and I make this as easy as possible I'm going to go back to my contract instructors I'm going to add a column with their full names I'd also add a column with like their ID numbers or anything else that I could use to uniquely identify them but considering there's probably more than one contract instructor with the last name Anderson I need something a bit more specific than just Anderson so what I'll do right here is I'll go up to the list menu at the top of the screen click on modify view and on the modified view menu I'm going to make sure to click the check box here for a full name right there and the full name can go anywhere but I'll just go ahead and put it first in the list so it's easy for us to see and that just means that full name the full name column will be immediately available to me when I go to this list there it is and let's just go ahead and start filling this and I'll go to edit this list like I said this could be ID numbers or anything else that we can use to say it's Kara Anderson and not Sam Anderson or or anything like that so I'll do Kara Anderson and Neil malloc and then stop editing to the list there we go okay so those are my entries and now I can go to my course calendar on my course calendar I need a new column that column can be found under the calendar tab under create column right over here and when I go to create column I'm going to call this one instructor right and I'll instead of allowing you to type in who the instructor is I'll give you a lookup drop down menu okay so if I give you the lookup column type I need to go down here and setup the specifics is this required information no because it might be led by somebody internally does this have to be unique values no the same instructor might do multiple sessions where does it come from notice it's just alphabetical order here it's just Y contract instructors is automatically there but you might have to go to this list and find the list that you're talking about okay so in order to pull the information of which instructor you have to go to contract instructors and then I want you to go to the column four as we just talked about full name and that's why I filled in that full name option again I could have chosen last name or first name or things like that full name is the safest way I think now once you find the full name of the instructor what other bits of information do you want pulled over into the calendar I might say give them the email address and the business phone of that contract instructor so that if the session comes up and they're not there we can call them if we're talking about it ahead of time we might email them etc so you just scroll down here to the bottom and click OK and now when we go in and work with this calendar again let's say we go to the 15th we hover on the 15th and we choose add and then I go in here and I say oh there's a new PowerPoint training in conference room a and it starts at 9:00 a.m. and it goes to 12:00 p.m. at this point I don't have to put Neal's information into the description instead I could just go right down here to the instructor drop-down menu and say I yeah there's Neal right there Neal's the instructor on this it's safe and now not only that but when I go back to this meeting and I click on it I can see that Neal's information is here that I've got a link that goes to Neal's full information but that I have decided to pull over the email address and the phone number of the instructor and it's just that easy and so that's why it can be very useful to create a new set of information in a list in SharePoint and then pull from that using a lookup column [Music]
Channel: Neil Malek
Views: 15,363
Rating: 4.9047618 out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft SharePoint, Custom Columns, Custom Lists, Content Management, Lookup Columns
Id: oXyiLlbNHeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 16sec (496 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 08 2017
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