Creating FX Sends & Returns in REAPER

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[Music] hi I'm Kenny Joya welcome to another one of my tutorials in this video I'm going to show you how to create effects sends and returns in Reaper now the purpose of creating effects sends is you can share effects among mini tracks now you can do something similar with folders we add the effects to a folder to combine multiple tracks sharing the same effect but then you can add different amounts of the effect to each track by using effects sends and returns you can let me show you how to do it tract in front of me here with Forge on tracks and a keyboard let's hear it it sounds like so to kick a snare a hi-hat and a shaker and have a keyboard in there as well now I want to add some effects to the drums to make them sound more live let's try a reverb now if you put a reverb plug-in on each one of these tracks or for them it's going to take up more DSP or CPU processing and you really need I want to use the same effect or reverb on all four tracks I just want different amounts being added to each track so let's start by creating a track which will be an effects return I'll double click down here let's name it reverb or drum reverb and then we'll add an effect to this track aboard the Reaper plugins right here and I'll choose reverb right here which comes with Reaper now when using effect sends and returns you want the effect to be a hundred percent wet so we'll turn the dry down completely and bring this up and what that's going to do it's going to keep our dry sound on the individual products and the completely wet sound with reverb on the effects return give me a small control of our effects so to add a module to this plugin I'll choose the reverb generator let's make this a little bit bigger the room size the drum track so this affects return we can go right here to our snare under a routing and just drag it and drop it right in this track notice how the cursor changes and that creates an effects end right here let's going from a snare to a reverb let's solo the snare and let's adjust how much reverb we want [Music] good right there during the track before let's do the same thing for a kick right from the routing drum reverb that crease is sent here with solo kick [Music] that should be enough what's your that matrac without now say the same thing to the hi-hat with you that what's the same thing for the shaker which is that matrac [Music] and we can bypass it by just muting the effects returned now if you want to readjust how much effect we're sending to the reverb we can go to the individual track on its routing and adjust it here we can go to the effects return it's routing and we could just them all right from here our kick our snare hi-hat and shaker [Music] let's try the same thing with another effect let's try a delay we'll make another track down here we'll name it delay let's put it away effect on this track once again we'll go to the reaper fax right here and choose read delay and again we'll turn the dry effect completely off and the wet effect completely on or a hundred percent just the way to be a sixteenth note which would be half of an eighth note or 0.5 now it's in the snare to this delay dragged from here down to here but soul it send it some signal [Music] the crater nights rhythm get it to the drum part now to make it the way sound more real with it some reverb to the delay so drag from here on to the reverb and right here we get some reverb to a delay but still the snare and adjust it just sounds a bit more natural you're in a track what's the same thing with our kick set some delay to it check it down here let's hit some delay to a kick [Music] without it and with it it's a nice movement to the park let's say a little bit of delay to a shaker as well drag it down here again [Music] and I put the reverb we can just all the sends that are going to this delay in one window our kick or snare and our shaker [Music] and just like that we created two effects that can be shared in our project now this technique isn't the best for all effects it's great for reverb delay even chorus flanger or even phase but I wouldn't use this for effects like EQ or compression we're going to want the full effect the whole time as opposed to a dry wave blend like we did here now one of my favorite things to do when you get a preset that you like on a track is to save it as a track template let's give these two a color like you yellow for FEX and then we can save them to use them again let's select the drum reverb track the track menu and save his track template and they already have a folder for my effects returns so open it namiko reverb now truck is saved with the effect on it and the effects settings that we use if I want to quickly add this reverb from other project all I got to do let's go to track menu insert track from template affects returns and choose that drum reverb to the track with the factory on it a custom preset or settings that we designed let me could tweak it or just use it as is and just send our tracks to that effects return to be used in any project so that's pretty much it that's creating effects sends and returns in Reaper I hope you learned something I hope you can use it and I'll see you next time sex you ah [Music] you
Channel: REAPER Mania
Views: 54,138
Rating: 4.9742489 out of 5
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Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 25 2017
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