Creating .EXE From GitHub Sources | Borderless Gaming

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what is up guys alright so today like I promised the other day I'm gonna show you guys how to build from a source file from github and specifically the borderless gaming alright so first of all when you're probably wondering what I'm talking about Tombaugh borderless gaming which is a four dollar software you can find on Steam so basically this helps you well you probably watch my video rate so you should know and anyways all you got to do is get the borderless gaming source which is going to be in the description down below this is their official github source files and as you can see here you can buy from Steam or you can clone the rep's rebus I can't talk anyway or you can clone this and um create a build from the source and the second thing you would need is visual studios community 2017 is one percent free and yeah so that's what you need once you have those both installed let me just close that real fast you'll have this downloaded you just want to extract the folder and then once you have extracted you want to open it and then you want to look for the file that says borderless gaming SLN which is the solution file once you open it it's going to ask you what program to open it with just choose visual studios 2017 it's probably not going to say community in it but it is the free one so don't worry about it and then once it opens up its going to be like this all right let me make it smaller so you guys can actually see yeah that's one issue with the music the music the new music solution house yeah alright so you be sure it should be something like this you basically just click on build and then you want to click on batch build and then you have this open and then you probably like what do I do now first of all let me just make this bigger so you can actually see first of all if you're going to be doing um like permanently like the program permanently excuse me I had like a hiccup kind of thing or just drink a lot more okay so basically with the admin that's someone you want to use the user is the portable version so I'm just going to do both for an example so you want to look for the one that says release release any CP u and you want to click build for that one and same for the user one or if you're just doing an admin or portal one and then you just click build so now it should show up down here build started it's going to take like maybe a minute or so probably nothing longer and then as you can see here it's exceeded so you can finally exit out of this and then you can go like this music sounds good okay he's probably not anyways then you can go in here is your going to be wondering where it is it's going to be in the bin folder and let's do the admin first we got the admin we go to release and there it is let's just make a folder we're going to name it BD for a borderless gaming admin version I can type 9.4 and just drag everything in there and drop it in there and for the admin one you want to put this somewhere in your um directory for example you can put it in the downloads you can put in your documents or you can even put in local disk and where your games are at or just anywhere Program Files so once you have that somewhere you basically have it this is the admin one foot before I run it let me show you guys the standalone the portable one so you basically open a release it's just the one to understand alone user you make a folder for it also um BD portable version nine point four strike everything and drop it in there and now you can put this on a flash drive and you can go to your friend's house and use on the computer and stuff like that you just run it it's the same thing as before um although I have mine to minimize but oh I forgot to open it open okay there you go so there you go it's there this is how you build from a source file or a yeah pretty much a source file from github I'm pretty sure you can do this with other programs well but this is one of the more well this is what I'm mainly basing it off of because it's very simple and I'm pretty sure not everyone's going to trust me with my cells because they say I might put a virus in or something but yeah so this is the other way you can do it to get it for free without paying the $4 and that's pretty much all this is 100% legal it's not illegal because it's an open-source program the guy even allows you to do this and yeah so hopefully you guys enjoyed the video see you guys next time and peace although I'm gonna make this movie five minutes so I'm just going to let the music roll and just four more seconds
Channel: TimmyS
Views: 67,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PayDay2, PayDay, Minecraft, Windowed, Borderless, Windows, Window, Fullscreen, Fast, Slow, Stream, Recording, Games, Easiest, Fastest, Easy, Gaming, Portable, Source, GitHub, Steam, Free, Build
Id: qfOu2lfxhGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 0sec (300 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2017
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