Compiling open source software manually

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engineer man here found a compiled some open source software manually no counterweight let's jump in today the difficulty is easy we're going to talk about what is compiling why would you need to compile what do you need to compile and then randy's and compiling the first was compiling component is a usually a two-phase process the first stage is taking all resource code and converting its executables and the second stage is taking all those executables and song into the proper location in your computer why would you need to comply with genes compiled versus just installing that would be the series and Susan thought free software doesn't have packages I mean you can't just put it right in your computer software doesn't distribute binaries meaning the people that distribute the software don't actually give you the executables and finally software may have packages but they're just old and you want a better version what he needs to compile you have these you need things like GCC and make and it kind Ubuntu you can just do that get installed build essential Cheon RHEL or since OS you can do young Griffin solve developing tools other flavors of Linux will have different ways of doing things around max you'll need GCC and let's do some compiling so today I chose get to do some compiling on so around gift they have all the ways you can install gift but we're going to do the compliation we're going to go here write down the source directly will just download the latest version which is two points nine point four we'll take the gzip version will download that into our folder here okay you got it will extract that file feed inside there the first thing I do when I go to compile something as I see if it has an installed installed document and I'll open that up so here's the installation normally just do makes all they make install which is true but what I want to do is I want to put it in slash user that with the global install and usually you're going to take the figuration file so I'm going to use this alternate method so I'm going to basically copy that the first thing you need to do is make configure this going to do is it's going to generate configuration file next thing I need to do is run that configuration and specify a prefix of user I'll be configure prefix equals user and it's going to do a lot of pre checking sometimes we get an error during step and that actually happen if you're missing the system program you need to change to the compliation process everything to change fine so with this better file again now we're going to do just make all we do make all now it's converting the actual files into its get object pause and this is going way too slow so what I'm going to do is I'm going to do a dash J and 32 I'm running out of 32 Cordell powers so you'll see it's going to go a lot faster to the right to see all the CPU usage so we'll compile that a lot faster ordinarily around single core machine and you don't specify - J that could take up to you probably four minutes so now finally the last step according to the documents is run may consult and what this is going to do is going to take all those files and put them into the proper folders in this case a user pin so they make them salt all done you can get - cached version and we'll see we now have get nine point I'm sorry two point nine point four and then we'll do a which kid answer the user bin get it exactly where I want it and that's it hope taro and learned a little bit check out to cover something or you like to learn more we'd like to request a tutorial post a comment below and you enjoyed this video hit that like and subscribe button so you don't miss any videos see you next time
Channel: Engineer Man
Views: 47,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: engineer man, git, compilation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 10sec (250 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2017
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