Creating Braid in Blender

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hey guys my name is Nasser and in this tutorial i'll show you how i korean braids in blender I'm gonna start by creating a vertex in the center of the grid in my case by merging all the cubes vertices I'm going to zoom in so I can see the grid more clearly and activate the snap to the grid now let's start building up a curve element which will make up the braid I'm going to extrude the first vertex by three squares up and one to the right second three squares up and the third three squares up and one to the left now I switch to the right view and move middle burgesses in the opposite directions now let's duplicate it and then mirrored by checking all constraint exorcist don't forget sir more doubles [Music] the next step is duplicating the curve and move any two vertices up then I add the third one so the basic element is done now I'm gonna add an array modifier which will determine the length of the braid I'm gonna change the Z offset to point six and activate the merge now I want to change the count to five and then apply the modifier now as you can see the ends of the braids are uneven in order to fix it I'm gonna select the bottom vertices and separate them and move them up to the top and place them so they fit perfectly then I remove doubles it's also pretty important to place the origin on the top of the brake the next step is converting this mesh to curves by pressing alt C now I'm going to add bevels so you can see the brake properly [Music] now I'm going to select the bottom segments then smooth them up and losing them up like this [Music] to make the braid look more natural I'm going to make the top section fuller and dance thinner now I'm going to create a shape key in case I want to come back to the latest version and form the shape of the braid by simply scaling [Music] [Music] now we need to fix the thickness of the curve I'm going to add the Bezier curve and rotate it 90 degrees then I'm gonna assigned this curve as a taper object now I need to shape the curve so the thickness suited the brain [Music] next I wanna add more detail to the braid I'm gonna do that by duplicating the braid and then decreasing the depth of the bubble now I'm going to put the segment's out one by one try to keep it organically and randomly [Music] [Music] [Music] now if you an add some sort of scrunchie it's time to do that [Music] with all that is done it's time to add another Bezier curve which is going to control the whole brain make sure it helped the same origin as a braid we're going to move the curve so it started near sergeant in the object mode I'm gonna rotate it 90 degrees now in the edit mode I need to make it the same length as a braid [Music] max I'm gonna add the curve modifier to the braid and assign curve as an object now we need to apply the same modifier to the other elements [Music] the next step is applying the breacher character by selecting all the elements I'm gonna move the brain and scaling so it fitted the hairstyle next I'm going to create a shape key so I always have a chance to come back to the starting point then I'm going to form the shape of the brain [Music] [Music] if you want to tilt the curve you got a press control-c if you want to scale it press all this [Music] now it's time to convert the braids into the vertical system for this you gotta install an Adam it's free and it's called hair net [Music] I'm gonna duplicate the prey to another layer now I need to get rid of the bubble and the Plesac or modifier [Music] it's also important that the origins of the braid and the object you animate Sharon was in the center of the world space [Music] now I'm going to select the main bread first and then the head mesh I'm going to go to the particle system and then to the hair net settings and click add hair from curse next I need to go to the particle edit mode select the comb brush and click on the hair without moving it this is not done all hair positions will be reset upon answer in edit mode the next step is the hair settings I'm going to increase the number of steps and children activate the best plane [Music] now I'm going to fix their items [Music] next in each activate the club curve I make it similar to the taper curve we did before [Music] there is also an thing to know about the atom if the root points of the hair aren't attached to the head mesh when you're gonna add a new system hair will be displays therefore I'm going to select the roots activate the snip to the faces in vibration G snap them to the head now by following the same steps I'm going to make the feather break so that I could see the settings better I'm going to change the color of the hair [Music] I also like to change the king to braid which will divide the strands and give it more natural look [Music] thank you for watching hope you found this tutorial helpful and if you have any questions there are suggestions to let me know in the comments take care
Channel: Nazar Noschenko
Views: 298,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d, cgi, cute, girl, braid, blender, puma, cg, digital, tutorial, nice, hair, stylized, pixar, blender 3d, cycles, blender3d, character, b3d, zbrush, maya
Id: 5pxZtmlqtvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2018
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