Using canvas to create an assignment for students
to submit electronically can assist you in keeping work
organized and aid in providing feedback in grading. You can begin an assignment from a variety
of locations in your canvas course. You can go to the calendar, the assignment
tab, or start in a module. Whatever makes the most sense for you. We will first look at how to do this by going
to the assignments tab on the left side of the page. To create a new assignment, you will click
on the plus assignment in the upper right hand corner. From here, I can give my assignment a name,
I can provide directions, links to resources, or other information that I feel is important
in the body of the assignment. Then as I scroll down on the page, I can determine
how many points the assignment is going to be worth. I tend to keep it just with the assignment
group. You can display the grade as points, a letter
grade, percentage, complete or incomplete whatever works the best for you. So if you wanted to just use this as a formative
assessment, you could put in zero points and select complete or incomplete. Submission type, there’s a variety of options
here too. No submission would mean that they're not
turning anything in electronically it's just for their information. You have online, on paper, and external tool. In most cases we are going to be selecting
the online option. When turning in assignments online, there's
a variety of ways that students can turn these assignments in. They include a text entry, which means the
student will be able to type in their response. A website URL, this could be a link to a website
or another online tool or even a Google doc whatever type of online submission you want
to use that has a URL. Media recording is another option along with
file uploads. TurnItIn is a plagiarism site that we have
access to in the district. If you want students to have their papers
run through the system you want to make sure that you select file upload. You can select as many of these options as
you would like but the TurnItIn submission is only going to be grading and reviewing
the file upload. If this was a group assignment meaning you
have set up groups in your course and you only want to have one person in each group
responsible for turning it in you would click on this button. If you would like it to go through other students
first before submitting, you would click on peer reviews and you have some options on
how to assign manually or automatic. You also have an anonymous component here. Down here at the bottom you can choose who
you want to assign this to. So let’s say you have three classes but
one class is running a little behind. When you go to assign it, you could actually
select, for example, I'm going to select this section and I'm going to have it due on the
15. Now I can set a window if I set the window
of when it becomes available and when it closes, I would want to make sure that the closing
window is actually after the due date. This would allow for late submissions without
having to reopen or create another assignment. For my other section I can click on add and
I could come down here and say okay now I want to assign this other group a different
due date and I actually want that turned in on the 11th. They are ahead of group and again I can I
can select the range. you probably also noticed that I could actually
select specific students to assign it to. So I if I wanted to assign it to specific
students, I could go through and click their names and give them a unique date also. When I am done I can either hit save and publish
so it is available to students now to see or I can just hit save. If you accidentally assign it to the wrong
person you always have the ability to remove those individuals or even remove that additional
assign to area. And that's how you create an assignment. As I mentioned earlier there are other ways
that you can create assignments in canvas. Another option would be to go to modules if
that's the tool that you use and you can click on the module that you want and go ahead and
click on the plus and you can see that you can add an assignment. Now you’ll notice, here is the assignment
that I just created. Because I created it in the assignment area,
I could choose to pull it directly in here and now it is ready to go. If I started in modules to create an assignment,
what I would do is click on new assignment and give it a name. Then what I need to do is click on that link
and go to edit because nothing has been set up yet. When I click on the edit button it now brings
me into what we just saw on how to set up an assignment. So I can have the title, I can put in the
directions, links, images, whatever. I can do the points, I can change how it's
displayed, I can change how it submitted. Again you have the group, and the peer reviews. And again the multiple groups that you can
assign it to and do the save and publish. So same process it’s just this time we are
going through modules, creating it by clicking on the plus creating basically the name of
it and then going in and editing it. The third Way that you can create an assignment
is to go directly to the calendar. So I'm going to go click on my calendar. You'll notice that the two assignments, the
one assignment I created with the 2 different days depending on the group is showing on
the calendar. So anytime I create an appointment it will
show up on the calendar for students once it is published. Now let’s say I want to create another assignment
for tomorrow. I can double click on the date, I would click
assignment, make sure I am putting it in the correct course, it is going into assignments,
and then I go to more options. More options would now, again, give me the
information section at the top, the points, the assignments, how I’m going to do it,
how it’s going to be identified, and who it is going to be assigned to. Ok. Once the students have turned in the assignment
you're able to go in and grade it. Here is an example of an assignment. There were zero points assigned, it was set
up as a file upload and TurnItIn was enabled for this assignment. So when I go into SpeedGrader over here on
the right. I will see a variety of things. First off here is the student's paper that
they wrote. I am able to leave comments on the student’s
paper. I am able to um...So I am able leave comments
here directly on the paper that the student would be able to access by going back into
canvas. On the right I actually see the information
from turn it it. So this tells me that 2% of the paper came
from somewhere else. So when I click on the 2% it will take me
out to TurnItIn. This is the original view of how things would
look. there is, you may when you click on the percentage
you may get a feedback studio, so if you click on that, this may be what comes up first but
you can always return it to the Turnitin classic which to me is a little bit easier to see. Umm...but it tells me over here that, you
know that 2% that this information here came from this source which again makes sense you're
going to have dates and locations that are going to be found other places. So that is the report you get. You get the sources along with a highlight
of what information came from what source. So over here I can put in my grade. I can leave additional comments here. I can actually do media comments which is
a video and audio to and then submit and then the student would be able to see the feedback
that I've given them on their paper. You can also use SpeedGrader, up here there
is a list where you would also be able to see it by sections and then so you only or
you may only want to look at one section at a time so just be aware up here is how you
would manage through the different students or sections you want.