Creating a Tiger with Dramatic Lighting

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[Music] hey everybody Aaron Blais here and we're quarantined what about you probably couldn't tell by the big room that we've got in here of people we've got Caroline Wilson over my shoulder hey guys we've got Vedanta SPRO stood over my other shoulder over here hey we've got Ronnie Willeford over yonder next to Dustin hey guys hello guys we are practicing social distance to stay away but yes so sorry I'm hope everyone's okay out there and staying in good spirits and all that kind of stuff and able to find some toilet paper somewhere I don't know if we haven't been able to have you been able to get toilet paper a little bit of time but yeah I've been getting it at the store I think no look on our a a couple of weird women so I make sure I make sure we don't run out of that state Thursday so big news so we've got our the lighting course that we've been working on for the last couple of months is ready it's out it is available right now and and it's 50% off for the introduction plus we know that there's a lot of people out there not working and we're trying to make things more affordable so the course is 50% off for the weekend if you go over to creature art teacher comm slash night L IG HT then you'll find it over there it's creature art teacher comm slash lights and the other thing too I want to mention once again because we know there's a lot of people stuck at home there's people that aren't going to school you got a lot of extra time on your hands and Nick and I and Steve and Dustin we talked about this and thought I'm actually Steve came up with the idea I thought it was a great idea let's give away let's give away the animation course for free and so our my introductory fundamentals of animation is absolutely free right now if you go under teacher our teacher com so that's pretty cool we're really excited about that and and it's been it's been very popular we've had a lot of broke it broke our website yesterday before it just sold to have but so today I want to since we've got the lighting course up in a way I just figured I do of I'm gonna do a big cat something I can draw kind of blindfolded and not really have to think about because I want to have discussions I'm gonna have everyone talking so if I'm talking and all that kinda stuff I want to be able to kind of divert my attention so Vanya do you wanna see you had a bunion I think a bunion I don't know if you're watching one yeah I see you we miss you yeah we wish you were here but we're glad that you were glad that you didn't get stuck here yeah she's hating life it's horrible you can play with manatees and hanging on your bonfire by the fire that's right it's terrible but I knew Adams I'm gonna draw so we've got Dustin here hi we got Nick in Sarasota and he's going to be answering questions as well and so why don't we you know I Nick showed me how to increase my cursor size so I hope you guys can see that page open there we go and I'm just gonna start drawing but if you guys have any questions for not just me but for right oh I completely forgot we had I'm going to show you guys some pictures yeah the one thing we did last week we had my watercolor plein air class remember we've been promoting it for the last two months and it was awesome hold on is it on the desktop yes should be under Sarasota yes that's it that's the one we had a really nice time yeah we had that guy look at that guy he looks ugly and you should my photos I have new clothes on because I forgot my suitcase when I went to Sarasota hey Manny just join hey Manny stay quarantine my friend everyone I call the marshal but it was really great we went down we painted in Sarasota Florida we had a great class everyone was very sanitized it was very good and but we painted our butts off we did a lot of painting we were at the Ringling Museum we are at the the bayfront we were at big cat habitat we were at Selby gardens we were at the beach it was great really had an awesome time just why Caroline's here she came over from England and joined us Caroline was also on our trip in we went to Manchester Peck freaking Castle and Luke is watching he says who's that doji bridge in the background [Laughter] yeah photo yes American now it was definitely a lot of fun girl it was definitely a lot of fun taking photos of everybody on the trip yeah it was great we really had a great time great class I'm not gonna go through all of these because we done dust no how many photos did you take oh god four days at least seven eight thousand tops yeah more or less so there's a lot yeah like I I still have quite quite a ways to go I just kind of really yeah dad dad called earlier like Oh what what's he gonna put a slideshow together and I and I was only halfway there I only had like the first two days done like not yet oh [Music] great shot yeah it's Caroline Wilson Wow Wow really oh she's doing this group who knows I got a great pic that doesn't got a great picture of Erika right there look at that shot Erika so you'll be getting this one in the way out look at that awesome so anyway it was an awesome trip we had a wonderful time we're gonna do it again when there's not a virus around and hopefully we'll get more people out there cancellations once again if you guys are just joining us our lighting course is now available this is something that I've spent the last month and a half two months putting together and you can get it over at creature art teacher comm slash light and it's 50% off today and the weekend and hopefully you guys can see my cursor a little better enough this thing showed me how to increase the size but I'm just going to draw the tiger let's say I want to kind of come up with a caricature we've got a reference image on I'm going to come up with a caricature this is a lightning course available now it's oh really creature art teacher dot-com / light and also we have Ronnie over here so don't be afraid to ask questions towards Ronnie - yeah so Ronnie was on the trip Ronnie and I have been friends for the last 25 years or so and we work together for those of you that don't know Ronnie we work together at Disney for years and years and actually before that we actually were in a lot of the same shows together showing our animal paintings and whatnot never never knew each other Society of animal artists yeah we know a lot of the same a lot of the same wildlife artists so yeah we've been friends a long time it's been super fun getting to teach together anything I can't remember you fill in and there any vice versa it's been awesome and Grambling says I'm doing the animation course and I'm really liking it oh good cool that's very cool and Adrienne of Brezina says hey guys I'm graduating from the animation program from Sheridan College the spring any advice for an animator coming out of school on a job get a job get a job I would say I I'm not sure if your what your discipline is if you're 2d or 3d but you know don't let yourself get stale you know I don't know if you have a job lined up yet or not you know if you can you know do stuff on your own at home build up that portfolio as much as you can and Esther Rogers is asking do you have plans to sell your original watercolor or make prints of them from the workshop a whole stack actually we're the ones were the other ones could you do though so there we go I don't know if you can see it or not can you see it no you switched it I don't know if that's kind of reflected an awesome lion but there's uh that was one we did at the bay and then we did some architectural stuff yeah yeah yeah but these are all really fast the key was to try to get people to loosen up and really get the feet you know on the paper loosey goosey loosey goosy this one actually I challenged myself to do it in 20 minutes that's quick a little cloud demo shoot we should I should have had you bring your painting honey I didn't even think I was more concerned about getting Caroline here yeah we did this one here there's lots and lots of watercolor I was really happy about how the goal was to kind of get people to loosen up and yeah ester and knock things out and everybody improved everybody in the workshop got better yeah lots and lots we even we with the big cat habitat we were drawing and painting the animals from life as well so that was that was and Luke is asking have you guys uh gotten new guitars at all recently guitar junky I yeah I Caroline and I were outside the guitar store yesterday and did not go in for that reason I don't I can't seem to walk out without a guitar so we were good we didn't we didn't go in but yes I since I've talked to you last I've got too many branches nice Arturo Garcia says my wallet is soul ready right now for this late course good get it go get it mutti mutti and you also uh says who are these guests by the way hello from Chile Chile today nice um Caroline Wilson is our new best friend from the Midlands I would say UK we met we met for the first time in Manchester and when we did our course over there Rani and I did Vedanta and Nick and and Ronnie and I were so damned awesome that she decided to do it again history thank you good good and uh Anissa mazaki says who's this brawny guy he guys keep mentioning and talking to Ron right here he's this fat guy right here right there that's the guy Oh baby says Caroline heart hey Debbie so just way too obviously if it's a bit of a caricature I didn't want to push the caricature too much but just wanted to get some nice kind of fluid Weinrich to get a nice fluid pose a little twist in his neck you know during the workshop you were doing some demonstrations of Anatomy for bears and anatomy for the tigers and lions and yeah on several occasions had people lean over to me and say isn't it weird how whenever he draws it looks like Disney it is weird how there was it has a Disney character to it yeah it looks like Disney and I just said no it doesn't look like Disney I it's it's that Aaron draws like Aaron and that became Disney just because he draws like himself the same can be said for you too and we all I think that's it I think we all rubbed off on each other as well and yeah you you know you can't help but bring yourself to your to your work although we all work so hard to learn to draw like each other you know we want to draw the characters the same and keep continuity in a film yeah you know you work hard so that your you know everybody's kind of on the same page when it comes to models and things but absolutely I feel like your character design got absorbed by Disney I don't think it looks like Disney I think Disney looks like well thank you what's the nation that's a nice thing to say evany some executive person asked about her I said oh cool PS he's not fat he's just fluffy with many hearts thank you so much and Gabrielle who's got me on as a different kinda got me from a bias movie oh yeah yeah Wow Valverde okay there's just downloaded the animation course can't wait to get started awesome and Matt Yocum says uh Ronnie I still love watching your painting in the field course please make another series oh well what do you see that yeah um I'm getting out of about two thirds of the way through my new drawing course and whether or not it's appropriate or not it's kind of up to you but it's it's a drawing course for beginners it's I've had well as you know if you've if you've seen my painting course I always say in the beginning of my classes it's really important before you start this to understand I'm taking it for granted you have some control over your drawing and I I just assumed you're able to draw well enough to continue with the course from there and I have had enough people inquire about it that I went ahead and did of course I'm working on the course now of beginning drawing from the very start from the very ground yeah I'll be a kind of a beginners class so that it's gonna be great for I think you know for kids that are wanting to get into art or stuck at home parents that are you know I think it's gonna be really great for that kind of absolutely or or for people who used to draw maybe and and haven't done it for a long time and would like to start again yeah I've had inquiries from adults who have said geez I've always wanted to learn to draw and this is gonna be a course for that it's with that in mind and and there's going to be more courses after that we've been talking between the two of us Aaron and I kind of had infinite classes planned so you know keep looking yeah got more stuff coming I just turned my brush around and leave is mr. Jorge Garcia cool um got a question for you Ronnie I loved your course on color theory I learned a lot thank you but I keep stumbling with youtube vids with people saying we should forget about the color wheel and think with cyan magenta and yellow instead is that another theory entirely or is it linked to the same color wheel somehow um okay those that and uh I don't want to steer you down the wrong path here of my color theory course is from the basis of understanding color from its most basic standpoint when you start getting into the colors that these folks are talking about it I think they're tending towards digital digital color this is this is good to know - it's just it's for a different tool I know when I was max you'll perish actually had a similar approach you did you know that no I didn't he painted he painted he would do a red glare blue layer yellow layer he would paint like like you would interact it was really interesting sorry anyway well when we were you know when we were doing the the cinematography classes at Disney with Bruce block yeah you know he talked about the the the alternative color theory applied to film and I think it's not you know there are several different methods that you can study creating a human head or a face there's the Loomis method there are a lot of different methods for creating it all of them are good to work from um I I don't think there's a wrong method that you can choose my system for color theory is what I was taught by artists that I was painting with when I was younger I was very first painting in the field of that class that I presented is all the work that came from traditional painting before digital painting was ever a medium that you could choose from I feel like the other color theory with cyan and and all those colors I think that applies to digital painting maybe yeah obviously a for Maxfield Parrish was using it that was before digital yeah I don't know if it was necessarily cyan or you know that's specific but I know he was painting in a in a kind of color separation yeah Roach yeah which was really interesting I kind of remember seeing some of his unfinished paintings and that was kind of a cool thing you know I've got a question over here that's in the same pocket hey Aaron Indrani would you use glazes to paint with acrylic the same way you would do it with oils it's funny for me I don't usually glaze a little bit with oils when I'm really direct with my oil painting I am - I really glaze over but when I do acrylic painting I do glazes I build them up um here's a polymer gloss or something no I don't do that kind of glazing but I do paint thin and just build it up I see okay so that's kind of like we do with watercolor yeah exactly it's a lot like watercolor and but not do you paint pretty directly yeah I do yeah do blazes yeah well you kind of showed me on the last one though let me go when I did yeah oh yeah I can kind of do like to push the background back I did like a blue glaze yeah and then I did a yellow glaze on the front cool yeah pull it off but normally I don't it was interesting and Julia Giovanna Crandall Livingston that's at school oh yeah as asking do you feel like this pandemic may cause a shift within the animation industry there's a speculation that this pandemic may continue off and on for the next six to twelve months if that does happen will we see lack of immaculate films from companies like Disney and DreamWorks yeah I think there's going to be a hiccup especially if people can't I don't know that it's going to affect animation as greatly as it's gonna affect live-action the animation can still be somewhat done remotely I definitely think it's going to be affected I think the the biggest thing that's going to be affected is going to be you know just reading an article about it today it's going to be a higher education and it might be permanently affected I think they might find that hey that's working from home you know teaching remotely kind of thing kind of works and I would like to see prices come down you know if they can if they can teach remotely you know bring their overhead down not that the greedy executives that some of these for-profit schools would do that but I just think that it might affect things that way from the glasses on Jim Abdel Jalil asks can you quickly describe the quote-unquote Disney style and maybe turn that tiger into a Disney character no I'm not gonna redraw it's hard it's hard to say what the Disney style is there is definitely I don't know that it's a visual style as much as it's a just a quality standard that we have we've tried to keep you know with full animation animating things on ones and twos and and whatnot because I mean when you look at and everybody thinks that it all kind of looks the same but if you look at movies like Atlantis and look at Hercules yeah Hercules Atlantis Mulan they're all completely stylistically completely different yeah and and so I think there's a I think there's a tendency for people to kind of kind of just group them all together in their mind and they all kind of look the same it's like every time I do a a character or a drawing of a tiger like I'm doing now it's always oh that looks like sure come it could be any further from that character but because it's a tiger it looks like sure cause I think I'm seeing a Braj oh yeah yeah and I think so and the same thing kind of happens with Disney animation it's just everyone kind of lumps it together it thinks it all really looks the same when in actuality it doesn't I think there's a tendency for the 3d films to start looking very similar but other than that I think the 2d films really stylistically were different and so nom sharing commented shoutout from Academy of Arts our professor Coco shared your link with us so excited to learn from you and watch you draw live all right till professor Coco thank you Thank You professor Coco I like that name I want everyone to start calling me professor Coco Coco so I'm getting the drawing pretty much done and just Barry also comes by person comments that my college is still currently trying to figure out how to transfer to online art classes I know they should go over the creature art teacher nice [Music] it's ferrying them i random elephants trying to preach art teacher calm [Music] [Laughter] youtube hey Aaron hello I'm from Brazil I started painting using digital art do you think going back to traditional media can help improving my skills I love your craft I absolutely do I know Ronnie's got an opinion on this as well oh but yeah yeah it's anytime you're Luke you're learning any kind of new medium it will affect the way you approach other mediums and that includes digital and traditional together I do want to expand on that writing the only thing I guess I would add to that is that I really believe digital is just a tool of oil paint is a tool dust in the school yes yes yes I am I admit I'm an absolute tool you can use him as a tool understanding that every tool every time you change mediums your there gonna be little advantages and little disadvantages to every one of them they're gonna have their idiosyncrasies but I I believe working with all mediums is beneficial to all the medium she worked with you did they all affect each other digital working digitally has had a massive effect on my animation absolutely digital painting has massively affected my traditional painting yeah you know because I'm not I'm not afraid to destroy a canvas when I'm painting digitally it's over the years it's really loosened me up and I approach my traditional work from a much looser standpoint now which is awesome yeah yeah kind of makes you free it does set you for you and Martin Berger commented jokes every everyone saying we have to teach online and use last year now Aaron saying hold my beer we kind of did that the other day we posted something like that yeah he also says how did you learn to paint meat sticks and flesh paths and in Arturo Garcia makes a good good point I think about talking about the Disney style yeah say Disney has many styles it's like a it's like Anna made there there are countless anime styles Klaus could be considered Disney style but not so much the design as it is the quality and appeal yes that's a really good point absolutely I agree 150 percent and uh row row and row in certified books in the name have you seen on word did that come out yeah it came out no I did not see it but I'm sure they're they're closing down the movie theaters oh no not on word no I'm sorry I was thinking of a call of the wild know onward is the animated film yeah it's the yeah it's like it it's all fantasy but it's like what if the fantasy realms instead of being like medieval time looking it's like modern yeah yeah yeah so yeah I haven't seen it yet but I'm sure and I definitely want to see it I love the I love Tom Holland and Chris but there's name that Chris Pratt I think together there they'll be awesome yeah that sounds nice I think it's funny how they're bringing - like they're bringing spider-man and go ahead and open up that curtain in there cuz it's heating up oh you call them all the money for my oxygen I'm breathing in Peter Brunel hemorrhoid says D mean professor Blais professor cocoa professor professor cocoa professor AAA wrong wrong hey hey Ron okay t-bird says oh my gosh my hero I finally get to what you like we're not getting too many questions on the other we get anything on the are those new questions out there from Kevin's Farley he said he's getting an error trying to download her if I was lighting course should you just contact support yeah yeah I think that might be something that Nick is working on yeah Rick hunter is uh asking have you got my email or message we get literally thousands of emails and messages who is it Rick hunter sorry brick I'll have to look into it I don't know Oh Josh Barry says that onward we'll be on Disney plus next month due to the virus so he's been really good about making things available yeah in closing the parks I mean who'd have thought that they would ever do that and they they really kind of led by example yeah I mean it's Disney I'm sure they are willing to yeah but there there mo to you I'm sure they're like a multi-billion dollar company so definitely a right thing right thing to do they're not being greedy which is nice the only other time I remember them ever closing was at 9/11 yeah you shut down for a couple of weeks there's one hurricane that came through they shut down for like half a day no and he says I mean I'm curious about your daily routines what habits we do suggest getting into in order to improve your skills and balance life along the way thanks well when you get up in the morning brush your teeth yes start with that have some breakfast eat well actually your looks funny you wouldn't think this would be important but like the exercise it you know it will just you know keep your health really good that's that's like your first routine you wouldn't think that would affect your your working day but it really really does I do so much better if like if I am feeling good and a lot of work done during the day yeah we've discovered I'll speak for myself I'll leave it up to you Ronnie but I as I've gotten rounder I really felt it this time around out on the out on the on our plein air course and it's really something that you get older you got to be aware of it especially sitting you know sedentary like I am right now I do this about 10 hours a day and if you fit forget to get out there and exercise like I've been doing the last couple of years it's going to catch up to you and it caught up to me so you gotta read this weirdo yeah same remember to get out there I think health-wise animation is one of the worst things for your just sit there and work and working you never get up and I watching your health what you know watching me while you're eating and helping yourself feel good every day makes it easier to then when it comes time to to paint you know if you're going outside and painting from life or even if you're painting in the studio man it's nice to have your stamina last I've gotten to where I had a difficult time standing at the easel and working for eight hours I'll have to step away and sit down yeah I I'm not as active as I used to be and it's really showing in my work Eric on twitch Oh twitchcon man I've got your animation course you released for free thank you so much this is wonderful you're welcome how do you get the course I guess they just came on when you get the free course oh just go to creature art teacher calm and you can download it for free hello furry creature a teacher calm Eric on Twitch at state Erin have you ever had any close-up encounters with Tigers when I was designing rajah for Aladdin I am I went into a tiger pen with three tiger cubs that weighed about 25 pounds apiece and I thought hey no problem and we we play and just have fun and they tore me to shreds I walked out bleeding my pants were my shirt was ripped my on my back on my front my pants were ripped they yeah they really hurt so the short answer is yes yes I have so Luke says would you and Ronnie do half a picture each at some point so what is that would you in arms in half picture H at some point like oh painting on each other's feet yeah we used to do that I'm actually Travis and I used to do that it's fun to do we start one in you switch yeah that can be fun I have a segment of my drawing course talks about that adding up having a buddy and drawing you know blocking the paper and wonder does one part of the drawing and then blocking the other half and sharing that with with someone that's it that'd be kind of fun to do that would be interests of a tradition of that so just as a reminder for those of you that have just come on our lighting course is now available the one I've been talking about for the last month and a half Dustin finished editing it Nick got it all pulled together and it is now available it creature art teacher calm slash light lig HD and it's 50% off through the weekend today and through the weekend so check it out check out and many cinemas Aki's is asking so Aaron likes cats in general when it comes to his personal work what does Ronnie like to draw a lot oh man gosh that depends because my interests change what does my go-to for the last I guess it's been like 30 years I do a lot of underwater subjects so my I do a lot of underwater animals fish and octopus and stingrays and and I I started diving it back in the 80s and I became a dive master and I think that the more what really whatever your environment is that you're spending most of your time in that's what's going to start showing up in your work and so underwater subjects just became sort of a primary thing for me and and I still I've been experimenting with some fantasy art underwater with some mermaids and different things and those are cool that's been a recently when I say recently I mean over the last five or six years we've been doing a lot of mermaid drawing and laying out for some big paintings I've done some color studies and getting ready to do some larger work it's very difficult to concentrate on big giant paintings and do video courses at the same time I need to get to a point where you set the video purses aside and just concentrate on the big paintings which will become built horses yeah exactly I found that that's I just have to go okay this month I got to break it up into months yeah this month I'm gonna focus on this this month I'm gonna focus on this so on and so forth that's an excellent method yeah also too I'm gonna put this in um because I'm in close proximity get Aaron I don't see cats as being a primary focus of your work you do a lot of stuff yeah all the time yeah I think people yeah because they because of the course and I kind of used cats as a go-to I think they think that way yeah you're right too I kind of throw a lot of different things in there and uh Erica says I'll be working on the new course this weekend oh and a Peter pronounced asking that Dustin did you have any pet as a kid we had a couple we've had a couple of cats we've had Tommy Tommy Tommy oh yeah Tom Tommy this world let me fill out of the tree and you so we're and uh a little duckling we had we have finish we had a little turtle at one point outside of English bulldog violet and remove these rows I think we've had more cats in the house and dogs I think we've had at least what five like four or five like because we had Mack Maxfield yeah we've got Ruby now Ruby now we had what was that but we had an orange and white cat and we don't um Caledonia that is a great name for a cat it wasn't no no no it's Bruce oh that cat yahoos yeah your mother had a cat named Caledonia when we first met she was a calico and then that's a gray cat just wasn't just you know anyway the interest yes yes we have that's REI but you don't have any animals now oh not me personally no not anymore I live alone no pets no roommates no nothing just me and my computer here's a question for Ronnie this is a question for me and Ronnie but I think Ronnie's are better when they answer it it says I want to approach a gallery should I prepare a series of paintings with the same theme or different themes or should I paint just one painting and see if they like it Oh I have to start off by saying this there has been a massive change in the way art is bought and sold now compared to the way it was when I was showing in galleries it's very if your if showing in galleries is something that you're really interested in pursuing then it's very much like book publishing publishers hate it when a writer writes in ten different genres they like to say oh this is a horror writer or this is a young adult writer or they they like to be able to pigeonhole you in galleries really like that - if you really like painting landscapes put together a portfolio of about ten more than six but no no more than 14 but like about 10 landscapes or if you're if you like painting animals put together 10 animal paintings I used to send portfolios to galleries but now we have portfolios online and you it's more likely that you will direct a gallery to your website or to your Facebook or wherever you have your collection of paintings for them to see I would say this if you're approaching galleries now you're more likely to be approaching them through websites and and email and things like that just have a really professional cover letter that that explains this is the kind of thing I do and you know I'm seeking representation and I'd be very interested in your critique or your opinion and keep it nice and short super pro don't go into too much detail if you if you give any background about yourself keep it short and let your paintings do the talking if they're interested and want to contact you that's the time to go further oh and here's one more thing you're going to get way more rejection than acceptance you're gonna have a lot of galleries who say at this time we're not seeking new artists or they'll say you know this is not the kind of work we show so definitely look at the gallery's website and see what they focus on but also just taken with a grain of salt move on and you'll go to the next one I think I'm good I love ya you're gonna get a rejection letter from some of them and have make sure you send them a very short thank you thank them for their consideration thank them for looking at your work and some of them may give you a critique and like Aaron said take that with a grain of salt but also I mean listen though - I mean if you're getting a critique you know don't get defensive just listen to what they have to say and and step out of yourself and really try to you know if you can see what they're saying then you know take that as great advice yeah it just like it's just like publishing a book or a short story or whatever you know there you're going to get critiques and you can't get all suicidal about it you know your work is not bad because you've been rejected it just takes some time that's it I want to mention real quick and I think we have a slide for it Dustin can you pull up the we have a brand new app that I forgot to mention earlier for iPhone iPad and Apple TV and it's come in really handy especially now with the courses animation course being free and some of the other courses that we have out right now so go to and we're going to be coming up with an Android version soon but our new app has been really really handy a lot of people have been using it we've got a lot of downloads go to the Apple store and search creature art teacher or my name Aaron Blaise and you'll be able to find it there and it's really really handy you can use that on the go and you'll have a lot of access to all the material that you get from our site that's awesome which question you had mentioned in a previous stream that you are making a birds-of-prey course what do you think you'll be releasing that Oh tomorrow I [Laughter] got a lot of irons in the fire I don't have a specific date I the best I can tell you is this year we will get it out this year and you know when I do my animal courses I need a lot of prep time for them i order all the skulls and and I actually have to sometimes I've got to re-educate myself and get re familiarized and so that takes time to kind of school myself Travel though no yeah we didn't cut back on our international travel obviously especially now but can't go gallivanting so yeah so we'll rent courses we are going to be in the studio wait a bit YouTube coming I watch brother Bergen yesterday I'm the youngest of three brothers so it's always been my favorite Disney film oh that's great you know when the when when deny he's holding Kenai down and hanging dangling the spit over him that came right from my brother and I used to do that to Travis all the clans and he's damaged for it YouTube's coming hey Dustin I love your photos thanks Ronnie for your painting course and creature art teacher Mary thanks for being a ray of sunshine in these tough times thank you you're very welcome you wanna make what's know if they're going to do more appropriate tutorials mmm Dwight I'm in Oh I guess they like church yes probably down the road I will do some more and we'll do some more brushes as well and Laurens asking you Rania what brand of water color acrylic a gouache paint do you use um Windsor Newton Windsor Newton that's the short answer yeah I'm a big proponent of where you spend your money as on your materials so buy really good quality paper by really good quality paint and really good quality brushes and the gouache and watercolor that I use I use a Windsor Newton gouache the watercolor I'm currently using this Holbein which is new for me and it's quite awesome it's been working good I've been experimenting with it and I like it very much I don't paint with acrylic as a rule that's it's not because I don't like acrylic and I just I am currently involved in so many mediums I don't even I don't have time to get to play with all of them and work in all of them I've been a printmaker for a long time and I haven't done new etchings in years because there just hasn't been time so I but I do paint with oil and I use a lot of gamblin brand of the Grumbach or pretest is awesome and when I'm using cadmium colors I like the Utrecht the best for oranges yellows Reds that kind of thing Utrecht is just so cool Utrecht and Windsor Newton as well your equation and uh Katie Beirne says I want to make a graphic novel but every time I start working on it I don't feel like I know what I'm doing Oh what would you suggest into the real world what would you suggest as a first step to telling my story well you got to write it down obviously right and so write it don't worry about the images worry about the story that's the biggest thing you know when we make an animated movie we don't just sit down and start animating it we have to write it and we might I might work you know when I mean when we made brother bear I worked for a good year before we really got serious about creating any any imagery but as you're writing it you may come up with different ideas visually as you're working and as you and as you're doing that jot those down do little thumbnails little things that will help you remember when it comes time to do the real the real leg work the real image leg work I personally know but Chuck yeah Chuck Williams has put together a story course and Lynden radius put together a story boarding course both of those we know all hands pages yeah you know what would be good is to probably look online and see if you can find even YouTube stuff of guys who have been doing graphic novels and see if they show their procedure yeah if you're familiar with Neil Gaiman Neil Gaiman does graphic novels as part of his writing process it's one of those genres he likes to work in and he's got a a writing course out where he does a whole section on how he produces his his graphic novels he's got a real specific procedure and he doesn't draw that's that's something else it's really awesome he goes through and does these little thumbnails and tells the story and and it passes it on to someone else to draw so that's pretty cool you know look at some people who have been doing it look at their procedure yeah dead listen I and Gabi just joined to miss Abby that laugh actually bought one of his paintings yes great is amazing yes that's great I got it for a steal - and aneisa mazaki is a house washing here uh did you did you get a chance to organize allowing people to submit their art to you for for critiquing or was the idea canceled due to your busy schedules so they I well it's not it's not canceled I just we haven't been able to pull it together yet because of my busy schedule yes it's in the end I've got we've got a lot of people that want us to go through and look at their portfolios and I just right now I don't have the time to go through for everybody and so we're just going to hold back for a little while hi Ernie Ronnie if you were new to painting how would you go about learning values asking for friend learning values learning values I you know practicing thumbnail drawing is a great way to learn yeah because you're keeping your drawings small and the only way I I would think to learn it would be to do it I don't know do you have any ideas on that yeah for me it's it's really about drawing and painting from life especially outdoors you'll really get a sense of light and dark and you know understanding when you can understand those that and look at different lighting situations you know whether it's you know morning light foggy like you know diffused like all of those will give you different value situations where you you know you might have a you know in foggy light your value structure will tighten up you won't have a very wide value structure in bright sunlight you'll have a really broad value structure and at the same time in bright sunlight you can have super high key which will pull your values together so there's a lot of different situations that you can find yourself in and I just suggest looking at other artists as well and seeing how how they handles things like that Joaquin Soria John Singer Sargent really great painters that also had not just wonderful color but really nice value structure might help to kind of look at artists drawings I was gonna say black and white seem sunny more stark like it's more obvious when the dark and the lights and you know others party right sometimes taking a picture and turn it to black and white oh yeah that's a great excellent suggestion yeah I guess like anything else you practice it I do have to say that especially and this is something I mentioned in my course my lighting course one of the most important aspects of getting good lighting probably the most important aspect is value it's not color it's not temperature its value if you have the right value you can just view and you can almost use random color and it'll still work you'll still get a sense of light as long as your values are correct yep that's exactly true so I'm just painting shadows right now trying to get a sense of light on this guy and just celebration of our lighting court judge Mary's asking I'm looking for an easel to use outdoors do you guys have any suggestions like a field easel but I'm not sure what it would be called like what kind of he's old but we were stretching source yeah the the standard is the Julian French easel nearby yeah the e8 the EOS oh yes if Santa's gonna make Julian it's stupid to say that the best easel is the one you're most comfortable with I mean it's art you need no I don't seem to start with that's absolutely true that's nice I've seen I saw quite a few students have the it the French easel that's the the that's the wouldn't want that yes like a carrying box right yeah there were quite a few students that used use that but there were quite a few others I was just using a tripod or using a music music stand well that's the point I think Ronnie is making is that you could have all kinds of different ones and as long as you're comfortable with it it's also good if she's sitting low down his puffy lap yes right yeah I knew a Peter in Wyoming who he did all it is he he rode to his painting subjects on horseback it's really he had saddlebags with all of his paint and brushes in his canvas and when he got to a location he scattered all this pink around his feet he would sit down on a stomp purse I think and he'd hold the canvas between his knees and do his paintings that way because he just that's how he got used to working and he hated carrying extra stuff that's funny um his name was Mel fill er up he's just a great painter and but he but he hated carrying easels and stuff with him so it really is whatever you get used to yeah where's uh where's you wanna hold it can you see it on the camera over there oh there yeah yeah so that's a great one to start with that's the little half easy yeah yep and I still have my nice to open up and how much are French easels like that what was that how much was that one remember they've come down in price placement maybe yeah sure they're not super cheap but you're getting you know you're gonna get what you pay for I mean I love this this is the first French easel or even portable easel that I've ever had I've always had a studio easel I do too I love that half box easel you've got I've got one in there as well yeah the one that I have I bought when I was 15 and and so I've been using it for 45 years and it's been excellent I keep nailing it back together and Peter of burnouts asking all of us does airing Dustin Vedanta and guests if you had a spirit animal what would it be talkin Oh years being girly dolphin dolphin that's a mosquito we're gonna suck your blood no I would be an eagle Neagle ya think I would be a bear up there yeah because I like sleeping big I got a lot of hair and I like to sleep a lot berries are that are lying a good choice I would be a blue-tailed skank because well I saw one on the wall outside my front door this morning aren't they cool and I can't think of another animal that's the one they tend to live under stumps in cinder blocks this was a really pretty way to say so yeah a skink though he's instinct blue-tailed [Laughter] well Gabby said this is the live stream everyone wanted Oh Oh Dustin you didn't switch the camera it says well no one saw the easel alright I did switch I thought you did too good I look at I looked at show it again do it again I think maybe Nick missed it because I switch over and Tracy then Zealand says I've noticed that when you create light directions you always almost start with shadows then moving to highlights what is your thought process on that yeah because I want to go to the darker value that I think it's just a preference for myself I like going to the darker values first just to get the light the light and shadow patterns for me to shadow patterns tend to be more dominant and so that's what I wanted to establish for myself it's there's really no more thinking than that I'm trying to go I want to go a little on some of this reflected light Luke basket bas con is asking have you have either of you guys heard of a chica neato if not I highly recommend checking out his videos on YouTube he has some fun tuning songs what such as cabbage such as cat so like open tunings he's probably talking about like open tunings yeah yeah such as cabbage guitars playing last night great okay here we go YouTube come in hi everybody greetings from a small town called taco I just wanted to thank Eric we're talking into talking his brother into Travis do you know Gary for talking to his brother Travis to do live streams now I have double blades our education Travis can get you on the phone ring yes sir hey guys how's it going I would like to know if you can recommend some construction of composition thumbnail exercises I see a lot of people recommending doing thumbnails but never showing now not that I'm pimping my wares exactly but I've got a video series on painting outdoors where I start every single painting with a thumbnail and I show exactly my thinking I talk my way through the thinking of each thumbnail how I'm I'm looking for the darkest darks I'm looking for the lightest light and dropping the half-tones in I I do a fairly comprehensive discussion of thumbnails all the way through that that painting course you do I look something else because the tiny little drawing to find the composition or even to find the color and the values you want but I find my thumbnails turn out better than your brother had great fun yes yes the all man hid his were the best and he would he would pinned them up on the wall when he was done so he had a giant wall full of thumbnail drawings in his studio I've got a YouTube video on thumbnailing look for that if any of these things can help you out to kind of get a better feel for thumbnails we used to use thumbnails just for animation not even for paintings our YouTube question will you get the same result animating 24 frames per second on twos and twelve frames per second on ones yes that's exactly the same area I've never really drawn animals does good knowledge of human anatomy help in translating into animal drawings thanks for the free animation course watching you work is inspirational thank you yeah understanding human anatomy definitely helps because of the comparative anatomy that you'll start to discover when you start drawing animals but obviously there's a lot of differences in shape and size and how things work but if you understand that you know all the parts you have exist on most of the animals that you're going to be drawing then yes that's a big leap and you can it'll help you with let's say you're trying to draw a dog's leg and you don't quite understand what's going on if stand that there's a thigh a knee a calf and ankle a heel all that stuff and they all have to be there then you can apply that to the dog the link and Lutz follow-up from the question about the YouTuber about the word cabbage says a7 it's a seven string guitar tune to to that in a co2 tuning father father and Gabi and got me suppose I'm currently eating my breakfast by the beach my favorite bakery was closed I had to get food to go [Music] pointless and away twitch question honey errands and greetings from India I just got my first job as a story artist last month and I want to buy my first Wacom Cintiq I can't choose between the 16 pro model and the 22 models the bigger size that comes with the stand please help always go bigger especially with your Cintiq if you can swing going bigger then go bigger yeah you'll be using it professionally you'll use it a lot I find having the bigger Cintiq is awesome now I'll be looking for portability than having to you know pack it up then that's not necessarily the right choice then but if you have the ability to just keep it in one place then yeah bigger is better yeah I personally always find that there's such thing as too large and I've I personally feel like that 13 to 16 inch range maybe like at most 24 is like my it's like my personal ideal size for like a Cintiq screen you're wrong the painting larger your um anything larger just feels weird to me just too much space way too much space right but you're not creating imagery I used to I just like a big there's small ones and Jorge is asking okay so when are you all going to record a video playing guitar there's you one if you if you come next but if you come to our painting workshops you'll get to see us play live yeah that's right there's actually come to me baby face book full of that right now full of our guitar job so I want to mention the lighting course again our brand new lighting course is now out and it's it's on sale 50% off through the whole weekend and it's you know it's my approach to how what I think about when I'm thinking about lighting you know a lot I've gotten a lot of questions about you know how do I do that out of my head and a lot of it really comes from drawing from life and doing it enough that you can start to understand how light falls on form and what are the advantages of doing something like that is let's say you you are using reference for something but you don't like the lighting you can use that reference for for more anatomy but then do your own lighting and you're off to the races so it's things like that that will really help you so that's out and it's a creature art teacher dot-com slash light disease or night I was thinking that the first time you met you mentioned that code it's like aziza light I'm just going through now and adding you know when I when they do my illustrations I work from the broad and towards the my new show and so first thing I put down his local color that's the broadest and then I find those major shadow shapes and then I find the major light areas and then I go in and I start working some of the details like I'm doing now and adding little bits of texture and where light is going to be they highlight get highlights we're some of the firm kitchen toilets they were going nature of Garcia's asking what's your finger seen from Brother Bear - keen eyes first transformation scene gorgeous music and animation that's actually my favorite - thank you what is your favorite was your favorite scene don't say all of it probably the transformation scene yeah one of the one of the reasons I like the transformation scene so much aside from I think it came out pretty as I as a director is was one of the first lessons I learned that as a director you just don't need to have to all the answers and you just need to know which way to guide the ship you know and because when it came to the transformation I really knew we wanted something big and spectacular Bob my co-director and I we knew we wanted something big spectacular but we really had no idea how to approach it what we were gonna do and we had this wonderful development artist I was part of the crew named Richie Chavez and we knew he could handle it and we just hand the reins over to him so we let Richie kind of go away we pitched them the the sequence and then we let Richie go away and just kind of work on it for about a month and he came back and pitched us a really beautiful all in storyboard pastels and pastel he boarded it it was just stunning did you guys pretty much go with his they have to make any alterations really didn't alter it that much it was his his approach was the approach that's cool it was very cool matter of fact that the cover of the of the brother bear book is one Richie's pastels for that sequence it's I won't look for it you guys all right but yeah our the art of Brother Bear has got I gotta put my books in order bookshelf like my brain it's just all over the place and what there's lots and lots and lots of woods but Ritchie is Ritchie's just a brilliant brilliant artist what are you doing you know Josh Perry's asking so my college pushes still lives and realism because they say it will help improve everything whatever you develop your own style would you agree to that I think drawing from life is is beneficial I don't know that you have to do still lifes and realism it's by understanding - how to draw what you see it does help with your draftsmanship you want to add to that right yeah I would say this go along with what they're doing there are there's no one right way to reach a destination but I'll say this drawing still lives and concentrating on realism is a discipline and in college at this point where you're just learning to control your disciplines and there are all these great discoveries to be made when something is absolutely perfectly still and not moving and you can really think you know when you're drawing animals and things from life if you're out in the field in a coffee shop or whatever and you're drawing from life that's a totally different discipline and that's important too but I don't know I would I would think that if I could see how growing still lifes and concentrating on realism could be an advantage you may not do that in your professional life but it's kind of like you're learning the rules so you can later you can break them we need if you're breaking the rules because you're stupid that's not that's not control you know I think yeah you're probably on there on a right track it's probably not terribly fun but I think it could be good for you which question how your ingredients from India I just know my sari fits over that way hey I was wondering if you ever heard of a Fantasia having a blind mind's eye and how you would greet your own ability to visualize and how it relates to your work yeah I don't have that at all I can see everything fully detailed in my mind and a question for you Ronnie Martin is asking can Ronnie talk about talk little about how he started painting and drawing and how how did he study anatomy and what were your struggles all the struggles are exactly the same as yours I was no prodigy I've never been a prodigy everything I've developed I had to really work for it but I studied anatomy specifically I was studying with a guy named John Sahar ik who did this class called the manikin where we were taking individual bones and individual regions of bones and drawing them over and over and over again and homework at night would be I need you to draw me 500 rib cages I need and I need you know a hundred of them to be from this angle and a hundred from this angle it was a it was a a repetitive class to learn to get size relationships and shapes in your head by the end of that class I could draw an entire figure from any angle in any position out of my head male and female there was just a oh really you know what would you want to call this the disciplined class and later we ended up taking a little skeleton and putting muscles on it and learning all the origins and things that's how I learned Anatomy was by really honing down specifically and studying it for humans for painting I started painting with my brother my brother is 20 years older than me and he was already an artist by the time I was born so he used to draw at his drawing board when I was a little kid and I would lay under his drawing board on the floor and I would draw along with him and I got my start painting with him when I first I bought my first French easel when I was fifteen and we started painting in Yellowstone Park and later I started painting with other artists who I aspired to I never went to college to study art I painted with other artists and you can do that to every town all over the world has an art community somewhere there's an art community of work together and paint together so you know you find those people and you go out and you work with them if you can tolerate what they put you through they'll make you good really fast yeah because they're a lot meaner than college professors but that's how I learned to paint and that's where I learned anatomy it's a matter of just doing it and doing it a lot YouTube's coming hey art dad how you doing once again I want to remind you guys if you're just coming on we've got a brand new our lighting course might approach the lighting it's out now it's speaking of which uh de truff says just bought the light course I was really looking forward to this I highly recommended everyone awesome thank you Detlef yes that's oh thanks man full [Music] there you go the Kirk Michael says hi Aaron Dustin Trani and team guys hope everyone is okay we are good we are date you everyone's well I'm good we just get my we just get my Corona beer liner we're keeping our pet European safe that's it and what are you are you flying back over the weekend or is it I can't no not yet no Joe so they're not kids trending no you're stuck oh no oh no pay your dues yeah I told her we had a we had a tractor so she's excited hey I purchased your procreate course but every time I color my drawings it always turns out kind of grainy anything idea why you're probably using the wrong you're probably you're your size your resolutions too small try increasing your resolution I don't do anything less than like 4,000 pixels for the files so try increasing your file size I should buy your appropriate course yeah I don't what I can't I can get an iPad oh you want to talk I can get youto thank you I can get you Topher over there the movie is that Big Lebowski that's right they say you always keep a big color palette up but then you always click on the smaller one it's a reason why you do this I don't like the one over on the right I don't even realize it's there I just don't yes yes is there right now I'm just building up Gray's playing with Gray's Roy it says don't forget the whiskers oh I'm not gonna forget the whiskers but you know what I have forgotten saving saving there you go they're forgetting save your work t-today and he says said wait you have stuff for procreate yes go every creature art teacher calm and you can find my procreate course we are at 2:36 [Music] hey there Mitchell here hey Mitchell I'm at work so if you could real quick give me your best advice to a beginning artist on how best to speed up getting better at drawing and painting in general run faster do it a lot that's really the only way you'll get faster is to do it a lot it's about you know you're going to build muscle memory and that muscle memory applies to the brain as well in creativity and the way you see all of that we're at Blue Springs painting the other day and a woman came up and she said yeah you know my brother always told me I need to practice to get better but I think you're just born with you did but we were like no you need to practice you have that's a very the most massive view it's an insulting dismissive no really they're they're dismissing all the work you put in to development of your skill yeah you don't have to work for a living baby Jesus dear Lord baby Jesus so what i'm doing here is even on Tigers stripes and you'll see the zebra stripes they'll reflect back some of the color that's a great value to some of this these stripes that's awesome that's one of those little tiny rules yeah really such a huge difference yeah when you do it it really does Oh you can see - I stay pretty loose this is all pretty loose right here but you have any advice for art students who lost their part-time job due to the coronavirus no because this is new to me as well you got to get out there and you know just know that everyone's in the same boat you know if you take some solace in that but it's I know it's a tough one and it's yeah Jesus I don't know what to tell you other than just jump have faith that it's going to get better and in practice while you can with any kind of obviously online work because there are there are things out there you know where you can work from home but yeah yes because it Justin please switch em away but they're clean and they don't have any viruses thank God for that problem Vitello says hey Caroline how's Florida terrible really bad horrible that's pretty cool sewer manatee oh yeah I saw that video you got a first manatee experience that's really cool it really is any show you a Blake bill easier access and so the procreate course for an indefinite amount of time right now we don't you know it's just going to we're going to keep this up it's forty five percent off this is the stream freezing for anybody else it just froze for me just some work looks like house our house re yeah Internet is taking a slight Cooper it looks like let's try a refreshing looks like we lose us if you lose this folks you might have to come back I'm almost done looks like we're in the green now looks like it's stabilizing oh no no there's no kilobytes right now are costly going 2-0 right now like I might refresh the stream if you're watching this folks we're going in and out we're good at we're working on it and if you're not there all right up the stream okay there right now at all at All Saints they can't be reached we've got the girls off with the TV girls turn the TV off please looks like we're good up here I'm gonna turn the are you getting Internet there now he's before we got we got Internet up there so it's not on your computer just not on the laptop which other anybody's can hear us we apologize for the technical difficulties yeah over here I'm I'm getting I'm flying blind here Dustin's flying blind do you hear me okay all right so we're still talking to everybody hey everybody everybody okay all right we'll keep doing all right thanks see I'm glad we didn't swear I think it's just Facebook that's Facebook is Jim in general I'm getting access on YouTube okay so yeah I think Facebook crash there we go all right there everyone evacuate from Facebook over to YouTube everything I say is pointless like it always evacuate the facility so there's certain areas in here I wanna I like leaving my underdrawing it tends to give the whole thing a little bit more life but there are places where I want to clean it up here there's just a whole whole new group of folks on the on YouTube I've never really watched the YouTube well that's a yes - guys holy moley yeah usually he like I monitor the Facebook and usually he monitors every balls like YouTube in which and everything else Twitter yeah everything Facebook is having an outage yeah Facebook is having a oopsy-daisy Twitter twitch and does this going to put some finishing touches and whiskers and we might call this one fini and the finishing touches I'm going to undo some fur patterns in here it seems like I kind of remember you had a light class that you were you have just done yes I did I just finished the course I'm lighting I'm lighting in case you're just joining us yeah check it out because I did finish the course on lighting just came out today over at creature art teacher dot-com / night aziz light all right so oh hey any animation / character design book you would recommend yes what is she trying to blake the animators survival kit is awesome oh yeah yes my Richard Williams and illusion of life this is not necessarily character design of Preston Blair Preston Blair has it one character design basics you know that's great it's a good one and we actually we have I did an entire course which is I kind of go over all of my rules on character design and how I approach it and it's you know all the stuff that I kind of thought about it when I was designing characters for the Lion King in Mulan and Aladdin and those films put a lot of stuff in there as well sorry it looks awesome I am loving that lighting YouTube question hey guys so I want to start painting but they don't know which type of paint I should start with what type of pig do you think is best for a beginner acrylic oil watercolor etc yes I started with oil I don't know where you started I started with watercolor in June okay so it's probably no right and I started with acrylic did you know yeah you see such things we were having a discussion during the workshop with some of the guys at lunch and I was talking about how oil paint is kind of like owning a dog you know it pretty much stays where you put it in it and it just wants to make you happy yeah and painting with watercolor is like having a cat because it kind of loves you but it has a mind of its own whatever wants to you can live with it and be happy it loves you but it does what it wants so I like the idea of oil for a few reasons it stays wet for a long time so when you're a beginner and you're still thinking you're wait it's not drying on you while you're trying to control it yes watercolor and acrylic both dry very quickly which is an advantage if you're if you're trying to get through a piece and have it be dry and ready to frame in a short period of time but but the the oil gives you longer working time and if you're starting out and it's you know learning to paint is frustrating anyway so painting is hard yeah it's just hard it takes time and you know you don't get excellent results for a little while so you have to you know relax into it and I don't know that's my idea on starting to paint he said he started with watercolor what I was eight years old and so my stepfather who had a degree in interior design I started teaching me how to create these washes in watercolor oh that's cool and I just remember being so fascinated by you know you'd show me sunsets you know how to do a sunset in water oh man and just how fascinated I was by letting the water bleed and it was relatively you know you're not gonna make a big mess with it you know as far as you know the oil paint and all that kind of stuff interact comparison I think it's a little bit cleaner but Ronnie's absolutely right it's a it's got a mind of its own but that was one of the things like my stepfather taught me was that you know you can embrace that absolutely yeah and let it do its own thing and it was really kind of cool that's really awesome well yeah so I guess the upshot is there's no real true answer to that you start with what makes you comfortable yeah you too many whiskers there yeah and put all these into a folder why don't we do this that's all those into a folder gonna copy that folder now I'm going to find them all tessa does look like there is a massive Facebook down to attendee last time I happened was yesterday I believe that 8 p.m. and there's a on this one site there was a thousand 51 reports of it being down and and today right around at right after two o'clock which is when the server went down again over 3,100 have reported now so it's a lot it's a pretty big boo-boo so what I'm doing now is I like to soften edges you know I like to do it my oil team traditional painting and and I like to do it digitally as well and so I've got my blend I'm actually using one of my foliage brushes that tends to work really well for breaking up edges well now you put it as a blending brush it creates these really nice kind of broken up soft edges I like the softened areas where the lights a little bit brighter gives it a little bit of a glow and then the other thing I like to do with my smudge brush is I got a drop-down well I might have to make one I'll show you guys file new we're gonna make this inches and I'm going to make it three inches by three inches by three hundred dpi we're going to go okay create so we've got that now I'm going to create a new layer right on top and I'm just going to get a black color and I'm just going to come in here we grab the hard round brush I'm just going to make a few dots you'll see why this is so cool all right so I made a few dots turn off the background now I go to edit and I can go define brush preset and so now I've got a brush made out of those dots that's awesome so now I can don't save that now and now I can come back to my smudge tool and drop down for this new brush that I just made with my smudge tool now watch what I can do I can go in I'll zoom in tight so you can see drop it down a little bit and I can create fur texture noise that's so cool yes Wow a little cheap just smudges I gotta sit a little bit high the strength is a little high but now you can see a specific advantage to digital exactly that's quick it's mine isn't that cheating yes it is cheating it's not using the tool I see again exactly you're just using the tool that's just if it lets you do it it's not cheating exactly yeah people ask me about you know photo bashing you know when you're doing character design is that cheating is this Rajas dad there's someone on YouTube as but you can create this nice kind of soft feel you want to be careful because you can overdo it as well this is this reference from big concept no this is reference I shot at the San Diego Zoo about 15 years ago I actually got a doctor's move to California I actually got a lot of really nice Tiger photos from that type of the big habitat oh this on this last trip yeah yeah lots of really good ones I think you and you'll be like alright I'm gonna take these for myself so you can see this advantage that you get by being able to do this you can create some nice texture really quickly and it just adds to the to the illusion I am not sorry patty on YouTube says just joining you from your lighting course actually not the courts just the 40 minute preview which is awesome and I wanted Nik is reminding me and I want to remind you to remind myself just to let you guys know that you know as a result of everyone being quarantined and we kind of want to do our part everything is really deeply discounted on the site so you go check it out pretty much everything on the site is is really discounted along with our animation course being completely free dude Aaron do you have any advice on making characters of the same species distinct from one another that's a good question also how do you push shapes and design without it looking too ridiculous or unrealistic both of those are awesome questions this is something that we would run into very often in our films whether they're humans in our case brother bear how do you make fifteen different bears that all look different and and part of that is goes to your second question is pushing you have to have you gotta be willing to push until they're broken you know sometimes you don't know the limit until you pass the limit but one way that one thing that we would do is [Music] and it's a great habit to get into when you're designing especially a cast of characters is the first thing you wanted to kind of get them to look different from is through silhouette so when you create their silhouettes if you could see a distinct difference and their silhouettes chances are as you finish your designs you'll you'll see the differences after that and so that's my biggest piece of advice there is you know do a lineup with your characters but do it all in silhouette and see how different they look if they don't look different enough then you might want to go back and push this they can pretty much there all moles lair pretty much there that's uh I'm gonna try saucy 12 hours later famous last words I'm going to try something try something else here I want to push the century I like that I like that yeah I like that I like that a lot and I'd like to play with my color Dodge dodging sand color don't do that this is a tip it's a bit dead dachi colored eyes right there dropped out of passed me way down we'll just put it really great I want to see if is burn-in a little bit it's breaking that rate up at that sense of late it'd be careful not to overdo it and what I like to do is create a layer underneath it of the same cat of the same image so that way if I do overdo it like I feel like I did up here I can just come up in a race away and it's looking at the image underneath I'm working on the wrong where we put it up here there we go hey do we get on the wrong layers like looks like take Facebook this back up up and running we're going to set this to multiply new layer I want to try flashing to not buy gradient tool it's dark in that just to just darken up a little bit it's gonna Durkin Durkin that any dirty mess there we go so there's our cat lit yeah lit up sweet there it is painted and scanned for you that cat is lit for those of you on a phone there now you see it really blow for all the phone users hi Aaron I have a technical question I see you work in RGB do you convert this to CMYK if you want to print a piece yes I do is this done through the convert to profile yes option all the best yes yes so you nailed it and usually yeah I don't usually pay attention to what color profile I'm working in which is kind of a bad habit so because most of the time I want I mean most of the time I'm not printing my stuff but I always want to have the option to print and in which case I'm not paying I'm usually painting in the wrong color profile so um one more question hello Aaron have you ever drawn anything from memory thinking it was original and later it turned out to be an unintentional plagiarism and it's a little frustrating well first of all if you're doing just something from memory out of your head it's not plagiarism now if you're trying to sell it you know but I mean a lot of people have the same subjects in their heads and and it comes out it's a lot of paranoid artists out there that I've met that just seem to think everybody wants to copy their work do more often than not no one wants to copy your work I just think great minds think alike yes it really is I think there's there's a lot of times there's you know just a lot of commonalities and the zeitgeist of everyone's mind out there or whatever and it's just it just happens you know and and but yes that's happened to me before very much so aren't we pretty much consigned to reality like I mean not entirely but aren't we kind of you know ten guys can draw a tiger and you're kind of stuck with the stripes and you're stuck with the yeah the the anatomy and like if you're going to tell the truth or you know people can have the same version of the truth that you're you're kind of consigned to work from what you've got and I've seen people's paintings look similar or I had an artist call me and say I noticed you did a painting of this from art when we were in Mexico painting and he goes I wanted to do a painting of that as well but now I'm scared to do it because you've already done it and I said you know you were on the trip to you were this is your scrap to you you were there yeah this is as much your as it is as it is mine and I don't care you know do you can paint it too you'll have your own version of it exactly yeah you're right Facebook live stream is back up and running oh and now it's close to the end so we are done so once again I want to remind you guys that our our new brand new lighting course is out and it's available it's a creature art teacher calm slash light and and everything else is very deeply discounted we want everyone to stay safe stay in your home and get through all of this we're sorry that everyone's going through this we're also going to go back and increase the number of live streams that we're doing until we get through all of this so and pretty soon look for us probably around twice a week I got to get together with Nick and decide when we can schedule it but we're going to go back to that and until we get through all of this and also remember my fundamentals of animation course is free go on over to creature art teacher comm and you can download that for free we have a few people asking well is this am I going to get charged for it after I keep it for a certain amount of time no it's free forever you can have it you can do whatever you want with it and so go over there and download that if you're interested in animation you got a full course of my approach to the fundamentals Gregg Beach of and I are good friends yes I do know Gregg Beach in Africa together we went to Africa together we've been to Montana together a matter of fact I've got a frame that he sent me hanging in my living room so yes I know Gregg meets him very well yeah he's an incredible incredible painter he's in a super super nice guy but also you know if you're interested we've got another artists on our website as well including Ronnie Wilford who's got a couple of great courses on color painting really really great stuff he's also gonna be coming out very soon with a approach to drawing which is gonna be really great and I think a lot of you will benefit from it so it's not just me it's other artists in it but it's you know I've been very careful to kind of pick the people that I want in there that our professionals that have a really good pedigree and and so everyone that you're gonna find in there really they know their stuff and that's that's important for me as someone that runs this site and Nick so we hope you guys had a great time today stay safe and and remember that new lighting course it's available now I've been talking about it talking about it talking about it and it's available now so go check that out but stay safe and put some Beauty back in the world because that's what we're supposed to do as artists especially now we really got to do that and just be nice to people only buy one package of toilet paper put your card away put your grocery card away especially now especially just be sure to wipe down the handlebars with service workers and package delivery people well yes yeah so anyway I hope you guys have a great week we'll definitely see you next Friday we might see you before that because we've like I said we're gonna be increasing our number of live streams that were going to be doing so with that I hope you guys have a wonderful week stay safe while your kids are out of school teach them how to balance a checkbook retire teach them some stuff that there's yeah teach them some very very valuable tax season teach them how to do taxes No teach them how to vote so anyway and thank you guys for coming on wonderful and wait wait to the wave - that camera there yep - Dustin so much for watching that was a bit of a delayed reaction and glad you guys enjoyed this dream and if any guys are interested in any wildlife photography you can check out my Instagram at Dustin underscore blaze as well PLA is e oh yeah there's something I forgot we're gonna be in Dustin's gonna be doing some pax wildlife reference packs that we'll be getting up on the site fairly soon as well that is correct we are making the very final little details here and there were getting all that figured out and yeah so expect those very soon and we might do a promotion about that sometime next week maybe the week after what do you think well anyways until then thank you guys so much again so much for watching and until then Cowboy Bebop see ya
Channel: The Art of Aaron Blaise
Views: 19,965
Rating: 4.9809752 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 21sec (7341 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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