Live Stream - 4 Legged Animation Demo

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[Music] you hey everybody everybody's here we never we always do a hiccup anyway everybody's here and I've got a tiger walking behind me which means that we are going to be doing walk cycles today I'm going to give you a little sneak peek into some of the lessons that we have on our website and do a live walk cycle lesson with you something that I had done with me many years ago I remember sitting down with Glen Keane and when I was a young whippersnapper I got a it's cold here today it's we had a cold front come through Florida and it's a very chilly 55 degrees out right now but anyway I hope you guys for you Americans out there I hope you had a really great Thanksgiving holiday we had an amazing one we had a lot of fun here and and I hope you guys had a great weekend and great day I really want to reiterate or iterate and make very strong statement today that our Cyber Monday sale is still happening and it's like over 40% off on a lot of things and I think it's a 70 percent or $75 savings on our Premium Membership so there's a lot of great savings going on at our website today lots of lessons and all kinds of great stuff everything is on sale and that's still going on it's gonna end tonight so you might want to hurry up and get over there especially if you're thinking about some Christmas presents and that sort of thing but um and I'll bring that up a couple times throughout today but I wanted I thought today would be kind of fun to do an a walk cycle I wanted to show you guys kind of a down-and-dirty quick easy way of doing a profile walk cycle kind of the way I think about it when when I'm animating and then you can take this information and you can kind of turn it in space and you can do you know and once you understand it you can do three-quarter walk cycles and all that sort of thing but before we get into all that as usual I want to introduce you to my son Dustin who's Manning the controls today there he is fresh off the boat from Los Angeles from last night we out we went to last week or a week before last anyway we went out to CTN and which is the creative talent Network big animation conference that they have in Burbank California and that was great big partying it was it's just a big party time for us we get together with old friends and party but it was awesome we had some really good I got together with a lot of fans and followers and and looked at a lot of great portfolios and did some demonstrations and it was great but anyway we get we came back in Dustin stayed so he stayed in Los Angeles with his friends for an extra week and then we got him back and then also over in Sarasota Florida about a hundred and sixty miles from here I've got my business partner Nick Burch and he's gonna be manning questions as well but why don't we go to the desktop Dustin and I won't we go ahead and dive in so what I'm gonna be doing here is we're gonna be doing a walk cycle so the first thing I want to do is let's just create a ground plane so I'm gonna create a new background layer and I'm gonna have that go I'm gonna have that hold which is good and I'm just gonna breathe about here just gonna draw whoops well I wanted that to go straight let me do that again I thought if I hold me oh I guess that's close enough don't fight hold my spacebar down it did a straight line but I guess it doesn't but anyway that's close enough so I've got a nice straight line that's just going to be our ground point and what we're gonna do is we're gonna do I'm gonna jump back up to oh I did that on the wrong layer let me do that again create a background layer there we go and we're gonna go straight across there we go and I'm gonna jump back up to my animation there so what I want to do is what do you think we should we do like an existing animal like a cat or a dog or a bear or should we like make up an animal like make something up would be kind of fun like if I if I made something up like like this and once again you guys I just want to remind you that there is you know but I want to make sure that we it's gonna be a four-legged make made up animal so I want it kind of based on like if we did something like I like that idea [Laughter] yeah so let's do that cuz this is something I was gonna make up really quickly I don't know if this is gonna be right or not let me see I can't really I can't stop drawing it sorry yeah cuz this and then this would be back here yeah we're gonna we're gonna do OOP let's do like okay and for a celebration of Lion King I'm gonna I'm not gonna mess with the mane and all that cuz that's gonna have a whole bunch of over overlapping today I want to focus on yeah I want to focus on mechanics so I want you guys at the end of this I want you to understand how the foot patterns go all right so the first thing I want you to think about I just want to explain and a walk cycle the faster character moves the faster and annum moves and this is very obvious but you'd be surprised how many people forget this the slower they're moving the more feet are on the ground at the same time the faster they move the less feet are on the ground it makes sense but you'd be amazed at how many people forget that and so during a walk because you're moving at a slow pace you need stabilization and two feet on the ground and a slow pace you're gonna fall over okay so what's the next most stable setup well three feet because it creates a tripod boom boom boom okay there's a tripod so that's a stable setup and so if you have four feet on the ground and I'm gonna set them up as if they're walking they're gonna be like this so at any given time let's say the it's always the back feet that are gonna come off the ground so let's do this I want to go like this there's the feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet so let's start here these feet are on the ground this foot is off the ground it comes forward replaces this foot which comes off the ground okay like this and then this foot settles here this foot comes off the ground and then you got a tripod there and then this foot comes forward replaces here or it's placed here as this what comes forward replaces this one and you got a tripod then you got a tripod a tripod and this it's a moving tripod as each back foot comes forward and replaces the front foot as each front foot moves forward okay I know that sounds a little bit confusing but when we see it in practice you'll understand what I'm talking about the first thing we want to do is come up with a starting pose and I've got a youtube question oh yeah the lion king is not really live-action though it's CGI do you find you find the remake pointless you know what I don't I don't I'm actually to be honest with you I'm I've always been anxious I've always been really interested to see what it would look like in a more realistic textured world and yeah so for me I I don't find it pointless I actually find it kind of exciting so I don't know I just I just kind of do so oh I am using TV paint right now so I'm gonna throw in a really quick scribbly a very quick scrub Li Lian and I'm gonna have I'm gonna have them have the lion's head just dropping down just a little bit now I'm going to very quickly just indicate very quickly that's the magic of Dustin right there so I'm gonna have these this line coming up there's a head here and the first thing I want to do we've got muscle that comes into here comes and connects into the shoulder I'm actually gonna have shoulder back here and a shoulder here okay I'm gonna shrink this up just a little bit whoops one Mike why is it whoops I don't know what I just did let me get rid of that what just happened hello that's weird I don't know what just happened I know that's so bizarre well we're gonna start over would you be interested in seeing a float a realistic remake of a brother bear yeah I would love that oh here's a scene that I'm working on right now let me turn it way down this is one that I'm working on for the Travis blaze as how did you shrink yourself onto your drawing screen this is witchcraft Travis blaze is my brother so I guess Travis is watching right now so I'm gonna do a new project and oh I know why because I had my I had my my size set wrong 1920 by 1080 there we go now we're gonna be all set so let's sorry about that guys I was like what do they what's going on here so we're gonna bring this straight across back up here and back to our lion it's it's an it's a completely original story that's based on the flavor of a whole bunch of Native American myths and legends that we researched now I'm a big fan of Native American myths and legends and so and as a kid I read them a lot and so when I started brother bear I wanted us to write our own and so that's where that came from and and so yeah so that's that's what that is so here drawing the cat twitch comment oh my god my eyes have been open I've been trying to find a way to visualize slow quadruped and walking for ages the Troy tripod description helped it click all into place yeah I'm glad that that clicked into place yeah if you could see if you could see like imprints happening along the ground and if you could connect them you would see this this progression of joining triangles of yeah tripod so what we're doing here is I'm starting with my first key pose and we want we what we want is I'm gonna start with this foot back so what we have is a shoulder blade up here actually the shoulder blades should be just a little bit lower because I'm gonna have them both equally spaced and this shoulder is gonna be back here chest coming down and when you have a cat have the shoulder blades come up and the neck is up here and the back is usually right about in here now this point right here because I'm gonna have the front leg here the back leg back here because I'm gonna have them apart this is gonna be the lowest point okay in the cycle because the cycle the shoulder blades go up and down okay and the hips will go up and down and they alternate they go back and forth like so and so at this point they're gonna be out their lowest because the front feet are spread apart right so here and I'm going to move this letís actually touching the ground it's gonna be something like this okay they somewhat not not as differently as you might think okay so here now in certain cat I mean obviously like a lion is gonna walk differently than a house cat because just because of weight you know lion is gonna have a lot of overlap and you know muscle jiggle and that sort of thing YouTube questions how do you prevent your tablet nibs from wearing down too fast I I don't buy my tablet my nibs actually do wear down so I am I just I go through a lot I keep a lot handy I keep them I keep them right up on top of my head I'm gonna top of my desk so I'll say so anyway so I just moved him we just moved the cat and and so once again this is muscle coming down into here there's our shoulder this is gonna be there's gonna be a group of muscles here tricep muscles all that but I'm not gonna worry about that right now and because this is the low point we're gonna have a high point and the hips back here all right now I want to make sure that I draw the body long enough so the hips are going to be up here at the high point and there's the top of the pelvis there's a flexible part of the spine ribcage comes through like so latissimus muscles serratus muscles attached to the ribs this comes back here alright so there's that's happening there and I'm going to tie this down once before we actually start animating because I like I want this to animate fairly cleanly so now now that we know the placement of our front feet we're automatically going to know the placement of our back feet and think of it this way remember we're creating a tripod so if this is a tripod here if our front feet if this is in the background this foots in the background and this is forward then the tripod is going to be the back foot is going to be on the ground over here of the the back left foot and the the back right foot which is the back leg closest to us is going to be coming forward right now and is getting ready to replace this foot once it lifts off the ground okay so that tells us by having this front foot placement these front feet placements that time I'm gonna have this back foot back a little bit so that means just real quick that means this foot here is coming off the ground like so and our other foot which is drawn through the knee is right about here right about here is gonna be right you know you know you know like so okay go ahead Dustin sorry yes as a matter of fact if you go to the traditional animation Facebook site traditional animation there is a lecture on there that I just did on mechanic a bird mechanic bird mechanics and flight and I think I have one in YouTube that I did as well on my channel okay so there is a rough drawing muscle comes down in here coming off of there femur connects back in here connects into the knee and there's our knee right there there's our glute muscles coming down the calf muscles coming down coming into the ankle it's like so so now what I want to do is I'm going to create a new layer first of all I want to place this in the right spot I'm gonna put it right about here and I'm gonna go ahead and lose that background shrink this up just a little bit just to make sure we have enough room and now that I have our feet placed right I'm not too worried about the seeing of the ground plane that ground planes not gonna fit so I'm gonna go ahead and get rid of it Boop just turn it off and this one here I'm going to knock that back and we're gonna create a new layer animation layer right on top go ahead Dustin you know what I know you can do this in Photoshop I don't know how I I I don't what's not what I want I want my this tool I don't animate in Photoshop I only enemy in TV paint and so I'm sure there's someone out there that knows how to do it I don't know how to do it if you have touched I don't use touch maybe that's what you're talking about yeah cuz I am I I can't stand the touch feature so I turn it off YouTube question we're there any songs from birthing bear that you didn't get to use in the final project yes there were there's a few of them and actually if you watch the DVD we have a a special section where we included one or two of the songs actually I you know what I did wrong on her you don't get wrong on her Dustin you know what I did what'd you do I made her snout too short and a little too fat yeah so I'm gonna see this is why I whoa we're gonna do this yeah Oh see that's much more lion like much more lion like outside of drawing music yes Dustin's interpretive dance moves music for sure if I wasn't if I hadn't become an artist a visual artist I would have become a musician for sure [Laughter] what your fingers do to visit in Florida to get nice shots at cats to draw Miami Metro zoo oh hey let's see if this is cat walk cycle and we're gonna save that on my desktop whoops I didn't say stop have you always drawn big cats are also smaller cat species are species like Lynx out of your comfort zone are they pretty much the same big cats are my are my most comfortable although from this guy whoops although this guy hold on one second well I turned off I turned off one of the things I gotta go back I'm out of sorts man I've got that setting I've got it put on the setting where it's only it's only showing where is it it's only showing one layer at a time let me go to view the Spay I forgot how to change that here I use it every day but I never used this aspect of it and I forget hi there I'm learning about layout and I wanted to know if you had any experience in this field and if you could talk about it at all thank you so much for being awesome well thank you well as far as layout goes it really comes down to composition and you need to know a lot about camera cutting camera movement a lot of that stuff I'm not an expert at that so I don't feel comfortable talking about it but there's a lot of books out there look at Bruce block check out Bruce blocks work on camera movement layout that sort of thing that's one person I really recommend let me look at this real quick you got a got a stuff for say I'm trying to remember where the thing is to turn it on or I turn off one I'm looking at one layer at a time display current oh there we go activate all layers whoops that's not it display current but that's not it it's it's a it's when it it's like I'm looking the view is urge all no I don't want to merge I feel like an idiot I only one cup have I done a chimp walk cycle before I know I never have although I've walked I've watched chimps and I would love to to to animate a chimp view display with aspect ratio rooms what is going on you don't know what to do when to try something save it hopefully I wonder if I quit out of it cat walk cycle there we go this is driving me nuts this is embarrassing sorry guys file open reset there we go it's back just had the Rika had to close in real okay yes well there's I've talked about this before in another video on my youtube channel there is a Roger Rabbit cartoon that I worked on called trail mix up it was an animated short and I had this shot that was extremely mechanically difficult because it was Roger tangled up in these ropes swinging around twisting in the air is going moving forward and backward in perspective while he's spinning slowing down and the swing slowing down and then starting to reverse and making all that look like like the physics are right all while he's acting so he's twisting and acting and it almost killed me but um but I got it and though I I just broke it down one piece at a time so it really it really was about figuring out the swing first of all then figuring out the perspective then figuring out the rotation I did that all with like a flower sack once I had that all figured out then I just animated Roger right over the top of all that and it actually came out pretty good okay so I'm getting this is taking way too long for this first drawing let's get this done really quick so here we got the front shoulders coming forward forearms into the wrists a little bit of fur coming off the elbow there's a little bit of meat there into the thumb comes up or do claws they call it all right there okay then this comes back there's a lot of muscle coming off of here the triceps deltoid is up in here there's that claw on the back forearm coming down into the wrist and then here you know what I used to and I this is this is honest and I'm not I'm not getting paid by TV pain I'm not making a plug because of any kind of benefit I have come to love animating on TV paint more than working on paper now do you give up something but yes I don't have a physical scene and I do miss that but what I gained by working in TV paint especially working on a Cintiq like this is I'm play it back instantly I can add my drawings I don't have to reshoot anything you know back in the day when I was animating you know traditionally for Disney I'd have to shoot my in my scenes and inevitably there's always a drawing that would get out of sync or something would get shot wrong and it was just a mess and it just happened all the time and it was just part of the part of the deal and with TV paint I don't ever have to worry about that periscope question which is harder to learn how to draw animals or humans well it's um they're there but none of them yeah I don't know if one is harder than the other humans are hard and only because we're so familiar with their own bodies that when it's out of whack you can tell you know when the drawings not right and animals are hard because for a lot of people it's just very foreign so they they each have their own kind of difficulties all right so there's there's just a quick it wasn't very quick but there's a quick cat okay so we're gonna animate this so there's our first key pose okay now we want to create an opposite pose this is where the cheat is that you can only do you can only do this in profile and we're going to do we're gonna create a cheat so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to create a new drawing I'm gonna turn this off now because we don't need it and I'm going to turn on my light table there we go so now we can see the drawing before now I'm gonna create the opposite drawing now the opposite drawing is going to be well actually you know what I should do because I want to have a little bit of side-to-side yeah I want to have a little bit of side-to-side I was gonna skip that but I think I don't think I will with you guys this is what I'm gonna do I'm gonna push so with this leg forward with that left foot this one right here with this left foot forward that's going to turn the head toward us just a little bit and so what we're gonna get is a little bit of a look something like this that's what we're gonna that's what I'm gonna show you guys I'll show you exactly how I line them up now this like I said it only it only works really in profile so here and I'm pushing this a little more than it probably should so here you can see that there we go that it's turned just a little bit and like I said I'm turning it a little bit more than I should but I want to push I want to exaggerate a little bit so you guys understand what I'm talking about so here the cat's head is turned toward us just a little bit because this arm as it comes forward it's gonna push push the head towards us okay now now I want to create that opposite key and this is going to prevent any glitches if you've ever done an a lock cycle before or a run cycle sometimes your keys don't match up and you end up with this just funny little glitch the way we're gonna do this is going to prevent any glitches twitch question hello do you think that we have to learn storyboard after learning how to draw or at the same time after learning how to draw or at the same time I think you need I think to go into storyboarding you should know how to draw so take that for what it's worth because if you can't draw while you're in well your storyboarding it's gonna hold you up storyboarding your drawing should be your first language and so you shouldn't even have to think about it YouTube question have you seen the new grits movie I'm not I have not seen it no yes it has come out okay so let me jump into this real quick otherwise we're never gonna get done so the one thing that's gonna match is the silhouette okay so the silhouette is going to be axed absolutely the same from one key to the next as we're doing opposite keys the only difference is we're gonna turn it the other way so here the ear is coming this way and this is gonna be this I like this you see what I'm doing and then this comes down as the nose comes up this way like that then the mouth will come around here so if I flip back and forth you can see it looks like he's shaking his head back and forth or she in this case okay this is how we create or how I create that opposite key and then here this is all going to come down except here now the shoulders here great spirit uh the the transformation song I think you know I'm saying I agree here we're gonna have them the skin kind of stretching this way all right quite YouTube question how many other animators as well as you worked on Raja and Aladdin in Aladdin it was just one other animator so I mean I pretty much did the whole thing so because it was it was a very small role and here the toes are gonna be fairly even so I'm just gonna play them straight ahead like so so you can see and here's the opposite here I'm keeping the same silhouette like so but changing the placement see what I'm doing there and this is gonna give me my two of my four keys there's gonna be four keys here okay it's gonna come up we've got those tricep muscles again this is going to come back Surabhi ya know I mean we all work together I don't think we had any scenes together i animated knowledge mom she was she was only in one or two shots right see hello Glenn thank you for everything that you've given me Glenn is my single most he inspired me more than anybody else in the art world he's he's responsible for really lighting that fire inside me so you can see what I'm doing here is creating the opposite the silhouette stays the same but I'm creating the opposite foot placement and so here the hips are gonna come forward Phi comes forward we have the break in the knee right there this comes down now here I'm gonna have that foot drop down just a little bit so it's on the same plane this looks amazing I just subscribed to your annual classes I'm currently finishing up Don Bluths lessons well that's awesome Don Bluth is fantastic he's 10 fantastic so here so now you can see I'm creating the opposite foot okay there's the foot coming there and then this is gonna now who's going to be on the opposite side coming in actually will still have an ankle there YouTube question well the acting for animation course be released before the end before the year ends or will it be available next year I really want it for Christmas my goal my goal actually was to have it done by Thanksgiving and circumstances with all of our travel and everything else I wasn't able to get it done it will definitely I promise promise you it will be done by Christmas nick and i we have to be on an airplane on saturday and we're gonna be going to Manchester England where I'm giving I think it's okay to say now Nick because I think everyone knows about it but I'm going to work for three days with travelers tales games who do all the Lego movies games and I'm going to be working with them and talking to them about story and animation and all kinds of fun stuff and and so we're going to be there for seven days but as soon as we get back then we're gonna get that course up and ready for you guys out the door Facebook comment bath scene is one where Nala is in the same scene as Surabhi yes that's the 1i I animated that where she's getting where she's getting cleaned and she was getting licked up her face I did all that okay so now we've got two keys and you can see they're opposite keys see there I'm just flipping back and forth so here let me jump back here let me color that in to me just to make sure they match a little bit trying to keep it very simple now we have to create opposite keys so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna move this over and we have to put a drawing in between of an opposite key so let's do that got a drink drink my little spot of coffee a youtube question may I ask if you have met or worked with Wendy Grima I have not I'm sorry I don't know Wendy grebe when I don't know when degree by don't know Wendy cream is Oh okay so here I'm just gonna take a break from answering questions this for a second because I want to jump in here I just talked about how the next skis work so the next key I want the high point so the shoulders I'm gonna have in the high point and the way the anatomy works on a cat and I'm sure a lot of you have seen this when a cat walks their shoulder blades float okay they're not attached they're only attached they're not attached bone to bone shoulder blades are only attached through tendon and muscle so when a cat walks you can really see because of the weight and the shoulder blades me attached to the sides they do a very big up-and-down movement and so we're gonna have right here as this foot that here's our first drawing this foots gonna come back right here and it's gonna come up directly underneath the body okay so let's do that here we go we're gonna come forward and and the other thing too is I'm gonna come back to the head because there's so there's a little bit of complexity to the head that I want you to see and so the other thing too is as as this foot comes back the the front left as it comes back that means the front right is coming off the ground and coming forward so we have to think about that so let's get that so there's the here's where the shoulder blade is right here and if it's coming up off the ground then I'm just gonna it's actually going to stretch back just a little bit further before it comes off and off that other key so I'm gonna keep it right about here but what I'm gonna do well actually let me move it forward just a little bit so I'm gonna bring it forward like so and lift it now because I'm lifting it what's gonna happen this foot this front left foot is actually taking the weight so that's gonna push that shoulder blade way up right and the weight is coming off of this foot our front left or front right foot so that shoulder blades gonna drop like so now it's there are only reason it's not dropping from where it is here is because it's being lifted see it being lifted right there but in relation to the rest of the body which is actually coming up right here like so it's dropping so here I'm lifting that elbow up like that and it's coming forward actually I'm gonna bring it forward even more yes I'm gonna bring it forward like way up here let's do that that'll be even better because we get a better spread ultimately of the arms so here and if the arm is up here now the thing about cats is as they walk and actually you we do this as humans that the paws turn in so the paw is actually gonna be turning in this way experience young padawan experience okay so there's that you see that movement right there that says the foots coming forward now this one over here the back foot the nut back foot but the the front foot that's it behind the shoulder blades gonna come down back here come through I'm drawing through the placements gonna be right in here and some it's about halfway in between I'm showing actually I'm gonna move this forward the toes forward just a little bit okay you'll get a little bit of the wrinkle of wrinkling of the skin in here now let's go back I'm gonna shade that in have our YouTube question hi everybody have our visited sinhala yeah art shop in Paris I have not I went through today and was blown away well if I ever make it to Paris again which I'm sure I will I will check it out knowledge mom is Serafina that's right I forgot about that I haven't talked to you I'm Sandra peeing on my back thanks for animating such a great character anime Aaron thank you so here if the shoulders are up what's gonna happen the hips are gonna go down right so let's drop the hips down a little bit and so we're gonna get I'm probably a definitely exaggerating this a bit but what we're gonna get is this kind of feel right here I'm gonna bring that down just a little bit right there so here's the hips coming down what's that Dustin oh you mean I'm putting you to sleep huh all right so here the and so the ribcage you're gonna lift up is gonna lift up here this is one of the things I love about four-legged you know mecan't things that are mechanical I love figuring out the physics because when you get the physics right it just it feels like you've just created life it's really cool so what we're gonna have here is that as so this foots come come back the front right foot something has to replace it and that's gonna be our foot coming forward so what are we gonna have we're gonna have this foot coming this way and the other thing too and then here comes down and look at that it's not gonna replace it perfectly but it's gonna be pretty darn close we're gonna pull that pelvis down just a little bit just a bit right now the line is shuffling yeah everybody's shuffling all right remember that came a song came out all the dancing we did I know that funny there's a there's a little bar near we lived on the water there was this bar that was on the water that had this great DJ and we go that down there and have we'd all have dinner all of us from the studio and then we just danced and so this foot here is gonna come back and we want to make sure it comes back the same distance as this foot so it's going to come back about here weird about there okay so here once again making one of those hips are going to be turning this hips coming forward this hip is going to be coming back in the background so it's going to come back here air here and I'm gonna bring the foot right about there I love the process of liking did you and the crew knows going to be huge remembering they yeah you know what we we didn't know until the movie was released we knew it was special when we were making it but we weren't sure how it was gonna do and so yeah that's we just didn't know there we go tendons coming down yeah and let's cover that in just a little bit just so you can see that that's a background so you can start to feel you can see that up and down now what's happening here now the one thing I want to do is we're gonna take I'm just gonna what I'm gonna do right now is I'm just gonna in between you'll see what I'm gonna do just to keep the volume right I'm gonna in between this head I'm not worried about the placement right now I'm gonna I'm gonna cut and paste it I love animating bears because of their size they getting the size and the weight and all of that right is so much fun so here I'm animating the head rotating back I don't know Myron I don't know who that is whoops that's not what I want a little okay so hold on one second this I'm just gonna do this so now as as the as them as the head as the bodies coming up the head is gonna rotate I'll show you I show you the heads gonna rotate down just a little bit and it's gonna start to come up just start to come up right about here just like so and let me get rid of that and then we'll go back to our pencil so you can see that's coming up I could do that I'm here as a as the body comes down here the the this is still coming up right here so I'm gonna have that come up a little bit and it's flattening out the tail a little bit boy that's really messy let me clean that up yeah that sounds pretty cool what's my favorite hanna-barbera cartoon and why oh you know I don't know uh probably scooby-doo I don't know because that it's just that's what was on when I was a kid I loved Super Friends too I just loved it when I was a kid when you animate dialogue for an animal is that much different than if you were doing a human talking it's not much different I you know when I'm animating I'm gonna bring this chest up a little bit more when I made a mean dialogue for an animal I'm thinking about it more in Muppet terms although I'll give them lips and and whatnot but I do think of them were in Muppet terms I prefer animating digitally cuz I just I like being able to play it back instantly and I got a good plan I get a lot of questions coming a youtube question what are the two dots beneath the oh and brother bear I always wondered they're just there because it looks cool really that's all a youtube question I'm currently studying a three year really expensive animation course but what I want to do is concept art and character design deal do I think I need to study in school for that Thanks well I think it all takes discipline yeah I mean it depends on what your how good your teaching is I mean there's stuff you can find online yeah I'm not sure what to tell you on that yes you need to be schooled you need to you need just as much education and those areas as you would animation now do you need to do it at a college that's that's up to you that I don't know so here is oh the other thing too that I didn't do on this drawing I want to have that serratus latissimus and serratus muscle in there and I'm gonna have that kind of in here okay so now the head is starting to come up now when we do our in-betweens you're gonna see more of a bow I'm gonna exaggerate the Bob but we're gonna have more of a bob come up okay so how are we doing on time man we've we're an hour into it we've only done three drawings so I got I got to pick this up gotta pick up the pace so pick up the pace so I'm going to create another drawing here so there are keys are gonna be alternating and let's jump back and I don't want the won the drawing behind to be illuminated I don't want that drawing to be illuminated I'm going to turn that off so I'm gonna turn this up just a little bit so we can see it a little bit better and we're gonna do the same thing that we did before so I'm going to create the same silhouette so here we go I'm creating the same the same silhouette but we're gonna reverse our placement of everything now because the head is turning through the head is going to be the same because we're exactly halfway it's it's turning it through on this piece right here so it's not going to be any different we're looking at it in perfect profile so I'm just gonna trace it back this is one of the the cheats you can get away with in an animating a profile you can download it right away you can have access to it as far as I know forever and if you if you become a member you can have access to everything and you can download everything so here I'm gonna draw through I have to draw through here the shoulder comes down here everything comes down this way all right shoulder comes down comes into the wrist there's our foot there here it comes and it's going up into this shoulder blade here like so this the brush on this this is just one of the brushes and TV paint no this is this is their their standard to to be to be brushed shrink it's right over here boom you'll see a little bank of brushes come out and it's this brush right over here okay so real quick so there's a the foot coming back you can see it pushing pushing the body up and here I've got the other shoulder coming through remember keeping the same silhouette and here the foots coming through now remember I told you the feet turn in so here there's the dewclaw coming through and we're gonna have this fall here like so that's about all you're gonna see right there question have I seen the Mowgli movie and what's my thought about it it's funny you ask no I have not seen the movie I actually worked on the movie I was one of the character designers I didn't work on the wolves I am I worked on Bagheera I worked with the Andy Serkis who is the director and I worked for about two months on the project they asked me to help with getting the characters up and ready for so that they could get the mocap started and their design trying to put this the right way their design the design that Andy Serkis wanted was not realistic animals which isn't you know that's more my my bag he wanted them pushed a little bit more differently so that they could match more with that actors in the in the mocap suits it would so it would work a little better which I thought might work I thought I just thought it was a little strange and so I had a little bit of difficulty working in that way I think you know I did a lot of like I said Bagheera and Baloo I really enjoyed working on Baloo yeah and and I'm I hope they held on to the designs I the most work I did was Bagheera and Baloo and I did a little bit of the snake kah I was working on kha when ultimately we just said you know what I'm just gonna go ahead and move on and so that's what we did I haven't seen the film I'm really anxious to see it I'm glad you got to finish it I'm really anxious to see it on Netflix it's coming out on Netflix in December yeah so I'm really anxious to see that okay so real quick so here is our fourth key so these are the four keys that we're gonna be using okay so here's the shoulder blade pushed way up all right so now as I click through these you should be able to see a basic walk okay now once again I'm exaggerating all this so when you see the final animation this is all gonna be very exaggerated okay but let's go ahead and start doing our breakdowns so let's see here I'm going to I need to create a new there we go and I want to bring this back and so now I've got my two keys now I'm doing real in-betweens but they're gonna be breakdowns so once again I'm gonna hold off on the heads real quick and the one thing I'm gonna do is what I want to show you is let's do this I want to bring the head down I'm just gonna I'm just gonna in between it like this for now I'm gonna start with the head actually so you can see it start to turn and I'm not going to worry about this I right now you keep it right in the spot and what's happening is it's starting to turn away from us like so oops like so you can see that head starting to turn okay now what I want to do and the animation the head is actually going to be coming down so if we look at the the the green drawing the action because we got to remember his foot has just come down so the head is following that foot and it's gonna drop we're gonna create this overlapping action so now if I scroll you'll see the head comes down that's gonna come back up comes down and comes back up comes down and comes back up because that's gonna be the foot is coming is coming forward you'll see what I'm talking about so now what I want to do is we're in the process of bringing that leg up or beating the neck of the body up that shoulder blade because it's taking the weight it's gonna push up and so the body will go up first before the head does and then the head will follow so that's why the head is still coming down okay and here I'm just gonna animate this body and I'll draw the legs through body youtube comment membership is the way to go everyone I went to Pratt Manhattan New York and I learned more in my first three months with Aaron than I learned in two years there hey now that is an awesome compliment thank you you know what I it's funny when I went to I went to Ringling College of Art Design in Sarasota Florida and it was it was a really great experience so don't get me wrong but I I remember thinking when I started at Disney during my internship I remember thinking man are you know I remember thinking I'm learned more there in the first two weeks then I had in the two years that I'd been at Ringling and everyone that wasn't really the case but it was I I learned at a much there was so much more concentrated information that I was getting at Disney where Ringling you know result it was you know it was over several years and but I was getting almost the same amount of information at a much more accelerated pace and that's why it felt like I was getting so much more information but um when anyway so here we go so I'm gonna the foot here it's got to be place there's a back foot coming forward I live in Florida baby so here's that foot coming back actually I want to bring this round and this way a little bit if I draw through that knee is going to come down and we're gonna come in here like this always draw through right you know in order to remember remember in order to get the Anatomy right the drawing right always remember to draw through all right so and once again I want to remind you guys if you are listening our Black Friday sale our Cyber Monday sale is still is still going on so I just want you to remember that so here the foot is coming down or the hips are coming down but here I want the tail to still continue to come up it still has that momentum just like the head so here I'm gonna flatten that out just a little bit no I don't know what that is the pearl oh no ok question regarding TV Payton just bought TV paint today can you show how to select a small area and transform size watch you - Torres was struggling with it oh this is very simple let's say we go I'm gonna grab this tool right up here this is my transform tool it's right next to the movie camera I grab that oh I'm sorry I'm gonna let me back that up I'm gonna grab my my lasso tool with the one with a NASA net okay and I'm gonna slice a little piece right there I just sliced the head and then I'm gonna go to the transfer and look I can make it bigger I can make it smaller you can do whatever I want let's say we want to make it smaller then I hit return and boom it's done and I can go back to my pencil and I get rid of I gotta clear the selection and now I've got a smaller head so that is how you do that so really quick there's our you can see the the tail is starting to move right now I got to finish off this in-betweens these in-betweens so what's happening well as this foot comes forward right here what's gonna happen well this foot here he's got to lift up and get out all the way right so let's have this right here I'm gonna have it come back just just choose to touch it's lifting off the ground so for a very short beat a very short beat the cat well only be only have two feet on the ground and this is part of that short beat right and you know now he animated in a harmony I have not and Toon Boom so there it is right there the foot is lifting off the ground right now you ever plan of joining at least trying the the other software just to know I don't plan as TV paint really works for me and I don't I don't want to throw my money around just it's just Detroit software so yeah TV paint I love TV paint and so I'm just gonna stick with it ah YouTube question which live-action remake are you excited for next year Tim Burton's Dumbo guy ritchie's Aladdin or Jon Favreau's Lion King I got to say I'm most excited about Lion King only because I worked on it probably and then I'm really really excited about Dumbo I love the emotion of Dumbo I love that I can't tell if Jon Favreau's doing a shot-for-shot of Lion King if he's actually doing a shot-for-shot I'll be disappointed because I really was hoping he would reinterpret it because if you're doing shot-for-shot then I really don't know what the reason you know what the point is so anyway oh that was Rob Minkoff and Roger Allers and you caught me there for a second but my brain shorted I did okay so here I'm getting the muscles coming up we got to get this rib cage coming up here so here is our and it looks like there's a lot of movement and there is like I said I'm exaggerating the movement but here now you can see there's our first little step right there see that boom boom I'm really exaggerating that neck movement but I want you to understand it so now as it comes forward and down that we got to put our next in between right in here and that in between is going to be the opposite of this in between so what are we gonna do we're gonna go one two three that's our third drawing back I'm going to turn this one off and I'm going to turn this one off and we're gonna do the same thing that we did before I'm just gonna trace it back now I'm going to do the head a little bit differently actually you know I'm going to turn this back on because I want to see where my in-betweens are gonna go that's about right turn that back off there's our foot closest to us I like the idea of an animation of wing wing' and ears that sounds cool yeah I like that idea yeah I mean I'd animate that could be end of that well what you can do is a very big beer with meat wings so I'm just gonna trace the silhouette right now I'll come back and change this boom and boom alright so here size wrinkle we're gonna get dismissed muscle going there this is all coming up off of here now when I'm sitting by myself that's not where that's gonna be when I'm sitting by myself this hip is gonna be down here I'm sitting by myself and doing this I'm moving quite a bit more quickly trying to draw through imagining the need here at which question how did you guys animate the burst of will to be seen on the Lion King was individual animated or was it some trick that was one of the first times we ever used the computer to do character animation all those wildebeests we're computer animated and the way that was done was Ruben Aquino who was an Ruben Aquino was the supervising animator of adult Simba he went onto the movie before everybody else and Ruben put together basically a Bible of animal locomotion he really studied Ruben is just an amazing animator one of his great accomplishments was Ursula in the Little Mermaid he animated her and he's just an incredible animator and so he provided this Bible for everybody on animal movement and so one of the creatures that he covered was the wildebeest and so the CG Department took his animation of a run cycle of a wildebeest and created it and then they put a few variations to vary it up and they bring that belly around and then they created some hurting parts to the program too you know so that they wouldn't run apart and they wouldn't run into each other they just kind of move and then that's how they created the actual Stampede so one of the first times we ever use seed CG from a character standpoint in our films i i i create my own based unknown so if that makes any sense to you i create my own based on known anatomy so I'll take known anatomy and then I'll push it and pull it and I understand the physics of real Anatomy what it's supposed to do twitch question should that new club be perhaps a little Laura I used to draw them further up like that till I realized it was wrong yes you're absolutely right I've put it up high because I'm trying to get that foot to come up and and it's not coming up yet so you're absolutely right it's gonna be back here right about there thank you for the note the the Orsay I just love the impressionist section that they have there the the Louvre is too big for my tastes the Orsay is just absolutely stunningly beautiful well no we went to the Louvre together well yeah okay I know we went to a museum right then there was the horse a because that's the only other one we went to so we're bringing that head down and it's starting to turn whoops I'm doing that the wrong way here's the head right here Toni Bancroft yeah Toni Bancroft directed Mulan let me get these again I mean I got to get this right again that's one two three one two three turn there we go and let me turn that off here we go turn that there I'm getting a little confused don't worry about me gonna turn that back on so here is the comes back like this how did he get to direct it so Lee Jung I don't know I mean we all we were all pretty young when we started when we got our projects I was 29 when I started directing brother bear we all worked really hard I gotta say that and I'm something that's something I'm I'm actually pretty proud of we all worked really hard we were all very young and eager at that studio and we wanted we wanted we wanted to make movies just remember that okay so real quick so there's our nick says well that explains it he's much older than Tom he and Tom are the same age for those of you that don't know tom and tony tony was one of the co-directors of mulan and tom animated Mushu their twin brothers identical twin brothers so here's our we've got a basic walk now so if I put these on fours one two three four four four no actually eight sorry eight because this should be a thirty-two frame cycle we're gonna get this on eight oh no I was wrong yeehaw you put it on four four four four still gonna be off but I want to see there we go I could I could get it down we could do more I might be missing oh I'm I know I'm missing one more another breakdown yeah I'm missing the other breakdowns that's what's wrong oh yeah I've only got the one breakdown oh I haven't done the other breakdown yet so let's put these back I'm gonna put these all back Boop I've been talking so much I lose track of where I'm at okay so what have we done so far we've got our keys and we've got two of our breakdowns now we have we've only got six drawings we need to have eight drawings for our keys and breakdowns so what we've done is this break down right through there you can see that but now we need the breakdown between the where is it we're here we've done that breakdown that we got to do it between these two right here so let's open that up we're gonna add a drawing there OOP looks like that Tony is the older by like ten minutes I believe it might be true I know Tony is over YouTube coming I think a layout in perspective course would be great to Erin well funny you mentioned that we are going to be doing a layout of course we turn this off want to get rid of that ground plane it's distracting yes I probably will okay so let's let's uh not for the jitter jibber-jabber I'm gonna once again I gotta keep that next separate because we're gonna have some separate things happening but that leg is in the shoulder blades gonna start coming down the back is gonna start coming down as the hips come up whoops there we go keeping it all nice and simple now as this foot comes forward right here I'm gonna have it actually reach out like so your brother is also an innovation right do you think animation runs into blood I don't know that it runs in the blood we were just both interested in the same thing I got an internship at Disney and he got an internship at Disney soon after so I know we were we were you know we were both interested in art we both went to Ringling College of Art and Design so whether or not it runs in the blood I don't know about that but uh but we both love it my brother's a story wood art of storyboard artists now up in Seattle and animator all right so here I'm gonna have that reach he's reaching reaching reaching see that nice you know trying to keep that nice and simple right there and the chest is coming down as the belly goes up a little bit twits question hi I'd love to support other Disney animators are there are there any that I recommend Disney animators well Glen Keane was probably the best he's probably the best contemporary Disney animator I mean there's a whole bunch of great Disney animators out there I'm not sure I know what you mean by support them if you're talking about them doing what I'm doing I don't know of anybody that's doing what I'm doing actually unless Nick knows Tom Bancroft Tom Bancroft is a great animator that's doing what I'm doing and you could support him taught by a pro he has a site called taught by a pro that's really cool okay so here we have our foot going back and I'm actually gonna have this foot stretch a little bit more I'm gonna keep it on the ground but I'm gonna just barely have it on the ground so I'm gonna stretch that foot way back see what I'm doing just like I did up here stretching they're here the foots gonna be stretched it still gonna be touching the ground right there just like that touching the ground stretching way back I want a nice kind of straight right through roof right through the body see there just like that here the tails starting to come up but here I want the tail to continue to come down which it is doing so I'm going to just in between that they're feeling in the in-betweens baby we're gonna get a little overlap in that tail we're gonna have we're gonna have these these keyframes done pretty quickly just a little bit I know this is taking a little while but I really want you guys to see with it you know what we think about when we're doing this now the reason I'm holding off on the head is because I want you to see in the same way that we overlap the head here as we go through this in between the head is going to continue to come up on our on our end between so right here I actually want it to come up here like so but one of the things I'm going to do is I'm just gonna straight in between it like I did on the last one right here and then I'm gonna reposition it yeah yep the twitch one yeah support Disney animators yes I did yeah sure I'd be it yeah they could be they might be a little too too long a lot of times when I'm when I'm doing a demonstration and talking about walk cycles I get so passionate about the leg placement I really over draw the legs so yeah they're they're actually they're not too bad they're not too bad they're a little bit long just like you said a smidge yeah thanks for noticing okay so there we go so now what I'm gonna do what am I gonna do I'm going to take this piece of head and I'm going to bring it up a little bit and I'm gonna bring it this way just a touch so we get a little overlap in that chin movement hit return go back to our pencil tool get rid of our selection so we get something like this let me just pull that in a little bit and we'll have there all right now the other thing too I haven't done yet so you feel that head moving forward as the as this foot comes forward you see it pushing you can feel it pushing right there now let's get this foot the placement right the old MARY POPPINS is the new one out yet I liked I liked the old one because Dustin and his sister as children used to watch that movie ten times a day yeah okay so now you can feel now you can feel our walk right there feel that head movement the up and down of the hips up and down of the shoulders right there now right here this one here I want to push that shoulder blade just a little bit so you start to feel it as it pushes up see that right here that's when it pushes up into here twits question hello can you explain what you're calling a breakdown sorry English is not my first language so a breakdown is not really a straight in between we have we have four keys and we have to break those keys down for the drawings that go in between now a break down is it's kind of a key on its own but it's not because it's really dependent on those four original keys that we created but it's got some movement of its own that goes outside of maybe the arcs or the timing of those initial keys so that becomes a breakdown and it's after we create those breakdowns that we start creating the in-betweens and I'll show you that when we get to that next so what do we need to do now what we need to create one that the the next in-between actually goes or the breakdown actually goes on the end okay that's gonna be right after this drawing because that has to reach forward remember so I'm gonna create a new drawing there and it has to be all the way back to this drawing which is one two three four or four drawings back right there and what are we gonna do we are going to first of all I'm going to knock that up just a little bit we're gonna do the silhouette all right Oh Nick says Borja Montoro did some of the 2d animation and new MARY POPPINS yes they did actually it was duncan studios duncan studios Ken Duncan who is the supervising animator of Jane from Tarzan and did some of some beautiful animation of a lot of female characters through the years I think you did quite a bit of Bell and beating the beast um actually I what am i doing I'm I'm talking and I'm just tracing some bore how is a great great animator so let me just do this first so we're gonna go here so we got this pushing way up which means we got this shoulder coming back like so I want to make sure I keep the volume right so I'm going to thicken this arm just a little bit and this foot comes back there we go so remember we're copying the silhouette we're just doing the opposite breakdown this is a great great cheat if you're working on something in profile it only works for when you're working in profile but you can take this information and turn it 3/4 you know in your head and you you know if you have to draw animate a character walking towards you 3/4 after the acting for animation courses done what other animation course courses can you give in the future you know I don't I'm not sure that mean I have to think about there are a few things that I'd like to do I'd like to do a course on really broad animation I'd like to do a course on animating to music specifically animating to music there's a there's a few things I'd like to hit a YouTube questions sir with all my respect I want to ask for your top three animators of all time the animators who are your mentors well Glen Keane was my mentor he's probably my top pick for animators of all time and then let me think here well Frank Thomas Ollie Johnston see I can't pick three Oh what am i doing I'm tracing again see when I start talking I start tracing Oh what the hell so the foot comes back here there we go there's a knee see there's a lot there's a there's a lot there's a lot of great animators out there Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston though milk call milk call is probably my favorite of all time you know a alive now Glen Keane because he he he really just gave me so much opportunity as a young animator and the way he instills passion it's just incredible but milk call was probably my favorite all-time animator of all time and I just happen to have a milk call drawing right over there on my side and I going to grab a right now because I want to continue drawing oh yeah how he inspired me to do the the change yeah yeah well that's that's just good collaboration stay safe oh no no that's not how ya would punch would kiss his fists so here we have periscope question I feel rescuers down under is overlooked for style animation quality any thoughts are inside stories well when do you say that when you ask that the rescuers down under was my very first feature feature and so a feature that I worked on as as an animator as a full-fledged animator and so yeah I don't know I don't really have any thing I can tell you about that other than it was I agree with you I thought it was a beautiful film real quick I got a I'm gonna copy this copy that that one and I'm gonna paste it right there so now I can in between I can turn on not drawing in that drawing and actually get turn that one off I can get the in betweens looking right here I thought you're gonna say you're gonna save your work oh this automatically saves ya don't worry each day yeah oh we didn't really have a daily quota for animation probably be a hundred drawings in a day 15 of 50 drawings in the day 50 to 100 something like that yeah so here what I want is the head to come up very cool coming I think you like hey I just got the annual membership there's a treasure trove of inspiring and helpful content thanks for making me a better artist looking forward to many many more there we go I am looking forward to seeing what you produce there we go alright so here the ear is gonna start turning forward gonna start to see a little bit of this you're coming back like so there all right uh Aaron YouTube come in did you notice that the Rhinos and the new Lion King trailer where Indy and rhinos and not African rose I did not notice I actually didn't notice any rhinos that's funny you say that yeah there's a couple I always noticed things like that like the the if you guys have seen the the ballot of Buster Scruggs but there's a scene with Tom Waits that where he's he's got this relationship with all these animals out in the forest as he's digging up this gold and there's an owl that he has this relationship with and it's actually a year of P an owl that they used that kind of but no one else would know that question dude did you ever have to keep your kids from drawing on stuff that I drew you know what not really my kids didn't draw that much you guys didn't really draw that much when you were young yeah but now they never I don't I think there was one or two times that you guys drew on some stuff there had the heads growing a little bit there but I'm not going to worry about it right now over your stuff I do remember yeah so here we've got these four we're gonna put them on fours is there any way I don't know that anyone recorded it so let's play this and now you can see our very rough walk you can see our tail is moving up and down I gotta color that in our head is turning back and forth it's a little clunky but I've been talking so give me a break and you can see the big thing too you know really feel those shoulder blades I want you to feel that weight you know the hips going up and down the stretch of the arms a stretch of the legs you could really feel that you know we've got it on fours and I'm gonna do one more pass through this over the next hour and we'll get everything in between and we get it on the twos and then we'll call it a day but once again I want to remind you guys that our sail is still going on our cyber monday sail is still going on we've got over 40% off all of our lessons $75 off of our premium membership and that premium membership will get you access to everything and you can download it it's yours forever and not only that you get anything anything new we create over the next year you get that as well that membership is good for a year so but anyway here's our walk cycle and you know when you're thinking about all those little different mechanics and you can get them in to the movement then you can start to feel like it's real we're thinking about the weight we're thinking about the shoulder blades the the back and forth of the head the up-and-down of the hips all of that kind of stuff the stretch of the skin between the belly and the thigh the up and down of the tail all of that when you can get it to work in unison then you start to have something that feels realistic twitch question how long does Disney teach you how to draw well when I was at Disney I was I was with Disney for 21 years and I was learning I was always learning I never stopped learning and so that you know that was a big deal there um it was always part of it was oh it was always you know we're always learning from each other we never stopped learning so there's that the other thing too is I'm gonna just go ahead and just go move straight forward on the inbetweening here and so I'm not gonna do any more tracing back I just do it on the on the keys and the breakdowns and then then I just do regular regular inbetweening and it'll start to feel a much more organic one more time before I start to draw YouTube question what's the most advanced coloring you've seen in a traditional animated movie looking at the monster whale and Pinocchio included some backgrounds oh it blows me away you know I it's hard to say I would think if you look at the what was the name of it the springtime the Fantasia 2000 where the volcano erupts yeah that's most some of the most complex stuff I've ever seen and if you're looking at something outside of traditional animation Roger Rabbit man I think some of those had I think 13 different passes different layers per character oh really oh sorry yeah it was crazy depending on the lighting you know to get it to match the live-action lighting yeah I could be wrong and make might not be 13 but it was a lot YouTube question hi Aaron and Dustin ever been they ever been to Belgium ever heard of the country yes I've earned Belgium yes I've heard of Belgium but I've never been overseas to Europe Paris yeah you went to Paris when you were a kid when we took Mom for her 40th birthday cañada duh yes so here I'm just gonna kind of I'm gonna very quickly just sloppily go through these in-betweens because I'm we're taking quite a while but you're gonna see this will break down very nicely and we're gonna get now I'm doing in-betweens um I love to draw so it's you know I love what I do I love animation so to me it wasn't I mean it was stressful but it wasn't it wasn't so stressful that you couldn't take it so I am I just loved what I did between writing here what's coming forward here the foots coming back that's disappearing so I gotta imagine where that knee is gonna be great right about here I'll place the foot right here bring this back here like so during the production of blanking how did you get the reference for your lion characters oh well we didn't get reference we learned how to draw we learn how to draw Lions over a period of several months and we ant really analyzes our movements a lot and yeah exactly and so we that's where we really learned how to draw them and then and then we just we animated that stuff from our heads the yeah it was one of the sound stages sound stages yeah so you never really had like a specific room for the drawing you just kind of like let's let's use this room here yeah exactly so I'm just drawing the silhouette I'm just inbetweening the silhouette right here where'd you usually get the like do they all come from a from a zoo nearby independent yeah they were like exotic animal trainers and that sort of thing that's a lot of them were we're just really quickly because I've missed some of the latissimus muscles Aaron YouTube question do you did you ever anchor do cleanup yes I started I started in cleanup I started as an assistant animator and cleanup I was the assistant to Marc cow slur on Roger Rabbit this is our tenth drawing I'm sorry this is our ninth drawing so now you can see we're just basically smoothing out that action just smoothing out that action that's what we're doing right now so we're gonna just fly through this we're gonna get it 218 drawings that'll be an 18 drawing walk cycle on twos now the the walk cycle that you saw behind me when we started the stream that was a 32 drawing or 36 or whatever I can't remember anyway that was all on once no I didn't do any of the stop mode I didn't do any of the model building or anything like that I am I designed the characters so I was responsible for designing all the animals first and then and then I animated the bear and the hare and then all the other animals were animated by my friend Dom Corolla and Darko's cesare and a few other Aaron oh shoot Aaron I'm sorry I forgot if you're watching I forgot your last name all right no hummus Ted thanks sorry I think I said it right we had a we had a really good crew of people that helped out on that really great artists great cleanup artists it was and it was a lot of them were like X Disney people you know we're all a lot of us were X Disney people so it was really cool to be able to work on a project together again you didn't do a scribble pass on this yeah no I didn't do a scribble pass on this I kind of animal locomotion I kind of know pretty well so I don't need to do a scribble pass it's just it's literally that I just scribble it out so you just kind of find it yeah how many animators and assistants worked in brother bear I think there is about 360 artists all together and technicians and that sort of thing as far as I'm gonna actually lift this up just a little bit more as far as strictly animators and assistants I think it was about 40 animators and maybe 10 assistants could be 50 altogether I could be wrong but it seems right to me so I'm just gonna just gonna throw the shape in there because I want to move through here you feel that movement coming forward I've seen some videos of cats pressing their ankle to the ground yes on when and why a cat would use the whole of the foot rather use the ball is this a maturity thing like well well they won't walk that way but they will get that like if they're scooting up like are stalking prey they'll sometimes they'll get it all underneath so they can spring better you know that sort of thing but they won't they won't actually walk like a bear walks on it with his ankle on the ground his heel on the ground I should say but a cat won't walk with its heel on the ground they'll do that when they're getting ready to spring so here you can see see its movement now you can see our movement getting nice and fluid but it can't be fluid until we have those keys so it's so important to get those keys right question Harry and a lot of old Disney animators were fine artists first before coming to Disney I'm thinking of going down the same path a fine art academy nearby has eight years part time course not sure if it's the right decision or should I stick with online courses and the advice would be great thanks you know I can't I can't say which is gonna be better for you because I just don't know first of all I don't know what the if it's a decent school I don't know how you learn yeah it's interesting I mean for me I was a fine artist you know I was an illustrator first before I became an animator and it really depends on where your passion is if your passion is animation then just get into animation if you want if you feel a burning desire to paint and you know do that then do that as well but as far as doing that you know with it with the ending desire to be an animator I'm not sure that that's necessarily the right way to go because you're just you're just pushing off the inevitable and the inevitable which is you eventually becoming an animator right so I don't I'm not sure what to tell you other than follow your heart you know you got to just follow your heart color on that tail and neck there you go so now you can see see how the head follows it follows the but the direction of the body it happens everything happens a little bit like the the overlap of the tail is coming after oh I'm getting a little too much there that shouldn't be that shouldn't happen there I'm going to change that that tail that overlap should be in here there same with this one right there and I bring that down to read about here many people are commenting Stephen Hillenburg to create our SpongeBob just died happened during the stream wow I didn't know that holy moly did I ever meet him no I've never met him well what's uh was to dedicate this dedicate this walking walk cycle to him well you really it's a lot of it is gut a lot of it is just knowing the physics when I'm animating an elephant an elephant you know they walk surprisingly daintily if that's our right word they they walk very carefully they're very sure-footed they walk very slow and deliberate it's not like they're like pounding their weight around so they're not as heavy looking when you animate them as you might imagine now a bear they can be very lumbering especially a big bear that's ready for you know the den at the window it's all fattened up they you can see the fat jiggle and they they really pound their their feet as they walk you can really feel their weight and so really the you know you have to study the animal you know like I was saying earlier in the in the in the in the stream that you know animating a lion like we're doing here is a lot different than animating a housecat you know just because of you know even though the movements are similar there we go the through this right here the the weight is different so you're gonna get a different effect so here I just wanted to show you you can see that foots turned in a little bit like so was there Aaron what the YouTube question was there ever a project you worked on that you didn't enjoy as much as others I would have to say Pocahontas now I love Pocahontas and I love the the finished product but it was very difficult very contained project to work on and so it was we weren't able to go as broad and I love doing broad animation and so that was a little bit more difficult for me so polka Pocahontas was probably my least favorite film to work on but I I'm very proud of how it came out it was just it was just difficult so if that makes sense hyoeun you have a great head of hair thank you my little brother is already losing his at 18 any tips yeah we're a hat I don't know what to tell you you know what you should ask my friend Jim Jackson a lot of people don't know Jim Jackson was the 11th man to walk on the moon Jim Jackson is a one of the most incredible animators in the world he's anime an animator at blue sky studios and started losing his hair around the age of 22 when we were all working at Disney and now he's shaved bald and looks like a mean sob and he but he's the nicest guy in the world and very accomplished at his craft look him up Jim Jackson animated we are we're gonna bring him in for sure oh we are I'm serious I I swear like halfway through the video walk we're like hey just want to thank you for being part of this in guys Jim judging here that's right using real animals movies how do I feel about using real animals and movies as far as what like a live-action movie yeah I think if they're treated well then yeah I mean I don't know how else you're supposed to do it yes I mean we could we could throw a Mane on it like a a small mean and you know we can make it an adolescent male give a show real I think you know I've never put this ship to put together a show real you know after Mulan I became a director after Mulan and didn't have to I was an animating after that and so I never really put together a show really even after I left Disney I stayed directing until I was directing right up until I kind of left the studio world and started doing what we're doing now so I've never really had to put together a show real so now you can see that movements feel that view it right there hey Nick how long on average does it take Disney to finish a full movie on average it takes five years from start from concept to finish alright there we go there's that first movement if I turn this off you can see it a little cleaner there is that step it all starts with those keys you gotta get those keys right you don't have the keys right then you're the rest of the movement is gonna be off it's gonna be off but we've got one two three four five six more drawings to go and we're gonna have this baby late six more drawings we've been at this for two hours normally I can really fly through this and get a walk cycle done in about an hour and a half but uh I'm not used to talking so much I heard you should submit rough art and sketches in a portfolio but how rough is too rough well I mean you want to show you know what you don't want rough to equal sloppy you don't want sloppy drawings you just want they don't have to be clean pristine drawings that's all yeah it's it's you know a rough drawing is a drawing that's just it shows the confidence in your line work but it you know you just don't I see a lot of people when I tell them to loosen up and draw rough they just start drawing like scribbling and messy that's not what it means it means there we go it means to I'm gonna have the foot flip up a little bit there we go there we go it just means to draw with confidence I guess up here what do I think of proko proko is a jerk proko is awesome do I recommend him for his Anatomy yes the guy is brilliant proko and I are good friends proko is gonna be here actually in March and we yeah even though we're gonna do some recording right here in my studio yeah no proko is awesome and yes I do recommend his Anatomy yes we are going to go to India I'm not sure when but we will make it to India I've only been to India once I went to Delhi and really enjoyed it and I would love to make it back again so watch this front foot see how it comes forward than that place I'm placing it yeah we play some places and I can play watch that foot see how I'm placing it employee you see it so you can feel that and and once again watch if you know the anatomy well enough and if you know the movement well enough you don't need to always have live action reference I obviously you can see here we didn't have any live action reference you know as we as we work this out we're just going off of the anatomy that I know and the movement that I know and and kind of playing common sense when it comes to the physics what videos are you going to shoot with proko is gonna be in the studio with me as I take you through my process in how I do some of my charcoal work we might do some oil painting - I'm not sure yet hi I met you at CTN this month is it possible to work for an animation studio from home by a freelance work absolutely they do it all the time now yep absolutely so here I'm gonna have that foot kind of drag this way pick up I'm picking up your head just I would I would repeat the drawings pegging them along and just planting the feet if you notice the feet slide because we're animating it in place so if you peg everything according to where the feet are placed then it'll move across the screen at just the right pace boy we're getting there and I've got I've got a course on my website and I'm gonna be updating it this year on four legged locomotion so I also cover runs and trots and the same way that I'm covering this right now now if you get my animal drawing courses like big cats wolves coyotes and foxes horses part every part of every one of those courses I cover locomotion and I talked about the locomotion of the animal in the same way that I'm talking about it here so if you are interested in any kind of animal drawing that I have on my course you'll get that like I said the locomotion like this as well okay so here's that you can feel that walk feel that head turn and it's reacting to the movement of the body the shoulder blades pushing up and coming and relaxing the hips moving back and forth the back legs are always a little stiffer than the front right now the complete animation course I want to tell you guys a nick is reminding me the complete animation course is $75 off so if you want to buy just the animation course you can get the complete one and it's 75 bucks off I'm telling you the sale that we have going on this is the biggest sale of the year so you won't make your you won't save anymore the rest of the year than you will today it's really big it's really really big yeah and then and as far as if you if you get the animation drawing bundle that bundle because it's a whole bunch of art of the animal drawing courses if you get the whole bundle it's $100 off and it's oh wait I think it's probably nickel be able to tell me but I think it's pretty close to I don't know 50 hours third fit 30 or 40 hours of instruction I think I can't remember it's at least seven it's at least seven hours of instruction now but my animal courses are very thorough I get very very deep into them yes and this one I did only because if I did this on ones I probably would get it a little bit more of a banked contact so like this I just don't want to feel like it's too slow because if I did this one right here for the person that's asking that it would be this drawing that would be a little bit more of a bank but if I li put that at a bank well I guess I probably could you might catch it let's just try it because a big contact is like this you're gonna it's it's basically catching the right side of the foot first so it comes down and places like that and actually this foot here would then become this and that's Achilles gonna hear him my dog so that comes down I'm pushing that just a little bit more and then it places down that's that's the that's the edge of the foot and then they do kind of touch with the edge of their foot it's just gonna feel I think it's gonna feel a little slow but we'll see we will see right here I'm gonna definitely flatten the foot so I'm just gonna squash it right out animal drawing is a bundle is $100 off youtube comment I gotta I got a challenge for you one day animate a car no now I could just I'm not in the animating mechanical stuff no no but he's a human anatomy god it's all it's just gonna be it takes time and experience and a lot of its feel you just have to feel it what do you suggest for welcome with TV paint if Cintiq 22 is out of them out of budget yeah that's a tough one I I would save up longer save up longer because I really recommend if you're gonna if you're gonna do digital art and you're gonna do it regularly and you're in it's something that you're going to continue on with then get the right equipment and a Cintiq is the right equipment sorry this foot here is hidden so I got to kind of visualize where that foots going basically that's all you're gonna see and then we'll come down he'll you know he'll like you know the tail I think the tail movement it's a little bit off but that's okay don't bring it down right there like that we're gonna reverse that arc and let's get this head in here really quick yeah I got to draw these fast is any Cintiq about Cintiq I don't think I for me personally force antiques the bigger the better I like to draw big I don't like to draw small I'm 50 years old I can't see the way I used to when I was in my 20s and 30s and so I don't like working on 13-inch Cintiq s-- it's too small for my crappy eyes and so I like drawing big I've got a 27-inch Cintiq now and I know that there you know someone someone accused me of being out of touch because I'm always talking about getting this big meal expensive equipment and everything else look I was there with you guys I've started out and I know what it's like to you know be on a tight budget when I was younger I I saved up I just I just kept putting my money aside until I could get the equipment that I wanted and then I needed and that's kind of what I recommend doing now if you can survive you know a while without you know the this then save up and get the right equipment when you can I really recommend that oh and also you know an into a tablet is really well is really good as well which is you know the tablet where you're drawing and you're looking at the screen separately I I've used those and I like them and if you can do that that's great but once again I just just for drawing ease I really recommend a Cintiq if you can if you can manage it so here's that that step we're getting nice and smooth now we're starting to get nice and smooth and there is that placement the side placement of the foot which i think is actually working it doesn't feel too slow after all so I think I think that's gonna be alright you know what it's it's I'm working on it it's whenever I can I've got so many irons in the fire so it's it'll happen it'll come I'm also gonna do an oil painting course and I've got the animation course coming up it's just one of those things I am especially with all the travel that I've been doing and lecturing I'm having a hard time keeping up with getting the courses done so we're making a conscious effort this year to really cut back on our travel so we can focus more on getting more content out to you guys so that's going to be our big goal this year so we're there's really only two big trips that we have scheduled for next year right now one is a big European tour and then the other one is a we're going to be going to South Africa and the end of the end of February beginning of March oh yeah I've done animation of elephants I can do an elephant walk cycle for you guys at some point if you want yeah I have a I have a PDF packet that you get on my website on elephants yes yep and is he is Corey an artist so I mean you know a lot of artists do use into us for me personally I'm just talking about my personal preference I am I I'll use it on the road if I have to but my preference is to have a Cintiq so I can it just feels more like natural drawing that's all I mean that that's that's the beauty of having a Cintiq it feels like you're drawing on a piece of paper or on a canvas or whatever it might be it's definitely a really good starting tool and so you can get to the bigger bigger stuff yeah I personally think eating an interest tablet will be like a good foundation to get you started yeah once you then once you get to a certain point of your savings once you hit that money goal to get the actual Cintiq that you want then that would be the finishing line right there yeah agreed but of course they used to run a webcomic originally majored in art Oh awesome awesome awesome will you ever have a writing or animation course well we do have a writing for animation course we have a which is story by Chuck Williams and it's I think it's great it's great so there's that what do I wish I had studied more when I was younger I wish I had studied music more and I wish I had studied another language I wish I was bilingual and I wish I had studied more music those are my two big regrets and I mean I could still do it it's a little harder to learn we as you get older but I can still do it oh also we're doing Japan and Jun I forgot about that we are definitely doing Japan in June we'll be in Tokyo I love Japan just the companion they actually going to talk to you can the Pro Studio Pro well but they have the studio Pro which is like the companion yeah or a or a modern auditor and there was even a model that he showed me that that had like it integrated a 3d scanner oh that's all skin objects into like a 3d model on the on the probes yeah that's cool how about a car walk cycle someone just said I'm sorry does I mean yeah how about a car walks like that could be actually kind of funny I think they did something like that in cars and they have something where they like actually walking yeah for my meals yeah yeah was definitely very it was very much like the taxicab in Who Framed Roger Rabbit oh yeah because he had his own walks pickles when he had a flat tire yeah Oh what did I do when I'm doing him I remember what I did on the other one right here well Ronnie be doing any new of painting courses hold on one second yeah I thought I do for this I came oh I did okay I'm sorry well we're gonna be doing any what oh yes and he's gonna be doing some drawing courses for beginners yeah he's got he's got some cool stuff coming up would love to see you animate a tree oh yeah okay that's uh that's um that's some serious effects animation stuff you know he does that really great as Miyazaki well I ever go to Sweden I think we'll be in Sweden at some point we don't have any plans on going to Sweden right now I think we made the closest we might get is there's a good chance we'll be in Denmark when we do our European tour that might be as close to Sweden as we get but never seen never I'd love to get the Sweden Norway and Finland yes all the Nordic countries hi Aaron hi what do you think ended Fox animation or at least on Bluths films what do you think about the technique they use to make their movies which is like tracing live-action like Anastasia well that's that's called rotoscoping and even you know did we did it at Disney doesn't he did it if you look at a lot of the dancing sequences in Snow White all the way up through Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella and Jungle Book and Robin Hood they all had rotoscoping in them and we used animation as well so it's not necessarily a bad thing I think I'm not sure what I can't say what ended you know those studios I don't know I know you know running an animation studio is very difficult when you don't have a project and you're running a studio that has on a staff you have to pay that staff and if you're not getting paid for a job than you're you know it's very difficult because you're having to pull from the till and that's a that's a difficult thing to do but I don't know I don't know what ended the studio yes I do I have I'm actually still learning procreate and once I get it really down under my belt I'm gonna be doing a procreate course and selling procreate brushes but that's just um I'm still getting all that down now it's coming along pretty good man we are so close to having this walk cycle done from start to finish I don't know if you guys how many of you actually stayed through the whole thing but I hope at least a few of you did so you can see kind of the growth that we had because yeah and we're out we're on our last drawing right now copy that we're gonna paste that there so that we can have our in between place it there place you know place that place it slice it yeah you two brides you comment in Roger Rabbit Benny the cop was walking yes he was we just mentioned that just a little bit ago and you're absolutely right all right so let's get these last drawings done I just realized I got to get the front left foot to place the same way that the front right foot placed there we go have that foot lift up like so feel that reverse can you feel it all right oh we're so close to having this done you guys hopefully you've learned something from this don't be scared of four legged locomotion get out study it once you understand that whole tripod thing that there's always got to be three feet on the ground for four movement for stabilization I should say then it makes sense huh and then when you get into a trot which is the next fastest piece of locomotion there's always two feet on the ground then when you get into a run then there's two feet and then one foot on the ground and then no feet on the ground the faster you go the less feet are on the ground which obviously makes sense but like I was saying earlier a lot of people forget that he tips on how to draw big cats yes go to my website creature art teacher comm where everything is drastically on sale today and buy my how to draw a big cats course I've got that's one of my best selling courses you know the way I learned how to draw big cats was drawing from life actually going to Africa drawing skeletons it's taken me years and but but I've done it's kind of boiled everything down that I know in this course and place it and put it into this course I should say this drawing right here I'm gonna do that this here yeah that's where the the dewclaw goes right there can you export your 2b pencil from TV pinks we can install no there's no way they removed it don't tell me that I think doesn't make any sense that's the best pencil they have I'm not sure how to do that but if when if I can then I will YouTube question Erin say hi I want to show my mom hey mom how you doing I'm just sitting here animating so here I got this foot coming way out like so I'm gonna be doing birds birds are one of the first creatures I learned how to draw and paint and I was very I very much enjoy animating birds and bird mechanics so I'll be doing that as well especially flight mechanics all of that alright we're very close we're getting really close we're down to the wire here folks bomb bomb bomb bomb all right so I'm gonna finish drawing this face scribbling scribbling sorry go ahead that's harm II remember that question about harm II know I've never used toon boom I've only used T V paint someone recommended that I would much rather use T V paint or it might be better at T V paint and so that's I took their advice and I've never used anything else and I love TV paint so I haven't really found the need to try toon boom and so I'll just continue using TV paint alright here we are so we have got our full I'm gonna get rid of that we don't need that extra drawing there's our false tried so we started out with those those keys and now we've got our full walk cycle of 16 drawings on twos let's go ahead and play it let me do this and we'll play and there's our walk cycle there's a couple of little clunky things here obviously I didn't draw the muscles all the way through all the time but I think otherwise it feels pretty good the one thing I was worried about and placing the foot sideways first and then and then coming down is it coming a little bit soft and it did soften it a little bit more than I'm comfortable with but it's not too bad but I'm I'm pretty happy with it overall you can feel the shoulder blades moving up and down the head back and forth feels good like I said this is all very much an exaggeration so a cat in real life doesn't have exactly this much bobbing up and down but I wanted to push it so I mean that's one of the things we do as animators is that we take life and we exaggerate it and so sometimes I want to exaggerate something like this in order to I just want you to feel the weight a little bit more I want you to feel the dynamics a little bit more and that's what I tried to do here especially in the front half of the body where you can see the feet coming forward and placing the up and down of the shoulders and the bobbing of the head it's actually not too far off because I have seen some tigers and lions especially big heavy lions that will have a little bit of this in there and their gait but I would because it's the movement of the feet is still fairly broad I would go through and do this again and get animate I'm sorry in-between it one more time do another pass and get it down to ones so that the movement would be even smoother but you can see we've got the latissimus muscle kind of stretching as the front right foot stretches forward everything places pretty well I'm pretty happy with it so that's that's a walk cycle that's how I animate a walk cycle remember we start with that first pose and you got to think about those that tripod moving forward I start I like to start with the front feet apart and if the front feet apart are apart then that means there's a back foot that's coming forward to replace one of those back those front feet and also on the front feet are apart that's the low point in the shoulder blades and then you get to the back that means it's going to be the high point in the hips and so you get this rocking motion back and forth in the body and you can see that happening now so those are all the little bits and pieces that of a walk cycle that I wanted to show you I hope you guys learned something from this you know animating animal locks walk cycles it's a lot of fun like I said especially if you can get it the mechanics right like this it just feels it feels real world that feels really cool and if you're doing 3d and you can take this stuff and apply it then it's that much more realistic and smooth and kind of cool so like I said I hope you guys learned something remember our website we are still doing our Cyber Monday sale it's still going on it's it's a limited time but she's if you get there we there are huge savings our big cat course our animal bundle is over $100 or is $100 off you can if you want to do a annual membership which is you get everything on the site and not only do you get everything on the site you'll get everything that I do for the next year that's $75 off so there's a lot of great deals right there I really recommend it and like I said you know get that membership now because as I create more material I'm gonna have to raise those prices down the road what those memberships are gonna cost so if you get in now that price is gonna stay but anyway I hope you guys enjoyed it I've really enjoyed talking with you guys I've miss being here actually with all the holidays I'm gonna be out probably actually I will be out next week I'm not sure if we're gonna be able to do a live stream on Thursday we're gonna try but otherwise I'm gonna be in Manchester England all of next week teaching at travelers tales those are the folks that do all of the lego movie games and I'm going to be working with them talking about animation story having a great time with those folks I'm really looking forward to that and until then I hope you guys have a great week and like I said I'll probably see you on Thursday although we're not sure yet and like I always say get out there and put some beauty back in the world that's what we do as artists and and I think we should assume things the world needs it so get out there put some beauty back in the world be nice to somebody put your grocery card away just start with that open the door for somebody but uh anyway I hope you guys enjoyed it I I certainly did I'm gonna take off and have a great couple of days until I see you again Dustin [Music]
Channel: The Art of Aaron Blaise
Views: 39,575
Rating: 4.9859238 out of 5
Keywords: The Arts, Animation, Art, Illustration
Id: Rpup2iNDWSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 158min 14sec (9494 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 27 2018
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