Creating a Powerful Chatbot in React Native using OpenAI's GPT-3 API | AI Chatbot | Javascript Code

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Hello everyone, welcome to my channel. In this video, I will show you how to make an AI chatbot using gpt3 and react native expo. You can see the demo of the final output of this project. So, without wasting any time, let’s start this project. Start an expo project, select the blank template, name your application, and continue to dependencies downloading. In the project, we are going to use the Axios library. So, install it. Axios is a popular JavaScript library used for making HTTP requests. It is often used to make API calls and handle responses. Axios provides a way to handle HTTP requests and responses in a more efficient and streamlined way, making it a useful tool for web development. Now, create a separate javascript file inside a separate “src” folder. And then customize the project accordingly. Now, run the application. You can see that our code is working fine and we are ready to build the project. First, let’s customize the title of the application Next, we are going to use the OpenAI API key. If you do not have an account on OpenAI then create your account first. Then follow the video to get your API key. First, we create a stateful variable called data and a function called setData that can be used to update the value of data. The initial value of data is an empty array. We also create a variable called apiKey which will hold the key value for the API endpoint that we are going to use. And we also create a variable called apiUrl which holds the endpoint for OpenAI API Finally, we create a stateful variable called textInput and a function called setTextInput that can be used to update the value of textInput. The initial value of textInput is an empty string. The code we will be analyzing today is a function named "handleSend" that makes an API call and updates the application's state. The function begins by creating a variable "prompt" that is assigned the value of the "textInput" variable. This "textInput" variable is likely some user input that will be sent in the API request. Next, the function makes a POST request to an API endpoint specified by the "apiUrl" variable. It passes in an object as the request body with the properties "prompt", "max_tokens", and "temperature". These properties are likely used by the API to generate a response. The request also includes headers, with the "Content-Type" set to "application/json" and an "Authorization" header that includes a bearer token in the form of the "apiKey" variable. This is used for authentication and authorization purposes. The response of this request is then stored in a variable "response". The function then extracts the "text" property of the first element in the "choices" array of the response data and assigns it to a variable "text". This "text" variable is likely the response that the API generated based on the user's input. Finally, the function updates the "data" state variable by spreading the current data and adding two new objects, one with a "type" of "user" and a "text" property of the current "textInput" value, and another with a "type" of "bot" and a "text" property of the extracted "text" from the API response. This updates the application's state and shows the user the response from the API. The function also resets the "textInput" state variable to an empty string, likely to clear the input field for the next user input. In summary, this function handles sending a user's input to an API, receives a response, and updates the application's state to show the user the response. We pass in the data prop to the FlatList component, which is an array of objects that will be used to render each item in the list. We also use the keyExtractor prop to extract a unique key for each item in the list, this is necessary for React to keep track of the items. The renderItem prop is a function that is used to render each item in the list. It takes an object, destructures it and render the View component with some styles and nested Text component. The View component has a flexDirection prop set to 'row' which aligns the children within it and also has a padding of 10. The first Text component has a fontWeight prop set to 'bold' and a color prop that is set to green if the item.type is 'user' or red otherwise. It also renders a text 'Ninza:' or 'Bot:' based on the item.type The second Text component renders the text of the item passed to it and also applying the styles from So with this FlatList component, we're able to take an array of items, apply a unique key for each item, and render each item in a row format with a 'Ninza:' or 'Bot:' prefix and the item's text, and apply some styles to the FlatList and rendered items Next, I am using TextInput component to get the input from the user and using the Touchable Opacity component for button. So, follow the video and you will see a beautiful UI Next is the styling part. Feel free to customize it. I know everyone knows better css than me. Now, let’s test this application. Congratulations!! You just built an AI chatbot using GPT3 and react native expo. Make sure to hit the subscribe button before you go and don’t forget to visit the channel’s react native expo playlist for more such projects. See you in the next video.
Channel: Bug Ninza
Views: 7,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI, chatbot, chat gpt3, gpt3, gpt, expo, reactjs, react native, react native expo, javascript, code, coding, programming, project, beginners, tutorial, UI-ux, flatlist, react hooks, openai, mobile app development, android, ios
Id: tdxgG9Gq41A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2023
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