How To Build Your Own AI With ChatGPT API

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open AI which is the team behind chat GPT just expanded upon their API and added in chat GPT this means that you can call their API and get responses directly from chat GPT and include them into your own applications which means you can essentially build an AI into your own applications which is super powerful not only that but this API is really easy to use and in this video I'm going to show you how you can get started by creating your own application using chat GPT [Music] welcome back to web dev simplified my name is Kyle and my job is to simplify the web for you so you can start building your dream project sooner to get started with chat GPT the first thing you want to go to is overview I'll leave a link to that in the description down below and all you need to do is create an account so you can just click on sign up to create your account once you've done that you should probably get redirected back to the same exact page but now you'll see that you have an account over here and if you click on that you can go to manage your account you can see that we have different usage and also you should have a free trial that has some amount of money added to your account that's because chat gbt is a paid API it's rather cheap in that it only costs you fractions of a penny per usage that you're doing as you can see so far my usage has been less than one penny in all the different trial stuff that I've done and if you're working on a small application it's going to cost you almost nothing to run but obviously if you scale up it'll be quite expensive on a larger scale application now the most important thing to get started with the project is you need to go down to your API keys and you're going to need to create a brand new secret key when you do this you can see your secret key has popped up here this is the only time you'll have to copy this so just make sure you click copy on this and you're going to use that inside of your application other than that you don't really need to mess with this at all and just know that I'm going to be deleting this secret key after this video so this won't actually work for you now that we have that created we can just close out of this and we're going to come over to our application in vs code I'm going to create a file called D dot EnV and I'm just going to paste that in here we'll just say API key it's equal to whatever that API key is going to be now the next thing I want to do is actually install all the dependencies we're going to need so I can call npm init Dash y as you can see that's generated a package Json for me and then I can call npmi and I want to install two dependencies the first one is called dot EnV that's just going to help us load our EnV file and the next one is called open AI which is the actual API we're trying to work with so pretty self-explanatory what we're working with there and now once we have that done we can create a simple script.js file where we're going to run all of our code our package Json let's just have a really simple run in here so we're going to say Dev and then inside of here we can say that we want to run script.js every time we run npm run Dev it's going to run all the code in this file which is currently nothing now in order to show you how this works I'm just going to be doing a really simple node terminal application but you can obviously expand this to whatever you want the very first thing we could do I'll Zoom this in so it's a little easier to read we can get our config set up so we're going to say import config from and we want to get that from dot EnV and we can just call this method what that's going to do is it's just going to set up our config file for us now if we console.log process.env Dot and we called it API URL we run our script it should hopefully print out that URL for us you're going to notice we're getting an error though and this is because if you want to use modules like I have inside of node all you need to do is come in here and set your type here equal to module now if we do that and we run this you can see it should work and right now it's printing out undefined the reason for this is obviously this should say API key instead of URL so now if I rerun that you can see that it's printing out that API key so we're able to get that in information next we need to get all the stuff from our openai we can come in here we can import from open Ai and the most important things that we're going to need is we're going to need some type of configuration and then we're also going to need access to the openai API so configuration is how you set everything up like your API key and openai API is actually what you call to do everything inside of the AI now if you're curious how I found all this out everything is inside the documentation here for how you can set up openai and if you go down they have guides for things like chat so you can set up all of your chat related stuff most of these guides are going to be in PHP because that's what they expect you to use but you can kind of translate over to what Json or JavaScript is going to look like it's not too much of a translation anyway once we have that done we can set up our open Ai and this is going to be coming from a new open AI object so we can create a new version of our open Ai and here we just need to pass it a new version of our configuration and the only thing we need to pass to our configuration is an API key we know that our API key here is just this let's just copy it up there we go so now we have access to that open API now this open API has a lot of things you can do inside of it so we can say open AI Dot and as you can see there's a ton of things but the one we care about is going to be creating a chat completion and inside here we need to pass in some information the first we pass to the model of the AI that we want to run in our case we want to use GPT hyphen 3.5 turbo that is the current most up-to-date version of Chad GPT that you can use at this time but again if you want to get a more up-to-date or different version you can check the documentation for whatever the best version is going to be then we want to send it the messages and the message is just an array of all the messages you want to send and each object in the array is an object it's going to have a role so this is going to be who sends this message whether it comes from a system whether it comes from chat gbt themself which is the assistant or if it comes from a user in most cases you're going to be sending messages that come from a user so you're going to say the role is user then you need to specify the content so whatever message you want to say like hello chat CPT that's what we could have our message be let's just capitalize it properly and that's going to be calling this and this gives us a promise which comes out with a result but for now let's just console.log that result and we're going to see exactly what this looks like it's going to give this quick save we're going to run this and we're going to see what our result prints out to us so give it a second and I'll just expand this up so it's a little easier to see you can see it gives it a ton of different information being returned to us but most importantly we have this section down here which gives us information on our choices as well as the different amounts of usage that we have which is going to determine our cost and all this is coming inside of a data property so what we can do is we can say dot data.choices and that's the thing that we really care about the most so if we just rerun this real quick I'll expand this up I'll rerun exactly what we did and we should hopefully get back a result as you can see it's an array of all the different messages because you can ask it to give you more than one message if you want you can see it contains a message the role is assistant because this is coming from chat GPT as well as the actual message content that it's going to be printing out to us and a few other things such as why it stopped giving you a response because there are certain limits on the amount of text you can return and if it goes over that limit this reason may change for the most part all we want to do is is get the first element from this array and we want to get the message and we want to get the content of that message so we can do that right now we want to get the very first choice we want to get the content which is going to be our message inside that we want to get the content so now if I run this again it should hopefully just print to us whatever chatgpt response hello how can I assist you today that's exactly what we expect now what we need to do is add a way for the user to input information and be able to react to that with chat GPT the best way for us to do that inside of node.js is going to be with a library called readline which is built into node so we can say read line from readline just like that that's coming straight from node and all we need to do is set up some type of user interface this is going to be how we input information so I'm going to call this user interface this is just going to be set to read line dot create interface this is going to take into properties our input which is going to be our standard in so we can say process that's standard in and then we have our output which is just process.standard out there we go and now here our user interface we can actually tell it to do certain things so for example we can call user interface.prompt and all that's going to do is it's going to prompt the user to have some type of input so if really quickly I just comment out what we have down here and I run this we should just see a prompt show up as you can see we have a prompt and we can type inside of that prompt hit enter and it'll do certain stuff now the next thing we want to do we just comment this back in is we can set up the listener in here so we can say user interface dot on and I want to listen online so every single time I hit enter that's going to be saying hey send this along that's going to be a brand new line and all I want to do is I want to get our input I'm going to do this asynchronously so we're going to say async input we're going to use that as an arrow function if you're not familiar with async await I have a full video on it I'll link in the cards and description for you but essentially it allows you just to wait for promises to finish which in our case this is a promise right here we can await this and we can get the result back just like that so we don't even need to worry about this dot then we comment this out for now and our content here we just want to put as our input is whatever we type into our prompt and hit enter that's going to be this input right here then we can take this response and we can log it out to the user so we can just essentially copy this line right here paste it down right there that's going to be most of what we need all we want to do is then just show The Prompt back to the user so if we just delete all that code and we look at what we have here essentially we're saying okay prompt the user for some input whenever they give us input send that over to chatgpt log out the value to the screen and then ask them for input again and just Loop and loop forever so if we run this you can see it's going to ask us for something so I can say how are you hit enter it's going to give us back a response and it says a bunch of stuff if I move my camera out of the way you can see it says it doesn't have feelings blah blah blah super straightforward we can say who is web dev simplified hit enter and it's going to give us hopefully an accurate response we'll see if it does or not span this a little bit we'll have to simplifies YouTube Channel created by me okay yeah it's rather accurate I'm not going to read it all but at least I got my name right and you can see that we can interact with chat gbt and the responses are actually rather quick that it gives it to us back it's a lot quicker than when you use the website because it makes you type out each character individually while here it's just showing you the response immediately which is really nice the best of all you can integrate this into your own application for your own chat related AI needs and that's really all it takes to implement this API now if you're afraid that chat GPT is going to take your job or change how you work you're going to want to check out this video right over here where I talk about that exact topic with that said thank you very much for watching and have a good day
Channel: Web Dev Simplified
Views: 157,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: webdevsimplified, chatgpt, chatgpt api, chatgpt ai, chatgpt development, chatgpt dev, chatgpt node, chatgpt ai api, chatgpt programming, chatgpt programmer
Id: 4qNwoAAfnk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2023
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