Creating a Negative Mold in ZBrush for Printing

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Rutgers I lost by Tim Sullivan to actually produce a negative mold from an STL file so I was helping him do it it's really easy I just want to show you how to do on this model here now I am not taking into account any undercuts and he pulls any of these sort of things I'm that stuck to you guys I'm just showing you the method look mythology mythology behind it so we do have things like nose cavities and things like that and if you were doing these you would probably want to fill them as one of the year you probably want to join it more to the back so you've got undercuts but that's not what we're talking about today so we just shown you how to create the negative molds from it now this is a dynamesh model just off one of the basic things that came with ZBrush and I'm just trying to measure it as a water-type so I'm just going to show you the process okay you got a little time on over an STL file so we're gonna have a cup free for the neck so the first thing I'm going to do is going to be using this as the base so what I'm going to do is I'm going to mask and go to an exon first of all and I'm going to mask on the symmetry all the way around the main parts of the body apart from the end of the neck so it's just dragged across there save a bit of time and come around here so I'm just going to leave a little bit of the neck free and this will push through from the extraction okay so here we go right right let me just get this straight and then do a ctrl alt I'll give me something a bit cleaner right so got this so the idea behind this is we extract so extraction will push out as well as pushing in so you can decide what thickness you want your extraction if you guys have done my course on you know the ring and scaling and all these sort of things then you'll know how to do that anyway so we're going to do is we're coming to here and we go down to extract at the moment what would do is relieve your naught puddin or to and hit the extract button it's going to give me something like that it's not thick enough I'm going to put this to maybe not point one as giving me a much thicker extraction whoa might be too thick let me just check again yeah that's too thick okay look point five it's probably about right doesn't really matter you measure it so that's pushing out and it's pushing in okay so I'm going to accept it click accept alright so now we have this so if I go into solo this is what we've got so scroll this stuff on the inside but it's all pushed in as well as out okay from the model so to cutting into the model as well as out if you look here you can actually see that it's cut in it it's kind of cut through the middle and you see that the line there so what we need to do is we need to extract that out well we can use like billions to do this really easy so what I tend to do because this models all got kind of blurred a little bit here is and remember I'm on the extraction at the moment is I will kind of go in and dynamesh it I'll make sure it's a high enough level to accept being a cast so once it's dynamesh you can go in and just smooth up this you know or add a bit more material because in dynamesh so i can come in here really doesn't matter I can click clay tubes around here I should put your toe masking on as well that's something to bear in mind masking down to auto masking just make back back faces is turned on then you can fill it out like this build a bit more up re dynamesh it smooth it off you know you want to fill all this up this stuff out because it's it's so because your supports are gonna be built off of this so really doesn't matter what the outside looks like going over the eyes if you want you know into the nose area just like the VAT really doesn't matter re dynamesh it keep it more nice and clean that's all nice yeah then that would be supported once I do my cut throughs so this is what we have so we just have a core okay the core on the inside all that stuff right okay all we need to do now is we need to do a cut through of this so we need to decide where we're going to have our line cutting through so let us go and just you know you can choose any line and make this work for you but I'm just going to append in something like a cube 3d here okay and I'll put it I'll say it's gonna cut through the model maybe like that yeah that's where it cut through the model okay now this is where the magic begins what we're going to do is win it put the live boolean turned on going to draw mode then we're going to put this in subtractive mode so this is what we've got okay now with the original female head just go solo unmask it original female head bring it down so the extractions on the top come back out of solo and now we're going to take this away and this is what we get an exact cut through of that model all right so what you can do now is you could put your pins in position on this so we had our little pins we could go into here let's go to sit in the free D let's just crease this click crease and I'll subdivide control-d drill deep drop D okay go to scale this down remember this could be thicker if you wanted it to be and in fact you could even go into this female this extraction and you could actually widen it using the move brush but let me just put these pins in position female you do to do to do to do there you push that through hold the control key let me just delete lower yeah I'm only going to do a few it's just to show you that you can just very carefully put these in position and then use shots almost like better mirror these on the X there they are good so you can put as many of those pins and as you want right but these are in positive so I'm actually going to bring them up but so you put it on the bottom and I've got this one can do is that go and make a boolean mesh so the booty mesh is being created that's done so now I want to invert it's on my billion meshes there that's just a pending let's turn everything off this is what we have our negative mask with our hole cut through if we want it to cut through okay so how do we get the other side really easy turn all these back on like this and what we're going to do is we're going to stead of stayin subtractive we're going to say inside and we're also going to put the pins into negative like that so now we've done that we can make another boolean mesh voila I'm paying that money bank there it is or you can turn these - all of this off and what we have now is a perfect mold let's come out boolean now we now have this perfect mold which places here and here with the inside all cut out it's that simple so that's how we can make negative mold using that same technique that I showed to Tim
Channel: ZBrush Courses by mojomojo design
Views: 18,473
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Keywords: negative molds with zbrush, zbrush free tuts, 3d prtining with zbrush, zbrush skills and tips, molds made in zbrush, boolian subtractions in zbrush, mojomojo design
Id: zn-mst_Is7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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