Creating a Map With ONLY Free Models (Roblox Studio)

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hey guys and welcome back to another video on the robuilder youtube channel today uh i have a cool idea i'm gonna go into the toolbox try to find some sort of like asset pack or a huge kit so just one free model that has a bunch of stuff in it and try to build a map out of all the stuff in that free model okay first idea hey let's make a map using only free models but no i want to challenge myself a little more and only be able to use one free model that has more than one asset within it so i'm gonna look around for that and i'll show you guys what we find all right it's time to open up the toolbox uh boom all right let me start searching around i'm gonna just type in asset pack to get things kicked up is this okay i don't even wanna look because this literally looks like it's mine like who's this x-wheel guy let me see yeah this is quite literally my stuff i don't my bushes my mushrooms how did he get them how did he get my stuff okay it's whatever though it's i'm it's okay is this literally another one with with my assets bro how are my like how is my stuff everywhere i don't get it bro like they just took the the things off the top of the mushroom ugh and these aren't mine back here but like how is my stuff everywhere in the toolbox that doesn't even make sense to me bro dang all right i'm gonna just look for something i'm not even gonna look in asset packs anymore because i'm gonna get depression this is literally i don't know if this one's mine like the it's just i guess i'd really popularize this border style i'm not gonna lie but the other two were most definitely mine i'm gonna type in dungeon but oh snap low poly dungeon this this looks like a lot of stuff oh my gosh okay let's see what's going on in here all right we got a we got some pathways it looks like you could connect those make some cool paths some ground nice uh some turns and stuff a little sewer guy thing some steps nice guys we might make a dungeon i don't think we're gonna find a better pack than this like this is this is a lot like there's even weapons now i don't know uh i won't be selling this map or anything because i'm not sure if this is actually free or if it's stolen a lot of the things in the toolbox are stolen sadly and that's why i don't recommend using them uh especially if you're going to try to sell a map you also shouldn't sell things that are not your personal creations so uh i won't be selling this map or anything but i'll build and wow there's so much stuff there's so much stuff i don't even have like an idea for a dungeon but this is there's just so much do i need like an outside and then an actual dungeon like wow all right all right uh i'm gonna figure out what i'm gonna do and i'm gonna get started and uh i'll just do like some check-ins with you guys all right guys so i've got an idea uh i started kind of assembling this guy a little bit and uh you know it is going all right and i'm gonna move all of this stuff to the side for now okay i think what i want to do is like a fourth of the map so like this corner would be like outside desert themed all right just like dead kind of scary-ish type vibe i don't even know so something like this uh and i'll move this guy in of course because we're gonna block it off this is kind of gonna be like the barrier all right so like players cannot pass this uh we'll sink that into the ground this guy will kind of rotate him a little bit something like this and sink him into the ground something like that i think looks pretty dope and then the tail we're gonna sink uh the tail is kind of weird honestly i don't know how i'm gonna do this one i might turn it like 90 degrees and then a little bit this way just kind of make it like flat ish something like this and then rotate that guy like uh control l rotate him like this something like that guys all right and just have the tail kind of like in the ground uh so people get the point so this is like the idea all right you have a desert guy over here and we'll like cut this off and the rest of this will be inside a dungeon do i know how i'm gonna do this yet no not at all actually not even remotely close but it's the main idea is there all right guys so i think i got it very small spawn area okay you're going to spawn in right here and you'll have these two options oh buster i'm sorry i forgot to drop okay guys can you drop a like of the video only thing that's going to get busted to kind of quiet down for a little bit but uh i'm going to go up both of these ways into like a dungeon area uh which probably take forever to build but uh we're just sending it we're sending it all right guys we are back and i've got the little tiny spawn area put together uh this is gonna take me a lot longer than i expected but i think it's gonna be worth it okay well not really because i don't know if i can ever actually make this into a game or do anything because it's a free model and i don't know if it's a free model or a stolen model so yeah uh yikes but here's the spawn you basically spawn in here there will be like invisible walls of course like if this ever became a game or anything so you couldn't go past these guys but uh it's looking pretty good all right and then you can pick your path kind of go up into the dungeon check it out boom your boy's creeping all right and then i'm gonna build in a platform up here probably out of these guys and just hope for the best i'm not gonna make it as big as this map because that would take absolutely forever and like i said i'm not gonna be able to reuse this for anything else so that's kind of a bummer as well let's straighten out that tail just a little bit there we go and uh this head i know it doesn't make sense where it is but you also can't see it if it's over there so i might rework that in some sort of way i'm not sure yet but for now it is what it is all right guys here's my progress okay so you basically you got you got these two little sets of steps so that you go up them and then there's like you in a little cave dungeony type thing all right it's not done but it's progress at the very least and uh i think it's looking pretty good i don't know everything i'm gonna do with it yet but i have some cool ideas so this is the update for you i am in the discord server like while i'm building this i'm talking to people on the discord and uh streaming my screen so they're like getting the video before the videos out so if you guys want to join the discord link is down below as well as my patreon which you guys can get like models maps whatever you want you can check out the tears over there and uh the fan shirt is also down there in the description as well if you want to support your boy but this was this check-in i'll be back i'm going to add some variation in the floor uh fill in these gaps and just try to make it look cooler all right guys progress is ensuing all right uh i'm putting these guys in here which may look a bit weird because they are from the outside so i'm not sure uh whether we're gonna keep them or not but i do the get looks pretty cool overall so let's grab these guys grab them both ctrl d ctrl r uh sort of sort of worked we're gonna put these like this and uh maybe move this guy over a little bit this guy over a little bit something like this all right so like here's the idea i'm gonna just spawn in let me let me make sure everything's anchored uh boom there we go i'ma spawn in and see what we're looking at okay this is my second time spawning in and uh i'm just i'm honestly hoping for the best all right here we go we got our little spawn right here we got up these little steps boom boom boom and then we get into here oh yeah look at the patterns bro i've killed it with the patterns look at this and then there will be like a boss right here maybe i don't even know and i know i gotta i gotta make all of this dark okay so i am gonna have to figure out some stuff i wanna think okay let me try something i have a cool idea it may or may not work so i'm gonna sync this part in uh drag it to be as big as this all right bring it up just a hair that's too much so let's go to point one and drag this down um yeah this could work and then i can make this neon all right so change it to the same color make it neon just like that and that will give a little bit of glow yes that's exactly what i wanted and i could do this with all the parts so i'm gonna do that build the roof and then i'll check in all right guys little update don't mind the roof it's a patch job okay so check it out all of these are now neon including the middle guy right here i think that looks so sick especially since it's super dark in here i've got a bit more work to do to make this a little more presentable and everything like that i think i want to run in with some little stuff like this stuff this all could go in there as like assets we got these guys creepy like all right let me just let me just ungroup this there we go and i think i want to use some of this as well whoops uh ungroup that and i think i'm going to put a couple of these things in the brush tool and just see how it goes honestly like we might as well alright guys uh we're back i'm gonna open up this brush tool click to start and let's just say this guy uh this guy all right um this one i think these would be kind of cool but i'm not sure i don't know if i'll be able to make that top glow so i'm not gonna grab those just yet um let's see these are kind of cool i'll grab that one and maybe like some of these weird ugh those make me cringe like they're gross but yeah we'll grab some of those too so we're just going to add all of this to our brush tool unadd the tree real quick and uh this this is going to be fun all right it's going to be fun we're going to grab this we're gonna go activate brush how big is this that's probably yeah that's a bit massive actually so our radius is gonna get turned down and our spacing uh yeah we'll have it like this and then we have this at random all right scale at random up to two cool wobble random up to like five because we don't want to have like things overly bad i did do quite a bit since the last check-in guys so check it out i was mainly working on lighting and everything like that uh and it took longer than i want to admit so what i did was i added a point light and a fire into each top of these things and then this little chandelier over here uh every other one has a point light and each of them do have fire so here's how it overall is looking i mean i think it's pretty cool uh definitely still a copy and paste vibe though so i have to work on some randomization but that's kind of what i'm gonna do with this brush tool okay i'm gonna just place some stuff kind of around and hope for the best honestly okay now people might be being bro how is grass and mushrooms growing inside of a cave that does not make sense um this is roblox all right i don't think it has to overly make the most sense uh we're just trying out here you know i've really just tried to be kind of cool and it's not exactly working but i'm giving it my all so it's all good we're just adding in some random stuff every every so often we can go on the walls a little bit because like hey i mean why not right it's it's roblox we're here to power our imaginations and creativity with free models so we don't actually have to work much at all uh let me go ahead and just put some stuff like all over the walls this is going to help a lot with that copy and paste vibe because it's never going to be the same stuff getting placed everywhere so it definitely does help grass is definitely being picked quite a bit there we go that that guy has like the tentacle arm things all right put these guys over here oh god we're gonna have i have to move this one he's a bit awkward uh just putting this stuff all over the place something like that boom and then it can even go out here so i'm just going to kind of make this line like this like that and like this all right there we go and then just a couple little splotches of randomness something like that looks pretty good to me i do think i'm gonna get rid of this guy right here up next we're gonna hop on in test out the game see how it looks and then i'm gonna think of what else i can add because i am not satisfied with where this build is just yet so let's hop in we got some dead stuff out here looking uh as usual and then in here oh okay i think we're getting somewhere guys like this it's definitely oh gosh i forgot to anchor these guys you gross uh it's definitely getting somewhere all right so like we're making progress i don't know what i'm gonna do next but we'll figure it out [Music] all right guys i've made a little bit of progress you know kind of uh you know live into the place up i got these guys hanging which i think looked pretty dang cool i got this guy sitting over here on the little branch thing got this guy down here like just a bunch of variation kind of put some people scattered around everywhere i'm not sure what else i'm gonna add i am having a bit of fun though with the inside of this and maybe it's because i can't build as good as these assets are but it's definitely fun and i'd highly recommend you guys like experimenting not saying i'll be able to turn this into a game of any sort or sell it or profit off it but it's definitely a good learning experience like what all you can do especially with limited resources now uh this pack is most definitely not the most limited okay like there's so much stuff that i haven't even touched yet which is insane and uh i don't know i feel like i could build 10 more maps with this pack that would look a hundred percent different than the one i have right now so i mean so much stuff i haven't even gotten to use yet but i think i'm gonna put this guy in and then i'ma call it okay like let's see we could put this guy like oh wait what is this this is like a little switch please tell me there's like a pedestal thing bro this could be pretty sick um i want like a bit of a curve on the top i'll use this this like no wait this no dang i'm so indecisive okay i'm good i'm gonna use this guy all right it's cv and i'm gonna take it into here and i'm gonna make this sort of like a power button in a way ah now it's not exactly gonna be a power button because uh you know flames are not electric by no means but it is what it is so we're gonna make this guy up uh i might put on some particles on it or something i don't know not right now but check it out now we have a little power button in here as well let me get like a nice little view here's the map guys all right i don't really know how long i've been building this for uh probably too long to be fair but i didn't really have an idea at the start but here it is i hope you guys did enjoy this video if you did and you want to see more content like this make sure to like comment and subscribe have a great day later
Channel: RoBuilder
Views: 103,050
Rating: 4.9428282 out of 5
Keywords: Austin, Enders
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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