I Rated Your Builds.. Again (Roblox)

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hey guys and welcome back to another video on the road builder youtube channel today we're doing a raiding fan builds episode two or part two whatever you want to say where we hop into the creations tab on my discord and i let you guys know what i think about what you have done alright so if you're following hey gg thank you and if you guys want to be in a future episode of this make sure to join the discord it is linked below as well as a fan shirt for this channel uh for five robux if you guys want to help your boy out by copping that and we can grow the roadbuilder nation okay the only dev spot only dev discord that's not toxic okay that's what it is also if you guys could drop a like on the video would greatly appreciate it helps me get boosted in the algorithm and everything like that so to start everything off we're going with savvy and this asset pack we have a plane with a pretty vast asset pack i've never even seen somebody include a windmill in their asset pack actually so i think this looks pretty good overall uh i don't like the pine trees i'ma go seven out of ten i don't like the pine trees because they're like stubby like i like more tall narrow trees but that's a personal preference type thing and i think you could add a little bit more detail to the fountain because if you go to your grass you have so much detail and then on the fountain you have very little little detail and maybe some dots on the top of your mushrooms i give you a seven out of ten though man i like this little plane over here it looks pretty sick all right we got this little tree right here uh i love it i'm gonna give this a nine out of ten literally um i'll tell you why i love the fantasy pine tree look the curved pine tree it nine out of ten all right a full building and blender this looks to be some sort of i want to say airport okay if it's not an airport i might get roasted a little bit in the comments below but hey at least it's comments a boost in your boy in the algorithm all right i think this is an airport and personally i cannot do full buildings in blender man i don't quite get it i don't understand it but this looks pretty sick imma give this a 8.5 out of 10. to boost it up i would say do something else with the windows uh they look like i don't know none of these are the same thickness which is kind of strange to me uh i don't know but hey personal preference i'm going 8.5 out of 10. yo a katana bro this people have been requesting a sword tutorial for quite some time and i am not too good at them i've been practicing i don't want to put out a tutorial if i don't know how to do the thing uh i'm giving this a 9.5 out of 10. i i give it's a hard it's hard for me to give 10 to 10 okay because there's always something better you know so if i gave this a 10 there's something better like you can't go higher than i'm going 9.5 this is really really sick they also had a little gif of it in studio dang yeah it looks really really good not even gonna lie all right so these guys said behold stuff that i now hate forever and it's this uh the scene city i don't know man i think it looks pretty sick not exactly my build style not exactly um you know even the things i like to look at like this kind of style isn't for me but i do realize there was time and effort put into it and i think you did a pretty good job i don't know how to exactly rate this style because like we have so much detail over here like so much all these arches and x's and then nothing you know and nothing on the front of these buildings i i don't know how to rate this style or how it's supposed to look but from the amount of detail even these like these wires and stuff i almost cursed boys but i didn't it's all good all these wires man i think it looks sick let's go ahead and give this an 8.5 um okay you lost a lot of points in your texture you got to get the texture on there my god all right looks like we have another airport design i'm gonna have to give this one a six out of ten simply because it doesn't match itself and it seems like it's a work in progress so i feel bad at rating it at all but it doesn't match itself we have a lot of faces on the front here with the windows and then very smooth side buildings so i don't know maybe try to just auto smooth it and see what happens we got a whole map now this guy's saying how much can i sell this for i would say oh i don't really think it looks too big we also seem to have a shop and a couple egg holders but nothing else uh portals i don't see i don't know how much you could sell this i'm pretty bad at pricing maps i'd say you could get somewhere around seven to ten thousand robux for it though and i'm gonna rate the build at a eight out of ten i like it all right uh wow where do i start so um this it's oh man i do not like the blocky style okay and my friend exodus is making a blocky asset pack he's very talented so i have high hopes but he's already challenged me when that pack comes out to build a map with it so we'll definitely see how that goes i'm not a fan of the super block style though uh and i don't i i feel bad giving this one a rating because i personally just don't like it it's not my uh my cup of tea at all the fountain i don't know why this this middle thing is thicker than like the edges that hold the water so that's kind of straight i don't want to even rate this i'm a rated uh a five just cause i feel bad when i give anyone anything lower than a five this is a beauty okay first off you need a texture on the ground uh and thank you for watching the tutorials i could definitely see uh some inspired terrain okay i like the vine trees they look pretty sick pine tree looks pretty sick you definitely went a little heavy on the gradient i would say you don't want to go all the way to black on any of the color scales it definitely definitely sucks some some life out of it so they keep a little heavy on the gradients but overall i think it looks pretty sick i just don't like the gloss on the ground so maybe like add a texture to that to help liven it up imma go with a i'm gonna go 6.5 out of 10. i like it but i could there's a lot you could do with this i'll review this again in another video if you post it when you're done with it and i think it'll look a lot better oh we have a lot of links here i'm just going to kind of hover like this i kind of like i have a love-hate relationship with this right now uh and i'm gonna tell you guys why i do like the lighting it's got a very warm warm tone to it very nice um i don't like how all the border walls are pretty much the same like they're at the same height and everything there's pretty much zero variation and i don't like how they're smooth on the top but flat on the bottom of the border walls also how is your treasure chest bigger than your trees that doesn't quite make sense to me in fact your grass is almost bigger than your trees uh i'm gonna have to give this i'm gonna have to go like uh i like the lighting i'm gonna go five there's definitely some very easy stuff you can do to make this a higher number but for now we're going with a five i hate giving anything lower than five guys i feel so bad anyone want to buy this they said vinci so a nice little clothing store a very modern look i do like this i really do like this i'm gonna give you a an 8.5 out of 10. i think this looks pretty good man omg i did it i have done it thanks to role builder for making the video where he showed us how to do it thanks man you're the best youtuber man i appreciate you ash thank you my guy looks pretty good man you're definitely a little heavy on the top but hey that's the great thing about stylized low poly you can literally do whatever you want and everything is subjective or objective i guess so like this might look horrible to me or very good to me and very bad to somebody else like that's what i love about low poly man if i have to rate it you did a good job uh i'mma go with a six yep a six solid six oh okay guys fun fact exodus his map wasn't the last thumbnail uh but the editor cut it out i do believe check this out exodus you get a 10 out of 10. i love this i love everything about it i can't think of a problem with it i also can't see how i could hop into that and fix anything about it this is a 10 out of 10 for me i don't think i could make it better in any way so 10 out of 10 to you exodus and i can't put you in the dank thumbnail again because i used you last time but dude you definitely deserve thumbnail again now this map nice desert i made and we got this so let's check out the desert uh first things first looks pretty good i like how you added the cuts into the pine trees but they're they're not turned they're it's kind of strange to me they also seem like opposite pine trees as they start small and get big which is nice it is a very stylized thing once again low poly you could do however you want but uh the colors are a bit harsh i think i think you need to kind of dollen them out it's a desert after all it's not you know fall time this seems kind of like fall it is a desert so dolling them out a little bit and then this uh this tree just needs a little bit of help but overall i think it looks pretty good let's go ahead and give you a six yeah we're gonna go with six fix up the colors and i think you'd be up at like a seven or eight this guy right here i love the colors on this map guys absolutely love it it looks so good like every color works well together it's a very like a flat color palette but it looks so good together so i'm gonna give this guy an 8.5 out of 10. i genuinely do love this it looks everything works very very well together it doesn't look like there's any free modeled assets you know everything really just flows very nicely i already forgot what i gave you i'm 8.5 out of 10 to you though for your new rating if that doesn't match the old one all right we got some pets i'm gonna give those a oh it's just one pet actually that's recolored i'm gonna go oh the horns are different i guess yeah let's go uh seven i like the wings let's go seven yeah we can do a nice seven oh snap this is awesome my guy i'm gonna give you a nine out of ten you have your your brand marshall's clothing on the top you have a billboard which is super sick and open side looks really good bro i genuinely like the windows as well that lower opacity so you can still see through the texture looks super super sick i'm gonna go with like a eight or a nine probably a nine dude you get a nine oh okay i'm giving this a 9.5 very simple scene i love these trees bro like i need to learn how to make them like that not that they would really fit my build style but i do love them i also love when people mix low poly with roblox terrain i'm horrible at it but it looks so good nine nine right here man maybe a 9.5 i really like it oh you have a lot more oh my gosh yo this is incredible like yeah i'm giving all your stuff 9.5 uh not this this one will go eight this looks awesome it just looks empty so i know it's a club i think and people have you know you gotta have some dancing room i'm gonna go i'm gonna go like an eight on that one this is very nice this is a 10. i like this scene very like low-fi type of vibe like i really like this this one's a 10. uh six this is six yep this one here dang they can do it all uh i definitely like their detailed work better than their low poly uh well this is very very nice but like this i don't think looks too too great this looks awesome already rated this let's see this guy oh for this one i'm gonna give you boy a i'm gonna go seven all right i i don't like when people do low poly assets but put roblox materials on it so like sometimes it works like the mountains and everything works but like the trees with having the leafs made out of grass looks super silly in fact i think roblox should make an actual leaf texture for top of trees and stuff but yeah let's go seven alright guys this is gonna be our last two right here or our last three let's get this guy in this i have a love-hate relationship with this lighting right here it looks so good and so bad at the same time i really don't even know what else to say about it and it's a very very very small scene so i'm gonna go ahead and give you a six out of ten uh i don't know how to feel it's a very love-hate relationship this stuff this is incredible i i'm giving this building a 10 out of 10. i love it i don't know what i would do to change it to make it better in any sort of way 10 out of 10 on this building and then this little game right here um we'll go like a 8 out of 10. i mean looks pretty cool i don't know how the real game looks but let me give it 8 out of 10 off top of my head and uh palm tree based off your palm tree video all right let's let's just run through them real quick all right let's go eight out of ten looks good this guy uh six or seven there's no shops yet exodus yes you saved my thumbnail exodus you saved it man 15 out of 10 bro this map is incredible to me i love it so much like one of my favorite maps on the roblox in fact all right guys just gonna wrap it up with uh with these right here these three all right this thing uh i don't really know what it is i think it's an obby yeah it's an obstacle course let's go six out of ten it's weird i don't know where the play area is and where it's not this little guy i think this is a ugc concept i'm going eight out of ten looks pretty sick and then this uh great great start this looks fantastic i'm going 9.5 out of 10. now guys that is gonna wrap it up make sure to like comment and subscribe have a great day later
Channel: RoBuilder
Views: 12,873
Rating: 4.9399142 out of 5
Keywords: Austin, Enders
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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