Paying $10 vs $100 For a Roblox Game..

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all right guys welcome back to a brand new video it is dev king here and in today's video i'm gonna be commissioning someone for one dollar versus someone for a hundred dollars to make a roblox game now this is gonna be pretty interesting right because obviously there's a big difference between one dollar and a hundred dollars but is looking the difference in the game of the quality of the game that we're gonna see today and that is the question that i'm trying to find out all right now i'm gonna be honest i don't know if i'll be able to do a game for one dollar one dollar is a bit too low to be honest you're not gonna get anything good for that so i'm gonna do something like ten dollars i feel like that's fair that's not too much obviously a lot less than a hundred dollars and it'll still give us a valid point all right so i'm on fiverr you guys probably heard of it before but basically it's a place where you can commission people to do stuff really anything but i looked up roblox game and as you can see we got a lot of different people trying to make a roblox game for me okay so this guy said i will be a roblox game for you about 40 bucks so we can't do him i would develop a professional roblox game map and scripter for you but he has an alvin block's thumbnail like he just took that off of youtube bro what alright so i found one guy right here he says i'll develop a roblox game for you he says 100 right here as you can see he has two reviews with the 4.3 stars and his games don't look bad it looks nice to build there and his like little animal avatar animation i like it looks pretty cool i feel like that'll work for what we have to do so yeah so yeah this would be 100 guy i think he'll be good enough for this so i'm going to talk to him in a second but let me find the 10 guy first this guy said i will sell you my roblox game he's just selling his roblox game to like multiple people what the heck it took me a while to find someone but i actually found someone for ten dollars now they could do it for five dollars but i think it's gonna be a little bit too basic and i feel like five dollars is way too low so i'll do ten dollars and i don't have everything we need for it i'm pretty sure literally nobody want to make a game for ten dollars so i'm glad we found this guy and he looks pretty nice i like his profile picture you know seems legit he doesn't have any reviews but i don't think it really matters i think 10 10 so we'll see what he does he even says he'll make a discord server for you so that sounds pretty cool i'm not sure if that'll work but yeah all right so i found these two guys right here what i'm gonna do right now is go ahead and commission them both and i'm going to give them the same exact prompt for the game that we have no different variables for the project you know what i mean all right so as you can see here this is a pretty simple game idea but here's what it is so i don't want to make it too complicated right obviously because we have a 10 game but i also want to make it too basic because you know we're hiring a hundred dollar guy as well but i got something that both of them can do for a reasonable amount of money okay so basically the idea is a simple last man standing sword fighting game so basically a sword fighting game with the basic sword mechanics but it's last man standing and there's like different rounds and we'll have like a maximum number of players and people fight to the death and the last one standing wins and gets some coins so we're not some pretty basic stuff they have to do like as you can see create a lobby create an arena where the sword fights for sword fights go down and then sword fight matches last 60 seconds and then you can change it up if you want to then if everyone dies for six seconds is up then there's obviously a winner and it shows out on the screen and then also a quick leaderboard to show the top coin holders and the coins you get from killing people and also winning the swordfight matches so yeah flick is pretty simple not too bad for 10 guy also not too bad for 100 guy but i want to see the difference in quality between these games right i mean i'm actually pretty excited honestly all right so i have the entire message here i'm going to compensate both of them so i'll just put the name of them i'm like hello blink and then i'm like thank you so much i'm excited to see the commission and i'll send this to the exact thing right here which is pretty good so yeah i'm excited all right let me go and pay these guys now the 10 dollar guy is only going to take two days apparently and then the 100 guys are gonna take four days so it's not too bad all right so i wasn't going to leave my credit card for you guys sorry not this time but basically as you can see yours is thank you for the purchase and then i'm gonna go ahead and submit all the requirements for my order right here so i already put it all there hello easy games and then you ask for my discord username and then also my roblox username so yeah and then there we go i sent all that stuff and now we go and hit start order and boom all right perfect so that's submitted and on the way now we'll go ahead and hire the 100 guy this is going to be expensive all right so it might hurt me a little bit to do it but uh we'll be okay we'll be okay all right so the hyundai guy right here as you can see it's him we're going to continue to check out all right so as you can see i purchased 100 one as you can see right here it says price hundred dollars but it says right here too it says talk to me before ordering uh i didn't talk to him before ordering so that's awkward but uh hopefully he doesn't scam me all right uh i think i'll be fine but i'm gonna go and base that message here and hopefully he understands what that means he'll just message me if he needs to so we'll be good all right perfect so i got that sent right there we're gonna start order again and we should be good all right boom that's the minute two so now i'm gonna wait for you guys to respond maybe those respond with a message or maybe they'll spawn with the game who knows but i'm gonna go ahead and wait uh however long and i'll see you guys when they respond or we have some progress i'm excited this is gonna be very interesting to say the least all right so it has been a few days and uh not gonna lie it's been a lot of stuff has happened lately okay so uh we got a big update to go through here okay so one um the game is done 100 game is done and it was delivered on time the ten dollar game was not done and it's still not done and it's not delivered on time so kind of a bummer but i mean i guess when you pay ten dollars for a game what do you expect so anyways i'm gonna go and show you guys what happened between me and the hundred dollar guy and then we'll go on and talk about the 10 guy so the day after i submitted the game for this guy he didn't know how to add a feature where basically the round skips when everyone dies and he's like can i do something instead for it he's like a shop for swords and i was like nah not really i kind of want what i asked for right and he was like okay i can do that and then he says the leaderboard is destroying the cache leader stats so if i make the leaderboard you won't see how much cash you have left so i don't know what he's talking about honestly but he can't do what i asked him which i feel like it's pretty simple for a hundred dollars but you know what i mean it is what it is um but yeah but anyways he says i said in the game i saw he did send it to me i have a link to it and i can edit it so i can go in the studio for it so i'm going to go to market orders complete here in a second and he also says you can give me a rating blah blah blah and i was like he's like so what do you think i didn't check it out yet because i don't want to spoil it yet i want to wait for the ten dollar game first and then i'll check out the 100 one okay so i'm gonna go and mark his orders complete though so i can finish this guy's order for him i don't wanna have him waiting whatever all right so as you can see i approve delivery there we go the outside approve delivery all right and boom that was submitted now it says the product take five days and call 105 how satisfied are you i don't know i'm gonna skip that for now but maybe we'll come back in the in the end and uh finish this out anyways so basically this guy was looking at the game done he had like four days to do it or something like that and then he wants to extend it now another four days and the reason is he doesn't have enough time to do so issues with life so i'm not sure what the issue is honestly but i wasn't going to complain because i'm only paying 10 dollars for a game to be fair and also this is kind of part of the challenge right i mean it's a 10 game versus 100 game so we'll see the difference between what we get in the game and also in the service you know what i mean this is a little bit delayed that's part of the service it wasn't as good and like i said it's only ten dollars so i can't expect too much from it but anyways that's that i'm gonna wait until we get this game done and then we'll go and check out both games i'm actually really excited to see the difference between these two i'm not gonna lie i looked at the hundred dollar game for a second i opened it and it didn't look too promising i'm not gonna lie and also the guy in the scripting abilities didn't seem to the best how he was saying he couldn't do certain things but it is what it is we'll see what happens in a little bit here all right i'll be back whenever this guy gets his game done hopefully soon if he delays it again i'll probably have to find someone else bro because i'm not going to wait two weeks for a game all right guys so i'm finally back now it has been like literally like almost two weeks since i ordered these games okay now the first one was done in three days a hundred dollar one so i'm glad with that although i haven't checked it out yet we're about to check it out here in a second but the ten dollar one literally only was completed yesterday that took two weeks and it said three days anyways who cares it was ten dollars right that's what we gotta think about now i'm not gonna tell you everything that happened because it's way too much talking but basically this guy made me add him on a whole different platform he made me add him on discord and then he was asking me all kind of questions about the game and then he'd ask me to verify my roblox account for some reason i'm so confused on why but i did and then i added him and he was like wait a minute ar are you the dev king he goes i'm one of your biggest fans on youtube so obviously thank you so much but he was taking quite a while and i paid him for what what he said he would do he did it i don't know where to see if it works but i don't know if you did a good job but anyways he took a while i'm trying to say then a couple days later he dm me saying he couldn't do some stuff so i was like okay whatever no big deal and i'm just like send me what you have it's been way too long and we can move on from this and i'll be happy because at the end of the day i don't really care how good the game is i'm really only doing this to see the actual quality of the game and what we're gonna get i'm not trying to influence them too much do anything because i'm trying to see if you guys were to do this what would you get from it you know what i mean okay so anyways here is the 10 game okay um on first glance the map looks okay all right it doesn't look that bad um there's like a safe zone a leader board i'm not sure if it works we're going to find out here in a second but we have that that's kind of cool i guess and we have a few scripts looks like a leader stats script some data store and i don't know what this is alright anyways we're gonna go ahead and hit play and see how this game works i'm gonna i don't want to assume the worst here but oh oh okay we already have a lot of errors a lot of errors okay okay so you spawn in and the snowman is dying i'm not sure why that's happening okay i have admin uh it's kind of cool i guess um i have a time a time leadership i didn't ask for that hey uh but he got creative i guess right we do have the sword uh which this shouldn't have been too hard there's a free model so you know i was asking for that though let me get that clear i was asking for that uh the leaderboard does not seem to work although i didn't publish it so let me actually try running his game that he has and see if that works okay do the leader stats work in here let's see uh okay the leaderboard oh the leaderboard doesn't work okay so i've actually published it i'm not gonna do it right now because i don't really care too much to do it but we have a leaderboard that works but for some reason it's showing the time i don't know why it's showing that i never asked for that um but that's cool i guess the safe zone seems to work too that's kind of cool um i didn't ask for that either but you know safe zone they're cool i like that i like more like arena thing like a round base thing but he gave me this okay i was actually waiting for this thankfully someone joined my game shout out to these fans right here um but i want to see if they're playing on the game okay i want to say was this worth ten dollars okay he's just freaking out he said oh my god am big hashtag hashtag please pick okay okay hey don't kill me bro don't kill me okay actually you know what fine let's fight you want to fight bro you like an among us character all right let's go yo he's actually good oh sorry bro sorry uh oh okay i got them both all right well um match for this game honestly not much else to see i'm gonna take a picture of these guys and i'm gonna show you the next game here in a second all right so now it is time for the 10 game guys here we go i'm opening it up it is approximately 191 kilobytes which is tiny but who cares it doesn't matter here we go let's see what happens okay okay okay so not looking too bad with like a little health bar at the bottom which is kind of cool uh obviously it seems like i can put more work in than 10 game which is nice uh we have like a camera button not sure what that does shop button and a status i don't know what's going on here but let's go into play and see what happens oh no errors actually okay cool so intermission five seconds uh health infinite because i think we're in an intermission that's cool all right let's let's wait a little bit see what happens like we have i like our walk faster it's actually kind of nice uh choosing map oh it's multiple maps yo this is actually kind of cool i like this map chosen teleporting players okay we're teleporting i guess uh hopefully that works please work please work oh yo this enough is sick yo wait a minute hold on i'm gonna make my screen bigger okay hold on this map is actually sick for some reason i don't know why but i love it like it's huge okay um well obviously there's no one else in the game so i'm gonna go ahead and publish this and let someone join me okay i joined the actual game so we can actually have people join me and have a sword fight but i'm not gonna lie so far this game is actually pretty cool a lot better than the 10 dollar one i won't lie i won't actually play it though and see what happens i'm not gonna lie i wouldn't say so far it's worth a hundred dollars but definitely a pretty good quality game you can tell you put more effort in this in ten dollar game will someone join again hello tap i'm big fan okay bro i know but we're gonna fight here in a second i'm check out the shops while i'm at it okay so we got ultimate sword purchase a hundred dollars so let's see how that works oh wait i don't have any cash never mind what's this there's like a picture button oh you can spectate you know that's sick i don't even ask for that either well you know see like this is what i like he went above and beyond the features i didn't even ask for that and he did it um pretty cool i'm not gonna lie hey naruto joined you're about to have a sword fight with you bro said please scream i said we are about to fight to the death okay yo we have a whole party in here hey you know this guy's the merch oh no that's tinker merch okay i'm gonna cry i thought he had my shirt on oh yo yo this guy's crazy among this character oh oh why they're all over me chill out guys chill out guys wait why did i get a kill i did not kill anyone uh whatever all right come on oh yo we actually take damage i like that you're gonna die yeah yep no no oh i thought i was lost i had 48 feet okay i won i got two kills 700 okay it didn't end actually dang it he said he couldn't do that i'm not even that mad honestly he tried his best you know he didn't know how to script that yet which is fine it's kind of difficult to do you'd have to make every player in a table and then when they'll die you could check the table right every time someone dies and see if they all died and then you'd basically end the loop there and break the function but he didn't know how to do that it's fine i i i understand you and i mean it's a little bit complex to do at first i don't know why i explained how to do that that's some nerdy stuff my bad guys i'm kind of a nerd i'm gonna give this guy a reading and i'm gonna give the 10 dollar guy ready okay all right i hate to ruin giving three out of ten right but i'm sorry but this game should not have taken that long it's literally gonna took literally 10 minutes i'm sorry it could have bro the walls are just parts i don't know why there's like more like little sections between them maybe they do that on purpose but the walls are just parts right i don't think too crazy the trees are obviously free model it doesn't matter i don't care that much right it's just a map but the thing is he made me wait like two weeks for this dude like that was the biggest thing i guess i mean look if you sort of told me it took two weeks and then it took two weeks i understand but i expected in three days and it took two weeks anyways i'm going on tangent here it is what it is not the best quality either so i'm gonna give him a three out of ten but i like how he didn't make a safe zone it's kind of a cool feature um i asked for rounds but you know he did that which is kind of cool i guess now this game it was a hundred dollars so obviously i'd expect a little bit more but it was actually pretty good too i liked it there's like a choosing map little thing right here you have your health bar at the bottom you can see that better more clearly you have a shop only by the sword actually by the way so i have enough money i think purchase and yo this sword sparkles look at that that's sick okay one little thing you did wrong is uh eventually we all spawn in each other whenever we tell the fort so we're kind of all dying like immediately but lucky this is actually pretty sick i think i'm gonna publish this one and let you guys play it if you want to so this one goes to eight out of ten for me obviously you know nothing too crazy but he did what i said besides the whenever you kill everyone you tell her back to the spawn but pretty good at the end of the day good job on him honestly though i still wouldn't pay on a dollar for a roblox game it was kind of weird if i was making a real estate 100 i just hired people separately and make more sense at the end of the day anyways guys that's the end of the video i'm not going to take too much time but this is what you get if you spend ten dollars versus a hundred dollars on a roblox game and like i said i don't know if i'd do that all at once i'd probably win this ever again it's just for the video now you guys know what you get for your money anyways be sure to subscribe if you want more roblox film related videos just like this one and also leave a like if you enjoyed the video it helps out a lot and i will see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: TheDevKing
Views: 362,799
Rating: 4.9443607 out of 5
Keywords: TheDevKing, Roblox Scripting Tutorial, roblox, studio, coding, tutorial, Paying $10 vs $100 For a Roblox Game.., paying $10 vs $100 roblox game, roblox development, roblox dev, roblox developer
Id: ReaLjk_8BzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 21 2021
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