Creating a Ghibli-Style Environment in Blender (Full Tutorial)

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if you want to learn how to make ghibli style textures in substance painter the latest course from the 3d coloring book was made for you i'll leave a link in the description if you want to consider getting the course now let's get into this week's video hi hello how are you my name is gustavo and i'm here today to give you a breakdown of this artwork you're seeing on the background that's a recreation from spirited away from swedish glibly and that's a breakdown to be followed by complete beginners or experienced users of blender that can be made exclusively and one hundred percent on blender i'll guide you through the basics of blender and 3d stylized workflows also through some theory on networks and stylized workflows and some insights that may help you achieve the gibby look on 3d so okay guys now on blender just create a general scene and get rid of the default cube and the lamp pressing the light okay and shift a to add a new mesh plane that's gonna be the bridge floor okay just gonna bring it this down to see better what we're doing now as a roughly measure we're gonna use those grid that blender gives us okay just press s to scale it and s x to scale it only on the x axis and we're scaling it to about 10 of those squares okay that's all right it's going to be our bridge for just scale it on the y-axis now roughly to that don't need to worry about scales about being exact right now just do what your heart wants okay now shift add a new mesh cue is going to be your bridge site okay just scale it now again on all axis through about roughly that okay just seven again to go to the top field and bring this a little one now we have it on up on the plane okay and scale it on the ix axis to about roughly a little bigger than the plane okay just a little bit and shift to duplicate that and move it on the y-axis press y to move it on the y-axis just put roughly that and shift d again y to move it on the y axis again just bring those a little g and y to move it on the y axis a little down it's going to be a little smaller okay now g again y that's about right we can scale it later and just duplicate this middle part and scale it in and rotate it with our 90 degrees okay now scaled it on the y-axis this is going to be those with the tails on the bridge okay just bring this right here that's all right now shift it to duplicate and then move it on the x-axis we're going to use it again the grid as a measure just one two three just jump one and then put it on the other okay now select those two shift d to duplicate again move it on the x-axis and [Music] put those on here okay just shifty again x-axis but also here now we're okay just want to make those smaller wood right here okay so select one of these shift d move it on the x axis to the middle that's why we left this middle red part here and scale it on the y axis through about here bring those down kinda let it inward those other parts okay that's why i'm leaving those here that gives a nice detail later okay just scale it from the y-axis again that's all right just see it from here right now that's looking good so shift d axis here okay shift d x axis and the last one okay shift the x axis uh even doing some stylization we we want always to be working from reference okay here on side i have a ghibli reference really from the scene since we're recreating it but always work from happens okay don't matter that's always a nice hint okay now we can just change those those pieces to individual origins okay and scale them on all axis except for the y-axis so we have to press shift y to do that okay now scale those down a bit that's all right okay that's looking good now select those bigger parts to the right and scale that the same way okay all axes except for the y no s shift y and scale them down let's write in them as that and make this a little smaller now select the smaller ones again scale send right here that's okay again donate should be exact just how you want it okay don't worry about that just want to scale those up a bit again scale shift y that's about right what i want now okay we can do a part that will need later so select those down bar and press ctrl where to subdivide it okay to loop coded and use the mouse scroll to select the number of location one of them i think that's about right what i want i just need some upgrades here because we're going to change this this format later just those look good here again cut here now that's about right okay okay that's looking good now just scale those parts on the x-axis right here that's all right okay so there's just one more thing we have to do with our bridge that's one of the most frightening things for 3d artists and there is the uv unwrapping so we just need to have uv unwrap this side part of the bridge okay so now that we have all the visual setup all the sizes of the positions on the right way we just came here and select all on edit mode with a okay just press h select all right itself no just press h select all and right click separate by loose parts okay just now we have those things separated okay again just now we can measure it to uv unwrapping we can go to the uv editing layout okay just and we can start selecting edges to make the scenes that is where the textures will be cutted and paste it together okay so glue together okay so we just select the edge and maxim okay just change for the face selection mode with the three button okay here on the keyboard okay just select those two faces and press two on the keyboard to change again to edge selection contain marks in okay so do the same for this one okay here and there maxime okay just now 3 select this face select this face 2 mark sim okay now that one select that comb through click just select that mark sim 3 again select that select that true again mark seam okay now for the those columns here you can make it even easier since we already selected how how it's going to look already set up everything we just need to unwrap one of those okay just isolate that with a bar on the notepad okay so marxi here here marxi okay so press seven again press bar again okay seven so now we have this okay this is right now right so we select all you unwrap and just pick those up that is just what we need okay just wait a sec okay that's now okay just adjust that and we are going to make these two every part of the mesh but the trick to do this faster is just since the third one is okay you can select there is okay right we can just the light is older since we already know where it's going to be and duplicate that one just satori into geometry okay here now original geometry here too select the 2 shift d x axis the same thing as before ok shift d x axis that's really really nice so i'll be doing that for the other parts of the mesh and organizing uvs i'll just speed forward this part since i think it will it will be repetitive and if you have any doubt you can always slow down the video and follow follow the process okay [Music] so so [Music] okay so that's now okay we've unwrapped uh the whole mesh now we can just continue today another part okay now you can first of all just select this whole mesh and medium point rotate it x on 90 degrees okay so just view from top put it right here and a beat up okay that's all right so now now when we will make in the bridge form just that's a simple part okay press tab to go into the edit mode 7 to lock it from the app view and press ctrl to loop cut it and we can look cut it on the grids okay that's kind of right now go to face selection select all those faces and in through those with i and press i again to intrude them individually i think that's about right with those faces selected press a to extrude them a little bit that's okay that's all right it's about what we want okay oh but the bridge is supposed to be curvy you see okay now let's curve the bridge right that is simple as it seems so just select one edge here oops just select all the both the meshes and press tab to go into the edit mode okay now select here okay i think that that's right and one at the middle of the or the bridge floor okay now we're gonna going to use the proportional editing tool just press o or activate it here okay now use the move tool and you see when i move that it doesn't go along okay that's not right just control that and pull that up and scroll the mouse wheel down until you get what you want here okay that's kind of dead okay that's nice now what we want is to start composing our shot because we have the bridge that's a okay so what we want now is to press 0 to go to the camera view and press n to open this secondary window go to the video tab and take the camera to video watch option just select it and then when you move the vision on the viewport you move the camera together so that's a nice way to get a nice shot of what you want okay now we can scale the bridge on the right way okay just like that just you can select everything like that then join those again join it okay just remember always to set origin origin to geometry okay now i'll just scale this on the y axis a bit okay that's nice about that okay now go to the camera view again camera to view that's nice just bring this camera here here here all right it's all right i think those bridge arms are too big okay just bring those down a bit it's nice getting to where we want so now we can see what is messed up what is not how we want just just adjust this part takes a lot of patience sometimes okay so don't worry just be patient and trust the process and that's roughly what i want okay that's nice just tab again here here and then move those rotate that axis that's nice it's all right so just bring the camera a little closer little up a little to the side now bring this scale i think those pieces are not doing doing well together no [Music] step separate by those parts just diminish that a little bit scale oops include origins starting origin to geometry now so original geometry scale shift zed okay that's very very nice all right so just remember select those all don't worry about anything all right just deselect that we selected it size that just a little bit lower remember we're starting now to compose our shot so we can start tweaking some things and make it look how we want so [Music] select tools all again just like that select that select that then i can just press the right button and then that select and then join all this okay so just pick it up here that's all right that's about what i want remember arch is always about tweaking things and make things working together so don't worry if that takes a long time um choose medium point now size okay i think that that's all right for the moment that's looking pretty good so now we can get you another one okay so here we have the bridge finish it the block out of the build bridge finish it so we can start composing a shot you can start adding more to the scene blocking out the rest of the stuff okay so when you see the original ghibli studio spirited away scene we have some mountains on the background some trees and on the foreground we have the bridge and the haunashi the faceless spirit on the bridge so everyone now is to composer shot okay how we're gonna do this we'll just get out of that just for start we we can add the background mountings okay you just take you that's all right i think so just move the this comb here okay zero to look from the camera wheel just move this this curve outside this cube outside okay just rotate it on the z axis okay now we can look from the top field that's all right that is too far away you think just make the size bigger right now so we see on the original shot the mountain gets like here so let's turn it away a little web and it comes from outside these mountains creating atmospheric background and that's a really really really signature style from studio ghibli to maintain those mountains the forest the foliage that's probably the most important part of the shot so we're just blocking this stuff here so don't worry about it i'll change this to local just you work better with the cube so size x okay that's all right i'll get it like here a little more rotate on the z axis we're just doing this roughly we can always change that so don't worry zero again just cattle stuff said okay like here that's all right and then that's another mountain that is behind this one another shadowy mountain a dark mountain okay just some very very very background so just shifty that okay just resize this on the x-axis rotate on the zed okay that's all right and now we can just leave this here for the moment right here that's okay just doing stuff roughly this will be the background the first shot okay just size said okay just a little bit to cover that and the most foreground thing the most striking thing to the eyes on this shot is the how haunashi for sure but what is the hanashi the spirit that he can think on the basic shape of him is just a cylinder right now we should add a mesh a cylinder mesh okay so now we just can change the vertices of the cylinder we don't need many just about 21 is okay uh remember trying to maintain it uh though poly account rendering is on navy the real time renderer from blender okay but now for blocking out the haunashi we just need the cylinder just scale it down okay just if we look at the reference photo he's standing on the bridge right uh-huh around here okay and we can go to edit mode select those edge loop by out clicking this edge okay just extrude it extrude it and extrude it okay and i think that's all right just choose it okay now select the object and just size shift that okay just make it a little thinner and just add some more geometry here and shade it smooth okay that's not looking right obviously but just that's cool don't worry about it just add more subdivision here okay so just pick this edge loop again and intrude it with i introduced with i again intruded with die again and just one more time and then with the proportional editing just bring this up just less effect scroll mouse up okay and a little more a little more that's that's about right for the moment just grab those again bring those down that's about right okay i think that's okay that's what we want from now just make it a little smaller and a little bigger on the z-axis is tall just bring this up a bit pinches to the side and that's okay that's we went from the hanashi but if you look closely at the deeply references from him he's not never he's never a exact angle is a little bit to the side a little bit curved a little bit kind of messy just bring this to the side a bit just scale it a bit less pick taiwan bring it a bit to the side this one again a bit here okay that's okay it's not straight and that's that's what we want from now okay that's okay now some funny note stuff and for that we just need some simple notes okay there's nothing fancy nothing hard to do just give the hanashi guy a new material and color it black okay it's all black don't worry about sharpness don't worry about anything right now just press the bar on the numpad to focus on the object okay and bring this window up and change it to shader editor okay here we can delete the principle best yeah don't worry about it and we'll just add if you have the node wrangler enabled as a add-on for blender okay we just can press ctrl t to add a texture coordinate and a mapping node just let me make it a little bigger okay we can delete the image texture okay now but now how will we make the haunashi transparent how will make in ghostly like this ghostbar in the spirit body he have okay so far change this setting we're handed on navy don't forget that just change the material setting to blend mode alpha blend okay now we have a bit kind of transparency but that's not your very high right now just change this to alpha blend and we'll add a gradient texture with shift a search gradient texture okay and [Music] just bring the material up closely okay that gradient texture will say to us where we want to have the color for the object or no okay just add a separate xyz node and the mapping vector to hinge so what does this do [Music] he it will change how the gradient texture affect the mesh just call it spirit body okay and [Music] this gradient texture right here is a real gradient okay that's we can see here on the wait a minute just here okay we'll set this out to one and we see that the gradient texture is effecting now the object right now just change this to from uv we're not unwrapped we didn't unwrap the goals so object coordinates will kind of make the the program calculate its the node calculated zone coordinate on the object so for now that's okay just now we'll add a transparent bsdf shader so this will make part of the ghost transparent what we want is making the white part of the gradient texture transparent so just let me remove that remove this viewer node so and add a mix shader between these two so let that okay if we if you don't have no triangle there's shift a and mix shader okay this color input goes into the factor that will decide where the texture will be applied where the other shade will be applied okay this is transparent go to the bottom part okay and the shader to volume now we see that the down part of the mesh is transparent that's what i want that's what we want but not quite like that is sure if we need this to so let's just add the rest of the stuff here and just a minute okay zero in the camera view we just need to make the top part just soft how we can make this by changing the mapping node how we want this to be just make it a little higher change the location a bit okay that's cool kind of what we want just messing with the location on the coordinate and the scale on the z axis of the of this node okay just just a little bit higher i think that's what about i want just a little more heavier okay now let me see just a little more i think i think we can go like just if we change this to zero four i think and is true just let me see zero okay now just a little less [Music] dot four i think it's okay there we go here [Music] [Music] no that's not what i want just keep messing with the nose until you get something that is how you like i think that's kind of right for me that's all right he gives just just a little more softer okay [Music] i'll change this gradient texture to quadratic sphere i think that's that will suit us better okay [Music] and this will just mess around i think that's just a little what just a little up in this just a little up that okay it's a little just still here okay that's all right i think okay that's all right for the moment if we don't like that we can change this later okay i'm not gonna prolong this much on here that's a body for the hamashi okay now let's proceed to this mask okay so now for the mask we can just get out from here and shift a plane okay to add a plane and press the notepad bar to focus on that object okay now we can just to make it okay right click and subdivide this plane okay number of cuts you can get a higher amount there's no problem with it okay like nine i think there's a good number okay we can delete this part roughly what you think that's okay for you just bring this to the middle set origin middle geometry okay now let's just grab this down here with proportional editing activated just a little more like here okay press the boxes and change that to i think that wait country set just resize it the little okay and change it to sharp i think sharps okay for now just do the same thing on the other side okay size here and change it to sharp okay now we just disable the proportional editing and just scale it even more until we got the hang of what we want exactly because master it takes a bit of messing around till you get the form you want on the mask okay but no problem with it it's okay right here just a little smaller here a little smaller here just now size x make a little smaller this is small okay that's small too small you always want to work from reference on this stuff you can really have a hard time trying to configure it ted if you don't have a reference with you and that's really not very what but that's no real of a big deal okay i'm just i'm looking for a reference just finding the right way okay now rotate 180 degrees that's okay it's all right just select tools proportional editing size a little what and this size a little whip okay now this one's a little dull just bring those two inwards so that's rounder okay that's all right i think now here we can use g twice to move it on the vertices and then this okay that's about right for now and to make it look like the mask you just want some voluminous you want some you can use the solidifier modifier okay just go to the merge for [Music] a for the [Music] solidify much fire key and you can increase the thickness a bit okay that's a good workflow for it okay and you want to apply it okay on object mode apply okay now i have good topology everything is working on just select this middle part okay and bring it to the front a little i need it a little bigger like that okay that's all right i think just select those two parts now and bring this a little back okay to make it look good that's a nice mask okay everything worked exactly what i want okay so now let's put it on the haunashi just the bar again okay bring this up rotate it on the y-axis 90 degrees no that's why it doesn't rotate on the y-axis 90 degrees no rotate on the please let me correct it okay just bring this up rotate it on the x-axis 90 degrees okay just minus length go to the front view just size way because i'm on the local okay change this to global now size little minor dx so just put it on the front of the model so that's all right the hanashi on the reference on the scene is looking directly at the expectator so we want the same thing happening here just rotate on the z axis and make it look straight for the camera okay size just change it to local so it's easier okay size x okay just reduce that size y just reduce that size x again reduce that here you'll get a result you want okay that's nice for now just a little lower and a little to the left okay that's all right here is the whole nicey face okay zero again that's pretty pretty nice just rotate this a bit and make it floating on the tractor face okay that's nice now he has a face so right now we will start texturing those blocks on the front to bridge and the mountains okay okay so now a probably the most important part of the project to make it look like gabley's style is to texture and paint those those meshes okay we can start by the bridge that is already uv unwrapped so when there will be simple okay so add a new material to one of those meshes and delete the principle vsdf and add the shift h2oid image texture okay so you can just plug that on surface and add to a texture coordinate node and a mapping okay so the uv to vector and vector to vector okay if you have no triangle enabled you can just click on material output template and press ctrl t okay and that will do the same thing just automatically here you click a new texture okay name that bridge bridgewood i think just that's okay so let's start with a headish color okay that's okay for now we don't need to have a perfect color right now so don't worry about it too just press the bar on the notepad to isolate that object okay and go into the texture paint [Music] interface so now we have this object okay just you can change that to the object mode and isolate that and go into texture paint again we can of course do this texture paint right here on blender okay that's just you can do this how you want okay so that's no problem around it just let me see those movies so that's how the plank is working on the obvious i like to keep my workflow inside the uvs so you can see here i have the uvs and i can just click and paint on the mesh around here of course you can just configure the uvs for that and paint on a mesh right now it's not working properly because the uvs are not on the same format of the mesh okay but that's easy to fix but for now i i'll show you how i do that normally okay just that's our texture okay so for the normal workflow i use you just have to come here on the edit tab and go into the preferences of blender and on file paths you will find this application tab okay and image editor here on the image editor you just have to go into the exact table file of your preferred your favorite image editor maybe use maybe use photoshop maybe you use to say i don't know just anything you want you can just put the exact table file on on here and you can use it as the default image editor for blender okay so now just add it and close that and you can come on the uv editing tab okay and just select all the uv and go into uv export uv layout okay i'll just send that to my desktop [Music] and name it bridge wood uv okay just export uv layout and now on texture paint i'll just go into image and just a minute on the uv editing just go into image back and unpack that okay just click on image you have the pack option okay just click back and then click on this button okay that's the new unpack item option just use file from current directory and that's unpackaged now go into the texture paint mode and go into image edit externally so now we have the textured opened on photoshop we just need to bring here the uv map we exported okay so just minimize that i have my uv map on the desktop i'll just bring it in here okay now that's all right so i'll just have this textured up here a little that's okay that's all right now for this wood i have a tablet connected on my pc okay work on tablets but you don't need that you can do this with a mouse i just want the pencil pressure on okay so if you don't need that that's all right do what suits you better okay i'll just do something roughly here just to show it show you what we can do okay so what i want uh detail i think that's nice to have is some clear edges on this wood so we don't need the reflection to really be happening on the mesh we just have those details on all the time i think that is very nice to have on the giblets style okay here i'm just doing it roughly not worrying about it just to show you guys how i come up with that just some roughly details i can now just pick a haddish darker just to have some [Music] wood flow going on like that and then just roughly you don't need to worry that much of course if you want you can be for a while on the details but i'm trying to do it firstly so that's all right i think i'll just now delete to this uv map and press wait a bit so i'll do better i think just it's all right i'll just merge those up and repaint above this lines so it's much faster okay of course you can take out the time you want and this the longer time you spend on it the better it will look okay so it's always nice to have someone attention on this details i'll just paint it roughly just to show you that's all right now just press ctrl s to save that and now you can go on blending and apply this texture one thing more you can do in photoshop is just to copy this part of the texture okay and i think that that part is bad better okay so just copy this part ctrl c ctrl v to paste and just put it right here okay so we can have more variation on the meshes without having to make more textures okay if you want to make more textures to have different kind of planks and things i can do i'm just doing this for the sake of velocity for the sake of simplicity okay now you can just merge that and save so now okay so now back to blender is pretty simple to apply this new texture we had made okay just on the texture paint mode or any remote you want you just click on the open image folder okay so select the textures folder and select the bridgewater.png we were using before okay and that's our texture here so now on the material just click open pictures and bridgewood.png so that's all right that's our texture so to get longer on this matter just i'll just use the same texture for disorder bridge woods okay just for the sake of velocity and should not become repetitive so what we can do though to make this faster is just select the [Music] other bridgewood so and selecting the textured one uh atlas okay so now we press ctrl l to link materials okay just now all the woods have the same material and something we made earlier in photoshop was to make this other side of the texture so when we select the other arm of the bridge we can just do that and then we have variation on the texture we can see now that this tool looked different okay cause the uv speaking knows let the last part from this other side okay we can do this some tweaks like these on all the others just a or you can select this just a bar okay and you can select like this or better like this like oh [Music] again just the part like that i think that's all right and this one you can see that's turned around so just rotate 180 degrees that's pretty nice now same thing here a wait just a minute here tab a no let me see just select it and roughly move that away and i think that's pretty how i want it for the moment we don't need anything detailed right now that suits us the way we want so let's just rearrange that okay that's pretty nice so one other thing i've done with these nodes on the on this material we can see on the layout model here here up here so i added a principle bsdf we just had this node configuration just press shift a search for principle bsdf and plug in the bridgewood pump dot png on base corner input we can control the specular the roughness of the material so we have much more control underneath and that's looking pretty neat so that's okay i'll just texture the rest of the bridge as there is right now so we don't need to worry about anything i think just the uvs are okay we just need to texture the same way just have in mind when you texture something like that in this style or anything stylize it just to keep a a good harmony between the colors you can use like adobe softwares to to create a good palette or you can just drag and drop ghibli images and use the the eyedropper tool to pick colors from the the color picker to to pick colors from the image to use on your scene just have in mind that having a reference is always the better you do okay so that that's looking right okay but keep in mind that the colors are here are very very important so i'll do this part and then then i'll show you how it came out okay [Music] okay so here's my bridge site finish it finish it so you can see that i'm i used some different a different colors for these three bars that's just to make some distinction and have some higher highlights here yellowish white so we can fake the sunlight hitting the edges of the bridge okay and the work on the ones weren't much pretty but we can go on with it so a kind of kind of important thing we have to do now is to set up or lighting in the scene okay so the best way you can do that for stylized scenes and the easiest way is to go into the edit edit tab preferences and searching and on add-ons we'll search for add-on [Music] lightning dynamic sky this add-on is for adding a dynamic sky composer for blender okay so you just have to tick this option okay and close it now you can press in and go into create tab and dynamic sky click the the button create and go into the word properties okay on the word properties change the words to dynamic underline one okay so now a minute now we have the options for setting up our word okay now we have for default take blurry words let me just change that to evie a kind of cloudy daytime okay so what i do to set up the scene here is just to lower the clown the cloud density and cloud opacity to zero or almost that okay and change the horizon color to blue and that's a much more ghibli style looking sky okay and the sky color just a little bluish and the r is okay so you can see the color reflecting on the bridge okay just you can set up that better i think that's good it's good too just something you gotta do is now we can change how the light hits using this slider here just tinted it's kind of about right for now okay just leave it like that and for now we can use teasers as our scene and improve that later okay now we can uv unwrap the bridge floor okay just we'll be we'll do that kinda the rough way but it'll work perfectly for what we want okay just easily the object pressing pressing [Music] the numpad bar okay and seven to see it from above that's it pretty nice then we go to the uv editing just again same thing and select all i think that's already okay but just press u and project from view now we have the top projection bleach bridge form that's all we need okay just increase the size rotate it a little bit so that is really right and we can do the same thing as the other parts to chew color okay just edit a new material and on the layout mode just ctrl t to write the image texture new bridge floor okay now do the same thing as before just uv editing select the uvs uv export uv layout and choose the place for you just click export uv layout the same thing as before a team is to pack it go to the texture paint and just a minute i think that's already unpacked just image which minute yes what's happening image back [Music] do [Music] do okay that's just bug it so now you can pack it back it use file from kind directory and just use image edit externally just open photoshop and now we have the texture open here just import the the uv layout you exported before that's that's here so just imported that in photoshop so right now and now you just color the way you want i'll do that and then i'll show you how i've done okay you can see now my final result with the texture on blender okay already imported so this is how it's looking all right i'll just higher the roughness and lower the spectre okay and this is how it's looking okay just simple wood some simple wood marks just straight lines okay not really fancy so but that serves a lot on our purpose okay here's how the scene is looking right now so that's all right with the bridge we don't need to mess with anything here right now okay for the next step on blender we can just improve the shape of these mountains okay so can we so we can work and texture it so just set some boot cuts i think that's okay now select all and subdivide it a few times that's all right i think we don't probably don't need all that but that's all right just bring those down a little that's kind of okay yes see from the top bring this a little inside a little side just we have how rounder corners i think that's better to go this way just activate activate the proportional editing and mess with it a little yeah just move those a bit let's chew we don't need to focus too much on that because it will be covered by trees later on so don't worry too much about it just change this move so we can see better what is going on i think that's all right for now so that's okay there's two ways you can texture those mountains okay we can texture like we've been doing to now or we can just make it this simple array so i think that's better let's do it different so we can go into the textured paint mode and just go into this object just selected okay now so we can see we can just go into the object mode add a new texture here change the base color to kind of brown color like this one i think just bring this specular down and the roughness up a bit it's okay i think that's a bit clear that's all right for now just take this eyedropper that's okay for now so [Music] we can go into texture paint mode just now we can if we can wrap it in some kind of way you like okay so i think i'll do it that way we don't need to worry too much about it see okay now just chew for the edge selection maximum something here no mark scene okay i'll do the same thing here just to improve that i don't think it's needed but it's all right just select this once maximum okay now back here to maxi okay now select all and new alright now we have some mounting parts that's all right just press off and then l to select lincoln and show the seam to okay now we can see on the uv editing here only the mountain side okay so let's just add a new texture mountains and press enter okay it's on black right now so don't worry about it just layout mode on the principal bsdf ctrl t open texture mountains okay that's not it so [Music] where's my okay i think we can make a new again so we don't have to worry about it just new no okay just select a color i i'll go with a color similar to the one we had just that okay that's all right very very good so on the texture paint mode again just your editing it's okay right now so let's see just rotate 180 degrees all right and improve the uvs of the just twice okay a little bigger it's all right so important so rotate we need oops just select all that now select that rotate 90 180. it's all right no it's not just my achievement okay that's right you don't need to worry you will test it later just select this draw and all bring this up okay we just need to worry about these two sides okay so because this will be the only two appearing uh we can paint it right on blender i think don't need to worry about going on photoshop or anything like that unless you want to have some more detailed textures oh because the radius of the paint shoe so i can have some color going on here so that's all right just be okay just continue this texture here pinching it roughly kind of brownish header here and now just diminished a little more and make it your pencil just to put some traces of dirt in it like that yes that's it okay just kind of roughly decide what style you want i'll paint it and now accelerate process okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so here's the final result we got on the mountain is okay we don't need to worry too much about it that's looking okay from the distance we want and looking pretty similar to the reference okay [Music] one thing we can do now is just delete our skew this cube and go to the top view duplicate that rotate it a bit okay and place it right here okay just let me see from the camera view from here this way size x just put it this way okay that's pretty nice don't need to worry about nothing attached right now just for now we can go and texture the how nashi face the hanashi mask okay just the easiest way to do that is selecting select interface and go into edit mode and selecting all the edges of the face okay now we go to uv editing just here that's selected now and we can just you to unwrap it and project from view okay just make sure you have the vision set up from the camera view so it will be the best way to do that and you project from view wait just size that's it right here the rectangle okay you project from view okay that's pretty nice pretty nice the same way we did with the other ones just uv export uv layout how nashi face okay so i'll put it on my desktop export uv layout now i'll add a new texture to it layout just ctrl t now how nashy face that's the texture we want just keep your white it will help us now again on texture paint just practice image just back to the image back it use file and we can just image edit externally okay okay now we have our texture just let me take this the uv layout here here okay pretty nice you just need to put our texture here i'll paint it and then i'll show you okay so here's my how nashy face karnashi face uh i made him kinda awkwardly smiling so now just you can delete the grid the uv map okay and just press ctrl s to save it now you can close photoshop and get back into blender just open the new texture here that's all right so here's the face of the how much just something i made with this texture is we just let me open this here so you can see better is maintaining the outside of the mask as a black background okay so now we can use this to create a kind of outline on a mask just a little bit [Music] a bit less okay that's all right for me at the moment just kind of roughly sketch it so let me see how this is going yes now we can mess with the measures a little bit let me get back to global this one video point is kind of like that okay don't need to worry too much about it just make it look good okay i think i want a little more of fault lineup just this i think and that x like this okay that's pretty nice let's see pretty pretty nice now just mess with the specular and roughness as you want to incorrect it this way so don't worry about it and now we have almost all the foreground ready okay now it's time to start working on the background so now for the next part of the project we'll be covering one of the most important ghibli features to apply on a 3d project okay so that's the nature the ghibli trees the glibly clouds and things like that we can see on giblet reference that the pursue a very unique style on nature they have those detailed backgrounds some good lightning coming to toes uh good shapes and interesting interesting shapes in general for for forests for some some trees some vegetation and things like that they always have detailed vegetation and many many different approaches it that's a very ghibli style approach you know uh that really define what they define their vision of style okay so we can start with a new mesh shift a just add a uv sphere that's all right we don't need much topology i think that's there too much just a little less i think that's all right just focus on that object only and we can we can do that with geometry nodes okay but i'll keep it simple using normal normal particle properties okay so we don't need to touch on geometry nodes now so because they are a new feature and that would make it kind of complex okay so what we can do to start is just delete it just add the uv sphere again and make it less detailed just i think that that's all right for now just okay so now with you with the uv sphere placement i just want to say that and someone that helped me understand how i could do this better was with the lightning boy studio tutorial on youtube okay so if you wanna deep uh understand enough how to do that how this is working here you can see his video i will just touch that fast just to make things work okay and show you how i done okay i just implemented some techniques with that and i think this came pretty good so [Music] i just added a sphere and call it emitter okay now just duplicate that sphere and call it foliage so right i'll just send this to to a new collection pressing the right button and wait just press m here new collection and call this new collection trees okay now just send this to to this new collection just minimize that and now we have our first cemetery so what should we do with this just go into the particle collect the particle settings and setting and call it first emitter there's okay just change it change the module here and give it a little little number i think that like 23 came really good just change the hairline to zero so you can control it by the size of the object handler as object change this job object and on this instance object shows the foliage okay so now we can hide that and go into the polish foliage mesh and to make it non-destructive and okay working we just can add a a new new modifier particle instance just select the emitter object and you can just change move it and here on particle system we already have the first empty so that's all right just change that to size and now we can go into the emitter again and here on size you can play with this value it's looking pretty good we just need some weird looking but so i think that's all right for now okay just something more we can do is change the source to emit from volume so we'll have all the other balls inside the emitter coming from inside the end so you can just have now add a new emitter okay a new particle setting we can just change that to first eminem now click on the emitter and click on the this little button on the side and click duplicate particle system just change his name to second emitter and click this button to distribute that and change again to second ember oops second emitter okay it's all right so give this a higher number like it intend 180 that's i think that's good so now go to the foliage again add in your modifier particle instance and select the enter and select here the second emitter okay now we have a weird looking block so just come into emitter again wait just select size here and come again to the empty tab so i think we can lower that a bit to that that's all right for me at the moment just i'll give this a little less scale and a little less randomness that's all right for now just trust the process okay now just let me reduce the segments now to have some little more variation what we can do is hide the foliage okay and play a bit with the form of diameter since there is emitting from the volume changing the volume of the emitter will make it a little different okay so just subdivide that a bit i'll just use shades off you can use the sculpting mode for that i think that's all right just all right this object and using the mod okay yes just using the blood i think that will came out it will come out pretty good just mess a bit with the geometry the way you like until it looks like a treetop okay or like a cloud you can play it how you want okay just make it less uniform i think that's all right do you can just select chain 2 from here i think that inflate 2 works pretty good too don't need to worry too much after the blogs better you can just right click to change the pencil properties and just click on a mesh to modify it the way you like okay like that a bit more i think that's all right for me at the moment just a little more here that's nice that's okay for me for now just go back into the layout mode and activate the foliage you can see that it is now changing so we're using volume emitter just i'll add some more of that just make a diameter [Music] make the enter a little bigger i think [Music] that's how i want it you can just mess it how you like just let me see i think that i'll reduce the scale a bit just let me get rid of diameter so i can see better what's happening or just add some a bit more of variation so just hide the foliage again oops hide the foliage or just go into the sculpting mode and add a bit more of the form on the on this mesh okay however you can let it how you like uh okay i think that's pretty nice right now go into the layout mode again now you have the amateur you wanted so just hide the empty now once you order the foliage it's all right then we can just go into the foliage settings add a new modifier and add the decimate modifier okay that will get us a nicer look and a more responsive workflow so just add a desk made modifier just bring this up so we're decimating before applying the particle settings the particle instance okay just bring this down to like i think point one works pretty okay that's nice just the proxies is nothing look not looking so good right now but he will so now just we can so you can hide it go back transfer you can see um so that's okay now let's just add a new modifier and select the reach the data transfer modifier so we can transfer the normals from the emitter object into the the foliage mesh okay just add a modifier on the enter object and select the smooth modifier okay now we have can have a better better mesh for that's all right okay i'll apply that like okay that's nice now we can just duplicate that object and resize it just remove the particle settings from the new object and make it a little bigger okay so it covers all the foliage mesh just a little bit more okay that's nice now select the foliage mesh just hide the old diameter and the new object just let's call this new normals and go again to the foliage object and on data transfer select the source there it is now the mix factor you keep to one click on face data that's all right and now we'll just sorry sorry about that click on face corner data and select the custom normals button okay just make sure it is on nearest corner and best matching phase normal option and see those mesh message that says enable autosmooth in just with the foliage selected go into this tab the object data and select outdoors smooth button okay now come again to this and let let's see that's working all right okay there it is that's pretty pretty cool okay that's how we want it at the moment i'll just give it some more topology on the decimate option you can change that how you want okay i just had a mesh true triangle h see that i have too much edges so i'll give it a little more topology to work that's all right now that is our three top mesh okay okay so now we have the treetop ready for the funniest part okay that is texturing it the most important part remember for a ghibli style to achieve the ghibli style is to texture all this nature all this vegetation and the details on the background in their style okay so how we can do that on blender using eevee is to create a tongue shader a simple tone shader okay for this shader we just need to add a new material to this treetop okay just please just name it three match okay and we can delete the principle bsdf we don't need all these options and add a gpus bsdf okay that's a simple shader that only uses the color the color option okay just leave it on the default value and add a new shader add a new node and the shader to rgb we will be just converting this gpus bsdf to ngb information okay and for now add a color ramp node that is a node we will use to define the colors for the project okay just plug color factor and then color into surface okay now that's the result we have for now a important part for this process is to go into the handler options and activate the ambient occlusion okay and we you can just crank this value up to like nine or ten and the factor value you can add this up to if you want just make quite so it's better what you want to do okay but that will give us a nice result okay and just change this color coloring to constant so now we have a constant true color note another thing we have to do is just mess with the light inserted settings a bit but first of all let's just add some gibby style colors to this this thing okay let's just pick a reference we can use so i just picked a reference from my neighbor tutorial movie okay just try this reference you can just add image as reference and select the image from where we saved it okay so mine is on my desktop let me just pick that up and scale it okay that's all right that's what i will use to select the colors for the material okay we can just color pictures the principles of color theory are applied very well on the blender movies so you can just pick almost any color that's near another and that will work pretty fine all they do is very very well studied so i'll just pick this darker color and click the plus button to add another one i'll change this to a slightly slightly clearer color just one more add this a slightly lighter color again and one more slightly lighter color okay so let's just pick this up and for the last color we want to pick a highlight from the scene so we can pick this one okay that's our color at the moment let me just bring this little back okay that's the color we have for the tree right now we can just mess with these values till we get the result we want just pushing this up beat making a little darker so another thing we want to do is mess with the brightness of the scene we can leave it as like 1.80 i think and the sun value we can bring this down a little bit like dot 82 and mess with how we want the caller to come to this okay i think that's pretty right right now just [Music] messing with the direction or the color of the light sorry just a minute let's just one again do the render view you can see this better [Music] okay now render field that's working okay pretty fine let's just bring this down a bit bit higher that's okay [Music] let's just bring this down a little bit make it greener there's a little web okay so i have a good black going on let's just that's pretty okay right now let's just add more of that color or that okay we have a nice color going on right now and to make it really look like a blended uh ghibli tree we can just scale it on the y-axis to make it a little more [Music] thin like this just play a bit with the ambient conclusion material it looks like how you want it to look i think i'll remove one of these just oops to remove that just press the minus button i'll bring this in here just this colors are looking nice just a clearer of that and then add again another and just measure the little until you find that something that works very well for you okay i think that's all right for me right now so don't need to mess too much with that right now and you can play with that how you want okay so that's looking pretty right just want to measure the lightning a bit more but don't worry about it we'll configure the lighting more later that's okay for now now that will not be the entire tree we'll just move that [Music] that's okay just present three and search for it move to collection oh i can do it just create a new collection so and call it folish okay and move this foliage to the collection now that we have a new collection we can just add a collection instance foliage okay we do that as an instance some have a better performance from the hardware uh where as working with it so because we'll do much many of these and we don't want to the computations to get chosen okay so just play with it how you want with shift d duplicating it material looks like a good trick for you that step needs a good bit of messing with things see how they look together i think that's pretty okay for me right now just a little bit more here select the first instance and now mess with marathon colors make it a little darker so that's all right for me right now just a little duck totally a dark tree that's okay so now all we gotta do we select all these and make this a new collection those instances so new collection and we'll call that three instance okay now just select all these and move into that okay that's all right so now what we're gonna do is create some more color variation for the trees okay okay how can we add we add more color options to this first just let me compress that a bit more okay that's looking nice it's all we need stylish that's okay that's a nice looking tree so just rotate it a bit on the x-axis what we can do to to improve the look of these trees is just add a new light point light and bring this a near in front and higher the effect so we can have a better control of the light okay like this it's pretty good back into the colors we can [Music] just send this to be [Music] closer to there okay it's pretty okay to match the colors we can add again the new light point and we can keep messing with these with a light okay oops just don't forget to not have the limbs inside instances okay just let me control that [Music] delete this lamp okay now on the in here you can add it point light just bring this here bring this here okay just a little closer you can higher the power of it and mess with the radius gesture heavy harder softer apply okay that's pretty pretty nice you can just bring this a little far and add a new light point light what we can also do is using a negative limb okay like the power of minus 400 so we can create shadows on the trees okay that's pretty nice to have like down here that's all right see how this came out pretty a little nice just this video here a little bit and here's a little okay now we have our first three just let me give this a little minus power that's all right so now we have our first what we can do to improve fast do change fast the color variation okay so just select the material tree matte okay and add a new coloring you can just shift d to duplicate that and change the colors with a new reference okay let's just use this darker reference so we can just pick this foliage here just shift d to duplicate okay wait have it down just reset you can use ctrl c and paste that inside the queue okay just contrast that again sorry for that just a minute you can just use this other color okay that's all right so now look the color here okay and plug the color input from that into the surface so you see nothing changed because we didn't yet change the colors on the coloring so just select that pick the darkest color on this darker tree select that a slightly lighter color this one i think is likely even lighter color oh a bit the same yes i did just so do you like the color that's all right now a little lighter and then the highlight of the tree so just use that okay that's all right here's our three looking now that's okay now we have two different three colors okay it's all right you can play with that you it's pretty pretty good came out pretty pretty good let's just so at the point again just bring this a little too here let's go here and this a little okay that's pretty pretty good now just use a little back here okay that's all right now let's just we can do this a little one more time just shift d to duplicate it now let's pick a reference from this tree here okay just the darkest color of here there it is next color there it is the light color lighter color [Music] and then the last one okay the highlight how it came out let let's see it just look the color input into the factor and then the color into the surface this came out pretty well too that's okay for now just bring this a little farther and just give this more force it's looking pretty good just modify this a bit i want it to look different so let's just bring this a bit up and there's a down there's a bit here just releasing more closer yeah okay so that's now [Music] include a tree that's all right now we can stop by here and just now how can we change through these colors faster so okay that's an easy way to do that if we add the object info note object infos are these settings okay so here we have some settings of the object we can play with and we'll use the color setting so we'll use that the way that we can use a math node okay search for math and select the function of less than okay just let me let me give you an example let's plug color into the value and the threshold will get dot 9 okay now we can plug the now with this node activated we can add a mix shader node let's just bring this a little far search for mix shader okay nope sorry sorry about that that's shifted search mix ngb node okay what this node does is he says to the computer what the should the program to blender what the surface right now okay so we'll just add this color input into the color one and this color input into the color too okay just deselect it and plug the color into the surface okay now just plug the threshold into the factor okay and we can see that nothing changed so when we come into the into the object info we can go into viewport display and select the color information and now the color value that is the alpha is at one we select the threshold to dot nine when we get this down to last 10.9 the color changes okay so one the color is the first dot nine or less the color turns to the second so here is how we can do it okay and we'll do that without the nodes without the colors okay so here's how you can change okay that's pretty pretty nice so you can go into this three instance so now to [Music] create more kinds of trees you can think we did before here with those two first nodes with other ones so what you can do is just duplicate this mix node xhb and just bring this little bit here and connect this mix node to the color one of the next mix node and those these third colors choose the color tool of this mix node and add another last hand operation okay shift d to duplicate that color to value and value to factor okay so now we put the threshold to point eight so less than point eight we will have in this color okay now let's just connect the color to the surface and let's see how it's going so i'll just duplicate that and okay so last 10.9 we have this color and last 10.8 we have this color okay so we have now three kinds of trees we can just bring this back to [Music] point seven okay now shift g and we can duplicate that to a heavy tree we like just roughly that just bring something here do that do that and that okay that's pretty pretty nice so just bring this a little bit here it's very very okay so now just one with ctrl set it or just you can keep that and then select dissolve and make these to another and get this to another collection just name this three two so three instance three two let's just select these ones okay have all that and then just put it in this new instance and this let's make some one more this shifty to duplicate that and then [Music] have a good vision of what you you want just change the color to the darker one and shift it to duplicate [Music] just bring this little front that's pretty pretty nice and now all we have to do is to set these instances of trees in the up in the mountains okay so let's see from the solid view just you can delete this now for a moment we don't need the reference now delete those lamps too we can configure them later and press the numpad bar to see the streams from without objects okay now just select it and just bring this okay mountains that just control so and rotate and that rotate on the z axis just bring those up in the mountains okay just press seven for the top view and bring those here okay now go to the camera view and organize that how you want i'll just resize this make them a little little smaller and now now configure that the way i want on the on up on the mountains okay i'll have a reference here and try to make it look like the scene from ghibli okay you can do this how you want just moving and duplicating stuff i'll just accelerate the process okay [Music] so here's my result shown mad in the trees okay i just made it simply and and the fast way obviously you can do it much better using some more time maybe some maintenance you can always work it better okay and now you have this trees instances so you can just hide that if it's making your viewport slower i'll hide it for now just maintain it if you want now what we can do to to make the clouds that are to a very important part of the ghibli style is using the same trees we can [Music] pick the following again just select it and then [Music] just what it is let me see select it go into the object object and easily ted we can work it now by adding a new color ramp shift d to duplicate and make in the same step but instead of using a a a three call or a green call or for a reference we can use a ghibli 3 for reference so most of the times the ghibli clouds make a atmospheric feeling but they are very similar to the way that the trees are made so we can just i have a reference for the ghibli clouds i'm picking one here so okay here's my reference that's all right i'll just import it into blender by shifting to add a image reference and selecting the cloud reference okay here is my reference i'll just scale it up just to color pick that and on the color ramp i'll start by the darker color of the cloud i'll just remove that okay start by the darker cloud just color picking um so this one and then [Music] that one and [Music] that one and the white color okay that's all right here is our cloud colors so we can pick the shader to hp and plug on tattoo just let me see this bigger okay color to the factor and then with the add a new mix rgb shift d to duplicate plug this color input in the color one this color input in the surface just bring this here bring this about here and this here and we can add this color to color to input okay now we have the cloud color okay just add a new last stand operation shift d to duplicate plug the caller into the value the threshold for that is going to be point one okay so the value to the factory of the mix hb so now we can just make another instance shifted a collection instance foliage okay that's all right we have our instance here on color we just go down to before the point one okay that's cool that's pretty cool just go into that again and [Music] it did the way you want it so now let's bring this down [Music] let's choose here is a good looking cloud so just bring this here a bit here is okay just mess with the blue speech okay that's a good cloud we have here okay now something i like to do to achieve the the gibby looking clown cloud is to add a nice texture together with the color ramp okay so shift a in search for nice texture okay you can use that in 4d so we can mess more with it and now we'll add a another multiply we're letting multiply node okay just search shift and search and add the mix rgb node okay change that to multiply it's okay maybe we can use edge let's see how this goes okay to color one and then this to color to let's see the results we got just invert this too okay now let's mess with the scale of the noise texture you can bring this up let's see you can see now we have some good noise going on here just bring this up a little bit that's pretty cool now just mess with the whites a little bit more till you're satisfied with it blows a bit more i think that's okay now i have a good noise going on i added this noise so we can so we can really see this ghibli feeling on the clouds when we see a ghibli cloud we see that it's not solid we see this noise that gives this volume feeling okay so it's pretty good to use okay now even that's a little real little noise that makes a good difference okay so if you want you can use this now just plug this into that and we see that we're still having now the colors we need so just let's just play with it and you know just delete this image now let's see all the scenery again [Music] just let me go into this view okay rotate it on the z axis and bring this to here okay press seven for the top field so we can mess with it a little easier so bring this up [Music] to zero so you can see better what we're doing on the scene remember look to your reference see how you want the clouds i'll just mess with it a bit here i'll bring the size a little bit up and do the same thing we did with the codes okay shift b to duplicate and measure between things okay now so here's my result after messing with the clouds and trees okay i added a few lamps like this one this one this one another negative lamp here so to make the light on the trees and and on the clouds to look like more like i wanted it to look okay so now there are a few steps left one of 10 is just to add the little houses on the background okay we we see on the actual scene from the movie that like here and here we have some houses that that are present on the middle of this forest this trees okay so one thing more i suggest you to do to make it look like more like the movie is to select some of these just create a more one color to the texture okay just i'll bring this here okay and make it more pink okay we have some pinky pink trees like together with toes with those trees on the background okay i'll just make one of these so so i have this variation okay just to show you how to do it properly just add a new image reference and this pinkish one okay i'll just make it so the highlight will be this more pinky to white color the second color can be the second ever color like this one then this one and then wait a bit like that one okay so oppa whoops no i have another color for three okay just to add a few of these on the background to make it look like a bit different okay because we have that on the actual c just like 2 or 3 of 10 okay now add this color to another mix node okay use is an add node just do that if you were okay just shift d to have one more like that college call one touch color tool just i'll contract now to surface and add another lesson operation should be no less than actually because i want just some of these i'll make it greater 10 and i'll give the [Music] color factor to the value and the threshold will be 2 okay so greater tune greater than two i'll have this pink color okay so let it let me see if you're working now i have the green color on that one i wanted to procrastinate to have the value of two okay point one okay now i have the color i wanted so let's go to zero again let me see how it's gone let me see all of them okay press and we can have some of those pink details okay so then just like the glue giveaways to you does to have some different trees okay now we have those pink ones i'll just i don't i didn't like that that one so delete that [Music] okay let's see from this perspective okay control that ctrl z delete this now that's okay oh geez like this one delete the reference font [Music] okay [Music] okay right now we have all the trees ready just two other things are the houses and the fallen leaf animation okay so for the houses uh [Music] we can do some simple modeling okay let me just get those trees on another paste and get rid of them okay just touch here and i'll just make a new collection and name it clouds okay so just select all days and get this into the clouds folder okay now just get rid of these for now and shift add a new mesh cube okay this house we wanted to be very simple so don't worry about anything right now i'll just unwrap this square okay so like that and that okay so marxian okay that's all rapid just a new all right we can see that later just for now add a new mesh and tube again okay so bring this okay so for the roof of the house we can add a new mesh plane and then bring this plane up go into the edit mode you can look at the middle just now try to the middle look good and bring this slightly to the left make another look good and bring this slightly left to so we have a middle part here just now select all these faces and extrude those down okay that's nice select this middle this middle faces just let me select those wait this okay selected that way you can click here if you want to see through now i just bring this part up it will be the top part of the roof okay so now i'll just scale this object and bring this down a bit and for the square i can just ctrl and select this edge and bring this up a bit that's all right now we have the base house looking pretty pretty good now select these two faces and just bring those up a bit we don't want to have to be too high okay that's pretty nice pretty nice now we can just paint it on this texture you see all right let me see how this wrap goes just let me find the meshes here now we have the house there okay now select this object let's chew go here and then to uv editing just select how to see the uvs just for this object so tall now we have the house uvs okay looking pretty pretty nice too let me just understand the uvs okay that's nice that's nice just these are the upper parts okay that's all right and the down parts that's pretty okay now when you see the uvs these are the size of the hot the side of the house okay we can just do the same thing with the we did to the other of these so rotate it by 90 degrees i'll just probably painting [Music] right on blender now just add a new texture to this when going to the layout mode ctrl t to add an image texture no you can call this house text that's okay i'll color it a kind of gray and gray brownish okay that's pretty nice so now how we need to do is go into uv editing and select this house text okay that is [Music] apply it to the house right now that's all we need and now into the texture paint mode you can just go to that object and paint the windows how we want i just want to smaller pencil so i can paint the tail on the house be painting a house and i'll probably accelerate the process okay [Music] okay so here now i have those two houses ready can you see that here okay now you can see i didn't detail them i didn't but any detail that wasn't needed i just roughly painted it made some loose strokes and here they are okay just now whoops select them select target and rotate on the z axis they will be like really really really strange to the camera so how we're going to see is the front part like on the ghibli reference we have so that's all okay everything working fine now let's just put those two here okay this is how we will see those houses okay now let's just just stand with those trees so that they are behind the trees [Music] like [Music] seven for the top view just [Music] like that okay now they are behind the trees and they have to be a bit more trees appearing here okay so just put something more just i want to make this house bigger so west you scale and just scale it up a bit and that one just needs to be more trees in front of it so just select some trees and duplicate it and put it right here okay so that's pretty pretty nice and pretty pretty that's even fun to do okay so just duplicate that and button here very very nice don't worry about anything okay so just i'll just scale that on the x-axis just a bit nope that's not how i wanted it to scale just global views uh let me see [Music] from view okay just press zero and scale it on the x-axis just a bit that's nice we want just one more little house right [Music] on the sides of the carnage so let's [Music] here is my result the house is finished and place it i just duplicated this house and rotate it to be here so that's a simple method to do this now the last thing i have to show you is how can we create those falling leaves that you see on the animation okay so that is pretty simple much more simple than it seems so let me go into these girls so and hide the trees that's getting my viewport a little laggy so just pick the cursor and add new mesh plain okay so see from the camera view just press g to move it i think that that is okay it should be the part behind the character okay so just add a new plane okay so this plane will be the leaves object okay we don't need the leaves objects to be detailed so let's just add two look at here and going to do that see selection so [Music] just size them oh really let's just size all the plane okay now size y to resize on the y-axis okay that's nice now just pull that a bit so that will be my leave okay i'll just make it a little this way okay that's nice we just need it that will be pretty pretty simple okay size y again just to make it more okay size wide okay so this will be our following needs okay i'll just set a little more topology here that's nice i'll just select that and that press g move that up a little bit that here a little bit now just resize those two sides and make it a little bigger okay so that's nice that will be our leaf so let's go into the material and the new material and just make it kind of green so let's go into the material view not so much that's okay that's pretty nice this color this green will suit really nice the scene so make it left this is specular to combine with the same colors pretty good so let's just change the origin to the 3d cursor okay so now the origin of the leaf is on the 3d cursor on the edge okay now you just throw a button you just add the new particle system emitter and just change the handler to object and select the leaves object okay now you can just make this number a little less so that's all right let's see how it's going okay so it's rendering the these but they are really really small so let's just make the scale a little bigger that's nice how now you can see the divs falling pretty pretty good okay now let's just change that to the [Music] timeline okay here we can see the animation playing just pause that okay and make the end on the [Music] 90 frame okay that's nice the animation ends on the 90 frames like 89 for you okay that's nice now when you hit play the leaves are falling and then they keep falling and falling okay that's nice that will start before the first frame okay so that will be always falling more okay so that's nice always falling and then we'll just move rotate the sleeves so they are falling the way we want them for okay we can enable the rotation option and just change the phase i think no that's not it make it dynamic then velocity here okay so now tr random just change the face a bit more [Music] that's nice let's just make the scale a bit minor okay and now match this ko randomness okay this key will be attached randomness is okay too just let's rotate some more of the object angular velocity so they will be always rotating [Music] okay that's nice so you notice they are all falling tarot falling very very fast okay so what we need is that you don't fall straight and to kind of do a movement through the camera okay so to do that we'll just duplicate this plane so then we have two of that we want one of these to be in front of the character and one of these to be should be the character okay so that's pretty nice i think that's a little more here okay that's very very nice so let's press zero i think that more here okay so that's pretty nice now to make the leaves flow with the wind we'll just shift h to add okay shift a to edge a force field wind okay that's all we need just press seven just we just need to rotate it on the y-axis that's it just make it this way now move it to there make it a little [Music] more strong okay just raise the strength on the simulation i think that let's see how it goes so [Music] i think that a bit more will be okay to add now that looks pretty nice let's see now we have the leaves falling on the scene okay that's nice i'll just bring the wind a bit far from the leaves okay like here let's see it's pretty pretty good just press seven i'll bring this a little bit here okay let's see it goes that's pretty pretty nice to see now we can just change a bit the size of the leaves i think that's that they are really big it is more okay right now just change the angular velocity a little bit less okay that's nice another thing we can do is to activate on the render settings the motion blur and just give it a nice shutter speed you think that about 30 is okay 35 that's nice so now should change to changing the following velocity of the leaves just go into the into the particle properties under the tab physics you select the integration division and lower the time step of the particles okay so lowering the time step will make the particles fall slower i let my known point zero one seven so now i can bake all my dynamics and after that's baked they came back with a resolution okay so now as you can see i have the animation plane smoothly on the viewport i have deleted the wind simulation object and now i can manipulate the animation how i want okay so that's it now we're going to the camera animation part that's the last part of the project so [Music] animating the camera on blender is a pretty simple process all you need to do is open this summary window to see what's happening on the keyframe viewer okay and select this option this button is the auto keying option okay so everything you do to an object that is being keyframed and we will be auto added to the timeline viewer okay so just select the camera okay and go into the object properties and mark all these points on the right of these options okay that means that these options these scales these locations all these variables are being keyframed okay so now i can just press n and then go into the video tag and lock camera to wheel so when i move my vision on the viewport the camera is moving together okay [Music] now everything you have to do that's it you just move then the the frame to the tenth frame that's okay any frame you want and move a little bit to the camera okay that's all right and give a little bit of zone on the kaunashi you can do that however you like i'm just giving you an example of how to do it you can give a little more zoom on the kaunashi bring the camera a little up rotate it a little just like that and then you have more 10 frames give a little bit more of zoom on the kawanashi and rotate a little bit more the camera okay it's all right now you can just select all those keyframes and press s to scale to augment the space between them okay so let's do that size a little more that makes so the animation is a little bit slower and looks a little more nicer okay so now when we hit play what we see is the camera moving closely to the kaunashi okay now let's see that with all the background so that is pretty pretty good one more thing we can do right now is to just let me get rid of that again you'll see that the reflection of the light in the kawanashi facey it's not looking so good so we can just shoot right click to change the cursor position and add a new light point okay so then we can light it better don't limit yourself to any number of lights okay just i think that's looking better right now let me just increase the strength a bit that's looking pretty pretty nice so and we can also disable the shadows for the kawanashi but i don't think we need that right now but that's a good thing to do if you're counting she's projecting the shadow on something so let me just scale it in a bit corner she's a bit like not straight so just select it and move it a bit to the side and back so that's good for the karnashie right now look at the little here again that's all right that's all right i think okay so we made it to the end of our project hope you enjoy it hope you learned some more about blender and more about stylizables on on blender and thank you for your patience and your time hope you enjoyed it
Channel: Stylized Station
Views: 19,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yMiwVxjX7Lc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 185min 57sec (11157 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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