Creating a Full DnD Party with Hero Forge KITBASHING!

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hello hello everybody hates long intro so here is the T are this video is two things in one on one hand it is a big Showcase of 10 different models all created using hero for's new revolutionary System Kit bashing which is currently in closed beta so bear in mind that anything you see here is technically subject to change before official release this video is also a continuation of my D and D series and this will be the first proper generation upgrade as these characters have gone from Level 1 to level eight since the first video we are a party of eight players and then one dungeon master and two out of the original party have also died since then and you will find out who soon one more thing to bear in mind is that these models are created for other players not just myself and that they are specifically designed to be used as 3D tokens from a top- down perspective in Ro 20 this means that I need to be very careful with the posing and always prioritize how they look from above first and foremost now let's get into it let's start with Vice who is a tling fighter and still arguably the most difficult character to make a model for here again the main limitation for larger characters is that their posing has to be quite stiff while simultaneously con g a sense of power since last time Vice has also upgraded to a full suit of plate armor so her entire attire and style needs to completely change from last time around fortunately all of the old limitations like muscularity sliders making plate armor stretch really weirdly Etc they aren't really a problem anymore with kit bashing so let's see what we can [Music] do and this right here is the first instance of kid bashing on this model spawning in two different types of skirts and layering them to get asymmetrical scale armor just looks [Music] awesome I obviously experiment a lot here with different kinds of color schemes plate armor with cloth heraldry has like so much potential to look awesome in so many different combinations but since these are D andd models for other players I do not generally have the final say in how they should look that's why I didn't get to do my signature blue plate with red cloth combo boohoo W is me and of course I mean like being able to spawn in items on Demand with kit bashing and scale them however I like to fit onto the model is a massive Boon right like adding this plate bambra here to the wrist without adding and layering extra arms is so so so so so [Music] convenient and here is where we run into that issue that I mentioned at the start somehow this huge bulked up tling lady in full plate armor a long sword and a shield is supposed to fit into a single roll 20 tile from a top down perspective so here I have to do like a lot of small posing edits to make sure that that actually works fortunately this is you know a lot easier now than it used to be with double model stacking because in the past I would have to move both models every time I adjusted any posing and now it's just one but you know either way this part is always painful [Music] and with that Vice is done overall I am pretty happy with how she came out with the one caveat that I wish I could have gone for a flashier color scheme especially since the armor here was brand new but like alas that part is not my choice the bright side is that she does look significantly stronger than her previous iteration and that is probably the most important part here I like I want to show that these characters have progressed since their starting point and you know changed preferably either way I hope that this is a good showcase for some basic kit bashing combinations to to create good plate [Music] armor Lawrence this is a human Wizard and also my own character now you'll probably notice pretty fast that I don't really go for the typical wizard aesthetic on this character the initial concept was always much more of like a sort of stuck up braty nobleman archetype so he's designed much more as a nice clothes wearing high society douchebag as opposed to a standard bearded wizard but you'll see all about that [Music] now you you may wonder why am I using kit bashing to import legs here now basically so Baseline hair Forge has this annoying mechanic that enlarges boots when you combine them with leggings but if you kit bash the legs in then the boots don't acknowledge that the legs are actually there which means that the boots will then shrink back down to their original size like which makes them model much sleeker and more realistic in general is it annoying yes do I wish that her Forge would just Implement an option that lets you take these things so that they don't enlarge yes absolutely but you know this is the world we live [Music] in now as I said Lawrence is technically a wizard but because I miss playing a dumb Mar class I'm slowly turning him into a bit of a Melee character like this all started with when we got an ogre strength Gauntlet as loot which turned you know Lawrence a seven strength into a 19 which is why you'll see me give him like this entire bulked up arm with metal around it it will look really really out of place compared to the rest of the model when it's done but that's kind of the whole point [Music] now here's a little Pro kit bashing trick okay shields in Hero Forge are usually super cool and well detailed but you know they're obviously massive but if you shrink them down to a really small size then they become like the most incredible ornaments whether it's like necklaces or medals or even just like added spikes like on this Gauntlet like whatever they they just look great in general [Music] [Music] gr the Goliath now look I mean obviously he's a barbarian it's a no-brainer and this character is a bit of a stereotype that gre's player does him and his stupid voice really really well so he's still awesome to have around however his first iteration I think was kind of garbage like he's just dressed in black and and brown rags and it's so boring to look at like this time I do have a lot more to work with not only is he allowed to generally look more powerful now at level eight but he's also picked up some dumb loot like night vision goggles that I'm somehow going to have to make work on a Goliath yeah I'll make it work wish me luck [Music] this aesthetic here is something that I'm always a big fan of and I did this with the last Barbarian I made as well gonar like technically gr doesn't have any plate armor right n that gives many stats in D andd anyway but this kind of asymmetrical one arm Gladiator style armor has a lot of like a rule of cool value and it is a nice way to convey that the character has upgraded since last time around [Applause] [Music] and this right here is really like what I had the most fun with on these models like when you finish the first draft and you can just start throwing on a bunch of detail with added kit bashing items like Spears shrunk down to be Barbarian javelins extra daggers grappling hooks potions metals and all of it with no tails or extra arms have to like clip it into the body to make them fit like it does not get better than this now gr looted the belt of a mini boss called Chrome and this belt was apparently supposed to have a dead trolls head on it which I'll be honest may have been impossible to do an old her for it at at least without glitches but with kit patching I can just spawn a big skull in throw some tusks on no biggie though I mean this does look really impractical like wouldn't this just like fly everywhere while you're walking [Music] around and now my My ultimate Masterpiece custom posing of these goggles to make sure that they fit or rather don't fit onto his big dumb head like this character has really low intelligence so it makes sense he's not quite putting them on the right way he probably thinks they're like a helmet or something I don't know man [Applause] [Music] and uh here here here this the the character I dread the most The Stereotype the elf Druid the Healer the goddamn nature character I hate it I hate it so much but whatever like I won't complain too much this this won't be as painful as last time now that I have kid bashing I intend to expand a lot on her kind of nature flowery arm with a bunch of little added items and I'm also going to give her a car in hair styles because you know this character has absolutely become a Karen and she's not getting away from [Music] that this character has also picked up some boots of flying or whatever the item is called so yes I am absolutely going to smack on two bright super red outof Place boots with kit bashed Wings on them because I [Music] can I honestly can't be to describe how nice it is to not have to like pose a bunch of like hidden extra arms into the Torso to awkwardly do these flower spells like in the past but better than the posing convenience is actually the fact that I can shrink them down to fit around the arm like it has made me realize just how oversized some things and Baseline here for which really are and I get it right like everything is chunked up especially the older items because they needed to be able to be like 3D printed but like I mean it's to be free from those limitations when you're just making Digital model is like I can't it's so [Music] [Music] nice since this character also sometimes turns into a big bear in fights you know D with things I I also wanted to put some bear stuff on her but I I couldn't find any totems or whatever but this head piece here did turn into a pretty decent shoulder pad I mean like we have Like the Wolf shoulder pad right but we don't have a bear shoulder pad but again I can turn anything into a shoulder pad now oh and yes the N this thing contains the ashes of one of the characters who has died and it's a small ear that's a hint okay [Music] [Music] and the Diamonds the reason I'm smacking these on is because Brier keeps using Resurrection spells using diamonds as the price like mainly on VI vice vice has actually died twice now but on unfortunately she didn't have any diamonds when a few of the other people died you'll know who soon but anyway with that the model is pretty much done like overall I actually quite like how she came out this time I I do you know notoriously hate elves and especially El Druids but I I know it's a popular archetype with a lot of people so I I will suck it up okay [Music] yep H here is the first death and as I predicted by the way it was going to be Dax like you would expect a slippery Cobalt Thief to be hard to kill but not when Tommy is the guy playing him for context this guy the player is a complete alcoholic and always manages to kill off his character so he can reroll the new Concepts on repeat he has had four different characters in the war armor campaign and now two in this one that's six characters for two campaigns thus far and I guarantee you it will be seven soon so how did he die he tried to open the very obviously trapped door of a sleeping vampire and got blasted with a disintegration beam and one shot we all told him not to do it but he did it anyway but his new character is going to be a dwarf Bard I'm very sad that I don't get to make a kit bashed version of the cobal but at least with a dwarf I can play around with some funky proportion so it could be worse [Music] [Music] the general aesthetic of this guy is kind of meant to be like an on the road dwarf Bard who joins for adventures and then sings about them so a lot of the design is just going to be kind of shoddy ramshackle stuff combined with bits and buls that he's picked up in his adventures you know very messy very [Music] [Music] cluttered as far as coloring goes I'm intentionally going to have a lot of stuff here that simply just doesn't match or gel well together like with the references that I was given for this character I kind of Imagine him wearing like picnic blankets over his armor so I I mean you get what you asked for okay [Music] and of course I'm I'm still going to use like oldfashioned horn tricks to enhance the beard here like seeing as kit bashing does have a cap on how many items you can import a lot of these old but gold tricks are still very good to know even with a new system in mind [Music] n [Music] overall working on this model was kind of Bittersweet cuz although I think it turned out all right I really do wish I got to do a proper redo of decks instead like Cobalts and thieves are really fun to work on but at least I got to make a gigantic feather plume for this hat either way knowing told me this character is going to die soon and then he'll probably Roll Another Cobalt or an ogre or something so at least I I'll get to look forward to that right [Music] okay so the other tling valis is a kind of a complicated character that the player was given one of those rare exceptions where you get to change your class mid campaign because they they really were not enjoying playing warlock so valis is now a shadow sorcerer instead which is close enough to the original concept and I I kind of start off here trying to build on that concept by giving her like an overall much edgier design with like Sith likee clothing and these dark veins all over skin but I'm I'm I'm not so sure about it to be [Music] honest after not that much deliberating I end up backtracking in those ideas like even if valis plays differently in terms of D andd mechanics she's still very much the same character she's still kind of a middle eastern Vibe with a lot of focus on material wealth and gold gold and trinkets after we completed the First Act of the campaign and we actually reached a big city all that she's really done is like gamble for money and search for cool items so I feel like it was most natural to stick to that original idea rather than try and turn her into a Sith Lord out of nowhere you know [Music] [Music] [Music] out of this bad she's honestly probably the simplest model like if she had remained the Warlock I would probably have tried to incorporate some crazy stuff with her green flame whip using kit bashing but instead I I kind of ended up settling for a more expanded and glamorous look of her old clothes unfortunately at the time of this recording you cannot actually apply clothing decals to Kit bashed items so I had to foro a lot of the cool patterns that I could otherwise put on these drapes but you know they'll probably change that in the future [Music] so if Lawrence is not a traditional wizard in his aesthetic then gomi definitely is this character is short old physically frail has a big old wizard hat and a massive Gray beard and the truth is not that much has changed with this character like he still has his like sort of homeless looter aesthetic but he has you know characteristically picked up a lot of new items since last time and I also intend to upgrade his whole look now that he's higher [Music] level you might notice that I am like completely changing gom's pose here where he will now be kind of like hunched over carrying a dagger in one hand and doing his trademark illusion wizard puppeteering with the other this is because gomi is now multiclassing into Rogue from Wizard and is also carrying dax's dagger since you know they Cobble was killed Dax and Grom were also meant to be a bit of a Duo so like in my own head Cannon gomi is kind of honoring the Cobalt's Legacy by turning into a bit of a rogue himself that's not you know actually a thing but I I like to put these little things when I designed these models [Music] this here is a little magical amulet that he picked up which is meant to make it harder for his magic to be like detected or spotted by enemies the reason that we gave this item to gomi is I mean pretty self-explanatory since he is the part his go-to trickster most of what he does during encounters is to basically just to create an illusion of an enemy mob and then like a goblin or something and then he deceives the other mobs that something crazy is going on to turn them against each other [Music] similarly to vales I am using several cloaks here draped over his arm to create these kind of long Dracula esque drapes over the arm again the the reasoning here is kind of that gomi is meant to be this Shadow focused mind Mage right so having this really long dark cloak casting Shadows wherever he moves his arms feels like very very on [Music] Brown this here is like another really fun part of Kit bashing when making short characters like gomi here it's great to be able to shrink down hands and feet to appropriate levels like in Baseline Hero Forge hands would always look oversized on Tiny characters and undersized on really big characters but now I mean you like now you can just proportion anything to anything pretty much [Music] [Music] yep so I mean by process of elimination people who saw the first video on this party will probably know by now that Realo had to be the second death on the bright side that means that we no longer have two warlocks in the party and I get to make a cool low fantasy human Warrior instead which you know low fantasy humans that's that's by Jam you know that's my bread and butter the new character is called danor and he is a paladin who and I quote is supposed to look like Daryl Dixon with blonde hair so here is my first ever attempt at making a face with face customizer based on a real life actor aside from that this character died in well rof died in the same session as Dax the Cobalt so they rerolled simultaneously this character is linked to balram the dwarf and will share kind of similar on the road aesthetic with a lot of shoddy gear and you know picked up big bits and buls everywhere [Music] so I mean you can be the judge on whether or not those features look like Norman Reus but either way horn hair for all of you who think that stacking hairstyles with kit bashing is going to free you from playing around with horns you're wrong horn hair is Life okay learn it as far as clothing goes like I said we're going for very shoddy stuff here I want worn down looking chain mail with like a lot of hanging unnecessary items everywhere a very you know like cluttered Warhammer aesthetic in general much like on the dwarf [Music] [Music] now this character follows some di who's like the god of walking or whatever like it's very silly but apparently the color scheme of that God is like blue white and purple which also does not go remotely with like all of the grit Brown and gray that this character is naturally wearing for B the traveling so we'll see it's it's going to be hard to make it work but I will [Music] try now just like on Vice and gr this character is not only a big Marshall class but he's also carrying a shield which means it's going to be very tricky to pose him and make him fit but fortunately this is not my first time squeezing Dum plate Wares into tiny squares and he's also carrying a flail instead of a sword which trust me makes everything so much easier like long swords or Spears when making these models are actually just impossible to pose [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and that is the E party members done but I do have a simple bonus model for you as well this this character is not a party member but rather a villain or an antagonist for the party like our DM tends to shape certain campaign antagonists around our players from time to time and this time it was my turn this is an evil relative of Lawrence which is why the entire Noble aesthetic is going to be fairly similar the differences will obviously be in the color scheme and just giving it all a much more Sinister vibe [Music] overall this one was obviously pretty easy to do but I am happy with how it came out it basically just looks like Lawrence and he was old and evil which is perfect or to [Music] [Applause] [Music] be did I say a bonus model cuz I actually meant two however this one does not technically count as its own model since it's more of an outof character gimmick like this here is our dungeon master okay the general shtick when I've made this model in the past is to put him in evil clothes and then basic baggy pants and comfy slippers however with kit bashing out I wanted to try and take this model to the next level and start basically dressing him up in the items of all the characters that he has killed so for people who have seen our old Warhammer DND videos You'll see stuff like gash hammer or Sur ral's ugly Shield or H's chef's hat or whatever else on this character and in the future I will probably also continue to dress him up in the items of other Fallen characters from this [Music] [Music] campaign here I got to toy around with coloring all of these like ancient armor combinations that I made for all these old Warhammer models like gash blue plate or Carl's black yellow and red jacket and like of course viewers of that series will probably also recognize that God forsaken Welsh looking Shield that our DM forced me to put on our Paladin but hey now it's on your model so I got the last laugh screw [Music] you now here is something I have not experimented a lot with on the other bottles kit bashing can let you pose literally anything right so I decided to try and make this character ominously float like it fits our dungeon Masters God complex and it also adds a bit of extra evil o for someone who's you know murdered all of us on [Music] repeat finally to complete this model I I gave him that huge overhanging vampiric cloak that our Necromancer we very un used to wear and with that he's pretty much down now before you say it I know this bottle is like a complete Meme and it's a mess and it's not really at the level of the previous ones but he isn't really supposed to be right this is mostly just so that our DM has a portrait like everyone else that but with that said I I I mean I had a lot of fun creating it if only for the sake of all that Warhammer campaign [Music] Nostalgia okay all right it's time for some context all this the way we do DND is digitally enroll 20 which is why models need to be made to fit in tiles from a top- down perspective they are exported with transparent backgrounds and then filtered in Photoshop to better match with other important models this time we've also got some slight Shadow edits behind them with low opacity to make them fit onto the battle maps without looking taped on and just as a quick side note for all of the people who always ask me when I make these videos how I get the models filtered or shadowed or backgrounded like this it's all thanks to zap our Photoshop genius and also the player viice first the models are filtered using poster edges with some specific settings and then she uses custom brushes to design these backgrounds and the borders there's no denying that it it just really adds a lot of visual cohesion to the tokens when they all match the style at the time of making this video the D and D party is currently level eight the story of the D and D party can like it can basically be summed up as in we saved the town from a bunch of evil goblins on behalf of a noble man but then it turned out that said noble man was actually an evil vampire so we had to kill him too unfortunately in the process the vampire killed both our Cobalt Dax and the ganki ridof in the process as the model maker of the party one of these deaths was tragic to me and the other was a relief and I will let you guess which was which we are otherwise now kind of entering the mid game stage I guess where I can actually start making the models look flashy and ever since the Warhammer campaign ended I've never really felt like I topped the generation 4 D and D models that I made for that over a year ago now I mean look especially ham hunch right was and probably still is just my true magnum opus of models I am incredibly impressed with myself that I made this before kid bashing and before face customizer even came out but like with those new systems and with the fact that this party is no longer scrub level I feel like I can finally surpass that batch of bottles now speaking of all this not long after this video is release I will also be hosting a competition in my Discord server for you to enter with your own D and D character or just any OC really details about that will be in the Discord when it's announced and you can join the server with the link in the description below I unfortunately cannot link these actual models however since kit bashing is still enclosed beta and on that again I want to reiterate that any footage here around kit bashing is subject to change before release but I still hope that you can see just how awesome the system is through just some of the things that I did in this video anyway if you made this for into the video then first of all I want to say thank you for watching this was without a doubt the biggest project that I've ever worked on and now it's time for all of those standard YouTuber isms Okay blah blah if you liked press like if you didn't press dislike subscribe blah blah Y and finally this one is not just YouTuber garbage but an actual request please tell me in the comments what sort of bills you'd like to see me do next like my schedule is now finally after like half a year starting to clear up and I intend to get back into doing proper themed builds again and I want to know what people are interested in seeing especially what's Kit bashing is still in beta now thank you goodbye until next time farewell
Channel: Derf
Views: 20,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: heroforge, derf, tutorial, coloring, colouring, hreoforge, hroforge, heroforg, heoforge, hroeforge, herofrge, dungeons and dragons, character creation, dnd characters, tabletop, 3d printing, heroforge pro, subscription, talespire heroforge, sky castle studios, derfholm, Hero Forge, face guide, writing, characters, reworking, top 10 tips, 10 heroforge, worldbuild, heroforge dnd, bases, links, hf, Creating a Full DnD Party with Hero Forge KITBASHING!, kitbashing, kb, dnd, full party, dm, kobold, tiefling, wiza
Id: gn4KyAzY6N8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 17sec (2117 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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