I redesigned humans

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there is an incredible amount of design potential in simply modifying the human form all tomorrows is a book I absolutely adore that has some incredibly wild designs all of which derive from humans now of course I can't go that crazy yet with designs in my world but it did inspire me to think that I can surely push different human races designs a lot harder making them a lot more distinct and unique and conveniently enough my magic system gives me the perfect excuse to be able to twist the human form one such race we're designing today are the hatch folk so let's talk about their anatomy and process of Designing them first then get into their place in the world in case you didn't know yet the dwarf is going to be available again June 1st it'll be pre-orders this time for 2 weeks which I'll be streaming for every day we got stretch goals too I'm still working on them I will give you details later in a future video take care first of all these are humans or I guess far enough from humans that you could consider them a subspecies but still originally humans well how did they turn out like this did the gods just no it's all because of manamorphose only affected Mages well it affects people that have Mana in their system that Mana gets used up by thoughts and changes their body normally a human can't take in Mana without an input but you can ingest it the hatch folk diet is is comprised of things within the trenches the rodents the water the red root all of which is Tainted with Mana so couldn't you just inject Mana into people and have their bodies change in weird wacky and perhaps useful ways well no I heard from a verian refugee at the bleeding belfre that he and a lot of other soldiers were selected to be test subjects in some experiment it involved injecting non- mes with different amounts of to hopefully induce positive metamorphosis honestly I was scared this huge Mage stabbed us with a syringe of some sort but it didn't feel like they injected anything all the while the other nurses had us reading out phrases over and over again told us to calm ourselves I couldn't calm down in a situation like that it went on for a few minutes then it just it hit me all of a sudden everything started spinning and I felt sick the chanting turned to mumbling and I couldn't read the damn words anymore and I started sweating panicking and which caused the other patients to start panicking as well and and well after that I I don't remember much next thing I know I wake up in the hospital Barracks they told me i' had been burned severely by a flamethrower I kept telling them no no I I was a part of a test you know went back and forth arguing till they just handed me money like a lot of money and and insisted I survived a flamethrower with a tone that H my hair stand after that I knew I should keep quiet then I actually noticed how much pain I was in I was bandaged from head to toe but it wasn't Burns I knew it wasn't it was more like my skin just didn't want to stick to me anymore these tests he was referring to were done a few years ago now but I heard they have started again as new evidence of metamorphosis that can affect non- manges positively has been discovered by a verian scientist or scholar of Sciences as he would like to call himself named Allan Clint who was studying the hatch folk these changes as un sightly as they may seem give them an edge an advantage that I propose we should harness for ourselves now what I believe made our my peers previous experiments fail was number one previous tests did not consider putting the test subjects in situations that would encourage the manifesting of such positive traits what I mean is the greater the stress of the situation that one is in the greater the odds of of beneficial mutations as seen in the hatch folk and perhaps it also lowers the chance of negative side effects and second is micro doing the test subjects with Mana over a long period of time rather than injecting it all at once by emulating how the hatch folks get their Mana ingesting it through food and letting the body digested slowly this war is one of attrition what wins US the war is not the next super weapon as we've seen time and time again but by improving our humble Soldier when their soldiers can only run 10 km let ours run 20 so what are these changes the hatch folk have well it seems that amongst hatch folk there is a wide variety of mutations that are hard to categorize but mainly the eyes ears and nose have enlarged giving them heightened senses and their bodies have become smaller and head tilted upwards to be more rodent like when drawing them especially their face I took inspiration from a few places The Dark Crystal skyh Hornet on Twitter and garage a very weird Japanese game I think it still needs work to really hit that uncanny valley spot that I'm looking for but it's on the right track their clothes wouldn't be anything special just scaven Ed off of soldiers but I wanted them to tailor their own clothes to fit their smaller frames I think this is a very important detail to show that these are intelligent humans not just crazed mindless Vermin same with the way I write them I'm still trying to figure out their speech patterns and vocabulary and culture which all have had enough time to grow and separate away from Rah and varus's a gem of an idea that came from the stream was to give the hatch folk pet rats that they carry in little socks sewn onto their clothes which is absolutely adorable and I'm sure pet rats can have many uses to the hatch folk from sending messages to scouting for them the particular one you see me drawing here we have lovingly named Tink he will be one of the rats that accompany The Stranger on his journey through the trenches he is a bit older and has a passion for restoring armor typically hatch folk don't fix the armor before they sell it back to the countries at War and it's not like Tink gets any more money from fixing it in fact the ROM inspectors discourage him from doing so but he still sneakily fixes the armor himself and sometimes even adds his own little patterns onto it and when the inspectors come to check on the hall and don't notice he tinkered with it it's a small but sweet victory for him he won day wants to be a blacksmith employed in one of rah's Bunker cities so he can get away from the dangers of being a scavenger even though normally such a thing is unheard of some elements of his character I still want to work on capturing better in his design but overall I'm quite happy with how he looks now to finish off the video I'll just give you an overview of the hatch Folk's place in the world which is quite an interesting one I think the hatch folk the Denis of the amazing trenches living in countless winding self-d tunnels and Burrows running under and connecting random points within the trenches and bunkers they are already disorienting enough but the hatch folks tunnels add another even more confusing and claustrophobic layer I've heard plenty of things about them the average soldier's attitude towards the rats is mixed some treat them as their name would imply like rats Shing them away and keeping their person Al belongings close but others try to be nice maybe with pure intentions or maybe to hope for some sort of favor in return but something that most soldiers agree on is do not upset the rats you do not want to make an enemy out of the things in the walls I didn't know how I was supposed to feel about them before meeting one myself and I can't deny their relationship with the countries at war is a complicated one as well they are scavengers that steal from the dead and sometimes even the living and sell it back to rahen vus but they are also paid to make maps of the trenches or guide squads of soldiers through them or to be Scouts but how can you know the opposing country didn't pay one of them more to give away your location or what if the rats orchestrated a firefight between two platoon just to reap the rewards it's impossible to tell what their intentions are but they are too valuable of an ally not to utilize so both Rah and vus ever hesitant Tred to keep good relations with them of course this also encourages the rats to do their job as these relations wouldn't last if their services were not reliable so there you go I hope you enjoyed that video the way I wrote this video was a bit of a mess but I am a bit of a mess as well so it fits so tell me what you think about it in the comments below and don't forget to like And subscribe take care June 1st oh
Channel: Monstergarden
Views: 197,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: art, drawing, conceptart, worldbuilding, digitalart, characterdesign, speedpaint, illustration, fantasy, characterart, creaturedesign, creatureart, enviroment, sketch, monstergarden, creature, monsters, characters, timelaps, storytelling, story, artist, creatures, design, concept, writing, project, dark fantasy, dark, grim, creative, redesign, humans, rats, vermin, bunker, trenches, rat, humanoid, evolution, alltomorrow, grimdark, magic, mana, corruption, mutation, mutant
Id: mS369N3rItI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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