I Got Custom Clothes From An App

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Hello Friends and welcome to another video. Today, I'm gonna be ordering and trying out custom clothing from an app So a few weeks ago I saw this video on twitter proclaiming the benefits of The ZoZo suit which from the looks of it, is essentially like a motion capture unitard that is designed to help that exact measurement of your body and the way its supposed to work is you don the suit, take photos of yourself in said suit, upload them to their app, they analyze the pics, and then you can order custom clothing from them based on their reading. That's right, future *FuuTUUUreeee* Now, this suit was designed by a Japanese e-commerce site as a way to help online shop which actually seems like a pretty useful idea. However, having tried some of these types of futuristic products in the past, they often sound a lot cooler than they actually are or they don't end up working very well. So we're going to throw this thing on, take some pics, upload them to the app, order some custom clothes and see how they actually fit. Alright, let's do it. So here is my Zozo suit in its Zozo bag As you can see on the front, it shows you sort of like the gist of the thing You wear the suit and the app measures you and then you become Dan Stevens in Beauty and the Beast. On the front it also says, "Thank you for joining the Zozo revolution for a size-free world." I mean it sounds exciting. Absolutely. You know, we're doing away with the guillotine and we're bringing out the suits. Okay, so let's open this up and see what's inside. OooHhh Alright so inside it seems I have my Zozo suit and a card of instructions in English and German Apparently not. So let's open this guy up too, huh. Let me at the Zozo. So, first impression is that it feels kind of like, really thin under armour, but with seemingly like braille characters on them or like unknown Pokémon. That one kinda looks like the Dipper if you ignore those two And uh, this one's Mars. (laughter) Alright, so it seems like the Zozo suit consists of a long-sleeved turtleneck and some matching leggings. It's two pieces but they come together as one to measure your body, hug your curves and send that information to Japan. Just wait 'til I put it on and you get my booty measurements. I'm clenching my booty, I don't know if you can tell. (sniggers) Alright, let's move on. I'm a legitimate reviewer of the Zozo suit. Alright, so in the instructions the first step is to put my suit on and then just set up our phone on this phone stand that they've given us. So with that done, let's put on the suit. Alright Tyler, are you ready for my polka-dotted jelly? TYLER: Woooo I feel like I'm performing in the musical "Cats" TYLER: (laughs) Yes My precioussss TYLER: (laughs again) And then here's Dan Stevens, ready? Oh Emma Watson, you're so beautiful. Here's the thing - I would totally rock this shirt as like a shirt for real because I love fingerless attached gloves. Big fan. Also I think it's funny to see where the dots are stretched out on me because it's really the thigh. We're all good over here, over here, over here but then WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM The fabric on my thigh is see-through and the dots have been stretched a fair distance apart. I feel very futuristic, sort of Gattaca, sort of theatre. Kickball change, kickball change... Hello my baby, hello my darling, hello my ragtime gal Send me a kiss by wiiiire, baby my heart's on fire. Bye! Alright, I think I've had my fun. Let's go turn on the app. Okay, so we have the suit on and we've already set up our phone stand, so the next thing to do is to begin measuring with my Zozo app. Alright so let's click the Measure icon and first off I have to enter my height and weight. And then after that, we're onto the measurement tutorial. So it says to please make sure you are in a well-lit room and then to place your phone eight inches from the edge of a table and to make sure that table is thirty inches tall. Lucky for us, this table is approximately twenty-nine and a half inches tall, perfect for Zozo suit measuring. You also have to make sure you stand about six feet away from the table and by measuring using my own body, we deduced that this is about six feet away from the wall. They will then begin photographing me in my current position. Okay, so I have to make sure I'm wearing the Zozo suit correctly. This is true, otherwise they would just record a large lump on my back. That means the audio is about to get worse. the thumb is through the hole, yes, the heel is in the hole too. Is my collar flat? I believe so. Alright, Zozo would like access to my camera... I should probably turn on my speaker so, let's do this. It's Siri's evil cousin, back again. Zozo? Zozo, do you copy? Alright cool, I think she's loud enough, right? Okay Okay good, I feel like I am being tested. What's happening? App: We will proceed with voice instructions. Turn your phone so the backside is facing towards you. Set it in the stand on a flat surface. Saf: Okay, I will do whatever you say. App: Wait for the next audio prompt. App: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms down alongside your body. Leave enough space so there is some separation. Saf: Okay, sorry! App: We will begin the measurement process standing in the 12 o'clock position followed by clockwise movement until you have turned 360 degrees. Saf: Yes Saf: Okay. App: We'll take your photo now. Saf: Okay App: Nine o'clock position App: 11 o'clock position App: You're done. Saf: Shall I lift my phone up, Siri is that okay? Siri are you angry with me? Did I do a good job? Please let me know. Ok, so now that I have my measurements and I've been thoroughly dressed down by the evil cousin of Siri, lets order some custom clothes. I mean this is the future: being bossed around by polite yet passive-aggressive robots. Robotic voice: Get in loser, we're going shopping Alright, so its suggesting to me like a handful of clothing items. I have a Merino Crew, a Scoop Neck Long-Sleeve, a V-neck T-shirt, some skinny jeans, a Boat Neck T-shirt, a fitted V-neck T-shirt and a Stripe Long-sleeve Crew and also a Stripe Crew T-shirt So no, like, dresses or rompers or really any fitting challenges besides perhaps the jeans, so let's just order like a speckling of these items. We should definitely get the skinny jeans because that's our only bottom option. Ooh, and once I add it to the bag it allows me to adjust my measurements if I want to, but I'm just going to go with the recommended fit. Just go with what the suit said. App: In more ways than one So besides that I'm going to pick up the fitted V-neck T-shirt just because it says it's supposed to be more fitted, so the measurements are more important, the Boat Neck T-shirt because I would like one of those, and the Mareno Crew because it seems to be made out of a different fabric than the other two. Mareno, I think is what it's made of. Okay, so my items have been ordered and it says that they're going to take about a month to get here. So once they do arrive, so we'll see how well Zozo did measuring my bahdy. In the meantime, I'll be wearing this. Okay, so it's about two months later and we've finally received our Zozo package. Now, I ordered this on November 9 2018, and it said that it would take about 4 to 5 weeks to arrive, and it arrived last week so it took about twice as long as it said it would. But it has arrived. So we're going to open this and uh, see what's inside and try it on. Ooooh, presents! That I paid for myself! Okay, so we have my jeans, t-shirt, sweater and boat-neck shirt. On all of the packaging they do have this little label down here which says SZ which I'm assuming means size, and then like a QR code, so I wonder if they've categorised my measurements in this QR code and then like generated all the clothes from that. Kind of like Snapchat, but for my booty. Alright so um, I think that we should try them on now. So I'm going to wear the jeans with like all of my t-shirts because I only have one pair of jeans and this isn't /that/ kind of video A porn video. Alright, let's do it. Okay, so this is my black boat-neck top and my blue jeans. Right off the bat there are a few problems with the fit that I've noticed. I feel wrinkly. So with the pants specifically, I'm noticing like a fair amount of extra fabric around the crotch. It's got give. Something's gotta give and it's the crotch. The jeans are pretty stretchy in general, but I do think that there is a little bit of extra room in like the back waistband. Speaking of the behind, there's a lot of extra fabric right below the buttocks. Oh yeah, like right here I'm feeling something. It does, as I sort of move around, give me a bit of a diaper feel which is not what you want with skinny jeans. To top it all off, I kind of think that the pant legs - as well as the sleeves of the top - are a bit short. I think there is some plausible deniability that maybe I've been working out more in January than I was in November and December which are usually my most booty-licious months but I don't think I've grown any taller since then so I think they might've mis-measured my limbs. Besides that, I think that the shirt is okay, however, in general I would say that this combo isn't doing it for me. But, let's try on the other two shirts and see how they are. Alright, so this is my grey sweater. So having tried on this second top, I feel like I'm not having an issue with how the tops are fitting and I will say that the sleeves on this one are long enough to the point where like they're hitting the bottom of my hands so I'm not really sure what was wrong with the sleeves on the other shirt. Now what I will say about the sweater is that it does seem like sort of a missed opportunity to like get my custom measurements and then give me kind of like a boxy sweater. Like I feel it would be cool if it was a tight-to-the-body sexy sweater or something more in that vein. Yeah because it's like, "Okay, yeah, it fits but it's not a revelation that it fits." But let's try on our last item. Okay, and this is my final top - the plain white tee. Did Birks just spontaneously appear on my feet? That one's gone forever (chuckles) That was an expensive move. Now what I will say about this shirt is that the fabric seems nice and it is like comfortable on my body as in it's soft but I'm not really seeing any, like, custom-fit. In fact, I would say this probably fits me the same or worse than my current t-shirts do. I think it is like a little tighter to my body than the black t-shirt and the grey sweater, but it's still not doing a lot for me. I don't feel like cupped, hugged... I don't even feel skimmed. I mean I feel like when you hear "custom clothing", you either think like, the design is custom or the fit is custom so it like, fits you like a glove and with this outfit/all of these clothes, neither is the case. So now that we've tried out all the clothes and seen how they fit and how they look, I was thinking we should try the Zozo suit on one more time not just because I like wearing the Zozo suit and then see if I am measuring any differently now than I did back in November to see if maybe that's the problem. Okay, so I'm back in the suit. Back at it again in the Zozo suit. (Chuckling) Oops? Now, one thing I will say having it on, like sort of right where my hand starts Hence why my jeans may be a little short. Alright, so I'm going to bring back and let her measure me one more time and see where we stand. So I'm going to go for a new measurement. I think that I'm identifying that for sure which seems like a Zozo suit no-no but it also seems like they want both. App: You're done. The measurement process is complete. See the results on your phone. Saf: Awesome, okay, great. So that was, uh, measuring part 2. How do I now see if there's any difference from the last time I was measured. Now just to, like, triple-check everything, I probably should have done this when we first measured myself, I'm gonna be honest and say I don't think all of the measurements are spot-on. I would say that like my measurement of my hips seems to be on-point with what they're saying, but my chest and my upper waist seems to be a little smaller with the measuring tape than on the app. I mean I think the technology is pretty cool, Like there's not a lot of safeguards if you don't do it /exactly/ right. Okay, so that was a lot of the Zozo suit and proportionately, not that much of the custom clothing. Now, although I thoroughly enjoy jiggling around in a polka-dotted spandex suit for a while, I'm not sure that the final custom clothes were really worth the time and effort. I'm not sure based on our few different measurements how accurate this thing really is, in fact I think it's a little inaccurate, and in terms of the clothes that we received, I feel like the items themselves were pretty standard and the fit was pretty medium. Besides that, I was also kind of disappointed in the clothing pieces that they offered. I feel like none of them, except for the jeans, would really ever require being custom fitted. Like if they're going to gather all this information about our bodies, shouldn't they be trying to make clothes that reflect that? Like a prom dress, or like the perfect fitted blazer? Like anything that would normally be tailored - I think that's what I would want, not a white t-shirt. Now, I feel like it's only fair to say that they are just starting out with this technology, so hopefully in the future it will get more precise and the clothing offerings will become more robust, but for now, I don't think they've really nailed it. On the bright side though, I do now have a Zozo suit that I can wear wherever I want. We might not be living in the future just yet, but I might be living in a production of the Cats the musical. Thank you guys so much for watching, also, I just wanted to let you guys know that we do have some new merch, We have here our new Fiendish Behavior hoodie, as well as our Fiendish Behavior long-sleeved shirt. They're supposed to kind of build off the whole "Mischief Afoot" theme we have going on, and I feel like they're perfect if you wanna let people know ahead of time that you wreak a small amount of havoc wherever you go. So if you wanna check these guys out, the link will be in the description below, aww that rhymed wow. If you liked that video, make sure to shmash that like button and if you want to see more videos like this, make sure to shmash that subscribe button. Here are my social media handles, and a big shoutout to glassescat for watching, thanks for watching glassescat and I will see you guys a-next time.
Channel: Safiya Nygaard
Views: 8,985,666
Rating: 4.9489756 out of 5
Keywords: i got custom clothes from an app, custom clothing from an app, custom clothes, zozo suit, motion capture suit, app, zozo app, safiya clothing, safiya fashion, weird fashion, futuristic fashion, futuristic, safiya nygaard, safiya and tyler, safia, shirt, top, sweater, jeans, skinny jeans, custom jeans
Id: d_fHun8jj2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 16 2019
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