Creating 3D Floor Plans in SketchUp Part 1 - The SketchUp Essentials #22

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what's up guys Justin here with the Sketchup essentials comback another Sketchup Essentials tutorial for you so this week we're going to talk about creating floor plans and Sketchup this is probably one of the most common common reasons that people start using Sketchup so let's go ahead and just jump into it when you create a floor plan there's a couple different ways you can do this so generally you've got two situations you've either got a situation where you're just drawing a floor plan kind of out of nothing maybe out of like measurements that you've taken or something like that and then there's also the situation where you may have an image of a floor plan and you want to go ahead and draw that into 3d so we'll talk about both those situations so first of all let's talk about a situation where let's say you've got a situation where you get a space and you just kind of want to draw a floor plan so generally what I like to do is I like to draw if I don't have an image I like to draw the outline of the space first so I like to figure out kind of what the perimeter looks like so let's say I've got like a 20 foot wall and then I've got a 5 foot wall so you can just come in here with the line tool and just kind of draw in your shapes or draw draw in your dimensions and remember to make sure to try to draw these along the axes so make sure that your lines are going along the red or the green when you're doing this it's going to make everything a lot easier for you as you move forward but so generally I like to go ahead and draw the perimeter of my floor plan first and then you can go ahead and come in here and let's say you've got a 4 inch wall so what you're going to do is you're going to use the offset tool once you've kind of drawn this shape in order to create your wall so I'm going to go ahead and create a perimeter around this and do that you're just going to tap that F key to activate the offset tool and remember the offset tool allows you to draw an offset off of a perimeter so in this case I can dictate how thick that is so in this case let's say I want my wall to be six inches I just click on that wall type in 6 and hit the enter key and you see what that does is that comes in here and this creates a wall shape for you so anyway now that you've kind of got your general interior wall set you can come in here you can start creating spaces and probably the way that I would say you want to do that is you can just use the rectangle tool in order to do that so like let's say I've got a room in here I've measured it and it's 10 feet by 10 feet what you can do is activate the rectangle tool by tapping the R key and select this corner and then you can go in here and you can type in 10 feet , 10 feet and that will draw a 10 foot by 10 foot rectangle right here and so once you've got this 10 foot by 10 foot rectangle you've kind of got your room roughed out and so you can do that for all your different spaces so let's say you've got a 10 foot by 8 foot room over here let's say you've got and you know if you're not being super precise you can also just come in here and just draw a rectangle in here but let's say you've got a 14 foot by 8 foot room over here and then you've got kind of a big living space in here but let's go ahead and call this 12 foot 12 foot so now you've got some rooms kind of roughed in here I'm going to move this over because always we know what kind of funky if I do that this way but anyway now you've got kind of your spaces roughed out in here so now what you're going to do is you're going to the same thing you did before with the offset tool where you're going to come in here and offset everything and you can either offset that out or in depending on what you you probably want to offset it out because you've set your inside dimensions here by creating this wall so you can just use the offset tool and just do a 6-inch offset to the outside and one of the things about tools in Sketchup is they retain whatever you did last so in this case I can double click on this space and it will do the same offset that I did over here so with the offset tool active all you have to do is come over here and double click on each one of these lines in order to quickly extrude those you see how extruded all those just by double clicking it and then what you will have to do once you've done this is probably come in here and clean you're going to want to clean up the intersections between the exterior wall and your interior wall just like this and you can just come in here with the erase tool so tap that ee key and then just kind of click and hold and drag your mouse over these and basically what you're going for here is you're going for kind of an uninterrupted face so what you want to do is you want to be able to click on this and you see how it selects the entire wall in here that's what you want it to be able to do so the next thing we're going to do with this is we're going to extrude this into 3d the first thing we need to talk about is how we want to handle our doors so there's a couple different ways you can do this you can either come in here with the rectangle tool and create go ahead and create your door openings just like this if you want to do that that's one way you can do that and then when we extrude this into 3d using the push-pull tool you'll already have a door opening in here the trick with that though is it does create some kind of issues when you come in here because you know doors go up you know three-quarters the way to the ceiling and then you've got a little piece that hangs down well if you come back and you try to model that what it's going to do is it's going to heal your face about a million different times and it gets kind of annoying when it does that but you can do that you can just come in here and you can just draw a rectangle piece just like this and use push/pull to kind of push everything and then erase all this and all that you can definitely do that that way if it's easier for you to rough-in your door openings first the other thing you can do and I found that this is a lot easier is if you do want to come in here and just push pull everything to its height to the height that you want it to be to be then it's a lot easier for you to come in here and just draw your doors in and then you can just push pull them through so let me let me back up a little bit so that's just there's a couple different ways you can handle doors but let's talk about extruding this into 3d so once you've got all your walls in here you're going to activate the push-pull tool by tapping the P key click on these walls and then you can go ahead and type in height if you want so let's say that your ceilings are 9-foot high you can come in here and with the push-pull tool active just type in 9-foot and hit the enter key that'll definitely work that'll extrude all of your walls to this height so you can see now what you've got is you've got space in 3d so you've got your 3d openings and everything else so that's one way you can do that so that's the way to get all your walls into 3d and then what you can do now now that we talked about doors a little bit is you can come in here with the rectangle tool and you can draw your doors in this way so you can type in three-foot common 7-foot which is a pre 3-foot comma 7-foot that's a pretty common door height so you can come in here you can draw your doors and then what you're going to do once you've done that is you're going to use the push/pull tool to push these all the way through the wall so you can see how this gives me an offset limited option right so that means it won't let me push pull any further than that if I push pull this all the way through the wall and I single click you can see Sketchup deletes the face because it knows you push something all the way through I'm basically using that shape to cut and opening in this space so you can come in here and you can just draw these in I think this is a lot easier then coming in here and creating your openings first and then coming back and remodeling these shapes right here and remember once you draw this you can double click with that push-pull tool and it will push pull your door through the wall just like that so if I do three foot comma seven foot keep typing inches instead of foot so or feet so if you type in 3 foot comma 7 foot hit enter and then activate push-pull all you have to do is double click and you can see that automatically pushes everything through just like this so this is a real quick easy way to come in here and create your floor plans so this strategy works really good if you don't have an image if you're just kind of creating a shape in here one other thing you can do real quick is you can come in here with the UH with the dimension tool and you can click on a line just like this and then click off of the line remember don't click the midpoint but actually click the line itself you see how I when I mouse over a Dementor if I mouse over a line it turns blue if you click on that and then move your mouse off of it click again you can set a dimension so in that way you can come in here and you can draw dimensions on top of this as well and this works really good and if you want to get like super in depth with your dimensions you're probably going to want to use layout that's sketchup actual layout software that like architects and people like that use to create actual plans but if you're just kind of sketching something up using it for personal use this works great for you so you can come in here and you can dimension that stuff the other thing you can do and this is kind of a cool trick because you see when I am when I turn this to top down you can see it's got the perspective going on so instead of seeing just these walls you're seeing everything going towards the vanishing point off in the distance what you can do is you can come and create a view sorry camera and uncheck perspective and when you do that what that does is that correct that draws everything in a straight up and down so everything's and more of it doesn't have perspective anymore nothing goes to a vanishing point it's just straight flat just like this so if you're trying to print off a flat view of this you can go to a top view turn perspective off and you can print stuff off just like that so anyway that's how you would do this if you don't have an image if you're just kind of sketching something up and you can also come through here do the same thing with windows and the exterior wall so let's say you add some extra windows and stuff like that you can definitely come in here and draw your windows and do the same thing where you push-pull the openings and all of that different stuff and that works really good so in that way if you want to you can draw an entire house and then you can kind of heal this top piece just like this by drawing lines across it you could actually come in here and draw a roof on top of this building as well if you wanted to and actually have like a real exterior view of your building so you can get as in-depth of this as you want to do but so that's where I'm going to in part one of this video it's got a little bit long so I'm gonna go ahead and break it into two pieces the first part is going to be just drawing a floor plan without an image and then the second is going to focus more on bringing an image in and using that to create your floor plan so anyway if you like this video remember to click that like button down below if you're new around here click that subscribe button for new Sketchup content every week if you really like what I'm doing please consider supporting me on patreon every little bit helps even if it's only a dollar a month that just helps me keep bringing you great Sketchup content so in any case thank you so much for watching I really appreciate it and I will catch you in the next video thanks guys
Channel: TheSketchUpEssentials
Views: 274,033
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Keywords: thesketchupessentials, the sketchup essentials,, sketchup tutorials, sketchup lessons, sketchup modeling, sketchup 2016, architecture, sketchup 2017, sketchup beginners, sketchup floor plan, sketchup offset tool, sketchup design, sketchup architecture, sketchup floor plan 3d, the sketchup essentials #22, sketchup floor plan tutorial, sketchup floor plan 2d, sketchup floor plan from image, sketchup floor plan layout, sketchup 2016 tutorial floor plan
Id: Xt95mFCmkLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2017
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