Creating 3D Blueprints in Maya and Photoshop pt. 1

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okay so today we are going to start a tutorial series on how to model the supercar so the software that I will be using to teach you the basics of car modeling is both of this miles but what we're going to do is start off with Adobe Photoshop first now this part of the tutorial I'm going to be modeling a landing here you kind of see I've got the blueprints already and inside here's now the reason that I'll be modeling Lamborghini is because supercars are in my opinion anyway actually far the easiest model then everyday vehicle searches for books or online dubsteps so before we actually start the model in itself we need two things firstly we need a whole host of reference images so you can see obviously Google is going to be even is everything that we need and we want to get as many reference images as you can to showcase all of the different and kind of sections that we're going to be looking at and all of the details within those so from here we can see that Watson and text around their lives that may not see on our blueprints there's also a bunch of reference images inside there but before we start with the reference images we need some nice highly detailed blueprints and see here that I have a process and we can see I've got front side chopped and the rear now so it's important to have awful it can be a bit tricky if you're missing the top or side or something like that whilst your modeling career is out what we actually need to do is attach these to an image plane and in order to do that we need to split all the images book now when you're looking for your blueprints you want to make sure that it's super high resolution to see here that my image hundred percent graphic shown here is incredible details that's going to allow us to get inside here and see all the different details and around the door and the arches or the details up here for example and it even gives a good idea of what the mesh looks license because it's kind of a conical gunship is that here book you can see how many rolls that we actually need in order to get it as realistic as possible so to get started with these blueprints we're going to need all of these sections in a separate file and so what I've done here is I've lined them all match list definitely across the top of the sides and I'm using guidance I photoshopped here to outline the sections that I'm actually going to be crapping down getting to see Network guys go from the top to the bottom and they're from the other side about the picture here so what we're going to do is we are actually going to take new sections up completely and save them as for individual file those files we can then take into Maya and use as our other graphic images so first things first what I'm going to do is going to use a marking tool here and we are going to use guides to draw around sections take the largest one to go first and we'll grab that image now what we're going to do is going to use some photoshop tool to you tell us how large essentially we want this image to be for going to copy this copy this year and then we're going to open up and you got to it and what we're going to do with this new document is we are going to use the clipboard section here the only thing that we're actually going to change as far as this size is concerned is we're going to increase the width here to 3,000 just to round it up and then we're also going to change the height here to 3,000 as well now the reason that we're going to do this is the musical guest Maya and the different orthographic views can rescale your elements based on its larger size like edge but if you must take an image in which is a different size to another and but still hold the same height for example then that means that that M image will be scaled up by Maya will not match the other image so you have all the sides as well all we're going to do there is going to pick this straight in so we can see that we've got a little bit of site and especially this side but that's no big deal there and what we can do is we can pin the background here so it's niceness so with the top view the only one we actually have to edit is the copy and what we need to do with this vision we can relocate this to go from top to bottom because of your graphic view we need that to go the same direction as our side in inch as well next I'm going to do is go back into our original document here and this time we have an unlocking this side again I'm going to crop it across into an induction and that one will be fine some don't need to make any changes without that will drive orientation is once too vertical image that you will also take recent and that is again one of the benefits of doing it this way means that all of our images on our new document is going to be exactly in the center that means that we won't have to make any adjustments to the position of these elements we know that they're all going to sit and actually we know that they're going to sit exactly then we want them to and then taking it to Maya now finally what we do here is we're just going to save all these doctors when they save us here and then we can just call this one top and Jacob fine what a fairly force small file size one of the problems with this is it will affect the final save file sizes that we do have inside of Maya done then we'll go side now it's really important to have a higher resolution image as possible and if you're going to go in with small resolution images you'll find it incredibly difficult to get all of those small details that and you're going to require as we go here and then finally we're going to save this really cool so now we have all of our other graphic images set up they're all looking quite good 2000 by 3000 pixel resolution means that all be incredibly and detailed and you can give them get it into my own start button so in the next episode what we're going to do is we will take these photographic images here will drop them into our Mayan document and then decide
Channel: 8fifty2torials
Views: 65,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D, Modelling, Tutorial, Autodesk, Maya, 3DS, Max, Adobe, Photoshop, Photo, Shop, Learn, animation, beginner, intermediate, advanced, car, lamborghini, huracan, rigging, 8fifty2torials, 8fifty2
Id: 5T7Y35OXYA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 23sec (383 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2017
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