"Create Your Way Out" - Touré Roberts

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[Music] let's just dive right into this I want to draw your attention to Genesis chapter 1 and we're gonna read the first four verses and then we're going to jump over to Deuteronomy 8:18 and I want to talk today from from these words this is the theme of today the theme of today is create your way out create your way out do me a favor just turn to your neighbor and say you got to create your way out sometimes go ahead just come on come on Denver come on you got to create your way out sometimes so we're gonna look at Genesis chapter 1 and it reads like this in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth the earth was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep and the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters then God said let there be light and there was light and God saw the light that it was good and God divided the light from the darkness now I want you to jump over to Deuteronomy 8:18 and you find these words here it says and you shall remember the Lord your God for it is he who gives you power do me a favor just turn your neighbor say power it is he who gives you power to get wealth that he may establish his covenant which he swore to your father's as it is to this day go ahead and just do me a favor and before you sit down just just high-five somebody and say I'm in the right places just just do it and we're we're about to get this we're about to get this we're about to get this we're about to get this I've been thinking about progress and I've been thinking about how God uses creativity and one of the the most frustrating places to be in life is to be standing somewhere standing in one spot you sensing you need to get to the other side but not knowing how to get there it is frustrating it is it's kind of similar to to that story in creation where God is is getting ready to create the heavens and the earth and he's getting ready to to create everything but then all of a sudden the earth is void and the earth has fought and the earth doesn't have any form have you ever been in a place and a space in your life where you you just feel stuck you you're trying to get somewhere you feel like you're out of options you you you you just can't you you you kit is it's just dark like I know that where I'm at is not where I'm supposed to be and I know that God has promised me something that is different and it's beyond he's promised me progress but I have absolutely no idea how to get there anybody ever been there before and if you're not careful it can be discouraging because there's this gap there's this this space there's this distance between what is and what needs to be and you can feel like perhaps even the earth sometimes you can feel void you can feel you can feel empty and I believe it's really it's one of the most frustrating experiences in life to have a need that you can't see provision for your being there before you got a need you see the need but you don't see provision you see where you are but you don't see you see where you are and you know where you want to be but you don't you don't see your way across the bridge and so there's this gap there's this space there's this distance and it's frustrating because in that moment what we feel is lack we feel emptiness we feel like like something's missing we feel like there's something that needs to happen but we don't feel like we have what it takes to make it happen I want to have a real conversation in here today have you ever been in a place and where you are it's not what you want to be and you can't see your way forward and it is frustrating God how are you going to get me from here to there let me tell you right now that's normal it's normal it's normal and yet we see in Genesis God not being intimidated by by this descents of that says the earth that this thing that he was getting ready to create was was void and without form but we don't see God intimidated by that at all but what we see is a greater force emerging and creating substance whether once was nothing so in other words this this thing there's a force what is that force it's creativity there's there's something so so just just put yourself in that situation you're trying to create something you're trying to get somewhere but it's dark but all of a sudden there's something that emerges I love God I want to be anybody want to be like God I want to be like God because because I would be let's just keep it 100 I would be like panicking a little bit I'm trying to create this thing I feel called to create this thing but but I have nothing there's nothing there but there's nothing that says that God is freaking out over the fact that that where he is going the the road map the bridge is not there there's nothing to suggest that he's intimidated take him back at all he just begins to create he starts speaking and saying let there be light now all of a sudden the gap between where he was and what he was trying to get to now is strong is shortened by this powerful thing called creativity and I don't think it's just a God thing I think that that if we take a closer look at Deuteronomy 8:18 we have that same power I believe with all of my heart that that creativity that that that God has given you the ability let's look at that real quick I'm getting ahead of myself let me just do this I'm sorry I'm crazy like that I'm crazy just tell your neighbor pastors crazies he's just a little crazy but but let's look at let's look at Deuteronomy 8:18 because what what if God put the answer and the solution to everything pertaining to your life and purpose inside this thing called creativity so what what if God doesn't have to do anything for you what if when God made you he put this ability in you he put this creative ability in you and the unique creative ability that he's placed on the inside of you literally will create your way out of trouble and into what he promised I believe that's what Deuteronomy 8:18 says let's look at it really quickly it says and you shall remember the Lord your God for it is he who gives you power to get wealth let's just let's just stop right there you know me I like to look up the original languages because I think that the text is rich as you study the Hebrew and the Greek and and all those things but let's pause for a moment so in Deuteronomy 8:18 the word that was translated get so when it says that God is giving you the power to get right to get wealth and we'll talk about what that word wealth means when he says to get it's the Hebrew word I saw and it has the idea of to create but not to create denoting this is important you got to follow me here not to create denoting the beginning of the creative process but the end of the creative process how many of us know this one thing to be creative is another thing to be a creator oh you know okay you got to get to say this better it's one thing all of us are creative all of us have the ability to you know to imagine things and and we have the ability to think through things where we're at we were breathing and we're created we're creative but there's a difference between being creative and be and being a creator and what's interesting this word acid that's used when he says that God has given us this this ability this this innate ability to create the first time you see that word in the scripture is actually in Genesis chapter 1 but it's not in Genesis chapter 1 when got it what it says that God created the heavens and the earth and the earth was void without form and God has to go through this process to create that's not where it says that it says it it says it in Genesis chapter 1 verse 7 where God says thus the Lord finished thus thus and thus was made so so so if I might make that more plain what I'm getting at is we're not talking about creative ability we're talking about creativity that actually gets something done creativity that actually produces something and so so the ability that you have on the inside of you is not just you being this this creative dreamer in somebody who was full of ideas but God has put something on the inside of you that will guarantee that you produce that you birth that thing that God has placed on the inside of you that's what's and you just turn to your neighbor and say it's in you it's in you it's in you it's in you it's in you I love it I love it I saw you've got hostages turned in everything you've got awesome be careful with how you say it be careful don't be cussing in church so so you can be creative not a creator because God gives us that ability your life your life is designed to produce something so it says that that in Genesis 1 at 7 it says thus God made so this this ability again is not just creativity but it is the ability to actually create and to produce but there's another word in that that's pretty interesting and so that that text says and Deuteronomy 8:18 it says that God has given us the ability to create that work create right and then it says wealth and so you don't have to look up that word because this word it's it's so much more than what you think and so it's the Hebrew word hi-oh and it's not just wealth as it relates to finances I mean finances certainly are included but look at the definition of this word it's high out which means that was translated wealth which means men means or any other resource and so sometimes your way forward sometimes when you find yourself stuck I feel that for someone there's somebody under the sound of my voice right now and you feel stuck and I hear God saying don't compromise stay where you are the bridge is closer than you think if I'm talking to you holla back at me then the bridge the bridge is it is closer it's closer than you think and sometimes when you're stuck sometimes it's not a money problem sometimes it's not a healing problem and what I love about this this term wealth in that text God has given you the ability to bring forth wealth it essentially is whatever you need to get through the situation I got so much to teach I cannot wait this thing as has levels it's got layers to it but I just sense that that that there's some in this room right now and and and you're like you you think that you're out of options and I just think that when you get your head right and I'm gonna talk about it God is getting ready to get your head right and he's getting ready to get some of these debilitating thoughts out of your head and you're gonna really begin to stir up the gift that's on the inside of you and you're gonna I saw something say it right don't because you're getting ready to I saw something something's getting ready to come out of you and God it's gonna allow you to get the wealth that you need men resources what was it it was men resources come on who was paying since he was writing those men means or any other resource necessary just do me a favor return to your neighbor and say God's got you covered God's God's got he's got you covered he's got he's got he's got you covered because sometimes your way forward will involve people some of you right now and and and you think you need this but really what you need is a relationship and in our own wisdom in our own way of thinking we think that man if I just get this and I get that and I get this then that's all I need and God is saying no I know you think you need that but really what you need is some relationship because in that relationship in in in that individual or in that group of people in that community I've placed something that you need and sometimes it's not a relationship that you need sometimes it's some other resource sometimes it is finances at the end of the day sometimes it is a check right you sometimes and God come on so my homies know God can can channel resources in your direction particularly if he knows that he can trust you sometimes it's that but sometimes it's favor it can be a myriad of things and so God is saying that I put something on the inside of you that will become the bridge from where you are to what you need and now I want to talk about how to access this creativity and and I just wrote down some thoughts and I want to share them with you there are three thoughts primarily and I think these thoughts will help you to further under stand and access this power that the Bible is talking about this power for you to create your way your way forward do me a favor just say create your way forward and did just take a minute make it personal I'm gonna create my way forward I'm I'm gonna create my way forward here's the first thought creativity is fueled by inspiration if you're taking notes write this down creativity is fueled by inspiration inspiration is typically produced by a desire to grow a desire to grow and sometimes this this this inspiration that is produced by a desire to grow and this desire to progress this inspiration typically comes from you being in the place of need sometimes it's it's not you know it may not necessarily be normal I know that we're all progressive and we're all positive and we're all trying to move forward and walk out destiny but typically what really should inspire us the most to grow and to progress is lack something's missing are you tracking with me problems are actually meant to inspire creativity are you tracking with me prop problems are meant to inspire creative God's put something in you he's put solutions on the inside of you through your ASSA I got to stop saying it I need my wife here to real me and I gotta stop saying but seriously you have a nice on and that creative ability that we talked about before I'm telling you he he the problems are not there they're meant to to get you going problems are not meant to stop you they're meant to pull something out of you they're meant to inspire creativity you are a creative force you're a force literally you're a creative force endow with ability and you are literally and watch this hear me and if you're right write this down you are divinely wired to create your way forward however however there are things that aim to take away that inspiration I'm gonna be straight up with you there things aim to take away that desire to grow or to take away that belief that growth is possible let's talk about a few of them doubt doubt is one of them disappointment so so hear it hear it my problem is supposed to inspire my gift I feel the Spirit of God my problem my lack my discontentment is not supposed to depress me my discontentment is supposed to inspire by creativity it is supposed to inspire me to create my way forward because my creativity knows what it is I just have to to come to a place that I really believe in what God has placed on the inside of me so things like doubt and disappointment unworthiness how about that you know what this is the best you know when maybe the reason why why my life is void and without form and maybe the reason why I can't progress or get to the next level in my life is because I'm unworthy of it all of these you know what I like to call fortified arguments in my head robbed me of the ability of the progress that the problem is designed inspire and so what I have to do is I have to fight against this this doubt I've got it I've got to fight against disappointments I got to fight against this lie that says that I'm unworthy of awesome things I feel that for somebody you are worthy of awesome things not because of your own goodness not because of your own grace but because of the goodness of God it wasn't your righteousness it was the righteousness of Jesus and you have to be able to say by the grace of God I am what I am I love what the Apostle Paul said he said by the grace of God I am what I am in other words I know who I am I know what's the sign of my life I know what belongs to me and no it wasn't because I made all the right decisions it had nothing to do with any of that it is by the grace of God and if I do not proclaim and declare that I am what I am and I have what I have then I do a disservice to the grace of God and God needs about a hundred and fifty people to take a moment and say it's by the grace of God that I am what I am and I will be everything that he's called me to be I'm worthy Jesus has made me worthy of God's best I can't make his grace cheap because it isn't His grace is amazing somebody you need to get over your past right now you need to get over what happened right now he says I take it and I put it in the sea of forgetfulness and he says watch this he says for my own sake I don't even remember it any more than that's heavy that's heavy I'm digressing a little bit but somebody needs to hear this that's heavy he says for my own sake in other words I cannot remain pure if I retain your sin in my head which means that he's saying to you you can't even remain pure if you repeat a few retain your mistakes in your head it's either it's finished or it's not finished either he died on the cross for your sin every single one of them or he didn't and somebody needs to put that guilt to bed right now it needs to go into the grave and stay in the pits of hell from which it came because if you keep retaining it those fortified arguments are gonna make you believe that you're less than God's best and it's reasons like that it's things like that it's it's lies like those that keep us from allowing our problems to propel us into progress and you see it happening with so many people so many people are called so I believe in this season man God is raising up world changers he's raising up world shakers I believe that the people of God are going to do things that are out of this world I really believe it and I think the people have got to be the freest people we ought to be the most optimistic people we ought to be people that believe and know that that we're in we ought to feel like spoiled brats come on somebody we ought to be out there dreaming we ought to be on the front not frontlines of technology and business and entertainment and fashion any other place are you tracking with me we ought to be on the front lines of entrepreneurs and why because the grace of God has set us free the Holy Spirit has empowered us and we've got this thing on the inside of us called ASSA creativity to move forward to create something out of nothing I feel that for some of y'all I want to say this the way I see it before I move on I see some of you and you're at this this crossroads and for some of you it's been manifesting in your life as depression I'll be honest with you as discouraged man that you've been going to plan B and you'll be going to plan C and and and you you and you've been tempted to to do things that are so far beyond you and I feel like God is getting ready to speak into your circumstance and say let there be light I just sits that something's getting ready to happen on the inside of you and all of a sudden your your darkness is gonna become light and God's gonna empower you to see your way forward but let's talk about how let's talk about it more let's talk about it more let's talk about it more creativity is fueled by my inspiration don't lose your inspiration don't lose it and follow it and believe in it be optimistic I want to jump to number two really quickly I want to jump to number two and as I do that I just want you to take a minute and you've been yelling at your neighbor I want you to whisper to your neighbor you're never stuck no matter what it looks like you're never stuck come on whisper come on come on dimmer switch to the wisdom of God is the inspiration of creativity the wisdom of God is the inspiration of creativity I want us to look at proverbs chapter 3 verse 19 really quickly there's a powerful verse it says the Lord by wisdom founded the earth by understanding he established the heavens the Lord by wisdom found at the earth by understanding he established the heaven what that means is that the wisdom of God how do I get from here to there how do I create something how do I walk across the bridge how do how do solutions how our solutions manifest in my life how how do I create my way forward is by the wisdom of God the Bible says right there says that that God by wisdom he's telling you right now what resource he use to create the heavens and the earth it's wisdom it's wisdom so let's look at winds let's go a little deeper let's go to James chapter 1 you know where I'm going come on somebody James chapter 1 and we'll look at verse 2 through 8 it says brethren count it all joy when you fall into all this is powerful this is powerful you're gonna get two swatches he says my brethren count it all joy when you fall into various trials knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience but let patience have it's perfect work that you may be perfect and complete lacking nothing it's going it's gonna make sense in a second if any of you lacks wisdom let him ask of God who gives to all men liberally and without proach and it will be given to him let me let me stop right there so so this thing starts off by talking about problems let's look at my brethren count it all joy when you fall to various trials and then it goes on to say that throughout this process you become complete and you lack nothing are you catching it it goes right back to the thought that we talked about earlier where problems are designed to inspire creativity not to push you back in other words I need I feel God I need my problem I don't like my problem it's not fun but I need it because it's producing something out of me creativity is born out of problems the need for a solution that's how it comes out of you some of you are cursing God because of your problem you ought to be praising God because of your problem he's not gonna leave you and your problem he's gonna make you perfect and complete lacking nothing but then he says but this is how you do it this is how you do it this is where your creativity comes from this is how you lack nothing this is how you end up being perfect and complete lacking nothing he says if any of you lack wisdom let him ask of God my way forward is in the mouth of God mic mic creativity what what I need to create it's in me I firmly believe that God doesn't have to do anything I believe that God has already done everything and he's put ability in you to create and to produce what he's already done come on man can we talk like this I'm trying to move on but can we talk like this he said I've given you the ability to create wealth that I might establish my covenant what is my covenant my covenant is my promise it's what I've already promised and what I've already promised I've already provided are you tracking with me I have already resourced what I promised how is it gonna happen it's gonna happen because of what's on the inside of you that's why it says now unto Him who's able to do exceedingly abundantly far above what you can ask for or imagine according to the power that works in us so the exceedingly and abundantly is in you I felt something in this place it's on the inside of you exceedingly and abundantly is within you and some of you are being squeezed right now because it's time for that exceedingly and that abundantly to come out God is getting ready to create your way into something beyond anything you've ever seen before in your life if you believe it take 15 seconds to say that's my word to just thank God in your own way just just take a minute I believe in God I believe it it's in me it's in me some of you right now the lights the lights are beginning to come on just starting to get it you're starting to get it you're starting to get it he says if any lacks wisdom let him ask of God who gives to all men liberally freely I got wisdom all day baby I'm not trying to keep you in the dark I've got wisdom I got wisdom for every I've got I've got a path I've got a bridge I've got solutions for every place to soul on your feet treads upon in other words if you are stuck it's not because God is stuck if you are stuck it's because you gave up and then I came to resurrect somebody's hopes about his faith in this house right now you are not stuck there is a way forward and it's in you and you have to break those negative fortified arguments off of your mind because problems are designed to move you forward they're designed to get out of you what is placed in you and you got to get your fight back I'm telling you you're closer than you think you're closer than you think and you gotta you've got to you've got to get your fight back I gotta I gotta get through this it says but let him ask in faith with no doubting for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind for let not that man suppose that he was receive anything from the Lord he is a double-minded man unstable in all of his ways and basically what that passage is saying is that when you go to the Lord and you ask for wisdom I don't go if I find myself in a problem or a predicament I go to the Lord seeking wisdom with faith in fact on my way to my prayer closet on my way to prayer excited because I'm about to get a word hallelujah I'm about to get some creative and a deed ever get out of my feet I'm serious man I get excited I don't go in there into my prayer closet I'm not in there like you know Lord you know dear Lord no gracious father merciful King you know if you just see fit to give a lowly who a servant like me just the crumb of your word just a crumb of inspiration I'll take whatever you get that's not what the Bible says it says that he gives to all men liberally freely without reproach without finding fault so some already I'm already halfway in the miracle the moment that I set my face to pray because I know that God's going to give me the wisdom and the creativity to move forward because he will never fail so that's how you go in there but if you go in there all timid saying I don't know if he's gonna speak to me I don't know if there's a solution the Bible says that that that man don't think that that man is gonna receive anything from the Lord because he's double minded he went in there with doubt on one hand it may be a little hope on the other and they cancel each other out and they rob you of the precious moment to hear and they receive the divine wisdom that becomes the inspiration for creativity to move you forward are you tracking with me so one is creativity is fueled by inspiration - as the wisdom of God is the inspiration of creativity I had this thought if he writin I want you to write this thought down a praying life is a progressing life a praying life is a progressing life how do I continue to keep the wisdom flowing and a creativity flowing it's in your prayer life it's in your prayer life don't get turned off by trials trials are just a trial is just an impetus for growth that's all it is if you don't quit but but allow it to cause you to grow forward it's designed to get you to become which you've never been before and number three lastly Milland is plain from creative to create tour requires character from creative to create toil requires correct character I want you to look at James chapter one back in James again verse 22 through 25 and reason like this says now talk about discipline talking about not being the one who's full of ideas every week you got a new idea many foundations but no buildings anybody can be creative and somewhat being a creator it's right here it says but be doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving yourself that's that's a Pakistan right there that's such a powerful sentence it says be doers of the word be a doer this is why I need you to be a doer and not a hearer only in other words he's basically saying that there is a such thing as a here now think about it here here is someone who comes a church who reads books you're in the right place at the right time you hear and that could be the totality of your experience uuuugh invested the time to to log on to the live stream you invest the time to come to church you got in the atmosphere where your word was spoken you are here and and and and it's much easier to be a here than it is to be a doer because all you have to do is is just receive there there's there there's some work but there's less work doing is a different thing and here's the crazy thing it says that that if a person is a here only and is not a doer they're deceiving themselves because they hear the reason why they keep hearing is because they think that they're benefited by hearing but the Bible doesn't say you've benefited by hearing the Bible says we'll keep reading says you're actually benefited by doing what you heard are you tracking with me so I'm in deception if I continue to expose myself to word with this this belief that the word is automatically going to do something the word is just designed to inspire are you tracking with me is this designed to inspire but even inspiration is not manifestation it is just the fuel inspiration is the fuel for creativity and so so when the work comes and inspires you you and I my brothers and sisters we got it we got to do something let's look at it it says but be doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving your sayers deceiving yourselves it says for if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer he is like a man observing his natural face in the mirror that's something in other words the the wisdom of God came to you and it held up a mirror in front of you it held up a mirror and it says this is who you are and in that moment you said Amen Rockhopper shout you start speaking in tongues and stuff hey man that's who I am as some in this room right now God was speaking to you saw promise he lifts that promise up it spoke specifically to your circumstance you like I got it I got it I got it that's you basically seeing the mirror that God has erected in your face and you saying Amen but then what happens for he observes himself goes away without action I might add he goes away mm man I wish I had more time with you he goes away and immediately forgets what kind of man he was exposed to creativity becomes creative because they received creative all that kind of stuff but not a creator because he hasn't embraced a doer mentality I wonder see what would be different if there was just a few words added into that into that passage in verse 24 it says for he observes himself goes away how about this what if it said he observes and and then goes away in the identity of what he saw and would not relent until what he saw was manifest in his life that would be different but what what the writer is describing is someone who has the mirror erected he looks at it really quickly and then immediately walks away and goes back to who he perceived he was before the mirror was erected I want us to to move I want us to go beyond being creative anybody can be creative I want us to be creators we're we're called to be crowd creators let's finish that real quick is this but but be doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving yourselves for if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror for he observes himself goes away and immediately forgets what kind of man he was but he who looks into the perfect law of Liberty come on and continues in it in other words what you saw what you showed me I'm committed to walking out I feel that what if every word you heard what if every time God spoke to you and he told you who you were and he told you what you can do what if every time you heard that word you heard that instruction you got that wisdom forward you said I am nothing but what God just said to me are you tracking with me this anything in my life that does not look like that is no longer in my life what if he could make me new every time he spoke to me and I would no longer tolerate anything less that's what God is looking for in this season but he who looks into the perfect law of Liberty and continues in it and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work this one will be blessed and what he does this one will be blessed in whatever he does from creative - from creative to creator choirs character this character that I'm talking about is is is is the diligence to do and to follow through what you've been inspired towards I want you I'm close you can come and play come and play the alarm I'm closing I want I want to pray for you my heart my heart for you is this is my heart for you I believe with all of my heart that the solutions that you're looking for where you're trying to get is in you I believe it when God says that I've given you ability to create to produce the wealth the men the means and the resources of any kind to bridge you from where you are to where God wants to take you I promise you you're not stuck stuck is a lie you know how I know you're not stuck because you're alive your life life itself is creativity and you can decide what you're going to create I want to pray for you you're going to create your way out of it if you're in a tough spot you're gonna create your way out that there's no helicopter coming hello somebody that there's no life boat coming it's gonna happen from the inside out if you can fight through doubt if you can fight through discouragement if you can fight through disappointment if you can fight through the lie of unworthiness and recognize that the only reason why the problem showed up in front of you is because you carry the solution inside of you and I believe you're going to move into a season where you you're going to start looking at problems differently you're gonna start saying like Joshua and Caleb I'm more than able to take this I feel that for somebody I don't care how far the gap is between where you are and what you're believing for I believe one day at a time one wise revelation that becomes your creativity at a time you're gonna get there I won't pray for you Father I just I just thank you right now for your word Lord you said you send your word out and it won't return until you void but I pray God that these words would take root and bear fruit and the hearts and the minds of all who are here some have been struggling with the lie of unworthiness they've been so disappointed that they no longer that this they're they they just sit on the sidelines of life because of problems when they see a problem they just they automatically just tap out and I believe God that you're restoring fights in here you're you're moving in the hearts of your sons and daughters and they're going to be not just creative they're gonna be creators they're gonna burst up and they're gonna create you're going to be through them a bridge you're gonna be through them light light and I thank you that some literally who were to a certain degree completely in the dark before they heard this truth the light is coming on right now in their hearts fire is coming back and their fight is coming back and you're gonna get them to cross over to the other side and I pray this in Jesus name Amen amen amen you receive that word come on somebody if that was for you and you know it I just want you to take a minute and just thank God just say lot in it just say lot in it for a second hallelujah I know I needed that word come on somebody I got some stuff to do and I can't see all of the steps but I know the Bible says the steps come on somebody of a good are ordered by the Lord their order they're already ordered God is not in the dark at all it's going to happen amen all right [Music] you
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
Views: 29,159
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Id: cXMYy0dbs44
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Length: 42min 15sec (2535 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 19 2018
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