Create Stunning Portraits With Playground AI | Part 1

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if you were to look at the top images here on the home page it's quite obvious to see that there's a huge interest in creating portraits in characters and today I'm going to show you how to get started to create your own amazing portraits to start off there's always three things that I consider when I'm developing some sort of portrait or character you want to think of the medium the subject or idea and the environment in the prompt area we're going to start off with something very simple photo of a beautiful woman now you don't have to start off this way I just want to show you how to build a foundational prompt so that you can use that foundational prompt to create other portraits or characters for the settings we're going to bring the height up to 768 prompt guidance at seven quality and details we can lower this to 35 for now in the advanced options we're going to use dpm2 however feel free to use any one of these sampler methods I tend to use Euler or dpm2 to start we're going to generate four images and simply click on generate as we look at the images not very impressive and I did purposely want to show you this you'll notice the deformed hands here the weird eyes just know that this is very common and that's because the AI is trained on a one-to-one aspect ratio specifically 512 by 512 so to help minimize these deformities we want to take advantage of negative prompts so if we simply click on the option here and enter in some negative prompts it'll help minimize those things but it will not completely prevent it as we look at these images you see what a difference those negative prompts made it's still not perfect as we have to work on the prompt still however the benefit of using negative prompts are very evident in these two images now coming back to the prompt obviously we have to fill this in more but it also lacks the environment so we'll simply enter in here nature background another thing you might want to consider putting is the word portrait so that we can Define what type of photo it is as we look at the two images generated you see that it's starting to take shape now we have a woman in a nature background in a portrait style photo at this point we want to add more to the prompt so that we can get more specific results and start to mold the photo and one of the ways I like to achieve this is to think nouns and adjectives as you know a noun is a person place or thing and the adjective will describe something about the noun so first off I'm going to start with the woman what kind of woman is it can be a character can be a style so just for demo purposes I'm going to put in hippie now we're giving the prompt some context and also some style of the photo another thing that we might want to add is the perspective of the person in this case we're going to enter half body wide angle so that we can get more of a half body shot of the image and then for the background we might want to add something like at Sunset adding Sunset will also add some lighting to the image if we look at the generated images we see that now the portrait takes place still in nature but with a sunset background the clothing is different now because we've defined that this is a hippie woman and we may even get portrait style photos as well like in this example I really like this backlighting effect that we have happening here and I'm actually going to add it into the prompt even though we're already getting that result but I do want to keep that look so I'm going to throw it in there so at this point I'm super happy with the results I'm getting and I would call this my foundational prompt everything else we add to the prompt now is going to enhance and see the image one of the great things about playground is that there are quite a few filters that cater to people there's colourpop instaport analog diffusion Polaroid perfume you could even use a cinematic or any of these filters to get different looks we're going to select instaport for this example and I'm going to run four Images just to show you how much of a difference this filter can make I'm very big on starting simple putting on a filter to see the results and then build on that and of course there are advantages to creating prompts without the filters too now we're starting to see these images take shape so again I want to look at the prompt and see what else can we add to the prompt to be more specific and add more detail to the image so in front of the word portrait I'm going to put in professional we want to describe what type of photo you can use professional you can use fashion even vintage will work and in this case I can even add fashion photography to name the type of Photography that I want I also want to add clear and detailed eyes and that will help with images like this where the eyes are not as defined and here are the results that we've generated not bad it's really starting to take shape now another thing we want to consider is the composition you could simply put in centered and symmetrical just to limit the images that may be out of frame and sometimes preventing these types of images where the heads are a bit chopped off once again it's not going to prevent it but it'll help minimize those things as we look at the current prompt you see that it's fairly simple but we're getting pretty decent results with it as we continue to mold this image into the idea that I have two things that I like to add are the camera model maybe the lens depending on the shot I want and also two or three artist styles to help shape the image a personal favorite combination of Cameron lens I use is Hasselblad which gives the image sort of a vintage feel and the Helios 44-2 now I find it with this combination though it works best with analog diffusion or Polaroid I'm going to quickly switch this to Polaroid since I want more of a vintage lock a vintage feel I'm going to use either Polaroid or analog diffusion so with the Polaroid filter we see that we have more this vintage style this time around I'm going to add any Lebovitz and Ellen Von unworth to well-known photographers in the industry to help shape these images even more so as we look at these images you see that the style has slightly changed because we've entered in these photographers names too sort of adopts their look in the style a little bit more in the fashion side at this point I would experiment with the different filters for example let's use analog diffusion here are the analog diffusion results or for a very clean fashion type of look we can use perfume very different styled photos here and as I said before we can still further enhance this prompt change things change the scenery change the type of image change the subject type let's change this to a handsome hippie man but this time in the city and here we have our handsome hippie now is there such a thing as a handsome hippie we've changed the subject to a man in the city still at Sunset we could even go totally to left field here and do more of an oil painting style photo and here are the examples not sure why I threw in a woman here but still looks great so as I said before think like a thesaurus change these words for different results think of potential tags that might be on the photo that you're trying to replicate and of course to get some inspiration you might want to check the home page gallery on playground to AI as always let us know what you want to see next in the comments below or if you may have any questions for now my friends we'll see you at the playground
Channel: Playground AI
Views: 178,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Create Stunning Portraits With Playground AI, playground ai, playground ai tutorial, stable diffusion, stable diffusion prompting, stable diffusion portrait prompts, playground ai prompts, text to image ai, text to image
Id: dkUjHPQ4nHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2023
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