How to Create a Register Form

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hello my name K 1 in this video I will show you how to create a registration form when the new user login to the computer and they open the login form they haven't have any information in there they don't have the password they don't have the login ID and we have the new register you just click link here to open the registration form which is shown here how the name with the star is required field and if you put some it here if you get the message you have not in the information or if you click cancel and it's quote the form I will show you how to do this step by step to create this form for you need to create the user form before do that you have to have the user table which is like a full name login ID password security tie in this one its secret I automatic deformity put in as a user as a default click on user table and click create on the menu bar and click on the form or you can use a form wizard if you need here with now to create a form so check out on my another video I will use this for whistle I use select table user and input all the fields and picnic and use a corner picnic and we name the table as form registration now Auto form if you out for you is look like this and you just go to the side view and organize all these field I like all and you need to format that feel arrange it I'll use this one like a stag or I will put a stand like this it's grouping auto feel together and then on the padding make is narrow small for here you see all this narrow now and pick up saw here and you can arrange it make it smaller all go to home and our format change color to bread and you can make it bigger form okay after your the night Auto feel move up a little bit then you change it a hidden name is a registration form and you want you can change here like phoneme as a required feel you put the stand and in here all you can a lie to the right side like this let it control you insert a button here and you just keep cancel and insert another button now we have two button red button renamed as a submit and second name is cancel wanna submit information or you know cancel and quote the phone in my computer I use the you know one hundred twenty five percent of is paid as wise look we already bit bigger on this one okay let's view the form and we can save it and view it okay that's how it is how slope line here is linked to information from the table which is user ID one and we want to get rid of this you know the silic data and you wanna disable all the record selector and the closed ball all this and go to the side view and click on the form Papa Rishi and format now we have slick slick or zero to be stick no medication no and score down and the host for Kanto boyhood no maximize put numb and the data we want to show the empty form of the brand form for user to input a new information and we put data entry in here it would get this mean need new data entry and we want to pop up make it pop up form we put pop up yes and model years okay and the is submit under cancel button you on the on click you win we wanna put some code this one cancer I put me on undo and then Doug course is closed form and under submit button on the on three given procedure now we need to put a lot of code in here before we do that we just want to review this one first and save the form we always say that and view form now you get the pop-up form called registration form okay we want to put all the code here the user security we don't want the user to select this one we we can take it out form this form some view and delete this one go dd-do oh okay okay after we finished the pop-up for more registration form just wanna change the caption name here and put registration form change at the name okay on the summit it when speaking when we need to put a lot of coding yeah we start with the oh and error handling on error go to in lander and we wanna check for us it is new user ID and then get the message you have not in the information and title is no info and else if we we check it is no information put in there now we can miss it and then the next step will be check all the fearful name or username here login password must be enter - if it's new user username or is no in ID or is new password then message bomb it's a boxing full name login ID and password fill our equine the title is required field and else we put in tips here before we forgot now if we check make sure that username login ID password is not bright before we save the data yeah we got the food mess set Bob output method we use the you know message Bob method equal to do do you want to submit your information if everything correct input user name ID password and other information and we click Submit and just like confirm the user to submit information or not you want to submit your information and then sty equal to VB yes no pass maybe critical title equal registration confirm and respond mr. Bopp now he's missed it from the MSG the one we have it up there and then sty and title and said now if you'll respond equal two years we be yes then we need to save the information and echo some excess is automatic save your information when you important and you just do close the form and then exit some and Eve every spawn equal to PP know if answer no and then we to cancel whatever the information we put in there and then close exit some and live now an ape on the top here or we already have that and we go to the hippies arrow we go to exit ever hand never X S sub y arrow and go to the air handler tested for error description baby typical get clear in some now we finish this function okay save try you submit without input any information when you click Submit get the error because this missing is so here submit see when you submit you get the you have not enter information okay we tasting we put all rename in here but we don't put a login ID or we put your login ID but we didn't put password we try to submit you come up with food in linear password PowerPoint it means all these three fields are equine now we put password he submit he got a arrows tie is miss man we go back and check out folding in submit we the coat is working fine to here and the next step is time is man look at the message Bob mr. Stein oh you see we have the biggest and you know capital in Y but we don't have capital here it's mean we all need the double coat here see now we be using no capital wine in that we don't need to double coat you can now we try to put the name game taste name and yyy and password one two three four five and submit it song can you confirm it you want to submit your information if you put no for example the response is no and it shouldn't save our information why why login ID check again now so why why is not in here can delete this post we have a ritual record here now we test again this name login ad Y by Y and plus 1 2 3 and now we submit you wanna confirm submit we answer gift and the information automatic submit and put the form the chicken user form now see the test name and login a dy y is opted in here ok a we test again they put in new who name that's a full name a login ID a name and password we input information in here but we don't want to say we just want to cancel and it's undo and then hold the form the information they're not supposed to input in the form in the table check again see no we don't have an Indian a full name that's what good and little eyes we're good and what we need for we can use it under the login you know example we delete this one you have the long inform you just put it under this eye and add like a label over here new user and which is done what color chain can learn ok now we want to all click on this new user and register when a link to out the form to the form that we created on the property sheet now cascada you see this you know hyperlink the quick ania ring ring address now we came on subject in the database in the form we link to the form and we just rationed forms like that one and say now we see this we click on the link user and add new user and now we open the reservation form that one we created okay we want to test for the fool it is the new register can able to login or not click new register a good full name like my test name login ID it can put my test and password 1 2 3 4 5 ok I submit you want to submit your information yes and submit it in post and now we come back over here in the log info I wanna try my login it is mind is that I just enter and password 1 2 3 4 5 and I click OK now it's go from the login page to the navigation form now my login this my test and they say good afternoon and my phone is my taste name which is I entered in there on the form which is over here and my test name and then my test login ID which is flowing good and thank you for watching
Channel: T Golden Eye
Views: 169,636
Rating: 4.6363635 out of 5
Keywords: registration form, howto, create form, create register form, register form, ms access, access form, create access form, register form using vba
Id: yJO3_CK3crE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 15sec (1335 seconds)
Published: Sun May 04 2014
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