Create High Vibration Thoughts in Every Situation by Sister BK Shivani

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all that we need to do is start taking care of how we think the world will be taken care of and which means start watering the start watering the seed now how to start watering the seed which means how do I make sure that my every thought is always a high vibration thought which means you can reach a stage where your every thought and word will be a blessing will be a blessing No Ordinary conversations every thought and word will be a blessing not taken care of many of us have started using very low vocabulary many of us have even started using abusive vocabulary and if you're using any abusive language delete it today because it's not a language it's your destiny it's your destiny we pick it up from somewhere whether it's from media whether it's from friends and we start using those words those words are not our words those words are creating our world so do not ever use abusive language so what is happening is we are going lower and lower and lower in our thinking and vocabulary now we're going to shift to Higher and Higher and Higher and Higher and Higher what was the beauty of the way Saints used to speak every word would be powerful pure and a blessing and Destiny of the other person would change and then people would travel from all over the world just to meet them get that one line from them and their life will change can we not do that can we not do that yes we can just by making sure that my every line every line you will reach a stage where whatever you say will manifest you say it and it will become a reality because your thought your seed will become very powerful seed will become very powerful and if you see around you you will beat people who have reached that stage foreign power because experimenting with that but this power is not with few people this power is with each one of us each one of us it's only up to us how much we are using our own power so we are now going to start watering the seed so to water this seed take care of your Sangha ranga environmental influence an environment today is Media environment today is social media and the environment today's people around us so whatever we consume what we take in from media from social media and from people around us needs to be pure when people are talking negative about other people withdraw from conversations just withdraw do not fill yourself by other people's junk information people will speak whatever is there on their mind we pollute our mind by just listening to it and going huh like this and then we call it harmless gossip gossip is toxic it's not harmless it's toxic because when I'm listening to something that's negative I am polluting my mind my thoughts and my words are lowering in their vibration my destiny will change it's no more about the other person who I'm listening about so make it a firm practice that we will not engage into otherwise five people are sitting together one gets up the remaining four are talking about that one person if someone talks negative to you about another person and another person and another person be rest assured you get up and you're the next person they're going to talk about because that has become their son's car to talk like that and we are not going to consume all that conversation into US socializing is not about engaging into these kind of conversations socializing should should Empower our vibrations not lower our vibrations so one we will not speak ill about people and two we will not listen to negative about people because what people are talking about other people is only their perception about other people if I go up to her and say she's a horrible person it's not about her it's about my perception which says she's a horrible person but you will pollute your mind listening to me you'll pollute your mind listening to my perceptions and like this in the day you're going to listen to so many people so media is one source of information social media is another source of information but very powerful source of information is people around us and we need to protect from all three because all these three informations that are going in influence our thoughts feelings words and finally our destiny so have the power to say no have the power to just withdraw and walk out of a negative conversation and definitely not sit there and go because the more if you nod your head the story is going to get longer you nod your head and the story which was supposed to finish in five lines will go to ten lines because anyone who's talking only needs the listener to go so at least stare at them and convey to them I'm not interested in listening to what you are saying they will stop but the listener seems to be more interested than the one who's speaking if somebody comes and shares points of spiritual Gyan people say hurry up finish it quickly when we write messages for social media people say please post smaller messages we don't have time to read such long ones but if people had to write junk information people will just go reading and reading and reading and listening and listening it's all about our taste that has got created because we prefer tasty food rather than healthy food now all that we're going to do is shift from tasty food to healthy food healthy food and a few days of healthy food and your mind will just not go towards the other junk information it just will not so to able to create high vibrations protect yourself from low vibration information of the world and which means the world news which means Cinema which means songs which means comedy which means TV shows everything everything consume only that which is going to elevate you don't consume that which will because that's not only what we are consuming then that's also what the children of today are consuming so take care I was talking to a CEO of I'm not going to give the name of the company of someone who makes all these TV shows and movies online and I said who's your competitor because they're doing very well in the world I said who's your competitor they said sleep people go off to sleep and shut us off take care take care they are making business out of affecting our minds we cannot stop them we can take care how much we are getting hooked to all this and just go on and on and on one episode next second episode third it was fine when it was coming on TV you could watch only one episode a day but now when it's online we are addicted so what's going to happen to the mind what's going to happen from where is it going to create high vibration thoughts so take care people will serve you on the platter you need to choose what is healthy for you don't blame the world we are the creators of our world the world does not write our destiny we choose create and write our destiny so be there entertain yourself but choose that your entertainment empowers you otherwise entertainment can become the biggest source of disempowerment so entertainment was supposed to make us lighter and happy not deplete our energy so information from media information from social media every click is giving information we're believing that the world is a very happy place just because we read other people's posts and somewhere we started being unhappy about our life because then we were comparing our life with everything that was happening on social media very easy way to create low self-esteem very very easy way to create low self esteem what is posted on social media is not the truth We Know It And yet we get hooked to it I have met couples who come and they're talking about divorce and next you go on social media and you think nobody's more happier than them in the world and I check and I say weren't the same people there this morning talking about they didn't want to live together but what they post over there is not the truth but the rest of the people look at their pictures and say how lucky my friend is to have a husband like this and start being unhappy about their life when you create such a thought you are sending a rejection to your spouse you just create a thought this person is happier than me and you've created a rejection to people around you and your life so even comparing your life with other people is sending a rejection to your own destiny and we are not even aware it's happening so so very fast so take care of what we consume take care of what you read watch listen take care of what you forward to other people somebody creates a post the rest of us just forward it if we stopped forwarding it people creating it would stop so more than the karma of the one who created it is the karma of the people who are forwarding it and when you forward it please remember I am influencing the destiny of this other person now sent what you want to send to your family and friends what do you want them to become send that but in the name of comedy in the name of time pass if we send things and tomorrow you say why have my children become like this then remember all that we sent them all the messages and the jokes we forwarded them we need to take care so spiritual principles means one hour every morning of very empowering information study study about peace love and happiness I cannot become peaceful loveful and happy unless I put content inside myself which is full of unity and compassion and empathy and God's love and God's power and God's blessings unless it goes inside me unless I fill content in myself of which every line is a blessing when I fill blessings into myself in terms of information then what I will create will be only a blessing because that's the vocabulary that's gone in that's the vocabulary that will get created that's the vocabulary I will inspire others tomorrow they will create the same vocabulary so an hour in the morning first love yourself by not using your phone for the first one hour in the morning now everyone's going to look at their spouse and say tomorrow it's not about the other person first say to yourself we know we are very concerned about the other person but we can't change people we will start doing it do not ask people to change just do it around them just do it and show the change in your life they will do it themselves they will do it it's like one person wakes up in the house you don't need to go and wake up everybody else they get angry with you if you wake them up just take care that they don't put you back to sleep same thing happens with spiritual life one person has to wake up in the family one person has to change the way of their thinking and being and living and just be that and the one who's awake starts making noise and then other people just cannot sleep that's achievement that's where you've achieved that you are also Awakening and because of you everyone else also starts to wake up so first hour in the morning is not to consume information of the world it's the time to water the seed it's the time to water the seed so add the Brahma Kumaris what we do is today the centers are nine thousand centers in 120 countries millions of people working taking care of family out for almost 18 hours a day but have committed one hour every morning for themselves remaining 23 hours are for the world but one hour is for the self and in that one hour we go to the center where everyone is together and together first study and study means study the knowledge received from God study every line which will change our thought process and meditate one hour and that one hour is 6 30 to 7 30 or it's seven to eight depending on the center in the city after that you have tuned your thoughts to being at a high frequency it's the settings that take place in the morning the rest of the day it starts playing at that vibration so first hour of the morning and last hour of the night are very important very very important at that time we cannot consume anything which is a low vibration first hour of the morning impacts the day last hour of the evening impacts the sleep many of us are not sleeping well be sleeping six seven hours but we're not sleeping well because we're thinking too much during the day and we're so tired we just fall off to sleep but the Mind continues to think those low vibration thoughts creating low vibration thoughts during sleep is even more damaging than creating low vibration thoughts during the day so take care of what is your last thought before going to sleep if before going to sleep you say and go off to sleep foreign because six hours that low vibration thought works on the body so never create any negative thought for anything or anyone just before going to sleep because during those six hours that thought goes into the subconscious becomes very very deep and that's why we were always taught that even if there's an argument even if there is a fight don't sleep with the fight foreign do not go to sleep with the fight because then it gets deeper resolve the issue so issue is not necessary with people issues also here resolve every issue before going to sleep so Raj yoga is not a meditation of a few minutes or few hours Raj yoga is a meditative lifestyle it works on the complete lifestyle so one hour in the morning then taking care during the day that I'm creating those thoughts which I prepared in the morning so whatever we study then we take care that we implement it so what we watch read listen and second thing what we eat and drink has a direct effect on the mind what we eat influences the Mind vesa have you ever thought about it that the line is not just because we thought we were eating for the body health the line is not Jessica the line is so now we are clear ly foreign [Music]
Channel: TOI Lifestyle
Views: 474,269
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Keywords: times of india, latest news, sister shivani videos, cleaning the mind, etimeslifestyle, timesofindia, motivational videos, brahmakumari, bk shivani, bk shivani english, bk shivani didi, bk shivani latest, sister shivani, bk shivani videos, bk shivani on positive thinking, bk shivani on positivity, bk shivani on power of thoughts, bk shivani on power of your mind, positive thinking, how to think positive all the time, think positive in every situation, how to attract positivity
Id: MbQvHFIaMng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 29sec (1109 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 03 2022
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