AFFIRMATIONS To Attract Whatever You Desire: BK Shivani at Silicon Valley (English)

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I don't create the thoughts of what my life is I create the thoughts of what my life should be because I know the equation that my life doesn't create my thoughts my thought creates my life so I'm not going to go the other way around so I will create the thought what I want my life to be now I have hypertension I have high cholesterol I have thyroid what should my thoughts be what should my thoughts be my cholesterol is normal simple but if I keep creating a thought high cholesterol everybody high cholesterol high cholesterol high cholesterol high cholesterol you know we all meet each other and we say give me a blessing please are every thought is a blessing so let us bless ourselves we don't need to ask people for blessings our every thought for ourself or every thought for our family especially our every thought for our children can be a blessing what should be the blessing blessing cholesterol is normal so sanskar Health relationship the world is the world is one way of living the world is a mess that could be my blessing to the world and second the world is the world is a perfect beautiful place now we are going to start using this technique in every aspect of our life my child does not eat properly anyone has this little issue at home anyone has this little issue at home yes yes okay so then what do we start saying children don't eat properly everybody else also says family comes over from India and we say then the daddy and the Nani also sit together and say hey and every one is saying the house is vibrating at that energy and even while cooking we create a thought hey and after we put that ashirwad in the Khan and then we expect them to eat after that change the thought what's the Thought give them a blessing I thought will become a reality what's the thought what's the thought s [Laughter] be careful with the thought is what's the thought accurate thinking what's the thought most important they eat everything that is right for them very high nutrition diet my children eat everything that I cook for them they're going to eat this with lot of love they are going to enjoy this meal that meal will vibrate with that energy and then you watch what happens now this is such a powerful tool you can create it to create any miracles in your life and not just miracles in your life you can create miracles in everybody else's life but unaware of the technique we are creating thoughts which are opposite to what we want I am stressed I am depressed what a depressing weather what an irritating person every line is opposite of a blessing and so life became opposite of a blessing nobody else can bless us to change our destiny our every thought needs to be a blessing first thing in the morning five minutes just five minutes to begin with we will create a short meditation for ourselves based on what Destiny we want on our son's cars on our health on our relationships on our work we will create a short meditation five minutes in the morning we will create that affirmation and we will visualize that happening in reality this is programming so the first thing to do it is the first thought in the morning which means what was your first thought in the morning the destiny of the day depends on the first thought in the morning so be very careful what's the first thought in the morning the first thought has to be a very high vibration thought of what you want your destiny to be so five minutes in the morning we all have five minutes in the morning yes last thought before going to sleep if we sleep with the right thought six hours of sleep a lot of programming happens into the subconscious sleep with one wrong thought and by the time you wake up it's a reality because it's gone deep inside and that's why we are taught okay even if you've had an argument even if you've had a conflict sort it out before you go to sleep because what's what's the problem why can't we sleep and then talk it over in the morning why should we talk about it in the night because if I sleep with the wrong thought that in those six hours it's getting from 50 to 60. create the right thought before sleeping it will go from 50 to 40. so five minutes in the morning five minutes in the night before going to sleep and keep on creating that thought till you fall off to sleep so if I want to finish my sanskar of anger and I'm creating a thought I'm a peaceful soul I don't need anything from anyone I accept each one as they are I keep saying and visualizing this till I fall off to sleep so that my last thought is high energy so first thing in the morning last thing before going to sleep after every one or two hours one minute reminder at the Brahma Kumaris we have a very beautiful technique which is called traffic control after every hour we pause for one minute one minute pause can create Miracles it's like one minute of charging pause withdraw create the right thought back into action just one minute so five minutes in the morning five minutes before going to sleep one minute after every one hour easy it's not talking about hours it's talking only about a few minutes and a very important time is when we are beginning a meal or having a glass of water food absorbs vibrations water absorbs vibrations so if I have my plate or if I have my glass of water before me and I'm creating a thought I just don't get along well with him because it's my reality right now I'm thinking about it what I'm even talking about it to someone the food and the water will absorb my vibration and whatever is absorbed by the food and the water will become my dominant thought and then that thought will intensify on my mind so we were always taught that just before eating pray and how many of us do that nowadays what is our thought just before eating what's our thought before eating remote I got my 15 minutes to relax with my plate see what happens if I'm watching something on television whether it's the world news whether it's a movie or any serial and while I'm watching it I'm eating what is the quality of the information across there so will be the quality of my thoughts so will be the energy absorbed by the food and so will become my dominant thinking so television with food is an absolute is an absolute no just me with my right thinking me connecting to the supreme power saying my prayer putting my right intention in that food and consciously eating not mindlessly eating not even knowing what I am putting inside me conscious eating eating is not only physical health eating is emotional health foreign means the vibrations of the food create the quality of our thoughts so 10 minutes mindful eating aware eating creating the right energy while eating preferably being in silence or only happy conversations no discussing problems of the day on dinner table not discussing problems of Life while eating not having business meetings while eating meeting over lunch and then meeting lunch and then meeting not meeting one hour with lunch there in front of you it will absorb all your problems your profit your loss everything will get absorbed in the food these are very simple things because of which our emotional health is affected which we are not aware once we start taking care we're going to be back to our normal self very healthy very healthy in a time when we didn't have too much of Technology around us we didn't have information we didn't have media we didn't have social media we were following these habits automatically just unaware but when we are surrounded by so much now we will need to take care foreign so we create the absolute atmosphere to make it go completely we have all the elements of making it go completely the other way so can we have a peaceful happy dinner time 10 minutes every time you eat please remind yourself it's for the mind not just for the body because otherwise today we are eating oh I grabbed my breakfast the word is also grab a bite before you leave this is what it is doing because it's radiating vibrations of Hari of busy of stress to the food and that's why we are busier than what we used to be because we put that into the food experiment just one month just experiment for one month seven to eight minutes is all that it takes to have a meal let's not be so busy earning money that we forget the techniques of how to be happy because all the money put together cannot get happiness and emotional health it can only get wealth and saman things not happiness is it okay yes can we start having mindful eating practices because if we do it our children will learn the same if we eat in A hurried manner talking on the phone children will do the same and we have started doing it after the age of 25 even then we are facing the consequences what will happen to children who are doing it at the age of four and five they don't know what it is to be easy and relaxed because they are in an energy of always hurry hurry busy busy so we'll have to create that same atmosphere back at home what used to be and who we want to be so first thing in the morning last thing before going to sleep one minute after every one hour and just before we have a meal and we have our glass of water energize your water this is emotional hygiene we only see vibrations vibrations water absorbs the energy of your office go back to the little older times people used to not eat out if you go and ask your grandparents or great grandparents they used to take their birth and their glass with them every day yes or no they were doing it for their emotional health they were doing it for their emotional health because they knew the science of vibrations because they were focusing more on the inner Sciences rather than the outer Sciences today we have the benefit of the outer science but let's not forget the inner science if someone is worried and is cooking for you after half an hour you will not know why you are worrying if someone is upset and is cooking for you after it's half an hour you will be hurt about something in your life it's a direct emotional infection vibration why is Prasad so important why was Prasad so important high energy food high energy food so let's experiment with a month of high energy satwik food an animal in the slaughterhouse what are the emotions one fear to stress three angle four hatred five hurt pain six helplessness seven violence eight death and we said proteins which is true it's proteins so but we were focusing only on the physical nutrient now my food should be that which has physical and emotional right nutrients so experiment with satwik food just experiment with food which is vibrating at a high energy and that's not only vegetarian but vegetarian cooked in a very high State of Mind cooked in a very peaceful state of mind not a busy busy busy state of mind don't eat that food you are directly absorbing emotions of people who cook for you eat carefully and please guide your children to eat carefully the easiest way to have a happy family cook for them you and me have eaten food cooked by our mothers three meals a day yes or no yes and yet we are going through what we are going today what's going to happen to these little children for whom cooking at home is becoming an alien concept what's going to happen food cooked by the mother was what food of love yes or no it's not about the taste it's not about the taste it is her vibration in that food why is it said that the way to a man's heart is through his foreign your mind gets connected to their mind if you want your children to be emotionally connected to you cook for them if they are going to eat food which is cooked for the intention of profit and earning money their minds will be connected with money more than family and that's the only reason why money is becoming a higher priority than relationships today food cooked with the intention of I earn you eat let's go back to eating at home and let's never ever say I don't have time to cook it's never ever say that just say I am going to find the time I have to do this for my family because everything I'm doing is for the happiness of my family and for my children cow ETA foreign decision and while cooking no thinking of office no thinking of problems let your kitchen have bhajans good songs good music and you recite your prayers meditate chant cook the food you will be cooking Prasad every day at home we can cook Prasad every day at home we don't need to get only this much Prasad so everything we eat can be Prasad everything we drink can be Amrit Lin is what is the meaning of doing this is why because the vibrations of this Amrit because someone had put a very high energy word into that water it was just water with a high energy blessing so I take it and I do this but now I want my every glass of water to be an Amrit so hold your glass of water hold your glass of water visualize get your glass of water here emotionally clean it pause for 10 seconds before you drink it it's got a lot of vibrations of a lot of people around here and just pause for 10 seconds and say I am a Divine being Purity peace and love is my nature I accept H1 as they are my body is perfect healthy and after that anything else you want every day for every glass of water it will be reality That's The Power of vibrations so first thing in the morning last thing before going to sleep after every one hour one minute and with every meal and every glass of water only glass of water no other glasses only glass of water glass of milk why even put anything which is not good for me that's becoming the biggest reason for me making wrong choices foreign [Music] now do you know what thought to create for that everyone anybody who's not got it it should not be I want I hope I should be it should be it is did you know why brother gagan said in the evening today will be the best event and I was going to look at him from the first trenching Matlab and then after that when I said huh he looked at me and he said the best ever event so what did he do to his thought he he blessed that event with his right energy right vibration I hope your event goes well may God bless you make you hope you that's a low vibration what should it be change the line to change your reality it should be a pure powerful positive affirmation and that is a blessing so our every thought or every word can be a blessing for us and for everyone around us you have an issue at work create your blessing for it create your blessing for it visualize it every morning every night and most important every time you eat and drink and within a few days you're going to find things changing it's not the food and water which will change the things it's just that the food and water make that my dominant thought and then my dominant thought changes the reality pure science but we need to experiment we don't believe or we don't accept anything till we experiment spirituality is all about experimentation experiment experience and only then believe till then it's only a belief it's not the truth it's not the truth and when we start doing that we will start creating the right Sun scars and we will make our right sanskars come into every action we will be radiating the right feeling so that vacuum what will happen to that vacuum what will happen to that vacuum contentment is not dependent on how much I achieve people could be number one in the world and where the field they are and yet not be contented because contentment is not dependent on how much I have achieved it is dependent on how I have been living my life while I was achieving it when we start learning the technique of creating the right thinking and we spend a few minutes with ourselves every day the art of meditation connecting with ourself connecting to the supreme power energizing ourselves and then radiating that to everybody foreign Karma and we will be a very pure Divine contented and radiating those qualities to everyone an angel for where and who we are with today the world is looking for Angels the world is invoking angels guardian angel for this problem Angel for this problem Angel for this problem now do you want Angels or do you want to be an angel banana so angel means who is light flying does not want anything from anyone just radiates who they are [Music]
Channel: BKShivani
Views: 842,690
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Keywords: Bk Shivani, Sister Shivani, Shivani brahma Kumari, Bk Shivani latest videos 2023, Sister Shivani latest videos 2023, Brahma Kumari sister Shivani, Bk Shivani meditation, B k shivani, bk shivani, Meditation by bk shivani
Id: MXV7lvFyW_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 54sec (1674 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2023
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