Create Detailed Tile Trim Textures - Adobe Substance Designer w/ Javier Perez | Part 2: Sci-Fi Metal

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hey guys and welcome back to part two of our creating trims and substance designer tutorial for those of you just joining us my name is javier perez and i'm currently a senior material artist at playstation i've been in the industry for about nine years now in this video we're just gonna continue from lesson one where we created our first trim texture and made it more of a stone kind of brick material and in this lesson we're gonna take that same layout and we're just gonna change some of the parameters and create a new trim texture that can be used in a completely different environment for this one we're going to focus on more of a sci-fi kind of metal work with some bolts and some different panels so let's get started so to begin i'm just going to open our old uh package from our last demo so i'm just going to open up a trim demo here cool so what i'm going to do here is the first thing i want to do is i want to keep our original trim intact so i'm just going to duplicate this guy and keep it in the same trim demo package so i'm just going to hit copy and i'm just going to hit paste and i'm going to rename this to trim demo uh o2 let's keep that at 02. cool so the first thing i want to do is pretty much just get rid of the main noise and the cracks that we have going so what we can do is i think this was the last yeah i think right before here i think this is where most of the noise was starting to get implemented so let's actually go back and just make this our final connection and we there's a cool node inside of substance designer that gets rid of everything that isn't connected you can go onto the little tool bar here and just hit clean and there we go so all the nodes that we aren't using are pretty much deleted so it's a nice way to quickly optimize your um your graph so the next thing i want to do to change this guy up is i'm actually going to get rid of the brick patterns and i'm going to integrate um maybe just a bigger sort of panel work here so let's just start with that so for the time being i'm just going to do a shape with a bevel and just uh move it into place and then i'm going to continue to remove some stuff from the other parts of the graph so i'm just going to transform this guy here i'm going to do a bevel and i'm going to do on the bevel i'm actually going to do a angular so this guy over here nice okay i'm gonna see how this is looking right now and let's just actually take this transform and move it down a little bit trying to see where exactly it's i'm actually going to take down this distance of this there we go so just want something small okay cool again i'm just gonna move it into place like we were in the original so just kind of move it here okay this looks like it'll work awesome okay so i'm just going to get rid of these bricks um i'm gonna get rid of the this kind of floral pattern that we added later on so let's take this away to here okay get rid of these guys and i'm also gonna get a rid of this pattern but i'm gonna leave the um for this guy i think we can just do something super quick for this guy so what i can do is maybe we can make a cool interesting pattern here so let's go ahead and let's see what we can do maybe something that's more sci-fi so let's just take a regular i'm just going to do like a more of a capsule kind of shape here so i'm going to take a disc and i'm just gonna scale it down and then i'm gonna trans oops i'm gonna actually move this guy over a little bit i'm actually going to scale it down even more so here so just something like this going to move it to the side and then i'm going to do a mirror grayscale that way it's going to flip on the other side cool and then what i'm going to do here is i'm going to duplicate the shape that way the proportions are still the same but i'm going to actually change it to a square and i'm going to do a blend we might have to do a transform here but we'll see right now in a second i'm just going to do an add there we go it's just a little bit so what i can do is just take this one and just move it into place cool all right so let's actually take this guy and let's just see what happens when we plug in this guy into our tile generator i just want to see what will happen okay cool so we got what we needed but we have it set to extrude because on the height it's going in the white value so what we can do is let's do a let's do a invert here and see what this gives us cool i also like on this one um because we did an invert and because the tile generator isn't exactly at 100 we're getting these nice cut lines so that's a nice little feature here that we just got randomly nice happy accident on this guy so the one thing i do want to do though is actually add a lip around this guy so we can just do an edge detect and integrate that more and maybe we can actually push these cut lines just a little bit more to give us some more width on them so i'm just going to move this over to the side bring down and i'm the to do a blend so i did mention or so i noticed that the white value on here is at a complete or sorry the uh the way this note is set up the white is at the peak so no matter what we're always we can't we're not going to be able to add this this kind of lip on it because if we do an ad it's not it can't find it essentially because the it's it's on the highest peak on the white valley so what i can do here is i'm actually going to take a levels and bring that that down a little bit so i'm just going to take it down this guy cool now when i go through the different we'll be able to find when that works so there we go this is what i was looking for so now we're able to mess with the opacity here and just kind of see it pop up here so let's plug this guy in there we go so that's looking pretty cool maybe we can squash it down just a bit so it's not stretched but i think the stretching is happening because i am in because of the tile generator just the way it's being set up here the first thing i want to do though is i'm going to try to scale this guy so we could get some more kind of cuts going on here a little bit more interesting here maybe we can also mess with the height offset cool let's actually so it looks like this transform is doing something where i was moving into place i kind of just want these to kind of sit like right in the middle and not have an extra lip in there so i'm just going to scale these guys up just a bit and try to align them as best as i can again i'm just going to keep moving them stretching them upwards and i want to let the the mask that we have plugged in do the work as far as cutting out the rest of these guys cool so that's looking pretty cool um let's try to get rid of this pattern as well let's change it up and give us something a little bit more interesting okay what we can do here is again we can just do the same thing we did over here we'll just add a simple panel and then later add some cuts to it i just want to get rid of all the patterns that we had originally first so just gonna move this guy into here okay and then the transformer is looking for it elsewhere there it is cool so we can do here is we can start stretching it downwards so let's go back on the x maybe we can actually move it into place so what i can do is just try to match it to the same size as our mask that we're using here cool it looks like it found it so i just got to move it into place okay i'm also going to squash it just a little bit more that way we're getting the bevel on the bottom showing up as well so there we go now it's starting to pop up here cool so what's the last thing we want to do i want to get rid of this one but the cool thing about this one is we do have a lot of curved um kind of trims here so if i actually go into our tessellation and turn this guy on just going to bump this guy up scale so now you can kind of see the different um the different values and how our trim is going to be extruded within the height um on this guy we do have a lot of curve values which i want to get rid of but the cool thing is that on the height node we're just going to try to look for those areas and just kind of angula angle them out a little bit so right now this is kind of curve this is this is pretty good we're looking for but maybe we can angle this other side out as well so let's actually try to get i'm just gonna take this guy and then try to angle them in here there we go same thing with this guy yeah there we go so now i can just pretty much get rid of these angles and just play more so with the different so now instead of having these nice curved angles we're having like pretty sharp edges and that's exactly what we're looking for so now we can actually make more of a kind of bevel and just a hard surface that we can mess with so i'm just trying to move them into somewhere that'll work for us so it's nice is that this gives us a nice little preview of what's going on in the 3d view so that's pretty cool okay the one thing i am noticing is that i don't like how um how extruded this guy is so i'm just going to go back in the opacity and just lower it just a bit great one other thing is on this guy i think these bevels are a little bit too strong so i'm just gonna go in here and lower the bevel amount on this guy so let's go back in here and maybe we can mess with the distance here something just that's a little bit tighter i think that's pretty good and then same thing with this guy as we're bringing down the distance you can kind of pretty much see it live what's happening here like that's pretty good okay cool so now from here this is uh now that we have pretty much everything removed from our old trim we can kind of just start going crazy and adding our cut lines and what not into our trim texture so let's go ahead and do that so to get started let's just go ahead and start adding some nice cut lines to break up these surfaces to have some nice kind of almost mechanical cut lines or sci-fi panels so let's uh start with this guy at the top first one thing i did notice was i'm actually not the biggest fan of this indent here so what we can do is we can just get rid of it completely and possibly add something there a little later so i'm just gonna get here and just keep that there cool yeah actually trying to see if i can still salvage it some way maybe there's a way we can integrate some sort of pattern in here let's keep it for now and again uh because substance is non-destructive say we did add something in the middle here we can just get rid of it in case we don't like it but to add cut lines what i like to do is i just like to start out with a shape and i'm just gonna scale this guy really inwards on the x and something like super thin point one works we'll be able to still scale it i'm gonna get a bevel and i can kind of mess with just the amount it's cutting in here so already as we go in the negative we can kind of see uh the exact result that we want so let's just go ahead and actually plug this guy into a tile generator cool and we're going to change this to image input and now we have because we um we're not changing the y amount or well because it's a vertical streak if we change the x or the y amount it's still going to be continuous on the tile which is nice so let's just go ahead and blend this guy over and see what we get i also only i want different cut lines for the different areas so i might have to put a mask on this guy but for now let's just see what this is going to give us cool so this is exactly what i'm looking for and it's even giving us some cool stuff down here that i might want to use but for now i just want it showing up on this part so let's go ahead and use let's see which one can we use we can use this transform 2d and possibly use it as a mask so i'm just going to grab this guy and i don't want to cut across our graph just to keep just to keep it clean so i'm just going to do a alt and that brings in our dot nodes and we can um just kind of re-route it around and so let's see so now it's actually just applying to this guy now we can go back in the tile generator and we can actually change the amount on the x amount to just how many we have here so let's go for something like that that looks pretty cool just something simple not too many we're getting this nice cut here okay cool so let's try to integrate um something more into these guys maybe we want to do some interesting panel work in here so let's actually take a shape and let's go ahead and i think i know what i want to do with this guy so let's take a shape maybe something like this okay and what i want to do is i want to add like some pipes or tubing here so easy way to do that is i'm just going to do a linear uh gradient okay just tile this two ways okay i'm gonna do a edge detect on this guy it's around this edge width but i'm going to actually bring down the levels on this guy that way we're we're going to um we're going to have a nice lip around it so let's actually bring down this guy and we're going to do a blend let's go through different blends here like that's what exactly we're looking for let's actually bring down the roundness and maybe bring down the width as well cool so now from here i can actually take these kind of tube looking shapes and i'm actually going to use a height blend that way it goes in between the white and the gray valley here so let's just see what we get okay cool the other thing i want to do is i'm actually going to move this guy up here a little bit that we have a little bit more splice space to work with so go back into this guy and we'll kind of see them pop up here so right there i can already see that's enclosed in the white but it's not going over so let's just continue to play with the tiling cool and maybe we can do a levels as well yeah something like that okay let's continue with the tiling here something like that and then we're going to use this original uh shape to use it as a mask here but again i'm going to use the alt to reroute it and use it as a mask cool that looks interesting so i'm just going to move these guys over a little bit i'm going to add a frame and now what i want to do is just use a tile generator i'm just going to tile it on these panels right here so let's see what we get here okay let's do a blend better yet let's do a height blend that way we have control of how these guys are being blended here i'm just gonna bring this guy in okay so i do like that it's three but let's see if i could do a transform here and just kind of offset them just a bit so let's go into the offset and perfect just what i was looking for the other thing is i'm still going to use a mass for this guy but also i'm going to bump up or lower the x amount so they kind of get extruded or just kind of stretch a little bit on the y and then we could again just go ahead and move them in the position where we want them something like that cool we're going to take let's take this mask here and again using the reroute dot node i'm taking the white here i just want it to show up on this guy it looks like when i plug in the mask takes it away so one thing i can do here is just do a blend take that same mask and just subtract it so i'm gonna go these guys on top take this reroute node and see what we can do here so let's go ahead yeah there we go that's what we're looking for just them on here and they should pop up right there cool let's see what this gives us yeah nice so this is giving us some interesting looking effects here so you can either make this look like a vent or maybe some tubes it looks like our just the way we're multiplying the tubes it looks a little strange so a quick way to go ahead and fix that is we are tiling it quite a bit here so we actually just bring down the tiling a bit so maybe i don't know maybe that'll give us a good kind of result but we can again just use a transform here and i'm just going to bring this guy in and now we can kind of just on the height blend we can go back into our transform and then kind of move into place so now it looks like we have like two pipes here and it doesn't look as weird just having a pipe right kind of offset it in the middle like that yeah it's looking pretty cool all right cool so again let's just kind of keep moving on one thing i did notice while i was rotating around is that these guys are being extruded way too intense and also i'm still not really digging these shapes so let's go ahead and go back and maybe we can change this guy so one thing i want to try was maybe just squares to give it some more kind of industrial look that's already looking a little better it's kind of let's look at where okay so the reason it's being extruded is because this guy is just so intense um let's try to find a way to integrate this guy but not make this as intense so let's go let's try another blend here i'm going to keep this one plugged in but this is kind of the way i experiment just so i can see what is going on here so let's see what i can do here is actually i'm going to take another edge detect and i'm going to invert it here that way we just get the white let's do a blend here bring this guy up here so maybe let's try something like this and see what it gives us here again it's still too intense on the white so maybe if we bring this down even more looks like i just found it on that multiply possibly one thing i can do is i can actually because it's not aligning right on the edge of this guy i can just do a transform and kind of push it out just a bit so i'm just going to go ahead and do that i'm going to take the transform i'm going to move this into shape here maybe something like this cool again it's still a little bit too um too intense so i'm gonna see if we can bring it down even more yeah something like that something to just give us a nice little lip here that's already looking pretty cool one thing i i don't want to keep this too repetitive so if we go into tile generator um i can possibly do a hora or a checkered mask and that'll give us every other one yeah but that breaks it so it looks like because of these gray values we're getting the tile generator not giving us the desired effect that we want so let's go ahead and fix that really quick so i can tell that the tile generator always works best when it's just a pattern in the middle but it's mostly you have kind of the black exterior so if something like for example if we had this guy plugged in it just gives us a better result so what we can do is let's actually do a levels here and i'm gonna bring down this guy cool and then i still want this transform so i'm just gonna do a blend here and then bring this guy in okay do a nice attack yep okay see what this is giving us currently okay let's actually bring this guy up okay what i can do here is i'm going to look at this mask that we have going on here and i do like the shape that's it's kind of giving us but what i want to do is let's actually take this same thing here do a blend here and let's start yeah that's looking pretty cool so now we're able to control it just a little bit better here i'm gonna plug this guy in and see what it gives us all right now it's giving us another kind of trim piece here which is exactly what we're looking for but the height offset is just a little too high for what i'm liking and also i might want to bring in the bevel on this guy just a bit as well so just so that's not as intense like maybe something like that i also want to bring up the shape as well so it covers the entire panel area that we have here cool let's actually just move this guy up into position a little bit looks like where is that happening it might be on this mass that i have here so yeah there we go okay cool uh one thing we can do is now that we have our tile generator like we want it we can actually now utilize the horizontal mass that we were talking about or sorry the vertical mass so now we get one on each side and i'm going to add a little small little detail here just to finish it off for this one tiling pattern so for the purpose of time on this tutorial i went ahead and just finished off these extra little tidbits and then and i'm going to finish off the video with showing you guys how to work on this main large pattern but for these basic ones it nothing too fancy so the extra little detail i added here was a nice kind of screw in between the panels so they look like they're interlocked and to do that i went ahead and just took the exact same kind of cut lines that we did earlier on on this top tile and then just copied that over and then i added them in here and just offseted them a bit so they're not completely the same as the top ones then i went ahead and just created a simple bolt i did a polygon and a bigger polygon i blended it so we have the little indentation here i did transform it to move it to the side and my mirror grayscaled it so it mirrors on the other side this is a way i like to work just so it mirrors depending on where i move it on the transform then i did a simple shape with a levels and a height blend that way the bolts are actually higher than the actual metal piece i did a tile generator that's similar to what we found on this guy when we added the indentations or sorry i did a tile generator that mimics what is happening here so the actual pieces are aligning with the the amount that is being generated right here on the cut lines so wherever the placement of these cut lines were it's also showing up on here so then i just did a blend so they show up just a little bit here i went ahead and uh added the this guy on here so you know just a simple kind of panel and then i went ahead and did a shape to a trapezoid then i flipped it i had another shape that created a thin line i blended the two did an edge detect then a bevel then i use a transform to place it in position to where that panel was and i just set it on subtract so we got a nice subtraction here and for these holes i just did a a tile generator with a disc um i set it to checkerboard i bumped up the x and y amount and then i just did a shape with a transform to a mirror grayscale as a mass to tell it where to actually place these holes for this guy i'm just going to leave it pretty i'm just going to leave it as is because sometimes when we're creating our environments we want something that's not too noisy so i'm just going to leave this on here so in case you wanted to uv it to something that didn't have a bunch of noise and just needed a simple edge we can go ahead and do that but our focus for this last part of the video is just working on this main large tile and what i want to do for this guy is pretty much just give it a cut right in the middle um that way it breaks up the surface but then we can kind of play on what we can do with this guy so first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to take that exact same tile generator with the cuts i'm just going to duplicate it i'm just going to move it over here i'm going to do a blend and then i'm just going to offset it or maybe even set the amount down a bit on the tile generator so we just have one solid line going right through the middle so let's go ahead and do that really quick and also let's go ahead and put on subtract and then i'm going to use the same mask to make sure it's only appearing on that area so once we have that we actually have these four panels i actually i might want to take it down just maybe a one but we'll see maybe let's actually go on the tile generator and let's see what we can do three yeah i think this will work just because it gives us enough real estate to play around so the cool thing about um getting these guys up and running was we have the ability to um to create pretty much tools within substance designer to be brought in later on as a single node now uh this is the one little section i'd like to show you guys so for example if we go back to this kind of bolt treatment that we did here what if we wanted to integrate this and make this into a single um just node that way we don't have to constantly keep copying this graph and just bogging down and making duplicates of the same kind of nodes we can simplify it into a single node and then just use it um accordingly so to do that i'm just going to go into our package i'm going to make a new substance graph i'm going to make sure it's empty and i'm just going to call this guy bolt so once we're here i'm going to go back into our trim demo i'm going to copy this guy and i'm going to open up this guy set it to and just paste it in here the one thing i'm going to do is i am going to copy our height output that way we're quickly able to create an output of this guy i'm just going to plug this guy in view outputs in 3d and save this so let's actually let's actually save this guy really quick if we go back into our trim demo what we can do now is we can completely repeat replace this small graph and just bring in this one single node and it's going to give us the same kind of treatment that we have currently so if we do outputs in 3d there we go so now we've consolidated the graph consolidated the graph into just a little bit more manageable and now it's a lot easier than going and copying that kind of some big graph into just a single node so what i'm going to do is i'm going to copy this node over here i'm actually going to add it onto these panels right here so just going to do a blend blend here and what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna use a transform and a mirror to put these guys where i'd like them to so i'm just gonna move this out of the way i'm gonna set the tiling mode to no tiling and what i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna blend this guy in here and then let's just go ahead and actually what we can do let's do a high blend that way it gives us a little bit more control on the blending of this guy so once we have it here i'm just gonna go and move it into position where i'd like it to so let's go ahead and do this really quickly that guy there cool and what i'm gonna do is let's see what a mirror grayscale does i'm gonna see if it gives us what i'm looking for so it doesn't give me what i'm looking for so what i'm going to have to do is i'm just going to have to manually place place these guys so just do a blend here blend here and blend here and then i'm going to move these guys into place so bring this guy down i'm going to move this guy just closer to this bottom area and on this guy let me actually set it to add so we can see both of them once we have it there perfect just going to align it a little better maybe something yeah that looks like it'll work so i'm just going to plug this guy in cool and now we have the same kind of piece that we do up here we have it as bottom as well so let's actually turn on our tessellation so because the white area might be being extruded a little bit too much and just as suspected it looks like it is so let's actually bring down the hide offset just a bit so maybe maybe something like there this actually gives us a cool kind of indentation here but what i'd like to do is let's actually keep it here but what we can do is on this guy let's bring in the levels and actually just bring down the whites and see what that'll give us so i want to see what it's going to give us yeah let's try plugging this guy in and see if that lowers it and then we can actually go back in here and start playing with this guy we can bring down the contrast opacity possibly i'm just trying to find kind of a middle ground here that way it's not protruding too much so maybe if i bring it down like that and then i start go back to the height blend and i start bringing this guy up again like maybe right there and we could bring down the opacity as well yeah that's that's somewhere pretty nice cool so now i mean we're free to pretty much do whatever we want um if we wanted to we could leave it as is which could be nice because we have this pretty much this nice real estate here so if we have a large kind of area or a wall that we just need a uv it's always nice to have somewhere on your trim sheet to just pretty much have like a blank open space it's kind of similar to what we did with the bricks and it gives us a nice area just to have some rest uh with all this constant noise going on with all the different panels and whatnot what's cool about keeping the the demos pretty much the same layout is say you uv you you bead something that with this sort of layout as far as the trims we can quickly go back to our old demo so if we go back to this one and because the object is uv exactly the same and the layout is the same you you can quickly change the the look of the object that you uv'd so you can see quite quickly how if we go back and forth between this guy and then we view outputs on this guy pretty much the layout is exactly the same and it's a nice way to quickly iterate and get different results just with the same layout so um hope you guys learned something make sure to stay tuned on the channel and i'll see you guys on the next one you
Channel: NVIDIA Studio
Views: 3,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NVIDIA, NVIDIA Studio, RTX Studio, NVIDIA Creators, NVIDIA Design
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 39sec (2499 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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