Create Crazy Eyes with Davinci Resolve / Fusion

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my name is William justice in this channel is about learning the filmmaking in my short film tripwire I used a DaVinci Resolve fusion effect to create the yellow eyes and the character this effect is easy to set up and I wanted to take a little time to show you how to do it I haven't created any tutorials before so this one has a few problems I'm kind of learning as I go here I think it'll be good enough to kind of show you how to set up the effect and how I created it we'll definitely get these fixed up in the future as I plan on creating a lot more tutorials a lot more films trying to do some really interesting stuff on this channel thanks for watching ok I've added the clip to the timeline I looked at a few different ways to do this I looked at using fusion with an animated mask and also experiment with going into the color area both of those work but I was kind of interested in learning a little bit more about tracking and corner pinning so I decided to try that seemed like it worked pretty well so the first step here is to right-click on the clip and choose new fusion clip then with the clip selected click fusion on the bottom to get the clip into fusion so we can start adding our effects first thing we want to do is we're going to want to track the eye movement so we're gonna start with the left eye so it's right in there you can see it coming up and we're gonna track it through all the way to the end bring up the the tools by hitting control space and look for the planar tracker I'm going to add that so that gets added in next we want to find the frame where we want to start tracking and I think the best place place is right where you start to see the eye right in there so we'll start with the left eye we're gonna set the planar tracker to point hybrid and choose translation rotation and scale then we're going to draw by clicking on here our points around that we want around the eye that we want to track click the set button in over in the track panel to say that that's where we're going to start tracking and choose track forward okay there we go so we got we got a pretty good track the occasion when I was doing this originally I had to try a few different times to get it to work exactly the way I wanted the next step is to set the operation mode to corner pin and that's going to give us these the corner pins where we're gonna set them to go right around where the eye is so that we can put a color right on top of that and we're gonna use the background node to do that so that's close enough there to get us started and I'm at the very last frame when I set that up do it again let's just take the background node like that I'm going to take the background we'll hit one on the background so we can see it over on the left hand side that sort of background looks like and then we're going to take the output of the background and drop it right into the planar tracker and you can see that we have the background is pinned to the to the eye so when we take let's take our background and adjust the color we'll make it a yellow kind of like the sample that I had and then we're gonna go to the planar track or gonna open up this corner pin option and we're gonna set set it to overlay what that's gonna do is it's gonna let us kind of see the eye through that background blending it in we're gonna use a mask on top of the background spline here and all we need to do is just roughly draw the shape of an eye for starters it's kind of a whole round shape and close that off it's pretty close we have a an eye on there and we'll play that through Museum out a little bit you can see we got the the background with the mask tracking on to the eye so you notice that the when we go the very first frame it's still there so what we can do is set the opacity on it and start it like right there actually go back a frame or two like right before we can see the eye and go to a planar tracker and we'll set the the gain here it's a good way to do it back one frame and set it to do so I added a keyframe in for the the game so that it comes on right when he opens the right when he opens his eye there connect step is we want to kind of try to get it a little closer in shape to fitting where we want so there's a couple ways to do this the first thing you can do is get the the spline guy here and adjust it out a little bit and we're going to keyframe the corner pins by hitting the keyframe keys here the crew frame diamonds and then we go let's see yeah right there so let's adjust these corner pens to kind of get it to fit we want it to be just inside of the eyelid we're going to add some some softness and feathering on that it'll it'll blend in a little bit better once we got it finished next all I did was just go back a few frames and just keep adjusting this just so it's just inside the area I got to do is move any one of these four corners go back again and that looks pretty close you only have to do this like a few times and you get it pretty close go back a few more highest closing up a little bit more so I think this one guy needs to come up and back to the beginning one frame in yeah this one needs to be just a little bit more there we got it so it's uh let's play that back and see how we're doing here add in the second eye so to do that we're gonna add knee to add another planar tracker looks like this when you hit control spacebar find the planar tracker and insert that okay Hybrid Point area translation rotation scale and we'll just go around this area here around the eye roughly close that set our start point and track forward okay looks pretty good the next thing we can do we want to do is go make sure the second tracker is selected and let's say we're going to do the corner pin on this one as well so same thing we did on the other eyes move the the corners up to right around the eye get that rough make sure we're on the last frame there kind of get that in there roughly it does you don't have to be too exact with this and then then what we want to do is take the output of the background that we did before and drop it in this one and you can see the takes the eye so we got the background going into both of the trackers so we can kind of reuse this the same set up we're gonna add a little bit more to it a bit we'll set the the blend mode to overlay and you can see it's kind of already in there so let's do what we did before in the other eye we're gonna zoom in enable keyframes on the tracker corner pin positions and let's get our first one set up here gonna adjust it so it's just inside the eyes yeah I'm Tim that's what we're gonna go back a few frames and make some adjustments as you need too bad we can't more time to then get it more zag but I think you get the idea here under the tracker and the game we're gonna set a keyframe on that go back one frame and set the game to zero I see we got here so we can do some things to kind of clean this up a little bit if we go into our our spline which is the mask on the background we can add a little softness in and that'll help it blend in to the ILO better so now that is set up we we kinda have some options we can actually try to try out some different colors add some green eyes blue eyes yellow tended to work fairly well because it's kind of close to the skin color and you didn't have to be as exact because you're not gonna see where it overlaps as much so let's make a little more orange in there okay that's not too bad okay now I tried another effect that was actually fairly interesting were to kind of put a little animation inside the eye we're gonna disconnect this background here add in a merge node put the background into the merge and out of the merge we're gonna go into back into the trackers so we can see we have our have our eyes set up again so into the into the merge we're going to add a hit control space and we're going to do the plasma there's a quite actually quite a few different things you can do here and we'll drop the plasma and merge it in with the eyes and then we'll take the the same mask that we did on the background and we're gonna mask out the plasma with that so that we get they that on to our eyes now there's really a ton of effects you can do here obviously the first thing we want to do is it's it's way too strong so we're gonna go to the merge it's we're gonna take down the blending so it's a little more subtle you think we got the little subtle look inside the eyes there now for plus one there's a lot of different operations you this all gives you different kinds of looks inside there so we'll try this this divided look and bring it up bring up the blending in just a little bit more so we can see it and to animate it to kind of give it a interesting look we go into the plasma just we can just there's a lot of problem so let's try the size so we will go to the last frame here bump up the size a little bit that's good and then go to the kind of midway through here and we keyframe the size so we'll kind of take the size down and then neckla me plate you'll see that the plasma kind of animates through the eyes as we're zooming in okay so that that's how I set it up use fusion DaVinci Resolve that worked great I think it came out really well I was pleased with it I'm planning on doing a lot more subscribe to the channel would love to hear your feedback let me know what you think if there's other ways to do it or ways that you could do it better I'd be glad to hear it should have a new video coming soon I'm gonna try to create some challenges where I try to give myself some interesting things to do so I can learn filmmaking thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: William Justice
Views: 10,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Davinci Resovle, Fusion, Tutorial, Filmmaking, Video, Crazy Eyes, Effects, Davinci Resovle 16
Id: AuqLsMaHbB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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