Create ANIMATED SOCIAL VIDEO in Canva to STAND OUT in the search

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Marketing is really all about communicating who you are as a brand, what you stand for, and what you want to be known for. Today's project is a really great way to use a simple social media video to plant that seed. To tell people what you want them to know about your brand in a way that plays on the power of search and social proof, and a really fun and engaging way. And we're going to do it with style. Just using Canva. Today we're going to create a social media video to promote a coffee shop in London. We want to position this coffee shop in a specific way and make sure that we communicate what makes it unique and special. We're going to start with a simple vertical video in Canberra. The first thing I'm going to do is just change the background of this video to a darker background. Next thing I want to do is add an image to start the video off. And it's going to act as my background. So I'm going to go to photos and I'm going to search for coffee shop. And I'm going to find one that appeals to me in my esthetic. I'm just going to bring that into this canvas, and I'm going to make sure that it fits. Now to make sure that we attract attention. As soon as people see this video, I'm going to do two things. The first is I'm going to click on this image that I've put in, and I'm going to click on animate. And I'm going to choose the neon animation on enter. And what that means is that as this image enters, which is going to be the very first thing on our video, it's going to flash a little. And the idea behind that is just to break people's attention from scrolling and to get them to notice it. The second thing I'm going to do is after it's been on for a second or two, I'm going to put in a little notification bell, and I'm going to do that by going to elements and searching for notification bell. And then I'm going to filter by animated, look at all the graphics and choose the one that I want. So I'm going to put in the animation bell and a circle around it. And then I'm going to group them. And that's because I want to animate them as well. So for them I'm going to click animate and go to pop. So it just kind of pops in and highlights that the bell is ringing. And I'm going to then click on the three dots, choose my timing and adjust that so that the bell comes in a couple of seconds after the image. So that we just have two ways of attracting attention. We have the image flashing and then the bell is going to come in. And later on we're going to add a sound effect to that. The next thing I wanted to do is to add a new slide. And I'm then going to click on the image. I'm going to edit the photo and choose the blur tool for the whole image. And I'm going to blur the background for this next slide. And that's because we're going to add this little frame, which is just a simple box. Choosing to use the corner rounding option. And then I've created a little search bar. this search bar that I've created consists of a rectangle, a magnifying glass icon, and an arrow icon. But the easier way for you to get something like this would be to just search in Canvas Elements library and search for search bar. If you have a look at graphics, make sure that you're not filtered by animated. You'll see that there are dozens of options, and you can use any of them depending on what suits your brand. The next thing we're going to add are the words that we want to pretend someone is searching for, to find us as their result. Now, this is where we play on the idea of search terms and we also tell people what we want to be known for. So for this particular coffee shop, I want to use the keywords Japanese minimalist coffee shop and London because those are things that make this stand out from all the other coffee shops. I'm just going to add those in as a text box. Minimalist Japanese coffee shop London. And then what we're going to do is we are going to add an animation to that text box so that it comes in after a couple of seconds in that typewriter animation. So it looks like someone is actually typing it in to a search bar. playing on this idea that we're actually watching someone type this in, I then want someone to click the search button. And the way I'm going to do that is by going to my Canva elements again, and I'm going to search for mouse pointer. And I'm going to use whichever graphic appeals to me. I've just used this simple mouse pointer. And if you have a look at the timings in the timeline here, you'll see I've only made it come in once that coffee shop text is already there, then the mouse button is going to come in. And then what I've done is I've added a pop animation on exit. And the reason I've done that is because the pop animation makes the element reducing size a little, then increasing the size a little before it disappears. So it almost mimics what this would look like if you clicked with a mouse. So you can see as I click and drag, the size reduces and then increases, giving this impression of a mouse click. And then once that happens, it disappears. So that immediately creates this feeling of interactivity, mimicking what someone would actually do if they were searching for an item like this. Now, the next thing I want to do is again, to play on this idea of us watching this in real time. And the way I'm going to do that is by just searching in elements for a loading animation, and I'm going to add that in as soon as that cursor disappears, so that it looks like this search engine is thinking about this or searching for those search results. The next step is to show them the result. Now, obviously this will depend on what you're actually trying to promote here for the coffee shop. I'm just going to use a beautiful image of this coffee shop. But you could use product images. You could use images of whatever your selling, your locations, anything else that you wanted to do, something that represents those search terms and your business. So that again, we play on this idea that you want the people who are represented by those search terms. So what I'm going to do is I'm just going to use an image of this coffee shop that I definitely didn't just take from their website, and I'm going to then put that behind this frame and search bar. So I'm going to start a new slide with those elements in. but you can see that animation is still at the top on that text. And I definitely don't want that there because we've already done that as I typed in search element. So I'm going to just go to typewriter and remove animation on the bottom left. now that means that will automatically be there. The next thing is you'll see I've moved that up the search bar a little. And that's just so we've got more space here to show the search result. And we're going to make that look really effective by clicking between these two slides and adding the match and move transition. And that then means that as we get to the end of that slide, that search bar and text will move up because it's the same element from slide to slide. But I've just moved it to the top of the second slide. So that now shows us visually the result that we want to get. But I also want to make sure that people know where this coffee shop is and make a little more about it so that people know what they're looking at. So the first thing I'm going to do is just hit R when I'm on this slide add a rectangle, I'm going to resize it so that it fits the way I want it to. And I'm going to round the corners so that it's this kind of pill shape. I'm then going to make it a darker color, and then I'm going to hit T on my keyboard for a text box, and I'm going to type in best result. And again, this is playing on the idea that this is the best search result that was found for those terms. I'm going to adjust the letter spacing to just be the way I want it to be. And I'm really just doing this by eye as to what looks good for me. And then I'm going to click on those two elements and group them. And what I want to do with these is I want to have them animate in so that they attract attention. So I'm going to go to animate and use the pop effect again. And again. We're going to use a sound effect to highlight this at the end of this process. Next I'm going to use another rectangle. And I'm going to just resize it so that it gives me space to put in the information. I'm going to round the corners. And then I'm just going to adjust the color. So I'm going to use an off white for the inside. And I'm actually going to add a border with a white color so that it stands out. I'm going to use the position tool and layers to move it behind that. Best result notification. And this then gives me some space to put in text, in this case to point people to where the coffee shop is. But you could of course use it to highlight features or anything else that you want to. I want this to stand out a little more from the background. So I'm going to go to the elements library and I'm going to type in shadow. And I'm going to just use a rectangle shadow. Move it behind this element and make it a little bit bigger. So that peeks out. And then I am going to use the position tool to move it right behind it. And then I'm going to group those elements. So the box and the shadow are grouped as one element. And that's so that I can animate those together as well. And for those I'm also just going to add the pop effect. So all that's left to do on here is to add the text in. So I'll just type this in just using fonts within Canva. And then the last thing that I want to do is I want to just add a little element here. That kind of implies that there's some kind of social proof that people really love this coffee shop. And I'm going to do that really simply by just going to the elements library and searching for five stars. And then I'm going to choose one that I like. I'm just going to resize it slightly, and I'm going to put it at the bottom here, and I'm just going to have that one animate in with a pop. after the content. and that's it. That's really all there is to this video. the last thing we want to do is to add some sound effects. way that we do that is go to the audio tab and we can search for sound effects here You can even filter by just using this little pull down and clicking only effects, and it will then bring you up effects depending on what you search for. before we have a look at the final product, if you would like to learn more about how to really use Canva like a professional and what it's really capable of, I would really appreciate it if you would go to the link that's on the screen right now, or in the description below the video, and sign up for my weekly newsletter. It's called Meaningful Creations, and in that newsletter, I'll let you know what new tutorials are available to you for free. What other free resources are available? And I also share some of my experiences, as well as highlighting creators and beautiful products all over the world, It would mean the world to me if you would sign up, join that list and become part of that community. So to add the finishing touches to this video, I have just add in those sound effects that I just mentioned. We've got a little ding when the bell comes in. We've got a typewriter sound, I've added a mouse click and then we have that success sound when the results appear. And so with a little music in the background, This is what we end up with. I hope this fun little animation was useful, and I hope that you experiment with it and try and make it work for your business. As I say, it's all about communicating the message that you want to put out there and letting people know what you want to be known for. Have a fabulous week and I'll see you soon.
Channel: Created by Wayne
Views: 18,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canva, canva design, canva tutorial, design, sales page, sales pages, branding, personal branding, online marketing, created by wayne, capcut video editing, capcut, how to use canva, canva for beginners, learn canva, canva design tutorial, canva tutorial for beginners, how to use canva for beginners, canva pro, canva tips and tricks, canva tutorials, reels, tiktok, animation
Id: I8oaEYyP_Vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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