Kickstart your EMAIL MARKETING with Canva & Tally! (FREE Tools)🚀

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Social media is an incredibly powerful tool to reach a potentially global audience. But if it's your main channel of marketing and communicating with your audience, then your business is at risk. Relying on a channel that you have no ownership over, a platform that could be closed down or banned or sold to a megalomaniac manchild. not just means it's dangerous for your business, but it leaves you feeling at the mercy of an algorithm every single day. All of which are just really good reminders that email marketing is one of the most reliable and cost and time effective ways of communicating directly with your audience, and a great way to build an ongoing relationship and build brand loyalty. Now, there are a lot of tools and a lot of ways to do this, and if you already do some email marketing, you probably have email marketing software that helps you do this. But if you're just getting started and you want a simple way gather email addresses. Canva has left us with limited options. Up until now. In terms of direct integrations. We basically have Google Forms, which, let's face it, are just plain ugly, or Typeform, which is really good but has limited submissions and can get expensive really quickly. The good news is I'm going to show you how to start gathering email addresses or any other information that can help you understand your audience better. Just using Canva and another one of my free favorite new tools. We're going to start by creating a landing page using Canvas Website Builder. Now a landing page is just a single web page where you can put a form on so that people can go and submit their name and email address or any other details that you ask from them. And that's usually what the landing pages for. Getting people to just take one desired action. So in Canva, you can do this in a number of ways. From canvas homepage, we can click on the website section and browse for templates. Or we could even search for a landing page and then filter that by choosing the category being business and websites. And that will then give us a whole range of options that we can use as a starting point. This is going to be a pretty simple page, so pretty much anything works. My suggestion is that you use something that makes it easy for you to customize it to fit your brand, so something that's close to your brand and means that you can spend minimal time just customizing it for this single landing page. I'm actually going to use one of my sales page templates as a starting point, because I've already got those designed, and they're easy for me to work with. This is my stone sales page template. And I'm going to use this for a new landing page. first thing I'm going to do is just go and have a look at the grid view. And I'm going to delete a few of these sections because I don't need them all. I just need a heading section to attract people's attention. And then I would like a section that has a few bullet points to tell them why they should sign up a section for me to put the form in. And then I would probably like to add a section that just tells them a little bit about me. and then I'll put an FAQ section So that people can get answers to any common questions that they may have. And then the last page is just a footer. So now if I click out of the grid view and I preview this page, you can see just using that template I now have a basic landing page. I've got this header or title slide. Then I've got a section that just gives a few bullet points for me to fill out. This is where I'm going to change the quote to be the form. Then I've got About me, some Q&A and then a footer at the bottom, Next, of course, is to customize the web page based on your brand and also what you're going to be asking them to sign up for. So I'm just going to use my brand assets and some copy that I've already written, and customize this template with my own images and colors and font styles using my brand style kit. Now that I've customized that, let's have a quick preview and see what this page looks like. We've got the header banner, which has a bit of a preview. I've added a video in there that shows the template changing. And then I've got a button here which we will link to the form section. Then I've got the section that tells them what they can actually use it for and how easy it is. I've got this blank section now where I'm going to put the form in. And then about me, I've added an image. I haven't customized this text because it's just decent placeholder text for now to make it quick. So this is now ready for us to add our form in to that section that we've left blank. Before we get into the second part of this process, I have a favor to ask. If you know anyone that you think would enjoy these kinds of tutorials, please would you share my YouTube channel with them? It would really mean a lot to me, and it really helps me to grow and reach more people. and if you would like more tutorials on email marketing and building an email list, then please go ahead and just hit the like button underneath this video so that I know that those are the kind of videos that I can create for you, and you would be interested in seeing more of. Okay. So next up we're going to go to telegram. So it's a website for a free online form builder that can be used to collect email addresses through simple and really elegant forms. Tele is super simple to use, but it can be really powerful. And the best thing is that they're free. Plan includes unlimited forms and unlimited submissions. From Telly's homepage, you can easily sign up for a free account, or just click Create Form from one of the blue buttons. The form builder into is incredibly easy to use, and I'm going to walk you through it now. If you've ever used notion, it's very similar to notion. Basically. Think of it as a page where you just click the plus icon and you add different blocks in different positions. Now because we're going to create a simple form, we're just going to use a couple of blocks. But I'll show you exactly how to insert those and where you can find other options should you wish to explore and try something that's a little more complex. So for the form title, I'm actually going to leave it blank at the moment because I don't want that to appear on the page. As you see here, it says press Enter to start from scratch. And so I'm just going to hit enter. Now you'll see the little plus icon is there. And they're actually highlighting it because this is a new account. I'm going to click on the plus. And then it gives me the options to add in various sections. So if I click on that it will say I can ask a question plus a short answer, which is perfect for asking someone's name. So I'm going to click that one and I'm going to click insert. And then it says type a question which is where I'm going to ask my question. And I'm just going to say first name. And then you can type placeholder text. So I'm going to type for example Bruce. Now you'll see they've already put a submit button in. But we want to add in another block. So just here when we hover or click underneath that first name item that they've inserted, we can just click the plus again to insert a block below it. And we're going to choose questions. And they already have a question plus email which is what we want together. So we're going to click that and then say insert and ask for email address. And then as an example I'm going to put in e.g Bruce at Wayne and now we essentially have our form. So the way that you get this form live so that people can add their own input into this is just by going to the top right and clicking publish. Now this is where I will ask you to open a free account. And so I'm going to fill those details in very quickly. It'll send you a verification code to your email. And you can just copy and paste that into this box. And then you just click publish. Now that form is now live. And you can see here there's a share link. And it says your form is now published and ready to be shared. And you can just click on this copy button. And you now have the link to that form copied. You don't want to embed the form. That's for actual websites, But for our Canva landing page, we're just going to copy that link. And we're going to go back to our Canva page. I'm just going to click on the background of this section or page where I want the form to be. And I'm going to just hit Paste or Control command V. and because that link was on my clipboard, because I copied it from Charlie, it's just going to paste it in here and you can see the form is already there. So I'm just going to resize it and make it larger so it fills more of that section. But then I'm also going to click and drag just to crop the bottom of it. You'll see it does have a white background, which is why I've put it on this white background slide. But I'll show you how to change the background color in a second. The other thing that I want to do is I'm going to drag from the right here and resize it a little bit until this made by Talay branding, which is what you have to kind of have on to allow you to use it for free, just pops into the little asterisk, just because I think it looks a little neater and a little less intrusive. Now that's quite large, but it's fine on this page because you'll see when we preview. As you scroll down, it looks great. It's easy for people to use. And because we have made it quite large, when you have a look at it on mobile and you scroll down, you'll see it still becomes easily viewable on a mobile device. And that's what we want, just so that it's easy for people to just submit their details. if I need to change this at all. So for example, I want to change the submit button. I'm just going to go back to the tally form. Go to edit and then for submit I'm going to make the button label download. Now. And then publish changes. If the changes haven't appeared yet. All I'm going to do is delete that And copy that same link onto the page. Do the quick resizing. And you'll see the button has now updated. Let's pop back into telly and I'll show you some of the customization options that are available. So when you're in your edit form mode, you'll see if you scroll up to the top over the form title, you have a couple of options. The one is to add a logo, which we'll added above at the top here. The other is to add a cover, which will add a banner image at the top. And the other is design. Now I'm leaving the logo and cover blank because I want this to just be really simple on my already designed page. But I can go to design and it gives me some options to work with. First of all, I can choose whether I have a light or dark mode. I'm going to stick with light And then you can also choose your font from here. They have quite a range of fonts, so you can choose whatever you like and it will change everything on that form so you can make it fit with your brand. If you go to custom, you can also change individual colors. So for example, as I mentioned, the background is white. Unfortunately, you can't make the background transparent, but you can change it to any color that fits with your brand or website background. So you can just copy that hex code from Canva. The same goes for text. You can change it to any color that you want, either by typing it in or copying and pasting. And for the button background, you can do exactly the same. So you can change that button so that it's much more obvious or that it fits within your brand. Remember, we want this to stand out a little, so a color that is your brand highlight color is kind of ideal. But then text again you can change the color and you can change the accent. Now the accent is just the line that highlights which field people are on. So I'm going to change that to be a bit of a dark red pink color. And then hit publish and I'll show you when we preview it here, that just gets highlighted when someone's on that for the field And this is what the form looks like just as a preview within tele. And of course if we go back to our Canva page. I just refresh that page and you'll see that all of those changes that we made have been implemented within the Canva landing page. back in Italy, if we just click at the top left here on my workspace, it will show you where all your forms are. You can edit the form. You can just copy the link from here. You can delete it. Or if you click on the three dots, you can have a look at the other options that are available for you. if we just go to edit the form again. While we're in this edit mode, the other option we have is to click on to settings. This will bring up a whole range of options and a couple of them might be useful for you. So in this general section at the top under settings, there is a click button that you can activate that says redirect on completion. all this means is that when someone has filled out this form and they hit that button to download, now, you can automatically redirect them to another website or page or even to a download. So, for example, with this template, I could direct people directly to my Canva template link, which means as soon as they hit that button, they go to their free resource. If you're just using this together email addresses and you don't need to send them anywhere, you don't have to activate that. But you could create a thank you page or another Canva page where you have a download for them to access whatever works for your purposes. But it's good to know that you can do that, and you can redirect to any URL just by clicking on this button and adding in the URL. You can also activate in the email notifications, an email that comes to you every time somebody has submitted the form. But that could get a little cumbersome if you have a lot of respondents, so you probably don't want to do that. Of course, once people have filled out your form, you want to know where to find this information. And that's really simple entirely. If you go back to your workspace and you go to your form, just by clicking on the form itself at the top here you have a summary which will tell you how many people have submitted. And then under submissions, it will actually give you all of the details that people have submitted under a column for name and a column for email addresses. And of course, you can easily export these share gives you again that link, and you can embed the form on another website should you wish to. And then you can also find the settings that we've already covered. Back in Canva. The next thing I want to do is to just go to the button at the top of the page. I'm going to click on that button and I am going to choose to link. And it gives me an option of different sections that I can link to in the document. And I want to link to my form section. And that's just so that when somebody sees this page, if all they see is that top banner, it's very quick and easy for them to just click one button and get down to the form. And that makes it really simple and clear for them to reach the area that we want them to reach. And that's why I've got the about me and the fact towards the end of the page, because actually the essential thing is to convince them that they want to sign up for your freebie or for your email address. And of course, if we look at mobile, this is all responsive. With that template being responsive and with the form being responsive from tele as well. And that's it, folks. By leveraging the power of candle websites and telly, you can easily kickstart your email marketing efforts or just find out more about your audience to help you understand them better, and all without incurring any additional monthly costs. If you found this tutorial useful, please do not forget to like and share and subscribe for more content from little old me. Thanks for watching. Have a fabulous week and I'll see you next week.
Channel: Created by Wayne
Views: 12,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canva, canva design, canva tutorial, design, sales page, sales pages, branding, personal branding, online marketing, created by wayne, capcut video editing, capcut, how to use canva, canva for beginners, learn canva, canva design tutorial, canva tutorial for beginners, how to use canva for beginners, canva pro, canva tips and tricks, canva tutorials, reels, tiktok, animation, tally, email marketing, list building
Id: quQRAY-yFv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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