Create and Sell Printable COLORING PAGES on Etsy

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so since my printable Coloring Pages listing has already gotten 12 orders and it's a very new listing I thought I would share exactly how you can make your own printable coloring pages to sell in your shop you don't have to be a graphic designer or an artist and they're super fun and easy to create so let's get started welcome to my channel I'm Sandra and I currently have a printable shop that successfully makes daily sales and I've noticed that printable coloring pages are hot items on Etsy so I decided to test it out for myself and it's going really well so with that being said I think it's a great Niche for you to get into because there's so much demand for it there are many kinds of coloring pages you can create depending on what you're interested in you can create adult coloring pages that offer very therapeutic and mindful activity you can offer printable coloring pages for kids of course there are many types that you can get into here I liked the idea of alphabet coloring pages so that's what I'm going to show you how to create in this tutorial I actually already created and printed one out already so I'm going to show you how to create this from scratch of course just follow along the tutorial and you don't have to create alphabet coloring pages you can choose whatever Niche you want I'm just going to show you the method to do it I'm hopping onto one of my favorite platforms to create printables which is Kittle you can sign up for free using the link in the description box below and if you'd like to upgrade your subscription I will go over those later on in this video what I love about Kittle is that you have a DPI control so if you're creating JPEG files PNG files and PDF files you can increase the DPI to let's say 300 DPI and they have very clear licensing terms so you are allowed to use all of their elements and fonts in your digital products so although they have a lot of templates that you are allowed to work through I like to start my own project from scratch so I'm going to go to the top right over here and go to new project right away it's going to ask you what size you want your artboard to be you can always change this later but I'm actually going to go ahead and click on inches under unit and make this an eight and a half by 11 inch artboard which is a US letter size I noticed that a lot of other Etsy sellers are offering this size so I'm just gonna start with that and hit create so now I have a blank artboard to work with and on the left side this is where I can add all of my design elements so if I go into text I can add in my letter so I'm going to do the letter c but if I were to offer alphabet coloring sheets I would probably offer all 26 letters but for the sake of this tutorial I'm just going to go ahead and create for the letter c and I'm going to change the font to this one here if I want to make it larger I can either just drag one of these nodes or I can choose what text size I want here okay now I want to change my letter to a white with a black border so they can color in so under text color I'm going to change it to a white and now I can't see my letter but under border weight I'm going to change it to a black and if I drag this border weight you'll see that outline start to appear here so I'm just going to make it let's say border weight seven and now I'm just going to copy and paste so command C or control C and command V so I'm just going to drag it over here and I'm going to make it a small C okay and let's just reduce the size a little bit okay that looks good because I want the kids to have an uppercase and lowercase C to color in now what I'm going to do is add in a bunch of Graphics that start with the letter c so what I'm going to do is go right into elements right over here and like I mentioned in Kittle you are allowed to use all the graphics and fonts within the printables that you want to sell so you can go ahead and browse through all of their shapes their illustrations if you want to just take a look at what's available to you but you can also go into the search feature right here and type in exactly what you're looking for so let's say I want to put in a cat so there's a lot of different options here that I can add in these are all super cute but I really gravitated towards this one so I'm going to go ahead and click on it and what's great is this is very customizable so I want everything to be white with a black border right so under object color I'm just going to go ahead and change this all to White and let's make the Border a black okay so that one was super easy because it already has a black outline but what if I find something that doesn't have an outline well let's say I want to put in a crow and I kind of like this one here so I'm just going to select it and I'm going to change the object color to a white and similar to the letters I'm just going to go ahead and go to the Border weight and make it black and drag the Border way to about a five so I like that I'm just going to flip it over and this is where I can just play around with where everything is placed to make sure that everything kind of just looks the way I want it now I'm just going to add in a few more images that start with the letter c so I'll show you a couple here and then I'm just going to kind of fast forward all of the elements that I add in so you can kind of see the finished product let's add in a camera so again there's so many different elements that Kittle offers for you but if you do want to add in your own Graphics that you have a commercial license to or you've created from scratch you can go ahead to uploads right over here and just go to upload media so you can just add in graphics that you have on your computer but for this one I'm just going to use a graphics from Kittle so back to the camera I like this one here so I'm just going to add it in just like that and once again very repetitive just make it all white with a black border so I'm going to repeat the process for a bunch of other items and you can watch as I do it foreign and added a few more Graphics like coffee a candy cane a cactus a car so I think it's really cute I mean if I want to do the other 25 letters I would probably just copy and paste this onto another page change the letter and then add in just different graphics with that letter now I just want to add in a couple of Hearts I know it doesn't start with a c but I just want to kind of fill in those little gaps so I'm just going to type in heart in the elements I'm going to find a heart that I really like that I can start just filling in the gaps so once again it's very very easy to use it just make it white and then change the Border weight I really like how this is turning out I'm just going to add in a border in the background to give the kids another element to color in so let's go and type in Border I like this one here so let's just make it larger to kind of fill in as much as we can on the page and now I can Center it in the middle so right over here I'm just going to center it here and then put it in the middle and you have layers over here where you can kind of drag the illustrations based on what you want to show up in the front and back but I just like to take a shortcut so I'll just right click and I will send it to the back so now it's behind all of the other elements I'm really happy with how this has turned out so now I'm just going to download the file that I'm going to offer to my customer by the way if you're getting value from this video so far hit that like button and let me know in the comments what other printables you'd like me to show you how to create using Kittle so to download I'm going to go right up over here and I can choose whether I want to download PNG jpeg PDF or SVG now in order to change the DPI to 300 you will have to upgrade to the pro version in Kittle but you can play around with the platform using their free version and you can upgrade whenever you're ready so I'm going to go ahead and change this to a 300 DPI and download it as a PDF because that's what I want to offer to my customer if I'm going to offer more than five files for this listing then I'm going to put all of this either into a zipped folder or offer a Dropbox link if you you'd like a whole demonstration on this you can watch my other tutorial in Kittle where I create printable stickers I will link that down below for you my next step is to create the images for my Etsy listing so in order to do that I'm going to go back to download and I'm actually going to download this as a JPEG file and you'll see why back onto Kittle I'm going to go into new project and this time I'm going to keep it at pixels and I'm going to change it to 2500 by 2500 pixels because Etsy recommends a minimum size of 2000 by 2000 pixels so let's create that now I'm going to go into uploads and when I went to upload media I already uploaded my JPEG file of the coloring page so I'm just going to click on it and now I'm just going to create my image I want to put in like a nice background where the page would look like it's laying on the floor or a desk or something like that so I actually already went into this is a free stock image platform where you can get any types of images you would like and I downloaded this this image from pexels it looks like kind of like a gray wood floor so I'm just going to make it larger to extend through the whole page okay I've sent it to the back now I want to put on like pencil crayons kind of like the image that I had earlier for my other listing I think it just kind of adds a nice touch to it so this image I actually got from pixabay which is also full of free stock images and I just typed in a pencil crayons until I found an image that I really liked but it didn't have a transparent background so what I did was I went to the right side here where it says background remover so let's remove the background and I'm just going to rotate it to just kind of place it where I would like it on the image now I'm just going to add in some text at the top just kind of adding a title when people find my Etsy listing so they know what they're getting thank you so I just described what they're getting in the listing I've put in alphabet coloring pages and then I let them know that this is a printable they're not receiving any physical copies it's us letter size and they're getting 26 Pages like I mentioned I would be creating 26 Pages for this listing I'm just creating one for the sake of this tutorial the last element I want to add in is kind of like a drop shadow so I'm going to go back into elements I'm going to add in a rectangle and I'm just going to extend it a little bit to the right and then I'm going to send it to the back and I'll just change the opacity to let's say 30. just so that it looks like a little Shadow okay so now I'm going to download this as a JPEG file because I'm going to add it to my Etsy listing you can check out Kittle's available subscriptions by going into pricing I personally recommend the pro version because you have DPI control and you have a full commercial license with no attribution required but if you're using their elements and fonts under the free version attribution is required so you will have to mention that your printables have been created using Kittle's elements and as I mentioned what I love about Kittle is that their licensing terms are very very clear they tell you exactly what you are allowed to do and not allowed to do they also have so many Advanced editing tools that honestly I find that I could only do it using something like Adobe Illustrator or photoshop but they've actually been able to implement a lot of editing Tools in here that are very very easy to use so play around with it see how you like it they also have an incredible AI feature that's coming up very soon so stay tuned for that if you are working on your printable shop you can grab my free Master checklist from the link in the description box below head over to one of these tutorials next where I show you how to create printable stickers and printable wall art using Kittle so I'll see you there
Channel: Sandra Di
Views: 78,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: printable coloring pages Etsy, printable coloring sheets, how to create printables to sell online, how to create printables to sell on Etsy, selling digital prints on Etsy, Etsy digital download business, digital products to sell on Etsy, how to make money selling printables on Etsy, printables Etsy shop, printables that sell, coloring pages for kids, digital products to sell online, Kittl design tutorial, digital downloads to sell on Etsy, digital downloads that sell, sandra di
Id: WyBHqjXcdjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 14 2023
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